Intel NUC J3455 vs Vorke V1 J3160
Both are excellent units but the J3160 is nicer if you require even lower power usage (6W vs the Intel 10W). The price is attractive on the Vorke V1 as well. It's been said that the Intel J3455 NUC has a buggy BIOS and some other issues that require attention.
The Intel J3455 is still nice because it has 2 RAMslots but it does get hotter due to lack of fan.
The Vorke V1 runs cooler, uses less power an........
So you've just purchased your SSL cert, renewed it and installed it or maybe you've had it installed and working fine all the time with all other browsers but you've upgraded to a recent version of Firefox and suddenly get the warning "Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer" error.
This is terrible since if you bought an SSL cert, you are most likely using it for trust purposes for your business and obviously that message will scare away most potential customers.........
Ihave no idea how to get the loopback device working in OpenVZ, but what's more frustrating is that I purchased a CPanel license for my VPS and clearly it is not "VPS Optimized". Although everything does seem to work at this point despite that error.
The suggestions here: don't seem to work at all. This is an OpenVZ issue, but also a CPanel isue, why on earth would loopback support be expected in a VPS a........
NewEgg is one of the few companies that stocks this great right angle 1U SATA power cable. I've purchased some no-name ones and they face the wrong way (towards the bottom of the chassis) which makes it worse/impossible than standard SATA connectors.
The price is high but if you're building a 1U server and want SATA disks and don't have much space (eg. the 1U Supermicro cases) then these are simply a must and........