By default in most newer Windows installs, you will not be able to download files from "Internet" sites and you'll get this error "Your security settings do not allow for this file to be downloaded."
Solution to Enable Downloads in IE Internet Explorer
1.) Go to Settings (button) -> Internet options -> Security (tab)
2.) Click "Internet" and then the "Custom Level" button.
3.) Find the following section and set D........
By default it uses raw .avi which takes a lot of space and will not play on a lot of systems.
It's best to change the codec to something like MP4.
Step 1.) File -> Preferences -> Screencast in Kazam
Step 2. ) Change Record With: to H264 (MP4)
After that you'll........
By default bind will not respond to outside queries for security reasons.
In most distributions you will find the default in /etc/named.conf looks like this at the top under options:
listen-on port 53 {; };
listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
directory "/var/named";........