In our example we take "sound.mp3" and convert it to .wav.
Generally Asterisk for its wave needs one audio channel (-ac 1) / mono and 8000hz (-ar 8000) instead of the standard CD/MP3 of 44100hz.
Here is the command to convert into Asterisk .wav format:
ffmpeg -i sound.mp3 -ac 1 -ar 8000 sound.wav
Errors Asterisk may give you if the format is wrong:
-- Executing [91781891@cme:3] Playback("SIP/234-000........
This is a common issue when e-mailing or uploading video files.
One note is that you should make the filesize you choose below about 20% smaller than you need. For example I took a 219MB video and told it to be 20M. The resulting file was still about 21.9M but it was OK when I said 18M and was barely below the 20M size.
ffmpeg is our friend here, just use this command:
Change the -fs 100Mto the size you want eg. 20M, 500M
With ffmpeg it literally takes out what you want so you can use it later. Eg. below -ss means starting time is 16 minutes and 30 seconds and -to means extract until 17 minutes and 23 seconds
-i = the input file
output file = CCME-flash-and-2-phone-setup-final.mp4
ffmpeg -i CCME-flash-and-2-phone-setup.mp4 -ss 00:16:30 -to 00:17:23 -c copy CCME-flash-and-2-phone-setup-fin........
This normally works but if not use my mencoder solution if the output video does not play past the joined time.
the contents of list.txt need to look like this:
file somefile.mp4
file somefile2.mp4
then run ffmpeg
ffmpeg -f concat -i list.txt -c copy CME-2-router-dial-peer-final.mp4
The result is almost instant joining since there is no video processing since we are........
The problem for me is that Ihad two videos with different types of audio streams. ffmpeg would join them but they would not play past the point of the join.
So Iused mencoder like below and it joined the audio and made them both mp3 streams and it worked!
-oac mp3lame specifies the audio to be convered into an mp3 stream using the lame codec.
after the oac the two files are the ones to be joined.
the -o is the name of the outp........
A very common use case is that you don't want to waste time using a video editor that requires you to open it up and manually import the video clip and audio clip, then manually delete the old audio track and import the video and new audio. That's too much work and time since we don't want to go through the hassle.
ffmpeg is our solution, all we have to do is specify 3 variables and we're done!
-i Windows2019-Server-Noaudio.mp4 is our in........
This is not just a Linux issue but a general issue most software or hardware players cannot play the resulting exported/backed up format of .h264 from DVR security camera footage for some silly reason.
There is a simple solution in Linux using ffmpeg fortunately.
Convert the .h264 file into mp4
ffmpeg -i yourfile.h264 -codec copy video.mp4
play dvr .h264 file........
I'm having trouble making it work on very shaky video the result seems kind of warped/blurry/fish eye like and not as good as some other examples I've seen:
ffmpeg -i MVI_1285.MOV -vf vidstabdetect=shakiness=10:accuracy=15 -f null MVI_1285.trf
ffmpeg -i MVI_1285.MOV -vf vidstabtransform=smoothing=30:input="transforms.trf" MVI_1285.MOV.mp4
I've played around with the shakiness, accuracy etc.. but not the smoothing part.........
When using the .sh script the rendering doesn't work after an upgrade of related packages to kdenlive.
kdenlive (kdenlive:amd64 (4:17.04.1+git201705191233~ubuntu16.04.1)) with affine or composite transitions was fine but is now broken during the time of transition it is just a white screen.
The previous version was fine:
kdenlive:amd64 (4:17.04.1+git201705191233~ubuntu16.04.1
But now I can't find it or install it:........
If you were in my boat you were frustrated that you had to double encode, eg. one separate encode for watermark and a separate from concat and it's not easy to figure out this with ffmpeg on your own. However it is a nice way to save time!
ffmpeg -i file1.mp4 -i file2.mp4 -i file3.mp4 -i watermark.png -filter_complex "[0:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v0]; [1:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v1]; [2:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v2]; [v0][0:a][v1][1:a][v2][2:a]concat=n=3:v=1:a=1[v][aout]; [v][3:........
When things go wrong your video is basically unplayable or the first video plays fine and then freezes when moving on to the next. Generally if both videos weren't produced with the exact 100% same settings you will have issues. You can try the basic concat but it often won't work right.
Solution for me:
My example uses 3 videos in total so "n=3" and a=1 to include audio.
ffmpeg -threads 12 -i file1.mp4 -........
I believe from what I've read that this card's driver doesn't support the features after trying all known troubleshooting methods.
ffmpeg -i uservideoRendered.mp4 -filter:v hwupload_cuda,scale_npp=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12:interp_algo=lanczos,hwdownload -c:v hevc_nvenc -profile main -preset slow -rc vbr_hq -c:a copy uservideoRendered.mp4-test
ffmpeg -i uservideoRendered.mp4 -filter:v hwupload_cuda,scale_npp=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12:interp_algo=lanczos,hwdownload........
#if you have nvidia make sure you install the nvidia-cuda-toolkit so hardware acceleration can be used
tar -jxvf ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2
cd ffmpeg-3.3.2/
./configure --disable-yasm
install prefix /usr/local
source path ........
Jun 1 15:45:42 videoeditor-desktop org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1882]: project_data:INFO Missing folder chosen by user:
Jun 1 15:45:42 videoeditor-desktop org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1882]: project_data:INFO Removed missing file: MAH02949.MP4
Jun 1 15:45:57 videoeditor-desktop org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1882]: ui_util:WARNING Icon theme media-playback-start not found. Will use backup........
If you have this problem:
Then ffmpeg is for you. Go here if you are using Linux Mint and cannot find or install it to use an external PPA........
Based on this tutorial:
mencoder -oac pcm -ovc raw -vf bmovl=0:0:tfifo -o $output $file
vf_bmovl: Unknown command: ''. Ignoring. ........
This is very annoying that ffmpeg is missing from Linux Mint! They have ffmpeg2theora which is a totally different codec and does not work as ffmpeg does at all (it is basically totally different).
However on Linux Mint 17 I was able to use a Ubuntu PPA and sucessfully install ffmpeg!
Adding this PPA to your system........
yum -y install dvdauthor ffmpeg mjpegtools sox bc
rpm -ivh dvd-slideshow-0.8.4-2.noarch.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:dvd-slideshow ########################################### [100%]
/usr/bin/dir2slideshow: line 553: bc: command not f........
Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
videocodec: libavcodec (720x1280 fourcc=34504d46 [FMP4])
[mpeg4 @ 0x2c91c00] timebase not supported by mpeg 4 standard
Could not open codec.
FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver.
That is the error I would get, I thought it was a codec error something else. By fluke Isaw something about ffmpeg where someone recommended manually telling it to the "fps" and it worked.........
ffmpeg -vcodec copy -i 20130526_195809.mp4 -an 20130526_195809-noaudio.mp4
Withotu the -vcodec copy I got this error (so make sure you use the vcodec copy switch): Error while opening encoder for output stream #0.0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height
Amarok won't play songs, keeps skipping to the next
Some say install install phonon-backend-xine
but it was already installed automatically, obviously that's not the problem or solution.
Settings -> Configure Amarok
Playback: Configure Phonon
Audio Output: Music
It should show your different audio interfaces, choose Pulse Audio and move it to the top of the list, do the Apply, OK and manually quit Amarok (remember to close it from the tra........