Centos when copying old files and restarting it seems load everything fine and then says [FAILED] with no log or other message.
service restart named
named [FAILED]
Check more thoroughly you may have missed the error if you have lots of zones!
service named restart|grep error
zone 1.168.192.in-addr.arpa/IN: not loaded due to errors.
zone 2.168.192.in-addr.arpa/IN: no........
service named status
rndc: connect failed: connection refused
named (pid 10557) is running...
This issue is normally caused by a permissions issue where named doesn't have the permissions to read the rndc.key.
Check /var/log/messages:
Jan 4 17:06:22 storagebox named[10753]: none:0: open: /etc/rndc.key: permission denied
Jan 4 17:06:22 storagebox named[10........
Webmin/Virtualmin when enabling bind:
Failed to save enabled features : Virtualmin is configured to setup DNS zones, but this system is not setup to use itself as a DNS server. Either add to the list of DNS servers, or turn off the BIND feature on the module config page.
It means what it says, add "" to /etc/resolv.conf........