This is how we configure outside PSTNaccess or dialing through another SIPtrunk. Beware that this a simplistic example that neglects most security including SRTP
First you'll need to be in config mode:
Step - 1 Enter Voice Service VOIP security options
There are more options but for now we'll just focus on security/allowing connections to and from our phones and the trunk.
Router(config)#voice service voip
The error below can be caused by a gateway that is unpingable:
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-1kogg8da68gtb1j7ezaddowyy9s0an5s9tue758o20k18liskw-5h3f61hrrmv3u6agshvbtcklf
Error response from daemon: manager stopped: can't initialize raft node: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = could not connect to prospective new cluster member using its advertised address: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded........
I modified the default to the following for faster local dialing for North American area codes:
(*xx|[3469]11|0|00 [2-9]xxxxxxS0|[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
This is what I added to the above: "[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0" so any 9 digit number is dialed instantly xxx-xxx-xxxx (the S0 at the end makes it dial right away). This makes dialing much quicker and is recommended.