1.) First install nfs-utils
yum -y install nfs-utils
2.) Configure nfs share
Create a directory for your NFS share
mkdir /datastore
Create your NFS share in /etc/exports
echo "/datastore,sync,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports
systemctl restart nfs
/etc/exports is where all NFS shares are defined
Allowed Client IP Range =
Read and Writing Allowed = rw
no_root_squash = makes it so the default of nobody is not used on the NFS share as a user (not secure in normal environments with user access but it makes sense for our situation)
sync = a good idea because otherwise the nfs server will reply to requests for unwritten/unstable data which can lead to corruption and data loss potentially.
yum -y install nfs-utils
mount /mnt/nfs/
IP of NFS Server =
NFS Share = /tmp/nfsmount
Local Mount Path = /mnt/nfs
Make it permanent with fstab /mnt/nfs nfs defaults 0 0
Most issues are a result of a few things.
rpc.mountd: refused mount request from somehostname.com for /some/path (/a/path/): illegal port 59201
If you get the above error you are probably using NAT somewhere between the client and server. NAT mapping ends up resulting in high and so-called "insecure" ports to be used (I guess the fact that they are unprivileged and a non-root user could easly sniff or intercept on those ports). However if that's not a concern you modify your exports line like this:
centos, install, nfs, mount, remotely, utils, bcitcourse, yum, plugins, fastestmirror, kb, epel, _, metalink, extras, updates, updateinfo, primary_db, mb, eta, http, repo, virtualhosting, hk, repodata, dcc, ec, dec, ef, fb, bda, bd, db, primary, sqlite, bz, errno, unavailable, loading, speeds, cached, hostfile, ftp, cuhk, edu, jaist, ac, jp, resolving, dependencies, transaction, installed, processing, dependency, libtirpc, gssproxy, libnfsidmap, libevent, keyutils, libini_config, libverto, module, libref_array, ref_array_, ini_config_, libcollection, libbasicobjects, updated, update, libpath_utils, path_utils_, tevent, resolution, resolved, repository, installing, updating, summary, packages, upgrade, download, downloading, delta, rpms, disabled, usr, bin, applydeltarpm, rpm, os, succeeded, cleanup, verifying, configure, shares, defined, etc, exports, mkdir, datastore, echo, quot, rw, sync, no_root_squash, systemctl, restart,