How To Install Wazuh Server / Quickest Installation
Wazuh (forked from the well known OSSEC project) is a full SIEM (Security Information Event Management) that works extremely well with the platforms it natively supports as an "Agent", which allows you to do scans of everything such as all processes running, CVE vulnerability check, incident reporting etc...
A lot of issues with Wazuh seem to be caused by i........
The main use I have for this is virtual servers being able to use an LVM volume but not occupying all of the space. It saves time in deploying machines and copying them so you are only copying the space they are using (eg. 5GB / 60GB vs the full 60GB). There are some disadvantages which is mainly the fact that thin pools by their nature allow you to "overallocate" disk space which is that you could use more space than is available on the disk itself and corrupt your data........
Done on Centos 7.3 very important as clearly based on older guides it was a lot easier and more simpler! Hint do not use grub2-install!
If you have trouble booting after this check this CentOS mdadm RAID booting/fixing guide.
One huge caveat if you are an oldschool user or sysadmin who has avoided UEFIbooting
The nor........
Here is the scenario you or a client have a remote machine that was installed as a standard/default minimal Centos 6.x machine on a single disk with LVM for whatever reason. Often many people do not know how to install it to a RAID array so it is common to have this problem and why reinstall if you don't need to? In some cases on a remote system you can't easily reinstall without physical or KVM access.
So in this case you add a second physical or disk or already ha........