If you have swarm services and dockerd is creating a high load even with the containers just being idle, the easiest solution is to upgrade to a newer docker version.
For example an identical config of 3 nodes, with Redis 5 with 30 replicas produces a load of about 1.45 in Debian 10 with Docker18.09.1
If I create the same setup on Debian 11, with Docker 20.10.5+dfsg1 then the CPU usage is low.
One other difference I wondered is the kernel. In my test setup........
This seems to have changed for RHEL 8 where a normal dracut to update your initramfs creates a system that only boots for the running kernel. For example if you have Kernel 5 and then chroot into a RHEL 8 variant which uses kernel 4.18, and run dracut, it seems that by default the system will be unbootable.
It is also the case that if you move your RAID array or drives to another server that it will be unbootable, because dracut seems to only include modules needed for the curre........
If you can print other PDFs but not a particular one it is very likely that the PDF size is A4 (the longer, skinnier Asian paper size) instead of the North American letter size ( 8.5" x 11"). This breaks printing in most cases. Or it may print if you find a program that ignores the size issue.
Here is an example of an A4 being rejected by a printer in Ubuntu Linux via CUPS
Cannot print PDF CUPS Samsung C460:
When using strip_tags and html_entity_decode with PHPit often breaks and produces annoying diamonds with question marks.
It is probably because of characters like these:
… (looks like 3 dots but it is a single weird character).
’ (looks like a normal apostraphe but it is not)
” (looks like a normal double quote but it is not).
An easy way to sort this out is to copy the above and search in an ASCII table to extend the functional........
The reason for not being able to read one of these dreaded/ fillable "XFA" forms is because no Linux PDF reader that I'm aware of supports them. Part of this reasoning is for security. It is really silly, they should ban these XFA forms or at least replace the Please Wait with the non-fillable version.
Download Adobe Reader 9.5 for Linux from here:
This is the solution but only so much, at least for me I was able to view th........
This is one thing that has me wondering about SMF. It is apparently a known issue but in the latest version and new install nothing looked right because it was using to find everything! How on earth would it ever do this or think it is normal?
Excerpt of crazy html code it produces that causes the issue:
pcimodules no longer works it produces nothing probably because the format of /sys/bus/pci is different.
lspci -k doesn't work on older lspci versions.
pciutils can be compiled but it won't work if you have an old system and compile on a newer glibc.
iteriate through /sys/bus/pci/devices/*/modalias
cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/*/modalias
espeak - is horrible and sounds very old and robotic
echo "hello there"|espeak
#don't know how to use
mbrola and plugins
jovie just seems to be a graphical interface to espeak
There is also sbreader/sapi
Google's Text To Speech Works Quite Well
say() { local IFS=+;/usr/bin/mplayer -ao alsa -really-quiet -noconsolec........
I experienced this with CPanel's Exim after an auto-update (a Google of this error produces lots of complaints with few clear solutions). In this case I'll put the solution at the top.
Run /scripts/buildeximconf to rebuild the Exim config and it should be fine after that.
mail -vs "from test" user@dest.com < .bash_history
cwd=/root 4 args: send-mail -i -v user@dest.com
I successfully created a single RAID 1 partition which includes /boot inside it and my root directory through the Debian installer. It said GRUB installed successfully but when I try booting the OS it seems GRUB can't read anything.
When trying to boot from GRUB
GRUB Loading stage 1.5.
GRUB loading, please wait...
Error 2
I get "Error 2" when trying to boot Debian. I also notice from a LiveCD that........
cat /proc/user_beancounters produces the following:
kmemsize 1861537 5139870 12752512 12752512 26965041
Notice the failcnt "26965041", that is for kmemsize and at first it confused me. The system had enough guaranteed and enough burst RAM available. kmemsize is a variable indepedent of that, but who cars about the explanation right, let's just make thing........
Javascript Get a specified element using getElementById()Great, it produces the value for whatever "id" is passed to the function.
function getElement(){
var x=document.getElementById("myHead........
track: command not found
It's weird because track+=1 works just fine
The solution is to used the old fashion method:
track=$(($track - 1))........