• ImageMagick error convert solution - convert-im6.q16: cache resources exhausted

    convert-im6.q16: DistributedPixelCache '' @ error/distribute-cache.c/ConnectPixelCacheServer/244. convert-im6.q16: cache resources exhausted `/tmp/magick-27777Al6FGY7dhyKt10' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3984. convert-im6.q16: DistributedPixelCache '' @ error/distribute-cache.c/ConnectPixelCacheServer/244. convert-im6.q16: cache resources exhausted `/tmp/magick-277772Y_-pJnMdT2r1' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3984. convert-im6.q16: Distr........
  • Cannot Print PDF Solution and Howto Resize

    If you can print other PDFs but not a particular one it is very likely that the PDF size is A4 (the longer, skinnier Asian paper size) instead of the North American letter size ( 8.5" x 11"). This breaks printing in most cases. Or it may print if you find a program that ignores the size issue. Here is an example of an A4 being rejected by a printer in Ubuntu Linux via CUPS Cannot print PDF CUPS Samsung C460: Processin........
  • ImageMagick Convert PDF Not Authorized

    You'll have to edit the policy.xml file to fix this: convert -density 300 output.pdf agreement.jpg convert.im6: not authorized `output.pdf' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/454. convert.im6: no images defined `agreement.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3044. sudo vi /etc/ImageMagick*/policy.xml Change policy domain="coder" rights="no........
  • ImageMagick Converted PDF to JPEG some files have a black background solution

    Use these flags: convert -alpha flatten -alpha remove "output.pdf" ljll.jpg And even the pesky black backgrounds should be gone after converting to jpg........
  • convert.im6: Unknown field with tag 317 (0x13d) encountered. `TIFFReadDirectory' @ warning/tiff.c/TIFFWarnings/788.

    convert "file.TIF" "resize.jpg" convert.im6: Unknown field with tag 317 (0x13d) encountered. `TIFFReadDirectory' @ warning/tiff.c/TIFFWarnings/788. I've been getting this error in ImageMagick on some .tif files even though it seems to actually convert properly.........
  • ImageMagick How To Convert Specific PDF Pages or a Range

    A very handy feature of ImageMagick's convert command is that it can convert PDF's to other image formats like jpg but did you know you can even manually select a range or specific pages from the PDF? Here is an example of converting a range of pages from a PDF in this case pages 25 to 36: convert -density 300 "vSphere 6.5-1.pdf[25-36]" vsphere.jpg Here is an example of converti........
  • imagemagick convert to chop off top of image

    This is useful if you have a bunch of images/scans where the same area at the top needs to be chopped. Sometimes the -trim option (such as the case of white space on top)is wrong and ends up cropping the image and losing some text. ImageMagick's convert is very useful but tricky to find some things out as I find it to be less than intuitive sometimes. Chopping off the bottom convert -crop -0-400 image.jpg image.pdf........
  • kdenlive titles/text renders as white screen when using .sh script

    When using the .sh script the rendering doesn't work after an upgrade of related packages to kdenlive. kdenlive (kdenlive:amd64 (4:17.04.1+git201705191233~ubuntu16.04.1)) with affine or composite transitions was fine but is now broken during the time of transition it is just a white screen. The previous version was fine: kdenlive:amd64 (4:17.04.1+git201705191233~ubuntu16.04.1 But now I can't find it or install it:........
  • imagemagick pdf convert error solution - **** Warning: can't process font stream, loading font by the name. Can't find CMap Identity-UTF16-H building a CIDDecoding resource. Warning: falling back to Identity ordering **** Error reading a conte

    **** Warning: can't process font stream, loading font by the name. Can't find CMap Identity-UTF16-H building a CIDDecoding resource. Warning: falling back to Identity ordering **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. **** File did not complete the page properly and may be damaged. **** This file had errors that were repaired or ignored. ****........
  • Linux Ubuntu Mint how to view RAW image files .arw?

    Ijust use "ufraw" and it does the trick perfectly. Now Iwish I could figure out how to batch convert them into .jpg with ImageMagick (it seems support for .raw is not guaranteed or it has to be compiled in). apt-get install ufraw........
  • ImageMagick how to trim white space automatically in Linux

    convert -trim yourimage.png That's all there is to it, very simple, clean and quick!........
  • imagemagick converting jpg images to pdf file size too large

    If the file size is too large you need to resize them on the fly: convert -resize 25% *.jpg output.pdf The resize flag takes a % I have tried without and it seems to take it as pixels and becomes way too small. You can also play with the "-quality 25" flag to decrease file size even more.........
  • convert imagemagick pdf to jpg is too small when converting solution

    It is a common issue and here is the solution (increase the density/dpi): convert -density 120 some.pdf output.jpg You will need to play with the density setting to get the perfect file size and resolution. If you want a smaller file you can always use the "-quality" switch and eg. -quality 25 would be 25%/100 quality........
  • Linux how to combine images into a single one using convert from ImageMagick

    convert -append file1.jpg file2.jpg output.jpg The above is all there is to it. file1.jpg and file2.jpg are the ones to combine (the order is used)and output.jpg is the combined image.........
  • Linux howto resize image with Imagemagick

    convert check.png -resize 25%x25%! check-resize.png You can use a percentage or pixel sizes.........
  • convert PDF to JPG howto in Linux

    Use imagemagick: convert -density 200 file.pdf file.jpg Increase the "density" value to get a higher resolution/larger file an decrease it to go smaller. This is really the quickest and simplest way. Some issues you may have: http://realtechtalk.com/ImageMagick_Convert_PDF_Not_Authorized-2217-article........
  • Convert PDF to JPG/JPEG without low resolution/small picture size

    convert -density 400 somepdf.pdf -scale 2000x1000 output.jpg The key is the "-density 400" switch and also -scale 2000x1000 To give credit I found the solution here: http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=10928 That was the perfect solution when I was frustrated with how small the resulting JPG's resulted. I'm sure this will help a lot of people when it comes time to converting a PDF to JPG which I'm amazed Imag........
  • Convert doc images/jpg/jpeg to PDF

    Use "ImageMagick" which can be installed easily on most UNIX/Linux distros. Remember that it will go with the standard file listing to determine the order but I believe you can manually specify multiple jpg's in the arguments. Convert image/jpg to PDF convert *.jpg yourpdf.pdf This is a very handy and free tool. Convert DOC/TXT documents to PDF If you wanted to convert a .doc file or text........
  • PDF File Conversion/Solution Using Imagemagick to create PDF files for free, quickly and efficiently

    I'm really starting to love ImageMagick, I've used it to mass convert/resize family photos with scripts and all kinds of handy things. Today I just learned that you can create PDF files with it too, say if you have images scanned or anything else it's very simple: convert *.jpeg output.pdf You can replace jpg with whatever format your files are in. One thing to remember is that you can specify the order that the images/pages are added to the PDF manu........
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