Proxmox at the root of your storage creates and "images"and "templates/iso" folder for VM images and iso's respectively. It ignores files in any other location.........
Server Side Config
1.) First install nfs-utils
yum -y install nfs-utils
2.) Configure nfs share
Create a directory for your NFS share
mkdir /datastore
Create your NFS share in /etc/exports
echo "/datastore,sync,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports
systemctl restart nfs........
#mount the VCSA DVD
mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cd
#alternatively you could mount the iso directly
mount -o loop vcsa.iso /your/mount/path
#for this purpose we are using the CLI installer on Linux
cd /mnt/cd/vcsa-cli-installer/lin64
#no it's not going to be that easy you can't just run vcsa-deploy like that you need to use a template or configured .json file
Usage: vcsa-deploy [-h] [--version] [--supported-deploymen........
To first start off, there are many misconceptions about NoSQL and especially its strengths and weaknesses.
Even the popular NoSQL solution MongoDB is fraught with issues that no one seems to be concerned about aside from a few but there are serious issues with database integrity and verified writes. MySQL was considered dangerous or incomplete at one point without having the transactional safety features of Oracle for example.
However the NoSQLimplementations seem........
This happens because of a permissions or ownership issue.
Generally /var/lib/mysql should be all owned by mysql.mysql (check that).
To fix it use chown -R mysql.mysql /var/lib/mysql
Also make sure the files are at least readable and writable by mysql (eg. 700).........