• Debian Ubuntu 10/11/12 Linux how to get tftpd-hpa server setup tutorial

    apt install tftpd-hpa #change TFTP_ADDRESS to by setting address to or the IP you need, otherwise it will listen on all IPs and interfaces which could be a security risk. # edit /etc/default/tftpd-hpa TFTP_USERNAME="tftp" TFTP_DIRECTORY="/srv/tftp" TFTP_ADDRESS="" TFTP_OPTIONS="--secure"........
  • When is it time to leave your VPS/VDS Cloud Hosting Provider?

    When Is It Time to Leave Your VPS, VDS, and Dedicated Server Provider? Choosing the right hosting solution—be it Virtu........
  • Linux how to get list of all timezones on system Ubuntu

    find /usr/share/zoneinfo/|sed s#"/usr/share/zoneinfo/"##g|grep "/"|grep -v posix|grep -v ^"Etc/"|grep -v ^right|grep -v ^"SystemV" Africa/Addis_Ababa Africa/Abidjan Africa/Blantyre Africa/Lusaka Africa/Casablanca Africa/Libreville Africa/Asmara Africa/Bujumbura Africa/Dakar Africa/Lagos Africa/Malabo Africa/Harare Africa/Kigali........
  • HongKong VPS Server, Cloud, Dedicated Server, Co-Location, Datacenter The Best Guide on Hong Kong, China Internet IT/Computing

    In our 2024 VPS Server/Cloud Buyer's Guide, we place the location of your VPS/hosting/server as one of the priorities that is often overlooked. 2024 Update - Datacent........
  • Cisco Router Setup Guide and Tutorial Howto With Commands and Examples

    In most of the Cisco router IOS I find the ports like ge0/0 ge0/1 and ge0/2 or whatever your ports are down. They will not even give you a link light. So one of the first tasks should be getting the port you are working with up. In my case the first goal is often connectivity with the LAN and WAN. LAN = your local area network (eg. in the office/home ) WAN= your ISP/public internet (eg. fiber/cable/dsl/ethernet).........
  • iptables how to log ALL dropped incoming packets

    A lot of people just have a -j DROP to drop all unwanted traffic or traffic not explicitly allowed but there is a better solution if you want real and proper logging: Here is another example of more advanced iptables rules. Take an example iptables rules file -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i eth1 -p icmp -j ACCEPT........
  • Python and BeautifulSoup4's BS4's Decompose Method To Remove Unwanted Inner Tags

    < a href="/Products/MX72244"> < span class="c-shca-icon-item__body-name-brand"> ADATA < / span> &nbs........
  • How To Secure Samba NMBD/SMBD to bind to a specific IP address

    By default Samba SMB/NMB listen on ANY and ALLIPs on your system by binding to Obviously this is a huge security risk if you have a public facing server with both internal and external access. Usually when a system administrator sets up a samba server their intention is just to share with a LAN. To do this you need to the following options under the [global] section in smb.conf bind interfaces only = yes interfaces = 192........
  • kdenlive titles/text renders as white screen when using .sh script

    When using the .sh script the rendering doesn't work after an upgrade of related packages to kdenlive. kdenlive (kdenlive:amd64 (4:17.04.1+git201705191233~ubuntu16.04.1)) with affine or composite transitions was fine but is now broken during the time of transition it is just a white screen. The previous version was fine: kdenlive:amd64 (4:17.04.1+git201705191233~ubuntu16.04.1 But now I can't find it or install it:........
  • openvz yum problem Centos 6.5 cannot find file on mirror:

    #solution Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/openvz.repo For the first two entries comment out #mirrorlist and uncomment #baseurl and then it worked openvz yum problem Centos 6.5 cannot find file on mirror: yum update Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Determining fastest mirrors * openvz-kernel-rhel6: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn * openvz-utils: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn base ........
  • Flash slowing down your Firefox browser? Install Flashblock plugin

    Install the "Flashblock" plugin because we all know most unwanted high CPU usage situations come from the browser usually because of a looping Flash ad taking up 100% CPU. The solution is to install the "Flashblock" plugin that doesn't allow any Flash to load and play unless you click on the placeholder.........
  • yum error installing php solution - exclude php from being installed from third party repos

    Error: Package: php-Monolog-dynamo-1.7.0-1.el6.noarch (epel) Requires: php-aws-sdk Error: php-pecl-zendopcache conflicts with 1:php-eaccelerator- Error: php-xcache conflicts with php-pecl-apc-3.1.9-2.el6.x86_64 Error: php-pecl-zendopcache conflicts with php-pecl-apc-3.1.9-2.el6.x86_64 Error: Package: php-horde-Horde-Vfs-2.1.2-2.el6.noarch (epel) &n........
  • Country List Names in HTML Select From

    This is useful for developing a lot of applications, I'm putting it here to keep it handy for myself and hopefully others: Choose CountryCanadaJapanUnited StatesUnited KingdomAfghanistan........
  • KVM/QEMU Base/Template Images and the power they provide

    qemu-img create -b centos.5-8.x86.20120308.qcow2 -f qcow2 ../kvmguests/25000-centos5.8x86.qcow2 Formatting '../kvmguests/25000-centos5.8x86.qcow2', fmt=qcow2, backing_file=centos.5-8.x86.20120308.qcow2, size=10485760 kB -b the source/base image -f format is qcow2 and the location of the destination image What is so special about this? It's even quicker than creating a template with OpenVZ but this is an actual OS. It saves time a........
  • Installing Webmin & Enabling SSL

    Webmin Setup Centos 5: wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.530/webmin-1.530-1.noarch.rpm?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmin.com%2Fstandard.html&ts=1294339690&use_mirror=surfnet [1] 24229 [2] 24230 [root@host ~]# --2011-01-06 21:48:20-- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.530/webmin-1.530-1.noarch.rpm?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmin.com%2Fstandard.html Resolving downloads.sourceforge.net... 216.34.181.........
  • OpenVZ user_beancounters kmemsize failcnt Processes Timing Out/Doing Nothing/Zombie

    cat /proc/user_beancounters produces the following: kmemsize 1861537 5139870 12752512 12752512 26965041 Notice the failcnt "26965041", that is for kmemsize and at first it confused me. The system had enough guaranteed and enough burst RAM available. kmemsize is a variable indepedent of that, but who cars about the explanation right, let's just make thing........
  • Create Table with structure of another existing table

    Create Table with structure of another existing tableOk, this has many valid uses such as if you need to create backups or the ability to undo changes, you would want to create new tables with the same structure as another. Here is how you do it. [i:7ed9581493] Also remember Indexes such as PRIMARY KEYS [b:7ed9581493]will not be preserved[/b:7ed9581493] so you will have to readd them manually.[/i:7ed9581493] [code:1:7ed9581493]CREATE TABLE NewName AS SEL........
  • NEC ND-3500A is great!

    NEC ND-3500A is great!I just picked up an NEC 3500A a few weeks ago and I love it. It is a great all in-one optical drive solution. It can burn DVD/+R-R at up 16x, read at 16x and rewrite at 4x and CD-R at up to 48x! Not bad, but the impotant part is that it delivers consistent high quality burns and the drive is as quiet as I could ask it to be. It's also convenient that it has a lot of hacked firmware for overspeeding of........
  • Debian/Ubuntu/Kubuntu Bash/Console/Terminal/Putty Home and End Keys Don't Work or Produce a ~

    This is a very weird, annoying and bizarre quirk with many distributions, especially Debian. The home and end keys don't work, but it's a simple fix as long as you found this article :) You just have to edit /etc/inputrc: Find the commented lines as shown below: # "e[1~": beginning-of-line # "e[4~": end-of-line *If you can't find the above, just copy and paste the code below into your inputrc, it will en........
  • Linux/Unix Open SSH Login Without Password Key Exchange including Debian, Redhat, Fedora, Ubuntu, BSD etc..

    In those 4 simple commands you can setup mutual key exchange between two sshservers by using a single login shell session and single window. *Just change the IP address examples of ( to the target of your mutual key exchange. It doesn't matter if the server is on a LANor WAN(well unless the server is behind a firewall and you cannot SSHinto it).........
  • iPhone has no password/wand manager saving feature in Safari Web Browser

    I kind of expected this feature to be there in some form, to stay ahead of the pack Apple needs to stay on top of this. User's of HTC's Android smart phone which uses a Linux based OS with Google's power behind it, note that you can save passwords in the browser on that phone. Apple needs to continuously evaluate the needs in its core apps and make sure the features are cutting edge and top notch, if other phones come out with some of these seemingly small but essential features........
  • Comments About Networking Technology

    We've noticed in many ways that traditional networking even in WANs and LANs has changed very little. Years ago most networks were running on 100mbit and today most still are. Even the average internet connection is largely unchanged from several years ago with some minor exceptions from Europe and Asia.........
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