Linksys E2500 DD-WRT Upgrade Instructions and Enabling 5ghz with Tomato Firmware

1.) Flash directly to this file:

*I was never able to get the larger "Mega" file to work, at least not initially so I recommend the file above.

To enable 5ghz I had to do the "Clear NVRAM" Option before it was shown.

2.) Or if you don't need 5ghz (most devices do not support it and cannot see it) I prefer DD-WRT:

Latest versions here:


dd-wrt upgrade problems when you have more than one unit that you have accessed before from the same browser.
Clear cache and cookies

#when upgrading make sure you choose reset to firmware defaults or you may have problems getting web interface after like me!

I could not even reboot the connection would reset on me until I cleared cache and cookies it seems it was inteferring from another dd-wrt that was on the same

After upgrading only telnet was up (no port 80 web interface):

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

DD-WRT v3.0-r29218 mega (c) 2016 NewMedia-NET GmbH
Release: 03/07/16

Linksys E2500 login: root
     ___  ___     _      _____  ______       ____  ___
    / _ \/ _ \___| | /| / / _ \/_  __/ _  __|_  / / _ \
   / // / // /___/ |/ |/ / , _/ / /   | |/ //_ <_/ // /
  /____/____/    |__/|__/_/|_| /_/    |___/____(_)___/
                       DD-WRT v3.0

BusyBox v1.24.1 (2016-03-07 09:39:54 CET) built-in shell (ash)

root@Linksys E2500:~# reboot
root@Linksys E2500:~# Connection closed by foreign host.

#this did not fix it so I held the reinitialize button on the bottom of the unit for 10seconds
#this did fix it with the reset/reinitialize (I should have chose reset to defaults when upgrading)
I still have this problem even when choosing reset to firmware defaults


linksys, dd, wrt, upgrade, enabling, ghz, tomato, firmware, http, groov, pl, download, rt, en, nvram, mipsr, zip, larger, quot, mega, initially, enable, devices, versions, ftp, betas, broadcom_k, _newd, _k, x_mega, bin, accessed, browser, cache, upgrading, reset, defaults, interface, reboot, inteferring, telnet, newmedia, gmbh, login, password, ___, _, _____, ______, ____, __, www, busybox, cet, shell, reinitialize, choosing,

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