• ksnapshot missing in Ubuntu and Linux Mint Solution

    It has been renamed to kde-spectacle so you install it like so: sudo apt install kde-spectacle You'll find it in your start menu listed as "Take Screenshot"........
  • Linux Grub not booting the intended kernel solution in Debian, Mint, Ubuntu how to specify which kernel to boot by default

    Traditionally kernels were numbered starting from 0 but by default the "new style" of grub boot loading considers each subkernel item to be different so if you have 3 entries for 4.40-148 rather than counting for 1. To get the expected behavior let's show this example and how we can boot it We do a grep on menuentry in /boot/grub/grub.cfg to see all of the bootable kernels rather than scrolling through loads of extra entries we don't care about (thou........
  • How To Install NextCloud on Centos 7 and Centos 8

    yum -y install wget unzip wget https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-18.0.2.zip unzip nextcloud-18.0.2.zip yum -y install php php-mysqlnd php-json php-zip php-dom php-xml php-libxml php-mbstring php-gd mysql mysql-server Last metadata expiration check: 0:58:02 ago on Fri 13 Mar 2020 02:12:49 PM EDT. Dependencies resolved. ===================================================================........
  • How Does Cisco CUCM (Cisco Unified Communication Manager) Work?

    Cisco's CUCM (Cisco Unified Communication Manager) is a system that combines voice, video, data and mobile products into a single unified management suite. At its core, the CUCMis like a "Super PBX" that controls the flow of all communications through an organization even single or multiple site deployments. Cisco's CUCMmakes communication more effective and simple through centralized management and unification of communications resources.........
  • Linux Mint Black Screen after boot no graphics solution

    This is not the normal "black screen"issue and I was shocked to eventually find out why. The normal advice of reconfiguring Xorg didn't work. Even booting into "Recovery Mode" did not help. Here is the short end of the stick that fixed it: sudo apt-get install mdm mate-desktop-environment Yes you got it right, mdm and the mate-desktop-environment / gnome were somehow uninstalled. This must be whe........
  • Linux Mint USB Kernel Tainted and Locked Port/Dev File

    Essentially a program I was running for mining did not terminate properly with Ctrl+C it is listed as defunct and cannot be killed, kernel is tainted and normal tricks to disable the port are impossible the dev and sys entries for the device cannot be browsed or interacted with in any form without a lockup of the request. The only solution is to reboot due to the kernel taint as far as I can find so far. [1130246.811056] INFO: task minerd:21861 blocked for more th........
  • How to Properly Secure SSL/TLS Apache Settings against Heartbleed Poodle (TLS) Poodle (SSLv3) FREAK BEAST CRIME

    Many users still are not aware but simply patching OpenSSL does not secure you against many known and easy to exploit attacks that will render your encryption useless by an attacker. Use the following setings in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf SSLCipherSuite "EECDH+ECDSA+AESGCM EECDH+aRSA+AESGCM EECDH+ECDSA+SHA384 EECDH+ECDSA+SHA256 EECDH+aRSA+SHA384 EECDH+aRSA+SHA256 EECDH EDH+aRSA !CAMELLIA !SEED !3DES !RC4 !aNULL !eNULL !LOW !MD5 !EXP !PSK !........
  • Centos 6 samba server not showing up in WORKGROUP

    This is different than Centos 5, you have two services btu they are called "smb" and "nmb". You need to enable and start "nmb" in order for your samba server to be listed. chkconfig nmb on; chkconfig smb on service nmb start;service smb start........
  • Sendmail Gmail.com blocking

    relay=alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com. [], dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: 421-4.7.0 [ 10] Our system has detected an unusual rate of This is strange because the mail server IP is not blacklisted anywhere and the IP itself has not been used for years and this server is clean and has only sent a few e-mails to gmail.com in its entire time. I wonder if this is a legacy block on a whole range of IPs as punishment for others in the block........
  • iPhone 3G/3GS/4 Undelete Photos/Videos Datarecovery

    I found this technique listed in many places which shows you how to use a common Linux tool "dd" to dump the raw partition of your iPhone. I give credit to this site for showing me the correct way to dd from the iPhone, I never thought to try it in the other direction:http://log.ijulien.com/post/182804914/iphone-3gs-data-recovery Requirements 1.) Jailbreak your........
  • Santrex Review Scam Complaint - Stole My Money Fraud

    Santrex Review/Scam/Complaint Santrex never provided any working server, I believe it was just a dummy management Solus server because the server said it was booted but never connected to the console. I complained to them and eventually the support admitted the server was not working and to wait for 24 hours. I waited for 4-days, after which they sent an e-mail saying my service was being disabled for SPAM ...(when SolusVM shows 0kb of traffic). Th........
  • VPS Server Scam/Review/Complaint List

    These are the only two I've encountered but here is the low-end and note my story is not at all unique. In my case I was scammed out of money and did not receive any service at all from either company. Santrex Review/Scam/Complaint Santrex never provided any working server, I believe it was just a dummy management Solus server because the server said it was booted but never connected to the console. I complained to them and eventually the support adm........
  • Enable SPAMASSASSIN on Postfix in 5 minutes

    Centos 5 Postfix and SPAMASSASSIN Tutorial yum install spamassassin chkconfig spamassassin on vi /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf ############## #required_hits 5 #report_safe 0 #rewrite_header Subject [SPAM] #5 is the least restrictive (means only the most obvious SPAM is caught. 0 is obviously the most restrictive/sensitive and would have lots of false positives require........
  • SPAMASSASSIN Disable OpenWhois RBL (it is dead/defunct/no longer active):

    SPAMASSASSIN Disable OpenWhois RBL (it is dead/defunct/no longer active): You might see this in your headers 2.4 DNS_FROM_OPENWHOIS RBL: Envelope sender listed in bl.open-whois.org comment out this inside /usr/share/spamassassin/72_active.cf ##{ DNS_FROM_OPENWHOIS ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DNSEval header DNS_FROM_OPENWHOIS eva........
  • Installing Webmin & Enabling SSL

    Webmin Setup Centos 5: wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.530/webmin-1.530-1.noarch.rpm?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmin.com%2Fstandard.html&ts=1294339690&use_mirror=surfnet [1] 24229 [2] 24230 [root@host ~]# --2011-01-06 21:48:20-- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.530/webmin-1.530-1.noarch.rpm?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmin.com%2Fstandard.html Resolving downloads.sourceforge.net... 216.34.181.........
  • Local policy does not permit you to log on interactively. - Solution/Fix

    For a standalone system the solution is simple, just use the same version of Windows a copy a good version of: C:windowsSecurityDatabasesecedit.sdb from another computer. Then you should be able to login again without getting the nasty message "Local policy does not permit you to log on interactively." Of course you will probably need a way of accessing the filesystem off-line in order to get to it such as a Linux boot disc. Some........
  • Link Exchanges- Friendly Advice

    Link Exchanges- Friendly AdviceI just wanted to make aware to the public who are paying to use Link Exchanges to get heavier traffic online and boosting their page rank in Google. Please be advised that this type of 'exchange' can very well get you booted off of Google and blacklisted by them! It's happened to many people and it's a very important tip. If you are on a Link Exchange, and have not been booted off yet; you MAY. Google is very smart and eventually they catch on. ;) Be ca........
  • SSH Problem User username from not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers

    User username from not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers What's going on? The user was created properly, it has been defined as having a shell entry and the entry for /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow is set just fine. This is a new and very smart/secure feature of SSHD. It is simple and yet effective, but also very annoying if you didn't know about it being implemented and that hand editing of /etc/ssh/sshd_config is required to allow a newly add........
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