• CentOS 7 8 yum error Trying other mirror. To address this issue please refer to the below wiki article

    The below appears at first to be a bad mirror DNS error, but if you've ruled that out you just need to clear your broken yum cache and things will be good. yum update Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: centos.01link.hk * extras: centos.01link.hk * updates: centos.01link.hk http://mirror.worria.com/centos/7.8.2003/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 - Not........
  • How to install and setup LXC Containers (OpenVZ alternative) on Centos 6 / 7

    If you don't aleady have it, you'll need EPEL Install LXC yum -y install lxc lxc-templates Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Setting up Install Process Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror.it.ubc.ca * epel: mirrors.kernel.org * extras: mirror.it.ubc.ca * updates:........
  • iSCSI on Centos 7 Configuration and Setup Guide for Initiator and Target

    initiator = client target = server These are the first concepts you should understand which is that in iscsi essentially the "initiator" is the client and the "target" is the server. iSCSI is derived from the old fashioned SCSI that us oldtimers grew to love. The "i" stands for Internet and the SCSI stands for "Small Computers Systems Interface" (SCSI). iSCSI Target (Server)Setup targetcli is the pac........
  • Centos 7 - How To Install NFS and Mount Remotely

    Server Side Config 1.) First install nfs-utils yum -y install nfs-utils 2.) Configure nfs share Create a directory for your NFS share mkdir /datastore Create your NFS share in /etc/exports echo "/datastore,sync,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports systemctl restart nfs........
  • M2Crypto.SSL.Checker.WrongHost: Peer certificate subjectAltName does not match host, expected fedora-archive.ip-connect.vn.ua, got DNS:mirror.ip-connect.vn.ua

    You are using Centos 5 which is deprecated so nothing in yum will work until you follow this post to use the vault: http://realtechtalk.com/Centos_59_Working_Vault_Repo_file-1921-articles yum update Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * epel: fedora-archive.ip-connect.vn.ua Traceback........
  • Using a proxy with yum in Centos 6

    Could not retrieve mirrorlist http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=6&arch=x86_64&repo=os error was 12: Timeout on http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=6&arch=x86_64&repo=os: (28, 'Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transfered the last 30 seconds') Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base You would think this should be fine and simple like using a proxy with most other software? However........
  • PYCURL ERROR 22 - The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found Solution

    # yum -y install qemu-kvm Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Setting up Install Process Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror.lzu.edu.cn * elrepo: ftp.utexas.edu * epel: ftp.jaist.ac.jp * extras: mirrors.aliyun.com * openvz-kernel-rhel6: mirror.fdcservers.net * openvz-utils: mirror.fdcservers.net * updates: mirrors.nwsuaf.edu.cn Resolving Dependencies........
  • yum error "Error: database disk image is malformed" solution

    yum -y install mathtools Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: centos.mirror.rafal.ca * epel: mirror.steadfast.net * extras: mirror.agmn.ca * rpmforge: repoforge.mirror.constant.com * updates: centosb5.centos.org extras ........
  • OpenVZ mismatched kernel and dev when compiling.

    ./configure ./configure: line 91: cd: /lib/modules/2.6.32-042stab084.25/build: No such file or directory Error: kernel version not found. Please make sure your kernel is configured. dr-xr-xr-x. 4 root root 4096 Feb 21 06:13 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 45 Feb 21 06:13 build -> ../../../usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-042stab084.25 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 12 20........
  • yum Centos 386 and 64 bit conflict resolution

    This can happen when you install RPMForge or other repos with the wrong architecture and here's how you fix it (simply uninstalling won't usually fix it): solution yum clean all yum -y install openvpn Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror.its.sfu.ca * extras: centos.mirror.nexicom.net * rpmforge: mirror.cpsc.ucalgary.ca * up........
  • Centos Howto Upgrade to PHP 5.3 from 5.2

    It's not as simple as "yum install" as you can see below and it doesn't stop there. yum install php53 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * rpmforge: mirror.us.leaseweb.net * extras: centos.mirror.rafal.ca * updates: centos.mirror.nexicom.net * base: centos.mirror.nexicom.net * addons: centos.mirror.nexicom.net Setting up Install Process........
  • Dell Perc 6/i cannot downgrade

    I flashed an LSI Logic firmware to it and it broke the BIOS (cannot do Ctrl+R) for booting purposes but allows other functionality to work normally. I tried downgrading to a Dell firmware for Perc 6i but it won't work, not even with MegaCli wget http://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER00416606M/1/SAS-RAID_Firmware_W83M2_LN32_6.3.1-0003_A14.BIN --2013-08-26 12:53:39-- http://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER00416606M/1/SAS-RAID_Firmware_W83M2_LN32_6.3.1-0003_A14.BIN Resolvi........
  • Directadmin error/** Found 7 pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows: e2fsprogs-devel-1.41.12-3.el6.i686 has missing requires of e2fsprogs-libs = ('0', '1.41.12', '3.el6') e2fsprogs-devel-1.41.12-3.el6.i686 has missing requires of l

    Solution To The Following: yum -y install zlib-devel yum -y install e2fsprogs* *** Cannot find /usr/include/et/com_err.h. (yum install libcom_err-devel) *** Installation didn't pass, halting install. Once requirements are met, run the following to continue the install: cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts ./install.sh Common pre-install commands: http://help.directadmin.com/it........
  • Centos how to upgrade from PHP 5.2 to 5.3 without downtime

    This may sound silly but there will be conflicts/issues with the default Centos repository so you have to use a third party like remi (I prefer not to do this but it's the only option unless you migrate your sites/data to another server or can stand some downtime-not an option IMHOon a production server). You may need to upgrade to PHP5.3 to run Joomla or many other reasons. Your host needs to use PHP 5.2.4 or higher to run this version of Jo........
  • vnstat setup guide/tutorial

    yum -y install vnstat chown nobody.nobody -R /var/lib/vnstat/ #replace venet0 below with your desired interface sudo -u nobody vnstat -u -i venet0 #edit: vi /etc/sysconfig/vnstat #VNSTAT_OPTIONS="-i venet0" # only use the sed below if you are using venet0 instead of eth0 or replace accordingly sed -i 's/eth0/venet0/g' /etc/sysconfig/vnstat [root@monitor]# yum install vn........
  • yum in Centos 5/Xen halts and exits suddenly

    yum exits in the middle The problem is this VPS seems to be an OpenVZ template from HyperVM. The only way to make it work was to disable i386 packages since this was an x64 kernel. That shouldn't be necessary but it was the only way to make yum stop quitting after the first package or two. I couldn't find any issue by checking the logs either. echo y|yum install vim-minimal telnet expect jwhois net-tools slocate iptables elinks gawk L........
  • Picking an FTPD (vsftpd) Server in Linux Centos/Debian

    I decided on using yum to help me decide even though I normaly use proftpd I decided to see what else I could find. yum search ftp Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * rpmforge: ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de * base: mirrors.netdna.com * updates: updates.interworx.info * addons: yum.singlehop.com * extras: mirrors.netdna.com rpmforge........
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