sudo mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
On newer Ubuntu / Mint / Debian systems the file would go in: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
Type "i" and enter the following:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Intel Graphics"
Driver "intel"
Option "AccelMethod" "sna"
Option "TearFree" "true"
Be sure to use this guide with the correct quotes " (if they have a nice curve to them they are wrong and will cause your graphics/Xorg to not work).
You don't even need to restart your whole computer but you could just hit "Control + Alt + Backspace"
If you have an error when restarting you probably have the wrong curved quotes from somewhere else.
[1010978.161] (==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"
[1010978.161] Parse error on line 1 of section InputClass in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
The Section keyword requires a quoted string to follow it.
[1010978.161] (EE) Problem parsing the config file
[1010978.161] (EE) Error parsing the config file
[1010978.161] (EE)
Fatal server error:
[1010978.162] (EE) no screens found(EE)
[1010978.162] (EE)
The above is happening once again due to wrong quotes coming from some bulletin boards and Wordpress blogs. Make sure your quotes are straight like this " and not curved. If they are just delete manually and requote and restart.
sudo service mdm restart
linux, mint, intel, horizontal, fixsudo, mkdir, etc, xorg, conf, sudo, vi, quot, identifier, graphics, tearfree, endsection, quotes, restart, alt, backspace, restarting, curved, config, directory, usr, parse, inputclass, keyword, requires, quoted, ee, parsing, fatal, server, screens, bulletin, boards, wordpress, blogs, delete, manually, requote, mdm,