M4A is a weird format, so you have to be creative here is a quick copy of what I did.
Basically you need to convert to .wav to make use of them and then I converted the resulting .wav into an mp3 (nice small file size and basically universally playable):
sudo apt-get install mpg321 mp3gain faad normalize lame
faad "Voice 002 (copy).m4a"
faad "Voice 002 (copy).m4a"
*********** Ahead Software MPEG-4 AAC Decoder V2.7 ******************
Build: May 1 2012
Copyright 2002-2004: Ahead Software AG
Floating point version
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
Voice 002 (copy).m4a file info:
LC AAC 4107.565 secs, 2 ch, 44100 Hz
normalize-audio "Voice 002 (copy).wav"
Computing levels...
Voice 002 (copy). 100% done, ETA 00:00:00 (batch 100% done, ETA 00:00:00)
Applying adjustment of 6.22dB to Voice 002 (copy).wav...
Voice 002 (copy). 100% done, ETA 00:00:00 (batch 100% done, ETA 00:00:00)
| Config: 2 Ch |
| Ch | Position |
| 00 | Left front |
| 01 | Right front |
Decoding Voice 002 (copy).m4a took: 45.95 sec. 89.39x real-time.
# not loud enough?
#run again with the -g parameter and the manual decibel increase
normalize-audio -g 20 "Voice 002 (copy).wav"
#convert to mp3
lame "Voice 002 (copy).wav"
normalize, volume, linuxm, format, convert, wav, converted, resulting, mp, universally, playable, sudo, apt, install, mpg, faad, quot, software, mpeg, aac, decoder, copyright, ag, http, www, audiocoding, redistribute, modify, gnu, info, lc, secs, ch, hz, audio, computing, levels, eta, batch, applying, db, config, decoding, parameter, manual, decibel,