• pptp / pptpd not working in DD-WRT iptables / router

    Although it is well-known that pptp is not secure and is subject to many forms of attacks, the reality is that a lot of legacy and embedded devices use pptp. I argue that if it is being used for routing or remote access or over an already secure connection (eg. another VPN like ikev2) then this is still acceptable. Or in a LANor in a public environment where no private data is exchanged. However, if the nature of the data is extremely sensitive, you should do whatever........
  • qemu: could not load PC BIOS 'bios-256k.bin' solution

    qemu: could not load PC BIOS 'bios-256k.bin' The file exists here: /usr/share/qemu/bios-256k.bin It is symlinked to here: /usr/share/seabios/bios.bin A quick fix is manually specifying the BIOS: -bios /usr/share/qemu/bios-256k.bin........
  • vi vim not doing code highlighting E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version solution

    Normally syntax highlighting is the default behavior. You can enable it manually by hitting :syntax on But normally you'll have this error because of the missing package. E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version Solution install the vim-gui-common package: apt install vim-gui-common After that you should find that the code is highli........
  • ecryptfs how to manually encrypt your existing home directory or other directory

    Just in case, it is reocmmended to backup the original contents of the directory (especially your home dir) before proceeding. Setup ecryptfs Run this command: ecryptfs-setup-private It will ask you for your login password, this is so that when you login, everything is automatically decrypted by using a passphrase that is wrapped with your login. You can hit enter and leave things blank for an autogenerated passphrase (for mounting) or you can en........
  • Linux how to keep command line bash process running if you are disconnected or need to logout of SSH remotely

    So you started a process or other important task that is remote but it is in the foreground and on a pts. This means if you background with Ctrl + Z or otherwise logout or get disconnected that the process will be stopped. Here is how you can solve the problem: 1.) Hit Ctrl + Z to suspend the process. 2.) Type bg to restore the process into the background. If you do a ps aux on the process you will see it was restored with the & at the end, which puts........
  • python3 error Ubuntu Linux error solution SyntaxError: invalid syntax line 12 pip{sys.version_info.major}

    This sort of thing normally happens your python3 or pip3 has been updated, because you have to in order to use pip, but the newer pip now breaks compatibility with your old python (3.5 in this case). There are a few solutions, the easiest is perhaps to upgrade to a newer OS with a newer distro provided Python 3 or to manually install a newer version of Python/OR use a PPA like deadsnakes that provides newer versions. ........
  • talib/_ta_lib.c:747:10: fatal error: ta-lib/ta_defs.h: No such file or directory

    If you are installing ta-lib for Python and get this error then you can normally solve it by manually getting the ta-lib source files and compiling. tar -zxvf ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz cd ta-lib;./configure;make;make install Collecting ta-lib Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/39/6f/6acaee2eac6afb2cc6a2adcb294080577f9983fbd2726395b9047c4e13ec/TA-Lib-0.4.26.tar.gz (272kB) &nbs........
  • Virtualbox Best Networking Mode In Lab/Work Environment without using NAT Network or Bridged

    Virtualbox is a very powerful tool, but for some use cases it is less than optimal. Say you are in a work, lab or other environment where you are not alone on the physical network and there could be overlap of IPs, but you need all of your VMs to be contactable from your host, VMs need to communicate with each other, and VMs need internet. NAT Network will give you VM to VM communication and internet, however, it is buggy and unstable. It also doesn't allow host to VM co........
  • Linux grub not using UUID for the root device instead it uses /dev/sda1 or other device name solution

    You can read lots of posts about this issue but there is not much information about why this is the case or how grub determines the root= device name. Some even suggest modifying grub.cfg manually which is a disaster as the next kernel update will cause grub to revert back to the device name. For most people this won't be an issue but those using template system, automated deployments and working in embedded may run into this issue with custom embedded and created minimal kernel........
  • Dell PowerEdge Server iDRAC Remote KVM/IP Default Username, Password Reset and Login Information Solution

    Are you new to the company, datacenter or a third party who is responsible for deploying a fleet of servers from scratch. The first step is to normally login to the KVM so you can perhaps manually reinstall, PXE boot the Cloud Image or reimage/reinstall an OS but you need access to the KVM/IP or what Dell calls iDRAC. It's common that you may have forgotten this information or that another employee or colleague has changed the info and did not tell you, that they have left the........
  • Generic IP Camera LAN Default IP Settings DVR

    If you are converting a generic wifi IP camera to ethernet, it may not be that simple as many are default hard coded to a static IP of and login info admin/admin. From there you can login to the camera and assign it to DHCP by going to For security these cameras +DVR should be on a separate untagged VLAN or if possible a physically isolated non-internet connected switch/network. The reference below is applicable to many of the r........
  • Ubuntu Debian Mint Linux How To Update Initramfs Manually update-initramfs

    The easiest way for the current running kernel is: update-initramfs -u -k `uname -r` You could change -k to a specific kernel name if for some reason the current is not running (eg. if you are chrooted or in recovery mode). If you want to update all kernels then use "-k all" update-initramfs -k all -u update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-162-generic........
  • grub blank screen how to manually boot kernel and initrd Linux Ubuntu Debian Centos won't boot solution

    You probably didn't do an "update-grub" and grub no longer has any proper menu entries, but before you can fix it let's try to get grub booting anyway. If you get this lovely black grub screen here's how you can get things booting. In my case I have a gpt partition with partition 1 and 2. Partion 1 is just my EFI / ESPand partion 2 /dev/sda2 is my root which includes /boot. You will have to adjust this if you had a separate /boot partition.........
  • Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist Solution for Centos8 yum package install error

    Are you getting this error in CentOS 8 when trying to use yum to install a package? Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist What we need to do is not use the automatic mirror list and manually set the base URL Solution sed -i 's/mirrorlist/#mirrorlist/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS* sed -i 's%#baseurl=http://mirror.centos.org%baseurl=........
  • Linux Mint Ubuntu Ubiquity Installer Bug EFI Installed To Wrong Partition Solution

    Just an FYI that the installer ignores your selection of Boot Loader, as it was intended for MBR/Legacy. The installer horribly, even when choosing "Something Else" and manually partitioning and creating an EFIin your install drive, will still install grub to the first EFI partition it finds, even if you are following a guide like this to avoid wiping out the M........
  • br0: received packet on bond0 with own address as source address Linux Solution Mint Debian Redhat CentOS bridge bridging

    A quick fix is to run this command: sudo brctl setageing br0 0 This causes the aging of the MAC address to time out immediately or in 0 seconds, which delete the entry frmo the FDB (Forwarding Database) and causes the error to go away. The default time is 300 seconds or 5 minutes. You can also add it under your br0 definition like this in /etc/network/interfaces to make it permanent and automatic: auto br........
  • Debian Mint Ubuntu Howto Disable Network Manager

    NetworkManager is normally good for GUI users who may not be good with manually confguring devices, but if you are using things like bridging and bonding, it will often break things. How To Disable NetworkManager systemctl disable NetworkManager Now that it's disabled you will need to stop NetworkManager. NetworkManager will still be running until you reboot next or manually stop it. How To Stop NetworkManager systemctl stop........
  • Libreoffice Calc Opens CSV Spreadsheet File as Asian Language/Chinese Characters Solution Fix

    Usually LIbreoffice gets it right, but if it opens a normal English CSV as UTF-16 by default and shows Asian languages, you'll have ot manually open to fix it (don't double click the file from the File Manager). Solution - Manually Open the File After Opening LibreOffice Calc You'll see it is defaulting to UTF-16 which breaks everything. ........
  • How To Tell Which Repository a Package Comes From Debian Mint Ubuntu

    Just use apt-cache policy to find the repo of a package: apt-cache policy lxd lxd: Installed: 3.0.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.2 Candidate: 3.0.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.2 Version table: *** 3.0.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.2 500 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages &nb........
  • Ubuntu Mint Debian Howto Execute Command / Script / Program Upon Wakeup From Sleep

    Sometimes manual intervention on various Linux system's, including Debian, is required to fix things after waking up from sleep. One persistent issue is the sound system / pulseaudio needing to be reset and not working until you do that after waking up. It's not clear if it's an OS issue itself or the sound driver, but this will fix things. Where do we put scripts or commands that need to be used upon wakeup automatically? /lib/systemd/syst........
  • How To Do Linux Network Bonding Teaming in Mint Debian Ubuntu

    Bonding is an excellent way to get both increased redundancy and throughput. It is similar to the "Network Teaming" feature in Windows. There are a few different modes but we will use mode 6, I think it's the best of both worlds, as it is not just a failover, but it provides round robin, so you will get redundancy and load balancing. So if you have a 1G single port, you will have a combined throughput of 4G at this point. Just bear in mind that the true thr........
  • LXC Containers LXD How to Install and Configure Tutorial Ubuntu Debian Mint

    If you are using mint, delete the preference that stops snap from installing (as it is required for lxc) sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref 1. Install lxd: sudo apt install lxd Issues install lxd or errors? Click here Debian at this time does not have lxd so you'll need to use snap: sudo apt in........
  • Docker Tutorial HowTo Install Docker, Use and Create Docker Container Images Clustering Swarm Mode Monitoring Service Hosting Provider

    The Best Docker Tutorial for Beginners We quickly explain the basic Docker concepts and show you how to do the most common tasks from starting your first container, to making custom images, a Docker Swarm Cluster Tutorial, docker compose and Docker buildfiles.........
  • Zoom Password Error 'That passcode was incorrect' - Solution Wrong Passcode Wrong Meeting Name

    Have you been given a Zoom password that the meeting owner says is correct but it doesn't work anymore or never works? If the meeting name says "Zoom Meeting" and it's not really named that (which most meetings are not), then the issue is usually that there is an initial password to be able to join, aside from the passcode. It basically means that Zoom has deauthenticated you randomly or maybe after X amount of uses, without clicking on the Join Meeting URL which contains a........
  • How To Create OpenVPN Server for Secure Remote Corporate Access in Linux Debian/Mint/Ubuntu with client public key authentication

    Why choose OpenVPN instead of a firewall appliance? OpenVPN can be a reliable and easy replacement for traditional hardware or just be an additional tool that your company uses so that the firewall can focus on its job rather than acting as a VPNappliance at the same time. When comparing OpenVPN with traditional firewal........
  • ssh-keygen id_rsa private key howto remove the passphrase so no password is required and no encryption is used

    The key is that you need to know the passphrase to do it, if you don't know the password for the key then you can't remove the key since it cannot be decrypted. ssh-keygen is the easiest method and openssl can be used to manually remove the key and output it to a new file, which you can then copy back over top of the encrypted file. After that your public key authentication will work without any password prompt because it is no longer encrypted. Make sure you understand........
  • Ansible Tutorial - Playbook How To Install From Scratch and Deploy LAMP + Wordpress on Remote Server

    1. Let's work from an environment where we can install Ansible on. If you are using an older version of Linux based on Mint 18 or Ubuntu 16, you may want to get the PPA and get the latest version of Ansible that way: sudo apt install gpg sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible sudo apt update........
  • vi how to delete everything to the end of the line or the rest of the line from the cursor

    vi is very handy when doing a lot of config file editing and can save you time over using the mouse or using the x or delete keys to manually delete. Solution: If you don't want it to stop deleting when encountering things like - or _, then you want this: d$ Or if you want it to stop on - and _ then use this: dw Remember both commands are in "non-input mode" so not when you're........
  • EFI PXE grub2 Howto guide for Linux EFI PXE Booting on Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, RHEL

    Just a quick note and warning is that if you are testing to see if EFIPXE booting works on a VM, MAKE SURE it actually works. For example Iinitially tested using my Distro's QEMU 2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.46 and ovmf BIOS firmware (OVMF supports EFI). However, I found on old versions of QEMU (like 2.5), EFIbooting with GRUB NEVER works so it may appear that you have made a mistake when everything is fine when you boot a physi........
  • Huion and Wacom Tablets How To Install in Linux Mint / Ubuntu and make the stylus work properly

    It took a lot of fiddling to make a Huion Kamvas 13 Pro work in Linux but it simple once you know what to do. Don't bother searching as it is unlkely there is a guide out there that will actually make your tablet work. It mainly comes down to the fact that the hid_uclogic kernel module is buggy or doesn't support MANYof these wacom based/Huion tablets properly. What was happening with me is that Ihad the Kamvas 13 Huion setup as a secondary screen/monitor.&nb........
  • How To Replace Audio Track of Video using ffmpeg

    A very common use case is that you don't want to waste time using a video editor that requires you to open it up and manually import the video clip and audio clip, then manually delete the old audio track and import the video and new audio. That's too much work and time since we don't want to go through the hassle. ffmpeg is our solution, all we have to do is specify 3 variables and we're done! -i Windows2019-Server-Noaudio.mp4 is our in........
  • Linux Mint Dual Boot Install Avoid Wiping our your Main C: drive /dev/sda MBR and EFI

    Before you try to install and dual boot it is very important to understand the concept of "what boot mode your BIOS is in" and "what mode you booted the installer to". Then follow the example of Linux Mint (but most Linux installers are very similar)to carefully understand WHERE you are installing your Boot Loader to whether that be MBR or EFI. How Am IBooted? First it's important to check your BIOS to see........
  • Linux How To Change NIC Name to eth0 instead of enps33 or enp0s25

    Most newer distros inexplicably cause your NIC to have what Icall "random" non-standard name conventions because of systemd. This is a big problem for many people and especially those running servers. Imagine that you have a static IPconfigured for ens33 but then the hard disk is moved to a newer system, the NIC could be anything from ens33 to enp0s1, meaning that manual intervention is required to go and update the NIC config file (eg. /etc/network/interfa........
  • mdadm: super0.90 cannot open /dev/sdb1: Device or resource busy mdadm: /dev/sdb1 is not suitable for this array.

    mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level 1 --raid-devices 2 /dev/sdb1 missing --metadata=0.90 mdadm: super0.90 cannot open /dev/sdb1: Device or resource busy mdadm: /dev/sdb1 is not suitable for this array. mdadm: create aborted Sometimes running "partprobe" can fix this. Other times it requires a reboot. One other manual thing that can be done is the following to fix it (if dm is using and blocking it):........
  • Linux Mint / Ubuntu / Debian Mate Disable Guest Session and Hide Usernames on Lightdm Login screen GUI

    sudo vi /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/70-linuxmint.conf Change this: [SeatDefaults] user-session=mate allow-guest=false To this: [SeatDefaults] user-session=mate allow-guest=false greeter-hide-users=true greeter-show-manual-login=true To see and apply your changes just restart light........
  • how to use ifplugd in Linux to execute a command or script when a NIC cable is unplugged or plugged in

    It is fairly simple to use once you know how to use it. However, the tricky thing is that by default it doesn't seem to be active or listen on any interface on manually specified. How To Install ifplugd First we install ifplugd sudo apt install ifplugd Let's enable it on our desired device(s) vi /etc/default/ifplugd set this line as so:........
  • mpv / mplayer with Radeon / AMD GPU Video Card Driver enable VDPAU GPU Accelerated Video Decoding

    The easiest way to know if your videos are playing with GPU acceleration are to watch the process of xplayer, mpv or whatever you are playing. The CPU usage should be no more than 10% for that process/program if it is using acceleration. Let's manually play with vdpau to make sure it works before we make it permanent: First make sure you have libvdpau installed: sudo apt install vdpau-driver-all If yo........
  • MySQL Bash Query to pipe input directly without using heredoc trick

    Most of us know the heredoc method but what if you need a basic query done repeatedly and manually while working from bash? It is a pain to manually type mysql and login each time. With this command below you can semi-automate those queries: echo "use somedb; select * from auctions" | mysql -u root --password="yourpassword" Just modify the above to suit your needs and you can add more queries by adding a sem........
  • Debian Ubuntu Mint Howto Create Bridge (br0)

    Having a network bridge allows you to bridge traffic under multiple devices so they can talk natively without using any special routing, iptables/firewall or other trickery. To create your bridge you need the bridge-utils package for brctl and if you want to do things like bridge VMs that run on a tap device you will need the uml-utilities which provides "tunctl". 1.) Install the utilities to make our bridge sudo apt-get i........
  • Windows 7, 8, 10, Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019 How To AC97 Audio Drivers and Other Unsigned Drivers

    Oops did you get this error trying to install an oldschool driver and think it is hopeless in a new version of Windows? First of all it is almost never a program compatibility issue: ........
  • QEMU-KVM Windows and Server Guest Installs Mouse Tracking Pointer Location Solution

    You may have noticed if you are running QEMU/KVMmanually that in Windows the the position of the physical mouse does not match where the mouse is positioned within Windows. There is an easy command to pass to qemu-kvm or qemu-system (whatever you call your binary): -usbdevice tablet The above flag will fix your mouse pointing problems whether you are running Windows 95, 98, NT, XP 2000, 2003, Vista, 7, 8 10 or Server 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016 or 2........
  • qemu-kvm qemu-system Image format was not specified for '/mnt/space/cucm12.img' and probing guessed raw. Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write operations on block 0 will be restricted. Specify the 'ra

    WARNING: Image format was not specified for '/mnt/space/cucm12.img' and probing guessed raw. Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write operations on block 0 will be restricted. Specify the 'raw' format explicitly to remove the restrictions. #you should manually specify the format q........
  • How To Use Letsencrypt SSL/TLS Encryption to Create Certificates without installing on the target machine

    For some reason, perhaps you don't want to run a daemon or let Letsencrypt have access to your production server. There is a way to use it like a normal CSR/CA setup in manual mode. ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --manual -d realtechtalk.com - www.realtechtalk.com   Eventually you will get prompted to create a certain path and file with certain data: Create a file containing just this data: Casdfasfadsfsad........
  • VBOX VirtualBox How To Import Raw .img Disk File

    What you need to do if you have taken a dd or real raw image dump of a hard disk: VBoxManage convertdd windows2019-eval-template.img windows2019.vdi --format VDI The .img is the raw dd dump and the .vdi is the output file. --format VDIspecifies to output to .vdi format If you are in a pinch you can always use qemu-kvm binary and manually specify the .img as your disk and i........
  • QEMU / KVM How To Manually Create Basic Virtual Machine VM

    1.) Create Image using qemu-img qemu-img create -f qcow2 skype.img 40G 2.) Start VM using flags -m = memory in MB -drive file=yourimagefile.img -cdrom /path/to/the.iso qemu-system-x86_64 -m 4096 -drive file=skype.img -cdrom ~/Downloads/SfB-E-9319.0-enUS.ISO Enable Bridged Networking........
  • How To Edit Linux Based NM Network Manager Connection Settings Without GUI

    Just find the relevant file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections sudo vi /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired connection 1 [802-3-ethernet] duplex=full mac-address=00:00:00:FE:FE:FE [connection] id=Wired connection 1 type=802-3-ethernet timestamp=1532403341 [ipv6] method=ignore [ipv4] method=manual........
  • Linux partprobe/partx cannot access last and 4th partition

    On a test machine Iwas never able to access to a newly created 4th partiton. As we can see there are dev devices for everything but the 4th partition. The normal "partprobe" or "kpartx" or kernel being told to rescan the block device didn't help (only a reboot did). fdisk -l /dev/sda Disk /dev/sda: 750.2 GB, 750156374016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 91201 cylinders Units........
  • systemd management using systemctl and journalctl to check systemd logs

    systemd is like the service manager for your Centos and other modern Linux distributions (including Debian/Mint/Ubuntu) allows you to enable services, stop them, restart them, check their status and even reboot your system. The key commands or arguments you will use with systemctl are the following: Unit Commands: list-units [PATTERN...] List loaded units &nbs........
  • Cannot install moodle

    After starting the install it stalls here: admin/index.php?cache=0&agreelicense=1&confirmrelease=1&lang=en If you manually refresh you get a Plugins check screen: Installation System Moodle second step fails just blank screen: https://domain.la/user/editadvanced.php?id=2 Solution: give up and choose something else it shouldn't be thi........
  • Debian/Ubuntu/Mint Linux How To Set VLAN in /etc/network/interfaces

    You can find many ways to specify the VLANin your network configuration but Ifind this is the simplest and quickest. In this case we are talking about a bridged adapter "vmbr0" but it works even if you just had a normal non-bridged interface. The key here is that in vmbr0 you'll notice there is no IP address. We just specify "manual". Below it is a similar stanza for "vmbr0.58" in this case 58 represents the VLAN (change........
  • ImageMagick How To Convert Specific PDF Pages or a Range

    A very handy feature of ImageMagick's convert command is that it can convert PDF's to other image formats like jpg but did you know you can even manually select a range or specific pages from the PDF? Here is an example of converting a range of pages from a PDF in this case pages 25 to 36: convert -density 300 "vSphere 6.5-1.pdf[25-36]" vsphere.jpg Here is an example of converti........
  • Relocating modules and starting up the kernel - VMWare ESXi 6.7 Error and Solution

    I had this error in an unsupported CPUon VMWare 6.7 and apparently this sometimes works especially on older VMWare versions like 6.5 5.5 etc (but in my case it did not). To make sure it proceed when you see "Loading VMWare" Hit "Shift+O" Then add "ignoreHeadless=TRUE" See an example below:........
  • OpenVPN cannot ping remote IP routing loop issue after connecting

    Sometimes if you have a very basic configuration OpenVPN on the client side for some reason sends all traffic to the OpenVPN server IP through the tun0 which is of course impossible and creates a block or routing loop. This is because you need to use your normal ISP/LANgateway to hit the OpenVPN server if it is remote/offsite as is usually the case. So if you are connected to the OpenVPN through say a tun0 device and your routing is set to connect to the OpenVPN&nbs........
  • sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation - SSH Solution

    sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation This happens when you don't manually add your ssh key with ssh-add it is some weird new feature in SSH or Ubuntu/Debian that causes this weird problem. Solution: ssh-add Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa)........
  • vzquota : (error) Quota on syscall for id 4532: No such file or directory vzquota on failed [3] OpenVZ Error and Solution

    Starting container... vzquota : (error) Quota on syscall for id 4532: No such file or directory vzquota on failed [3] Solution vzquota drop 4532 Then start the container and it should work. It actually happened after migrating the VPS manually to ano........
  • MySQL Cannot Update/Write to any database table solution

    This happened on Centos for no apparent reason with no obvious issue in the logs. Data could be read fine but not written (possibly due to some corruption or out of memory issue in the OpenVZ container is the best guess). All mysql update and insert queries failed freezing without any error log on any database and table. Tried to restart: service mysqld restart Timeout error occurred trying to stop MySQL........
  • MySQL: table is marked as crashed solultion

    myisamchk can fix it But be careful and use the right options to avoid losing data. In fact if you haven't you should make a backup or at least manually copy /var/lib/mysql. Replace "YourDB" with the name of your database Replace "yourcrashedtable" with the name of your crashed table. The -o option is the safest and should avoid dataloss whereas -r is more aggressive and is a last option (I have lost data using -r and........
  • Centos 5.9 Working Vault Repo file

    Centos 5 is not supported running yum will produce an error like this: YumRepo Error: All mirror URLs are not using ftp, http[s] or file. Eg. Invalid release/ removing mirrorlist with no valid mirrors: /var/cache/yum/base/mirrorlist.txt Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base Solution - Update this file CentOS-Base.repo # CentOS-Base.repo........
  • rsync specify alternate port non-standard port than 22

    It is not obvious but the rsync --help rsync --help|grep port --port=PORT specify double-colon alternate port number --port does not do anything at all actually for some strange reason it still uses 22 You have to specify a manual ssh command to make it work: -e 'ssh -........
  • Linux Mint USB Kernel Tainted and Locked Port/Dev File

    Essentially a program I was running for mining did not terminate properly with Ctrl+C it is listed as defunct and cannot be killed, kernel is tainted and normal tricks to disable the port are impossible the dev and sys entries for the device cannot be browsed or interacted with in any form without a lockup of the request. The only solution is to reboot due to the kernel taint as far as I can find so far. [1130246.811056] INFO: task minerd:21861 blocked for more th........
  • Why won't my Linux Mint boot after I manually installed a new kernel?

    Why won't my Linux Mint boot after I manually installed a new kernel? eg. apt-get install linux-image-newerone Do this dpkg -l|grep linux-image|grep extra ii linux-image-extra-3.16.0-38-generic 3.16.0-38.52~14.04.1&nb........
  • Linux Mint Intel Screen Tearing Horizontal Line Solution Fix Intel i915 Intel HD 4400 GPU Debian / Ubuntu

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf On newer Ubuntu / Mint / Debian systems the file would go in: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf Type "i" and enter the following: Section "Device" Identifier "Intel Graphics" Driver&n........
  • How to verify SSL SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprnit Signature of your mail/web server to avoid hijacking/man-in-the-middle attacks

    This is especially helpful if you run your own servers. If you are presented with an error message or warning that the signature has changed or does not match the IP/domain you are connecting to you always want to verify manually. So your e-mail/web client will show you an SHA-1 fingerprint like this: "Could not verify this certificate because the issuer is unkown" or other reasons such as a mismatch in IP/domain. It will also show you........
  • mdadm frozen and doesn't realize array is dead/missing failed due to unplugged drives

    This was a surprising bug but I unplugged all drives for an array md127. At first it was just 1 drive and mdadm seemed to notice this. I unplugged the second drive taking the array offline but mdadm did not realize it was offline and still showed a non-existent disk as being part of it. This created problems trying to unmount it or even to stop this array with mdadm freezing. As for how to fix it I can only think of making sure you are not in a mounted path of........
  • Unable to mount location Failed to retrieve share list from server: No such file or directory solution

    Cannot even "Browse Network" when clicking on "Windows Network" Unable to mount location Failed to retrieve share list from server: No such file or directory logs: [2017/02/14 00:16:44.271314, 0] ../source3/nmbd/nmbd.c:58(terminate) Got SIGTERM: going down... [2017/02/13 17:35:41.797944, 0] ../lib/util/become_daemon.c:124(daemon_ready) &........
  • ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query

    The solution is simple but strange, if you copy your /var/lib/mysql directory to another server and think it will work, be sure to check if you have /var/log/mysql and binary log files. If you do, the server will not work and will give you errors like below and crash without the proper log files. UPDATE user SET password=password("newpass") WHERE user='root'; flush privileges; ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server durin........
  • ioncube loader install howto on PHP/Centos

    Disclaimer, before starting this I do not like ioncube, it is great to protect your source code, but a big pain to setup this extension since it has to be done manually. Further, fi you do a PHPupdate ioncube may no longer work, causing important sites or services to not work (I wish authors would take another approach). 1.) Download from here:https://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php 2.) Extract the contents and co........
  • PayPal Subscription Howto Creation Automatic Payments Manual

    An easy way to pay companies and friends/family since PayPal does not have an option when sending money to make it a subscription: "business" = The e-mail or PayPal ID of the person/organization to pay to. a3 The recurring amount "eg. 115" will be 115 USD p3 The time period (eg. 2) t3 Unit of time period m=monthly,w=weekly,y=yearly item_name = "the note/product service reason you are paying ha........
  • How to Normalize and Increase the Volume on M4A files in Linux

    M4A is a weird format, so you have to be creative here is a quick copy of what I did. Basically you need to convert to .wav to make use of them and thenI converted the resulting .wav into an mp3 (nice small file size and basically universally playable): ======= sudo apt-get install mpg321 mp3gain faad normalize lame faad "Voice 002 (copy).m4a" faad "Voice 002 (copy).m4a"........
  • DRBD Slow Performance - 99.99 % [jbd2/drbd0-8] highiowait solution

    Tired of checking iotop and seeing that your drbd partition is using 99.99% of io all the time and finding your drbd device performs slow in general? This is especially an issue in versions of DRBD in the 8.3 tree in particular one documented case is on "8.3.13" but it likely applies to other devices. The symptoms are that resyncing is fine and normal but any reasonable amount of activity is very slow and lagged and creates a high server load and con........
  • Linux Mint 17 How to Enable File Sharing Option in File Manager

    I still cannot understand how this would not be enabled by default and I struggled to find the reason why with manually installing samba etc.. wondering why the option for sharing was not in the menu. On Linux Mint "MATE" the package is called "caja-share" and on Cinnamon it is called "nemo-share" so edit the below command as necessary: *Also note that the "samba" package is necessary as it is not inst........
  • The connection was reset The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

    In Firefox I cannot connect to any website, proxy is disabled and outside network access is confirmed, no system or manual proxy was set on this Linux Mint/Ubuntu system. Normally this can be caused by proxy or DNS problems and the weird thing is that traceroute and ping to other IPs worked fine but even connecting to sites by IP was not working. The connection was reset The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.........
  • Ubuntu/Debian OpenVZ Template Problems No Networking and SSH not starting

    It all comes down to a bug essentially where you are running an older kernel that doesn't support the newer Debian templates. The solution is to update your OpenVZ kernel. Here are some symptoms of the problem/lack of kernel support: Ubuntu Template 12.04 requires a manual network start: service networking start sshd will not start: /usr/sbin/sshd PRNG is not seeded mknod /dev/random c 1 8........
  • There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:

    There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was: No module named yum Please install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly. It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python, which is: 2.7.9 (default, Apr 21 2016, 16:51:58) [GCC 4.4.7 20120313........
  • openvpn 2.3.10-1.el6 issues auth-env does not work correctly for auth-user-pass-verify

    openvpn 2.3.10-1.el6 issues in the .conf auth-user-pass-verify "passwordcheck $username $password $untrusted_ip" via-env auth-env does not work correctly in OpenVPN 2.3: Sat Apr 23 02:30:22 2016 - $username - $untrusted_ip - login failure But OpenVPN 2.2 does work as expected. It could be that the specified script automatically receive........
  • Linux Mint Network Manager Connection Disconnect Option Grayed Out

    This is a real pain because I had to manually unplug ethernet cables for network testing or to use an alternate network or guarantee physical access to one network segment is cut off. For some reason this happened after Ikilled dbus because it was confused and blocking packets thinking they were coming from the wrong interface since eth0 and eth1 both had the same subnet and gateway. I eventually did a "service network-manager restart" but the option was........
  • Avocent 8020 KVM Java Icedtea Viewer

    This command in Debian/Ubuntu/Mint will get everything need installed for most Java based KVM viewers: sudo apt install icedtea-netx The following additional packages will be installed: ca-certificates-java icedtea-netx-common openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jre-headless It seems every other updated version of Java or Icedtea breaks things and I will save the frustration of Java for another post.........
  • Centos Add Multiple IP Addresses in a range without manually setting each static IP

    This is actually very simple and this example assumes your network device is "eth0" In Centos your network config would be the following: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 Take the same path and just add a "-range0" So to add a range create the following file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0-range0 IPADDR_START= IPADD........
  • How to manually mount Linux disk image partition without using losetup

    In this case we want to mount partition #2 fdisk -lu Centos-6.6-x86_64.img You must set cylinders. You can do this from the extra functions menu. Disk Centos-6.6-x86_64.img: 0 MB, 0 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 0 cylinders, total 0 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Device Boot&nbs........
  • How to manually save bash history

    This is useful in the case you are not properly logged in via an OpenVZ session or even a normal SSH session that you fear may go down(if the connection is broken the history is not saved). Save your bash_history like this: history -w ~/.bash_history You can always change the above to another file eg /tm........
  • Virtualbox errors on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint

    The solution was to reinstall the vbox dkms package and do a manual modprobe of the modules it makes. I never sorted out the unable to start due to the USB issue, I did have the guest additions installed but the only way to boot was to change the pointing device from USB to PS2 and then to disable the USB controller (if your pointing device is set as USB, disabling USB will not work because it will re-enable by default when it sees your pointing device is USB, this is w........
  • How To Install Linux Mint 17.2 on mdadm RAID with a separate boot partition

    Iwas surprised to see that Linux Mint at the latest 17.2 version still has NO mdadm installer option, and worse the installer will not be able to create a proper booting environment even when you do install it. How to setup mdadm in Linux mint LiveCD sudo su apt-get install mdadm # partition as you need and then create your mdadm devices # create your SWAP md0 mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /d........
  • HP XW9400 Motherboard In Desktop Issues

    Fortunately the format is EATX so an EATX case will work and the screw layout is standard. You will need to remove the HEX/TORX screws that are connecting the stock HP standoffs (meant to slide into an HP case). XW9400 Motherboard Issues Size: 12" x 13" Proprietary Power Connector Proprietary CPU Power Connector Proprietary Memory Power Connector Fan connectors are 4 pin so you will need some kind of adapter.........
  • Dell CS24,FS12 NV5 and NV7 1U Server Information & Parts

    Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-3CESL: http://b2b.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=2658#dl Dell Part Numbers for the motherboard: R1232 R1232L R2232S SERVER MOTHERBOARD GENUINE 408P9 CN-0408P9 GA-3CESL Manual Download here RAMSlots: 16 (8 controlled by each CPU) RAMType: DDR2 ECC 5300P........
  • htaccess modrewrite query string to another URL howto

    This example is based on Wordpress but applies to any other query string eg. http://wordpress.com/?p=55 If you want to manually redirect that p=55 to /some/other/url how do you do it? RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} p=55 [NC] RewriteRule .* /new-url/? [R=301,L] You can change the p=55 to whatever your query string looks like. Remember to keep the "?" at the end of the new URLunless you really want the query s........
  • KVM/QEMU how to boot from direct kernel vmlinuz and initrd with networking

    Thsi is very handy when doing your own kernel development. -m specifies how much ram (in the example it is 768MB) -kernel specifies the path to the kernel file -net tap,ifname=tap1,script=no (the ifname=tap1 is what you need to change and setup manually). *Run "tunctl -b" to create a tap device and use the one it gives you for ifname= Enable networking to the outside like this: *Note we assume that your bridge is br0 i........
  • How to install grub on virtio KVM with Linux

    I messed up the bootloader by accident on a standard Centos 6.3 install because I turned the /dev/vda1 boot partition into an mdadm raid 1. This was all done correctly aside from one point Ididn't realize was an issue metadata=00.90 is the only thing that will allow you to boot (otherwise grub won't work and you won't boot). So the next step is rescue mode from a CD right? The problem you will find is that grub does not detect your hard drives, this is Ibelieve is be........
  • Wordpress Plugin manual install how-to

    This is the most secure way since we don't know if using the built-in ftp method of Wordpress is secure (that is do they store, record or transmit the ftp login information to a third party like the NSA?). Upload or wget the plugin and then unzip it from the Wordpress website tot he following path of your wordpress: /yourwordpressinstall/wp-content/plugins Then navigate to the "Plugins" section on the left side o........
  • esniper and curl errors https://signin.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?SignIn: Couldn't connect to server: couldn't connect to host

    I kept thinking it was esniper but somehow my bash settings have a preset proxy that was creating the issue. https://signin.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?SignIn: Couldn't connect to server: couldn't connect to host curl manually to any URL is the same: curl: (7) couldn't connect to host Run curl with -vvvvvv mode to see the issue: curl -vvvvvvvvvv http://realtechtalk.com * About to c........
  • Vbox/Virtualbox devices grayed out for non-root user solution

    It is a permissions issue that is hard to fix. All but one USB device is greyed out. I am already a member of "vboxusers" I have already enabled and disabled USB support for the guest. I have already reinstalled the latest VBOx guest editions If running as root it all works fine Changing........
  • bash shellshock how to manually patch when there is no update for Centos/Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora

    wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bash/bash-4.3.tar.gz tar xzvf bash-4.3.tar.gz cd bash-4.3/ wget --no-directories --level 1 --recursive http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bash/bash-4.3-patches/ for patch in `ls bash43-*|grep -v .sig$`; do echo applying "$patch" patch -p0 < $patch done ./configure;make;make install #it will install to /usr/bin/bash but if your bash is somewhere else you need to overwrite the old one.........
  • Cannot mount iPhone or iPad in Linux

    Unable to mount iPad 4 Unhandled Lockdown error (-4) This is because you need the libimobiledevice-utils package installed and a newer version of it. My older Ubuntu 10.10 uses a version that does not have "idevicepair" which seems to work perfectly and automatically with newer versions of the library. Basically if you install the above library it should be plug and play and if your imobiledevice-utils doesn't have 'idevice........
  • CPanel Link to all of the command line options

    CPanel says you can access 98% of the functions through CLI which experienced Unix/Linux admins prefer for simplicity and for scripting.  I've never found CPanel easy to use from the admin panel, it seems everything is hard to find and a simple task becomes a series of hunts. So for people like me here's the list: http://cpanel.net/system-administrators/command-line-scrip........
  • phpBB create new email hash manually when modifying or adding user manually directly through MySQL

    Many may ask why would you need to do this? When upgrading from phpBB 2 to 3 the conversion does not keep the admin user you create. If your old admin user has an email address associated that no longer works or is accessible this makes it impossible to reset the admin password. Some may just say "I'll just manually edit the e-mail address" but it won't work and phpBB will fail to find that user if you don't update the "user_email_hash" field but how do........
  • OpenVZ avoid vzctl 4.7 and ploop

    OpenVZ has made vzctl version 4.7 default to using ploop which is a big annoyance.  No one wants it otherwise we'd use Xen or KVM. Make sure to manually specify vzctl 4.6.1 or you will have issues with old scripts breaking since it defaults to using ploop (a single image like Xen/KVM). Here's a list to old versions of vzctl.........
  • Wordpress Security Hole, Plug it by manually installing themes and plugins

    It's always bothered me how Wordpress basically forces the user to provide their hosting credentials to install themes and plugins. How do know for sure the data is not being saved, intercepted and being provided backdoor access to the NSA or other agencies or even just being misused by others with access? Here's how to close the security hole above and if you're already given Wordpress your credentials make sure you change everything associated it with it. Eg. change your........
  • Howto edit/rotate Samsung/Android Videos in mencoder solution

    Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied. videocodec: libavcodec (720x1280 fourcc=34504d46 [FMP4]) [mpeg4 @ 0x2c91c00] timebase not supported by mpeg 4 standard Could not open codec. FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver. That is the error I would get, I thought it was a codec error something else. By fluke Isaw something about ffmpeg where someone recommended manually telling it to the "fps" and it worked.........
  • [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn't create accept lock (/etc/httpd/logs/accept.lock.15449) (5) solution

    [Wed Jan 08 18:50:07 2014] [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn't create accept lock (/etc/httpd/logs/accept.lock.15449) (5) This may happen when trying to restart Apache and you find it dies right after starting and check /var/log/httpd/error_logs. What is the cause of this? You could be out of disk space (if you're not then see #2 and below) You're out of Semaphores, you need to kill all the old ones.........
  • PHP Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(): gd-jpeg, libjpeg: recoverable error: Premature end of JPEG file

    I was having an issue with only certain random/jpeg files with the functions imagecreatefromjpeg imagecreatetruecolor and other related ones. This issue was annoying basically it seems like a libgd issue/bug with newer versions of PHP and it was difficult to trace-out. One very useful thing that helped me was using "php-cgi" and passing the query string as an argument eg: php-cgi images.php source=IMG.jpg (that way you get all the error messages wh........
  • Linux Ubuntu Debian Howto Manually Update/Install Thunderbird

    wget http://download-location sudo tar xjvf thunderbird-24.2.0.tar.bz2 -C /opt ln -s /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird /usr/bin/thunderbird [sudo] password for one: ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/bin/thunderbird': File exists sudo rm /usr/bin/thunderbird ln -s /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird /usr/bin/thunderbird The above is how Idid it, if you don't do it properly you'll find that you are still using the old version (........
  • Linux Ubuntu Debian Howto Manually Update/Install Firefox

    wget http://download-location mv /usr/bin/firefox /usr/bin/firefox-old sudo tar xjvf firefox-26.0.tar.bz2 -C /opt ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox The above is how Idid it, if you don't do it properly you'll find that you are still using the old version (so verify in About that it is the new version). I've verified the above method works perfectly, it's great if you're using an older version of Linux and need to update the most........
  • Ubuntu/Debian how to update FlashPlayer manually

    Download the latest from Adobe's site and unzip it, enter the directory it creates and type the following: sudo cp libflashlayer.so /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/ sudo cp -r usr/* /usr........
  • Ubuntu 10.10 100% CPU from apt-get solution

    When manually running it for some reason it decided to ask for/use the CD as a source whichInever set. Disabling the CD as a source stops this from happening, otherwise apt-get will keep respawning and use 100% CPU.........
  • VBox/Virtualbox solution to NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED error

    VBox/Virtualbox solution to NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED error This is likely because you have 2D/3D acceleration enabled and your card doesn't support it. Eg. you switched video card drivers or video cards that did support it. The funny thing is that you CANNOT disable those options as they are "greyed" out in the VBox client GUI. The config file has to be manually changed and fixed with these options "accelerate3D="false" accelera........
  • kvm centos cannot compile error

    ./configure ./configure: cannot locate gcc 3.x. please install it or specify with --qemu-cc yum -y install gcc make ./configure ./configure: cannot locate gcc 3.x. please install it or specify with --qemu-cc yum -y install compat-gcc-* ./configure Error: Could not find alsa Make sure to have the alsa libs and headers installed. yum -y install alsa-lib-devel ./configure........
  • Linux Howto Mount CD/DVD drive for sharing for other users

    sudo mount -o user /dev/sr0 cd You need the "user"option otherwise non-root or non-owners cannot view the CD and this would make it so no anonymous access to the CD/DVD mount would work. Note that most distributions including Ubuntu DONOT work unless you manually mount and share as shown above (Icouldn't find any other way in Ubuntu).........
  • Apache SNI is not needed what is the issue?

    Iread this article and still don't understand the issue. If I understand correctly the client negotiates after the first SSLconnection and then gets the correct hostname and thus correct certificate. http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/NameBasedSSLVHostsWithSNI To their credit I know I'm not using SNIbecuase Iget this message in the Apache log :) [warn] Init: You should not use name-based virtual hosts in conjunction with SSL!! B........
  • CPanel How To Add A Domain Name Solution "Sorry, you must enter a domain. Please try again."

    Add a DNS Zone Results of adding zone Sorry, you must enter a domain. Please try again. Fill this out at the top (Imissed it) Domain Selection Ip Domain The issue was I didn't realize the form above had to be used,I thought it should work where you click on the user, domain and then click on the submit button and you'd go to the next step. But it doesn't, you need to........
  • stat=Deferred: 451-Non-existent domain mailserver.com

    Jul 11 15:20:58 tor sendmail[9617]: r6AKjOD07: to= mailserver.com was the hostname of the server, sendmail sends this by default and many mailservers will reject mail to a hostname that does not resolve or exist. The easiest way is just to change the hostname and make sure it does resolve to something. I read there is a way in sendmail.mc to manually set a hostname but I never got it working: vi /etc/mail/sendmail.mc define(`confDOMAIN........
  • Openvz "Container is currently mounted (umount first)" solution

    Container is currently mounted (umount first) The container is stuck in the "mounted" state, you must manually start it to get it out of that state (there is no umount option as implied by OpenVZ vzctl).........
  • OpenVZ Container Can't Restart, stuck in mounted state

    When trying to reboot this Centos 5 container, it gets stuck as "mounted" and requires a manual start command, here is what dmesg shows: [424458.173252] VE10000: no allowed mount options found for device 0:21 [424458.177970] proc: unrecognized mount option "relatime" or missing value [424460.297663] CT: 10000: stopped [426663.466433] CT: 10000: started........
  • VBoxSVC uses 100% CPU on Virtualbox Host running Ubuntu

    I haven't updated VBOX in ages but have never seen this issue and it has my CPU running at 100C. Manually/forcefully killing the process does not work with "kill -kill 3892". I've closed the VBOXManager and everything else related to it. This did seem to happen around the time I ran VBoxManage clonehd and it failed, the terminal issue locked up and also never wrote a byte of anything. I forced killed the VBoxManage and tried to remove &........
  • Linux/Debian shutdown/reboot without going through init force

    -bash-3.1# shutdown -rn now Connection to localhost closed by remote host. Connection to localhost closed. Sometimes I work with embedded systems/custom kernels without any of the fancy init scripts and other common Linux basics that most would expect. This means that often the "reboot" command (which uses an init script) will never work, not only that but it will hang the server and a manual power cycle or reboo........
  • How to log all PHP based E-mails for abuse

    Step #1 - Create Wrapper Script vi /usr/local/bin/phpsendmail #!/usr/bin/php ........
  • OpenVZ - how to manually restore a VPS from another host or backup

    There are 3 pieces that are required to restore and make it work (of course consider if any kernel modules need to re-enabled and if you need to change the IPs): Copy the vz/private/VEID directory to /vz/private Copy the /etc/vz/conf/VEID.conf to /etc/vz/conf/ mkdir /vz/root/VEID After that you should be able to see the VE in vzlist -a You should then be able to start it normally.........
  • Thunderbird How-To Copy/Backup/Restore Accounts and Settings to Another Computer

    The best way is to use rsync, I've set it up so it doesn't copy unnecessary files, or at least ones I'm sure aren't needed. Here is the rsync command Iused (adapt to your specific Thunderbird profile location): rsync -hazv user@remotehost.com:/home/user/.thunderbird/sbrer.default/* /home/user/.thunderbird/4nyb0.default/ --exclude=global* --exclude=Cache --exclude=ImapMail --exclude=Mail This is a great way to get your e-mail accounts going on a new c........
  • Linux/Centos how to block SSH bruteforce/dictionary attacks automatically with denyhosts

    A lot of people become nervous (and understandably so) when checking their auth or security logs, in Centos /var/log/secure and see dozens, hundreds of even thousands of attempted logins to various services, especially SSH. Of course you could manually block these people/IPs but no one has time to read the logs like that, what if some program or script could do it for you? This is what denyhosts does for you, it checks the logs and based on a certain number of failed SSH attem........
  • Linux Ubuntu/Debian ATI 9902 No Sound Solution on HP G6 Pavilion Laptop

    00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson Azalia Controller (rev 01) 00:01.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Device 9902 Backup your also.conf file cp /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf.bk Change all instances of "card 0" to "card 1" (no need to manually do it, this command below does it all instantly and without fail or error:........
  • Directadmin Install Segfault Error

    ************************************* * * * All parts have been installed * *........
  • Ubuntu 10 Nvidia Drivers Not Updated After Kernel Update Solution/How-To Manually Rebuild nvidia kernel modules for Ubuntu

    I dread updating the kernel and rebooting to find the Ubuntu graphics aren't working and you have to manually intervene. This is usually because Ubuntu for whatever reason didn't update the drivers you need (eg. the manually compiled Nvidia Kernel driver that MUST be recompiled for each and every kernel update unfortunately). The most common reason may be that "linux-source" hasn't been installed automatically on my system. I tried to manually reinstall the........
  • vino crashed/stopped working, restart vino manually without rebooting

    The normal solution would be as follows: export DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/lib/vino/vino-server & But what happens if that doesn't work? I haven't been able to find much documentation about how to find the list of displays and how their numbering works in Xorg. Sometimes you'll get this error when trying to restart vino: Cannot open display: For some reason my display is not on 0.0........
  • wget download all files on page/directory automatically recursively

    Have you ever found a website/page that has several or perhaps dozens, hundreds or thousands of files that you need downloaded but don't have the time to manually do it? wget's recursive function called with -r does that, but also with some quirks to be warned about. If you're doing it from a standard web based directory structure, you will notice there is still a link to .. and wget will follow that. Eg. let's say you have files in http://serverip/documen........
  • Virtualbox How To Clone VM/Container VDI file

    You can't just do a straight copy of the VDI image of your virtual machine because there is a unique UUID, wellI believe you can and then you can create a new UUID manually (at least you could with VMWARE) but to keep it clean just use this method: VBoxManage clonevdi /path/to/your.vdi outputname.vdi 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% That's all there is to it, just wait for it copy and you can th........
  • Virtualbox Guest Hang/Freeze Ghost Zombie VM Machine Problem/Solution

    Virtualbox hang problem A VM just froze and wouldn't close so I had to force it, but the VBox GUI thinks it's running even when I close it. I manually killed the related process by doing ps aux|grep VirtualBox and found the PID 6191 I killed it with "kill -kill 6191" but it remains open and as "defunct" so I can't restart it because the GUI freezes when I click on it because it thinks it is running still........
  • Drupal 6.2 Install and how to move install to root/non-subdirectory

    drup 6.2 install $cd drupgoodinst3883/ [ drupgoodinst3883]$ ls CHANGELOG.txt cron.php index.php INSTALL.pgsql.txt INSTALL.txt MAINTAINERS.txt modules robots.txt sites update.php xmlrpc.php COPYRIGHT.txt includes INSTALL.mysql.txt install.php LICENSE.txt misc&........
  • Linux High IOWAIT updatedb can't be killed and crash with mdadm

    high IO wait 424 root 39 19 1900 848 552 D 0.0 0.0 0:00.91 updatedb root 424 0.0 0.0 1900 848 ? DN Mar11 0:00 /usr/bin/updatedb -f sysfs?rootfs?bdev?proc?cpuset?binfmt_misc?debugfs?sockfs?usbfs?pipefs?anon_inodefs?futexfs?tmpfs?inotifyfs?eventp........
  • Convert doc images/jpg/jpeg to PDF

    Use "ImageMagick" which can be installed easily on most UNIX/Linux distros. Remember that it will go with the standard file listing to determine the order but I believe you can manually specify multiple jpg's in the arguments. Convert image/jpg to PDF convert *.jpg yourpdf.pdf This is a very handy and free tool. Convert DOC/TXT documents to PDF If you wanted to convert a .doc file or text........
  • Plesk Get List of E-mail Users & Aliases

    When migrating away from Plesk I couldn't figure out an easy way to get a straight list of all e-mails, but here is where I found the solution: http://nakuls77.wordpress.com/2008/08/30/details-of-email-ftp-database-users-from-psa-database/ mysql> SELECT mail.mail_name, accounts.password, domains.name FROM mail, accounts, domains WHERE domains.id=mail.dom_id AND mail.account_id=accounts.id; mysql> SELECT CONCAT(mail.mail_name,’@’,domains.name) AS Em........
  • Amarok won't play songs, keeps skipping to the next

    Amarok won't play songs, keeps skipping to the next Some say install install phonon-backend-xine but it was already installed automatically, obviously that's not the problem or solution. Settings -> Configure Amarok Playback: Configure Phonon Audio Output: Music It should show your different audio interfaces, choose Pulse Audio and move it to the top of the list, do the Apply, OK and manually quit Amarok (remember to close it from the tra........
  • CPU #1 not responding - cannot use it.

    I think this will be useful to others because I have a server that kept crashing mysteriously during intense disk usage/RAID checks. It would only crash during the weekly RAID integrity check. ThenI noticed during a reboot that not all CPUs were being brought up, as a result this actually creates much higher temperatures with the output I got from sensors, just booting the system produced higher than normal temperatures. You can imagine that a full blown RAID check........
  • Ubuntu 10.04/GNOME Volume Control Missing From Panel/Indicator Applet

    What this really refers to is gnome-volume-control-applet which is what controls the volume in the panel/indicator applet. In Ubuntu 10.04 it is just the applet mentioned above, run that from the command line and it will start. I lost mine when I removed pulseaudio trying to fix audio issues with Flash and Opera. It also removes the gnome-volume-control-applet from starting. *Ialso note........
  • mdadm RAID 1 adventures

    I separated the 2 drives in the RAID 1 array. 1 is the old one /dev/sda and is out of date, while the separated other one /dev/sdc was in another drive and mounted and used with more data (updated). I wonder how mdadm will handle this: usb-storage: device scan complete md: md127 stopped. md: bind md: md127: raid array is not clean -- starting background reconstruction raid1: raid set md127 active with 1 out of 2 m........
  • How not to change an IP address in CPanel during a migration

    /usr/local/cpanel/bin/swapip domain(s) It simply doesn't work, the Apache VHOSTS remain 100% unchanged, why does this script exist? I'm sure it would work from the control panel but I am locked out because my IP was changed and it doesn't match the CPanel license. I wish CPanel would make it easier to update the license IP. I even took it a step farther, I manually edited the vhosts and restarted Apache and it........
  • Ubuntu 10.04 Linux is still not ready for the Desktop world

    I am a huge fan of Linux and the idea of OpenSource but I've said it many times, there are still hurdles in today in 2010 for Linux as a Desktop. Linux is still intended for servers at its very core. This can be changed succesfully though, as Apple has shown us with Mac OS X based on FreeBSD. Half of the issue is lack of driver support and the other half is the Linux Kernel and Window Manages, KDE and GNome still both don't cut it (but they're getting closer). I'll........
  • Thunderbird Signature Problem & Solution - Defaults To Below Quote

    Basically it seems that Thunderbird only remembers/savesfor the first/default identity account. It is very annoying when the signature gets placed at the bottom and another huge oversight on Mozilla's part. Fortunately you can hack/manually set this setting. The solution for fixing the Signature At the Bottom (Below The Quote) Click Tools -> Options ->Advanced -> Config Editor Then search for ".sig_bottom" and set them al........
  • OpenVZ/vzctl how to do an on-line migration without downtime

    vzmigrate --online dest-host VEIDNO eg.: vzmigrate --oneline 101 One option I would recommend is "--keep-dst", that way if the migration is interrupted you can still bring the VPS back up on the original host. After the migration is successful you can manually destroy it. OpenVZ has a good writeup on this including Checkpointing and Restoring etc:........
  • OpenVZ iptables v1.3.5: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?) Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded. Solution

    This error is annoying, in a Virtuozzo KB entry about this ip tables nat problem they say the kernel needs to be ugpraded: Symptoms The node runs 2.6.18-x kernel older than 2.6.18-028stab053.10. NAT module does not work in container, you get "can't initialize iptables table 'nat'" error: # iptables -t nat........
  • mencoder Linux CLI video editing how to encode video file into xvid and split by time into multiple parts

    Mencoder is great, you can throw anything at it, including video files from your camera and have it encode into xvid or almost any other format. In my case I took 640x480 video from my Canon and reduced the size by 1/3 with the options below (there are many other options that you can read about in the manual but I like to keep it simple). Mencoder Encode mencoder -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -xvidencopts fixed_quant=4 -o ........
  • MySQL Insert Statement ONLY IF a duplicate entry does not exist

    This is a great way to reduce MySQL code/mistakes/annoyance when doing things, take for example this statement: INSERT IGNORE INTO sometable(CatName) VALUES("someitem"); Notice the "IGNORE", that is what does the magic. Normally if the entry "someitem" existed you'd get an error message back such as "Duplicate entry for whatever". What I have normally done in PHP or whatever language is manually coded or made a........
  • FUSE/Curlftpfs mount ftp account as drive partition in Linux

    This is a great way to use your ftp server space, for example on your web hosting account (althoughI believe many hosts don't allow storage like this), but if you have a VPS/Dedicated Server etc.., this would be perfect. Imagine how easy it is to work with an ftp account that you can just mount as a normal partition or directory in Linux, it would be great for backups etc.. Name curlftpfs - mount a ftp host as a local directory Synopsis........
  • mdadm can you downgrade the superblock?

    Why would you want to downgrade the superblock? Old mdadm verisons like mdadm 2.5.6 only use the 0.90 superblock/metadata and new versions use 1,1.0,1.1 and 1.2 superblocks by default. There are some annoying caveats with this, first of all the new superblocks (later than 0.90) CANNOT be read by GRUB, so you won't even be able to install GRUB. Even worse, old versions of mdadm CANNOT automatically detect arrays even if they were created with a new version of mdadm with th........
  • How To Set DHCP/Static IP Address in Centos/RHEL/Fedora & Debian/Ubuntu/Kubuntu/MEPIS Set DHCP/Static IP Address

    Basically the two main types of distros are Debian and RHEL/Centos based. I'm just going to give a quick overview of how the configuration of IP interfaces works in Debian/Centos based distros. *Just one thing to remember, when setting IPs statically you have to manually specify a DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf (since DHCP is what normally does it automatically) Debian/Ubuntu/Kubuntu/MEPIS The IP (DHCP &........
  • CPanel Use /scripts/easyapache to recompile Apache/PHP with different options

    I used the "Image Manipulation and Security Options" and let the script do the rest. /scripts/easyapache For whatever reason, doing a manual compile of PHPmyself broke everything and I've never seen that before, that's why I resorted to the cheat of easyapache.........
  • mdadm force/fix proper md127 name

    I have an md0 arary that my Centos install refers to. I feel this is half the reason why it won't boot anymore. I saw the initrd for Centos was assembling it as md127 even though it was known as md0. The reason for this is because I used mdadm --assemble --scan to detect the array on a LiveCD. I had no idea this name would stick (but now I realize the name is permanently stored in the metadata once you mount md127 or whatever random name assemble gives it). W........
  • Debian 5.04 RAID 1 mdadm boot problem GRUB error

    I successfully created a single RAID 1 partition which includes /boot inside it and my root directory through the Debian installer. It said GRUB installed successfully but when I try booting the OS it seems GRUB can't read anything. When trying to boot from GRUB GRUB Loading stage 1.5. GRUB loading, please wait... Error 2 I get "Error 2" when trying to boot Debian. I also notice from a LiveCD that........
  • Asus O!Play cannot access network/workgroup shares

    It always worked fine before but no amount of power unplugging/cycling does any good. I can access one network share and that is one that I've already saved, but it can't see any workgroups. One silly thing is why is there no option to manually connect to a netbios name or IP? It seems there is a bug with the firmware and that the SMB client is not working properly. Hopefully it fixes itself at some point. Between this and the lack of support for embedded s........
  • Canel Default VHOST DocumentRoot/Contents Directory is /usr/local/apache/htdocs

    This can be very annoying and CPanel doesn't seem to document it, or it's not found or made as obvious as it should be. It's always funny when I find it more difficult to work with a control panel than to do everytihng manually without CPanel or even Plesk. So once again, the default serve path for contents is: /usr/local/apache/htdocs and this is especially applicable when accessing Apache by just an IP which is unbound to any domain at this point.........
  • Linux AHCI Hotswap Tips - Remember To Reread The Partition Table WITHOUT rebooting

    From the package "parted" you can use the command "partprobe" to re-read the partition table. I really hate rebooting, and that's what Iloved to hear about AHCI motherboards, that they allow hotswap so you don't have to reboot. But that's only as good as the OS, if the OS does not reload the partition table you won't be able to do anything with that new drive you attached without rebooting. Yes, even without re-reading the partiton table Linux will........
  • PDF File Conversion/Solution Using Imagemagick to create PDF files for free, quickly and efficiently

    I'm really starting to love ImageMagick, I've used it to mass convert/resize family photos with scripts and all kinds of handy things. Today I just learned that you can create PDF files with it too, say if you have images scanned or anything else it's very simple: convert *.jpeg output.pdf You can replace jpg with whatever format your files are in. One thing to remember is that you can specify the order that the images/pages are added to the PDF manu........
  • How to extract files from RPM & SRPM files

    How to extract files from RPM & SRPM filesmkdir any_directory cd any_directory rpm2cpio /location/of/package.src.rpm | cpio -d -i This will extract all files, I find it especially useful if you want to manually compile the kernel source from the srpm........
  • Need identd for port 113 ? Install authd

    Need identd for port 113 ? Install authdyum install authd Happy identing :)Actually it's not that simple. It installs as an "xinetd" service and is disabled and turned off by deafult. To enable it run: [code:1:8c94df8319] chkconfig --level 3 auth on service xinetd restart [/code:1:8c94df8319] This will set identd aka authd to start by default. service xinetd resta........
  • Create Table with structure of another existing table

    Create Table with structure of another existing tableOk, this has many valid uses such as if you need to create backups or the ability to undo changes, you would want to create new tables with the same structure as another. Here is how you do it. [i:7ed9581493] Also remember Indexes such as PRIMARY KEYS [b:7ed9581493]will not be preserved[/b:7ed9581493] so you will have to readd them manually.[/i:7ed9581493] [code:1:7ed9581493]CREATE TABLE NewName AS SEL........
  • iPhone Enable Tethering Manually Update ipcc Carrier Settings/Update via SSH

    Everyone says there is a "manual" way of doing it and then they tell you to use iTunes, but if you're like me, you're travelling on business in a foreign country and your laptop does not have iTunes and you don't have a way of getting it and/or don't want it. For this example I'm using the provider "du" in Dubai, UAE (United Arab Emirates) but this method works for virtually all providers. The requirements in this case to truly "manually update........
  • Clustered/Distributed Network Filesystems, Which Ones live up to the hype?

    I've tried to find a good sensible solution to cluster with and each technology has it's pros and cons and there is no perfect solution and I've found a lot of "exaggerations" in the applications, benefits and performance of these different filesystems. DRBD I first started off with DRBD and Ihave to say it does live up to the hype, is quite reliable (although it can be annoying to match up the kernel module and user applications since they must match and whe........
  • OpenVZ/Virtuozzo Enable Fuse in Container

    To enable Fuse to work inside a OpenVZ container it's very simple (although some people say it can't be done). Remember that on your HN(HostNode) for OpenVZ, Fuse must be installed and the module must be loaded for this to work. In addition remember that you need the Fuse package installed inside the container of course. vzctl set 2000 --devices c:10:229:rw --save vzctl exec 2000 mknod /dev/fuse c 10 229 The part that most people forget........
  • How To Save iptables firewall rules Centos/Redhat/Fedora Linux

    This is something that annoys a lot of people, fortunately the Redhat style OS's are the most simple in this respect. I disagree that Debian's way makes sense, it is more of a hackish approach in how they implement iptables. Anyway, for those who are using Redhat/Centos style OS's it is very simple. Set your rules from the shell/command prompt and to save the iptables firewall rules so they are remember/loaded on boot just run this command: service iptables........
  • Configuring OCFS2 Clustered File System on Debian Based Linux including Ubuntu and Kubuntu

    There's a lot of information and guides on OCFS2 for RHELand Centos Linux but the package setup and configuration is slightly different and this has thrown some people off. Installing OC2FS You should install the following packages to get started: apt-get install ocfs2-tools ocfs2console Configure OC2FS In RHEL/Centos the main configuration file is located in /etc/sysconfig/o2cb However in Debian based Linux it is located........
  • Viewing and Connecting to an SMB Samba Share on Windows/Linux/Unix

    This will give you the basic info needed to browse and connect to Samba shares from the command line. From the GUI of Gnome or KDE etc, it is pretty standard and straight forward. However, I've found very little guides on how to do it from the command line and if you're like me, a nerd who prefers command line for its simplicity and for remote use, this is the way to go. First get a list of all the Samba/SMB shares on the target. smbclient -L hostname........
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