sshd[9217]: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
I made sure the entire .ssh subdir is owned by the user root (this is root's account);
chown -R root.root .ssh
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
but it still doesn't work and gives me the same message
sshd[7339]: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /root
chmod 700 /root........
This is a very simple solution, but most guides out there make you login twice (once to scp the key) and once to put the key in authorized_keys. There's no need for that.
If you don't already have a ~/.ssh/ just type "ssh-keygen -t rsa" and keep hitting enter until it's done :)
Just use this code to easily enable passwordless login with SSHD
key=`cat ~/.ssh/`;ssh user@ "echo $key >> ~/.ssh/auth........
SSH automatic login without passwordlocal> ssh-keygen -t rsa -f .ssh/id_rsa
-t is the encryption type
-f tells where to store the public/private key pairs. In this case, the .ssh directory on home is being used
A password will be asked; leave this part blank, just pressing
Now, go the .ssh directory, and you will find two new files: id_dsa and The last one is the public part. Now, copy the public key to the serv........
SSH Public Key Authentication (Login Without Passwords)I've gone over this before but just a quick note!
the "authorized_keys" file in ~/.ssh
must be chmodded to "600" or public key authentication won't work.
I guess it's kind of a security/failsafe feature that I've
seen on all Linux and Unix OS's........
In those 4 simple commands you can setup mutual key exchange between two sshservers by using a single login shell session and single window.
*Just change the IP address examples of ( to the target of your mutual key exchange. It doesn't matter if the server is on a LANor WAN(well unless the server is behind a firewall and you cannot SSHinto it).........