When migrating away from Plesk I couldn't figure out an easy way to get a straight list of all e-mails, but here is where I found the solution:
mysql> SELECT mail.mail_name, accounts.password, domains.name FROM mail, accounts, domains WHERE domains.id=mail.dom_id AND mail.account_id=accounts.id;
mysql> SELECT CONCAT(mail.mail_name,’@’,domains.name) AS Em........
genuine.com/IN: loading master file genuine.com.zone: file not found
_default/genuine.com/IN: file not found
I always found it silly that no one really talks about this and apparently many like me and even control panels like Plesk were still using hard paths. I always thought "why can't I just specify the name of the zone file and have bind find it". Surely the default search path must be /var/named or somewhere else but there is no such thing.........
Plesk 8.6 CLI backup:
/usr/local/psa/bin/pleskbackup domains domain.com
This is a much better way of doing it and of course it can be scripted, it's a real pain to point, click and wait for Plesk to backup domains (and yes Iknow you could do all of them in a single client file but this is not desirable for my situation).........
Importing Plesk 8.6 Backup to Virtualmin:
Validating migration file ..
.. validation failed : XML::Simple Perl module is not installed
Solution is to install the correct module:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Simple'
Migrating a single domain works just fine, but it doesn't work with a full client backup containing multiple domains.........
I've recently used CPanel on the admin side for the first time and have to say I hate it. Everything from the layout to the functionality screams "hackish". It just lacks so many common sense features and way of working.
I was never 100% impressed with Plesk but the basics were definitely laid out and done in a sensible manner, even though it is made by a Russian company, they definitely thought about how to make a Control Panel.
I have no idea why people........
One note is to secure MySQL, I don't know for sure but I believe you could login to MySQL remotely with no password during this operation (I'm not sure, maybe it doesn't accept blank passwords but I firewall MySQL port anyway and recommend you do the same).
First edit /etc/my.cf
Under the [mysqld] field add the following line somewhere:
Now restart mysql: service mysql restart or on Debian sty........
This can be very annoying and CPanel doesn't seem to document it, or it's not found or made as obvious as it should be. It's always funny when I find it more difficult to work with a control panel than to do everytihng manually without CPanel or even Plesk.
So once again, the default serve path for contents is: /usr/local/apache/htdocs and this is especially applicable when accessing Apache by just an IP which is unbound to any domain at this point.........
Ihave no idea how to get the loopback device working in OpenVZ, but what's more frustrating is that I purchased a CPanel license for my VPS and clearly it is not "VPS Optimized". Although everything does seem to work at this point despite that error.
The suggestions here: http://forum.openvz.org/index.php?t=msg&goto=1339 don't seem to work at all. This is an OpenVZ issue, but also a CPanel isue, why on earth would loopback support be expected in a VPS a........
A VPS Server I had just wasn't working right, code that I migrated there just wasn't working. For example, it kept telling me the connection to the database was unsuccessful, halfway through iterating through results it already had.
Then I realized it wasn't my code. Ichecked my /proc/user_beancounters and found this:
cat /proc/user_beancounters
Version: 2.5
uid resource held maxheld barrier limit failcnt........