You may have a broken apt configure that calls for snap (which is not installed if you get the error below):
apt install coreutils
Reading state information... Done
E: Could not read response to hello message from hook [ ! -f /usr/bin/snap ] || /usr/bin/snap advise-snap --from-apt 2>/dev/null || true: Connection reset by peer
E: Could not read message separator line after handshake from [ ! -f /usr/bin/snap ] || /usr/bin/snap advi........
This is often the result of PayPal's "item name" or another name having invalid characters or not supporting Unicode. - - [17/Jul/2018:13:39:45 -0400] "POST //modules/gateways/callback/paypal.php HTTP/1.1" 406 - "-" "PayPal IPN ( )"
A good clue is if you check the debug output of the IPNand find a mandatory column empty.
The main issue is it looks like Java is not configured to accept the invalid ssl cert that is coming from the download location.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: EC parameters error
export ANDROID_HOME=/home/user/Downloads/tools/
Conversations-master$ ./gradlew
Auction 262382440107: Cannot connect to URL : SSL connect error: gnutls_handshake() failed: Illegal parameter
esniper encountered a bug. It looks like your esniper version is not
current. You have version 2.28.0, the newest version is 2.31.0.
Please go to and update your copy of esniper.........