This should work for most console ports of other manufacturers too. It is a quick and simple method for emegencies or deploying a few appliances/devices in a non-standard environment or small environment.
However, if this is a route thing, or the equipment is not physically close to you, it would be best to use some sort of "Terminal" server which is an IP connected switch with several serial ports built-in for this purpose. Normally they accessible by web/........
Aruba has a very traditional "admin" for user and password by default for many of its appliances. If you've reset or just got some new units this will be the default password that you should change immediately for security reasons.........
This is caused because the user is running as qemu for virt-resize and if qemu does not have privileges to read from the source and write to the destination, it will fail with the below. So either change the uid of qemu or change the ownership of the source and target.
virt-resize --expand /dev/sda2 /root/kvmtemplates/windows2019-eval-template.img /root/kvmguests/kvmkvmuser4515........
In this case it just searches for port 80 it is fairly handy if you have some sort of appliance or something else you aren't sure of the IPof
Of course change the port 80 port to whatever port(s) you want.
for ip in `arp -n|arp -n|tail -n +2|head -n -1 |grep -v incomplete|awk '{print $1}'`; do
echo "checking $ip:80"
nc -w 1 -z $ip 80
if [ "$?" == 0 ]; then
echo "**Port 8........
Intel VT-X is enabled in Virtualbox but it doesn't seem to pass through the needed vmx extension despite the following variables on the host confirming it is enabled:
cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested
cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/ept
OVF Tool: Disk progress: 99%
OVF Tool: Transfer Completed
OVF Tool: Powering on VM: Embedded-vCenter-Server-Appliance-
OVF Tool: Task p........
#mount the VCSA DVD
mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cd
#alternatively you could mount the iso directly
mount -o loop vcsa.iso /your/mount/path
#for this purpose we are using the CLI installer on Linux
cd /mnt/cd/vcsa-cli-installer/lin64
#no it's not going to be that easy you can't just run vcsa-deploy like that you need to use a template or configured .json file
Usage: vcsa-deploy [-h] [--version] [--supported-deploymen........
virt-list-partitions kvmusertest.img
/usr/bin/supermin-helper exited with error status 1.
To see full error messages you may need to enable debugging.
See at /usr/bin/virt-list-partitions line 177.
I was sure this was a Centos bug with OpenSSL, Apache, MySQL or even PHP. I tried everything but nothing helped. One clue is that if you check the Apache logs you will see nothing in the access logs until minutes later (this means Firefox has not even passed your request to the remote Apache/htttpd server).
When even accepting the invalid certificate message that would show up minutes later when trying to "View the Certificate" Firefox would freeze. This bu........