Debian/Ubuntu vi keyboard problem, up and down arrows do not work and instead make an A (Up), B (Down), C (Right) or D(Left).
(you could also add the set nocompatible to /etc/vim/vimrc to make it system wide-will not be applied until reboot I believe):
echo "set nocompatible" > ~/.vimrc
some suggest entering this in vi but it did not work for me:
:set term=cons25
The arrow keys work but then Home and End produce garbage characters
echo "set nocompatible" > ~/.vimrc
The above issue may also be a sign that you don't have any proper environment variables set (possibly because you operating non-standard such as a chroot).
If you feel your vimrc is being ignored you can run vi like this by manually specifying the vimrc file with -u:
vi -u /root/.vimrc somefiletoedit
vi, debian, linux, ubuntu, mint, arrow, ssh, bash, shell, terminaldebian, keyboard, arrows, nocompatible, etc, vim, vimrc, applied, reboot, echo, quot, cons, characters,