I didn't find any useful information that actually fixed this. My VPS was in the "Running State" and I could not stop or restart it. I kept getting "Container already locked" no matter what I did (I tried all the suggestions in the Google results for this error).
Most of the suggestions were for Windows but I only use Linux. The other solutioins also said to restart the VZ service or even the entire hostnode and this was not acceptable to me so I wanted to find a "clean fix".
I tried to "vzctl restart VEID" and "vzctl start VEID --force" and "vzctl stop VEID --fast" with no luck.
Here is how I fixed it:
That's all there is to it, your VEID can now be restarted successfully.
openvz, container, fixi, didn, vps, quot, restart, suggestions, google, linux, solutioins, vz, hostnode, acceptable, vzctl, veid, delete, lck, chkpnt, restarted, successfully,