# first we need a physical volume which we use the pvcreate tool to create
# I create mine on /dev/sdb3
pvcreate /dev/sdb3
dev_is_mpath: failed to get device for 8:19
Physical volume "/dev/sdb3" successfully created
# pvdisplay shows the newly created volume
"/dev/sdb3" is a new physical volume of "1.35 TiB"
--- NEW Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sdb3
VG Name
PV Size 1.35 TiB
Allocatable NO
PE Size 0
Total PE 0
Free PE 0
Allocated PE 0
PV UUID gpMwTX-JNA7-oTXT-YoCJ-RsKF-ceJd-3hin8w
# we need to create a new volume group within the physical volume of /dev/sdb3
# below I call it "kvmvm" on /dev/sdb3
vgcreate kvmvm /dev/sdb3
Volume group "kvmvm" successfully created
# we can see below with vgdisplay that it has been created
--- Volume group ---
VG Name kvmvm
System ID
Format lvm2
Metadata Areas 1
Metadata Sequence No 1
VG Access read/write
VG Status resizable
Cur LV 0
Open LV 0
Max PV 0
Cur PV 1
Act PV 1
VG Size 1.35 TiB
PE Size 4.00 MiB
Total PE 352925
Alloc PE / Size 0 / 0
Free PE / Size 352925 / 1.35 TiB
VG UUID 2d42cr-3f92-wF25-l288-JThZ-GGGQ-ttYvI6
# now that I have a volume group I need to create a logical volume (basically a mini-usable/resizeable partition within LVM's PV /dev/sdb3 on the VG kvmvm
# create a 60GB partition on the VG kvmvm and call it "kvmuserrdp"
lvcreate -L 60G kvmvm -n kvmuserrdp
Logical volume "kvmuserrdp" created
# shows the newly created lv (logical volume) which is accessible like a normal drive under /dev/kvmvm/kvmuserrdp
--- Logical volume ---
LV Path /dev/kvmvm/kvmuserrdp
LV Name kvmuserrdp
VG Name kvmvm
LV UUID HQhCr0-S2WS-DJEn-eHcc-axYn-uA8M-6bnYro
LV Write Access read/write
LV Creation host, time testbox, 2014-03-26 16:52:56 +0800
LV Status available
# open 0
LV Size 60.00 GiB
Current LE 15360
Segments 1
Allocation inherit
Read ahead sectors auto
- currently set to 256
Block device 253:0
lvm, tutorial, volume, pv, vg, lv, pvcreate, dev, sdb, dev_is_mpath, quot, successfully, pvdisplay, newly, tib, allocatable, pe, allocated, uuid, gpmwtx, jna, otxt, yocj, rskf, cejd, hin, kvmvm, vgcreate, vgdisplay, format, metadata, areas, sequence, resizable, cur, mib, alloc, cr, wf, jthz, gggq, ttyvi, mini, usable, resizeable, partition, gb, kvmuserrdp, lvcreate, accessible, lvdisplay, hqhcr, ws, djen, ehcc, axyn, ua, bnyro, creation, testbox, gib, segments, allocation, inherit, sectors, auto, currently,