The error below can be caused by a gateway that is unpingable:
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-1kogg8da68gtb1j7ezaddowyy9s0an5s9tue758o20k18liskw-5h3f61hrrmv3u6agshvbtcklf
Error response from daemon: manager stopped: can't initialize raft node: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = could not connect to prospective new cluster member using its advertised address: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded........
PHP cannot access /usr/bin/opensslI have verified the username that runs the process is able to access /usr/bin/openssl and it does exist but the PHP script is saying it doesn't exist:
if (!file_exists($OPENSSL)) {
//echo "ERROR: OPENSSL $OPENSSL not foundn";
I don't get itI can clearly see the contents of /usr/bin by using the PHP system fu........