If you are running a local DNS server like named/bind and don't want to use the ISPsupplied DNS servers that are announced via a DHCP request (using dhclient) then the solution is simple.
The reason should be obvious, but normally running your own DNS server will provide a more reliable, and fast DNS response and you won't have to worry about filtering as much (unless your upstream filters or proxies outgoing DNS requests).
Edit /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf........
I believe from what I've read that this card's driver doesn't support the features after trying all known troubleshooting methods.
ffmpeg -i uservideoRendered.mp4 -filter:v hwupload_cuda,scale_npp=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12:interp_algo=lanczos,hwdownload -c:v hevc_nvenc -profile main -preset slow -rc vbr_hq -c:a copy uservideoRendered.mp4-test
ffmpeg -i uservideoRendered.mp4 -filter:v hwupload_cuda,scale_npp=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12:interp_algo=lanczos,hwdownload........
#if you have nvidia make sure you install the nvidia-cuda-toolkit so hardware acceleration can be used
wget http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2
tar -jxvf ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2
cd ffmpeg-3.3.2/
./configure --disable-yasm
install prefix /usr/local
source path ........
The best way is to use rsync, I've set it up so it doesn't copy unnecessary files, or at least ones I'm sure aren't needed.
Here is the rsync command Iused (adapt to your specific Thunderbird profile location):
rsync -hazv user@remotehost.com:/home/user/.thunderbird/sbrer.default/* /home/user/.thunderbird/4nyb0.default/ --exclude=global* --exclude=Cache --exclude=ImapMail --exclude=Mail
This is a great way to get your e-mail accounts going on a new c........
cp msgFilterRules.dat /other/mail/folder
edit msgFilterRules.dat change all instances of your old mailbox: actionValue="mailbox://joes@mail.server.com/name"
sed s/'actionValue="mailbox:joes@mail.server.com'/imap://joes%40server.com@mail.server.com/g msgFilterRules.dat-........