These errors are usually caused by the lack mysql client dev files
If using mariadb install this:
apt-get install libmariadbclient-dev
If using mysql install this:
apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev........
FreePBX official install guide is here.
Debian 12 Download Link
Minimal - System Utilities
Note that if you don't have the required base OS yo........
Step 01 - Download
Click on "Linux" on the side under "Installation".........
This example is using RTL8821AU chipset from a TP-Link T2U Plus USB adapter and other similar ones should work the same.
Here's how to get this chipset RTL8821AU working in Linux.
Here's how to get RTL8812 and RTL8822 working in Linux.........
First we need a few extra packages:
apt update
apt install -y adduser libfontconfig1 musl sudo
Install / Enable Grafana
dpkg -i grafana-enterprise_10.3.1_amd64.deb
dpkg -i grafana-enterprise_10.3.1_amd64.deb
(Reading database ... 44309 files and directories currently installed.)
During a migration or other custom setup, it's possible you don't have a $HOME/Desktop and as a result the config file that controls this is set to just use your $HOME directory.
This is controlled in the file: $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs
As we can see below, Desktop, Downloads, Music and Pictures are set to $HOME. We can edit any of these as we like.
# This file is written by xdg-user-dirs-update
# If you want........
If you get this error, it is often because you have configured Apache with modules that weren't actually installed. Eg. you try to load the PHPmodule but didn't actually install the apache2 php module, so the server can't start. In general, this error can often be caused by issues with problematic modules and/or Apache being configured for modules that have not actually be installed (eg. libapache2-mod-php) is missing.
The above results in this less than obv........
The issue is that Docker images are stripped down, so many tools and even python3 is missing, so you'll have to build or update the actual image yourself.
I assume you have started an image with something like this and that you have the Nvidia Toolkit installed (assuming you are using GPUs). If you're not using nvidia just remove --runtime=nvidia --gpus all.
docker run -it --runtime=nvidia --gpus all ubuntu bash
These works for most images li........
By default in most newer Windows installs, you will not be able to download files from "Internet" sites and you'll get this error "Your security settings do not allow for this file to be downloaded."
Solution to Enable Downloads in IE Internet Explorer
1.) Go to Settings (button) -> Internet options -> Security (tab)
2.) Click "Internet" and then the "Custom Level" button.
3.) Find the following section and set D........
A lot of developers want to go to 3.11 because of the speed improvements, but most distros never have the latest Python version.
Using the deadsnakes third party repo is the easiest way aside from compiling it yourself (which is safer and recommended):
Step 1 - Add the repo
apt-add-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
If you get an error about requests then install it:........
If you are installing ta-lib for Python and get this error then you can normally solve it by manually getting the ta-lib source files and compiling.
tar -zxvf ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz
cd ta-lib;./configure;make;make install
Collecting ta-lib
Downloading (272kB)
This is an ongoing issue even with the latest Thunderbird 102.x where attachments downloaded via IMAP just won't save or will be corrupt which is a huge interruption to workflow or if you come back later to find out the file you thought you saved is invalid/corrupt and you have perhaps deleted the e-mail.
How to solve the Thunderbird filesize attachment issue?
1. Click on "Settings". then go to "General".
2. Scroll to the bottom to find "Conf........
Solution for python pip3 not working anymore
from pip._internal.cli.main import main
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pip/_internal/cli/", line 60
sys.stderr.write(f"ERROR: {exc}")
DEPRECATION: Python 3.5 reached the end of its life on September 13th, 20........
pip3 install requests
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/user/.local/bin/pip3", line 7, in
from pip._internal.cli.main import main
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip._internal'
As a quick and temp fix call the OS installed python and not the user .local/bin installed pip3
/usr/bin/pip3 install requests
Collecting requests
Cache e........
Are you getting this error in CentOS 8 when trying to use yum to install a package?
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist
What we need to do is not use the automatic mirror list and manually set the base URL
sed -i 's/mirrorlist/#mirrorlist/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS*
sed -i 's%#baseurl=
Just use apt-cache policy to find the repo of a package:
apt-cache policy lxd
Installed: 3.0.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.2
Candidate: 3.0.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.2
Version table:
*** 3.0.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.2 500
500 bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages
ClamAV update process started at Sun Mar 20 00:30:50 2022
WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
WARNING: Local version: 0.100.3 Recommended version: 0.103.5
main.cld is up to date (version: 62, sigs: 6647427, f-level: 90, builder: sigmgr)
WARNING: getpatch: Can't download daily-26337.cdiff from
The Best Docker Tutorial for Beginners
We quickly explain the basic Docker concepts and show you how to do the most common tasks from starting your first container, to making custom images, a Docker Swarm Cluster Tutorial, docker compose and Docker buildfiles.........
Are you getting this error in Proxmox while trying to apt update or install Ceph?
apt update
Hit:1 bullseye-security InRelease
Err:2 bullseye InRelease
401 Unauthorized [IP: 443]
Hit:3 bullseye InRelease ........
How To Install Ceph
If you stopped an install of Ceph midway you will need to manually restart it with "pveceph install"
Remember that your VM needs to have working internet (gateway) and DNS in order to connect to the apt repo to download all of the packages that Ceph requires.
Remember to repeat these steps for each node that you want Ceph on.
Just a quick note and warning is that if you are testing to see if EFIPXE booting works on a VM, MAKE SURE it actually works. For example Iinitially tested using my Distro's QEMU 2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.46 and ovmf BIOS firmware (OVMF supports EFI). However, I found on old versions of QEMU (like 2.5), EFIbooting with GRUB NEVER works so it may appear that you have made a mistake when everything is fine when you boot a physi........
Many people may not be aware that you can turn commodity hardware into a Mikrotik OS and there are various options which is "CHR" (Cloud Hosted Router) which is a VMimage meant for Virtualization only (seriously, I've tried to dd the image to a physical server and it just crashed as it does not contain any drivers for physical).
One note as well if you are trying to do a baremetal install you may get an error "Error Loading Operating System" or........
The problem seems to be that whatever kernel and initrd you have is tied to an old version of CentOS 7 that is no longer in the current repos of most mirrors.
If you were previously able to PXEboot and install CentOS and you are sure your network and tftp are good the problem is that you have an outdated kernel and initramfs that point to a defunct version.........
I have a Canon MF642c and the scanner wouldn't work. I tried to use saned but it didn't work with the BJNPlike it did for some other Canon models.
Introducing sane-airscan with packages for the most common distributions:
Interestingly enough Windows 2000 works fine on QEMU 64-bit but you have to specify Pentium as your CPU otherwise it doesn't complete the install (it will not pass the detecting/setting up devices phase).
-vga cirrus is wise because it is supported by Windows 2000 and allows higher resolutions and 24-bit color.
-cpu Pentium emulates an old computer and is necessary for install to complete
-device rtl8139 is important as this oldschool Realtek 8139 NIC is supported by W........
It took a lot of fiddling to make a Huion Kamvas 13 Pro work in Linux but it simple once you know what to do. Don't bother searching as it is unlkely there is a guide out there that will actually make your tablet work.
It mainly comes down to the fact that the hid_uclogic kernel module is buggy or doesn't support MANYof these wacom based/Huion tablets properly.
What was happening with me is that Ihad the Kamvas 13 Huion setup as a secondary screen/monitor.&nb........
It really seems limited in that it can mainly give you the things you would see on the physical unit such as load etc..
tar -zxvf apcupsd-3.14.14.tar.gz
cd apcupsd-3.14.14
[root@somebox apcupsd-3.14.14]#
If you've come here, don't be embarraassed, working in IT, this is the MOST common computer problem that almost everyone will encounter. The reason why I'm doing this post is because I've seen an increase from colleagues and admins having this problem and many times it's not even your fault. A common scenario is that someone acquires a new or used computer which they weren't given the password for. Fortunately Ihave a detailed list of all the options whether free or pa........
yum -y install gcc make gperf genisoimage flex bison ncurses ncurses-devel pcre-devel augeas-devel augeas readline-devel
checking for cpio... cpio
checking for gperf... no
configure: error: gperf must be installed
configure: error: Package requirements (augeas >= 1.2.0) were not met:
Requested 'augeas >= 1.2.0' but version of augeas is 1.0.0
yum remove augeas augeas-libs augeas-devel
wget http://downl........
apt install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
apt update
apt install python3-pip
apt install python3.7 curl gnupg python3.7-dev git
ln -s /usr/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/python3
pip3 install numpy keras_preprocessing
curl | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable jdk1.8" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel........
Iam going to build this based on a series of small howto QEMU / KVMposts I've made as I feel much of the information is actually hard to find and piece together from the rest of the web.
What I'm going to focus on is how to use virtio as the NIC because if you don't you get very slow NIC speeds but with the virtio NIC model you basically get host speeds.
/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -enable-kvm -smp 8 -m 16000 -net user -net nic,model=virtio -drive file=ubuntu-gpt2l........
Just run this apt install command
sudo apt install pepperflashplugin-nonfree browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash
After this restart your browser and check Adobe's site to verify if your Pepper flash is working and showing at least version 32.
As you'll see below it will download the latest version which is currently 32 and this was not possible with the old/crappy deprecated adobe-flash plu........
yum -y install wget unzip
yum -y install php php-mysqlnd php-json php-zip php-dom php-xml php-libxml php-mbstring php-gd mysql mysql-server
Last metadata expiration check: 0:58:02 ago on Fri 13 Mar 2020 02:12:49 PM EDT.
Dependencies resolved.
This is sure simple if you follow the guide but it took a lot of hacking around to make this work on Debian/Ubuntu!
Now before you ask why bother running wine and python, the reason is because Python executables are NOT cross-platform. If you run pyinstaller in Linux, that binary will only run on Linux and the same if you do it in Windows. So it is preferable if you have a single environment that you can create Linux and Windows binaries from rather than running 2 separate........
Downloading and compiling from source to get the latest version of Asterisk is really simple with this guide.
apt install gcc make g++ libedit-dev uuid-dev libjansson-dev apt install libxml2-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
tar -zxvf asterisk-16-current.tar.gz
cd asterisk-16.6.2/
If you get this error change y........
sudo pip3 install python-docx
[sudo] password for :
Downloading/unpacking python-docx
Downloading python-docx-0.8.10.tar.gz (5.5MB): 5.5MB downloaded
Running (path:/tmp/pip_build_root/python-docx/ egg_info for package python-docx
no previously-included directories found matching 'docs/.build'
warning: no previously-included files matching '.DS_Store' foun........
python3 html.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 5, in
import mysql.connector
ImportError: No module named 'mysql'
For some reason it won't install properly even though I have the mysql client on this machine installed too.
You need the mys........
gsmartcontrol is a free tool that let's you see the status of the SMART parameters so you can check things like temperature, reallocated sectors, bad sectors etc.. to give you a better idea of your drive health.
Download it here.
gsmartcontrol is a very useful tool in Windows to check your HDD / Hard Drive health status.
In my experience you should NEVER trust that everything is OK just because SMAR........
If you don't aleady have it, you'll need EPEL
Install LXC
yum -y install lxc lxc-templates
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Setting up Install Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base:
* epel:
* extras:
* updates:........
The defaults in Windows 2016 server leave clients crippled so they can't even download basic files or software. But Group Policy Management Editor comes to our rescue!
Use cmd or Powershell and run:
Choose your domain/computer and then navigate like below and create a new menu entry for IE11 or whatever your version is. Don't be worried if the highest version is IE10 it means that it applies to IE10 AND above.........
Navigate to Tools -> Account Settings -> Server Settings
Uncheck the following:
"Check for new messages on startup"
"Check for new messages every NN minutes"
"Automatically download new messages".
1.) Create Image using qemu-img
qemu-img create -f qcow2 skype.img 40G
2.) Start VM using flags
-m = memory in MB
-drive file=yourimagefile.img
-cdrom /path/to/the.iso
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 4096 -drive file=skype.img -cdrom ~/Downloads/SfB-E-9319.0-enUS.ISO
Enable Bridged Networking........
The reason for not being able to read one of these dreaded/ fillable "XFA" forms is because no Linux PDF reader that I'm aware of supports them. Part of this reasoning is for security. It is really silly, they should ban these XFA forms or at least replace the Please Wait with the non-fillable version.
Download Adobe Reader 9.5 for Linux from here:
This is the solution but only so much, at least for me I was able to view th........
initiator = client
target = server
These are the first concepts you should understand which is that in iscsi essentially the "initiator" is the client and the "target" is the server.
iSCSI is derived from the old fashioned SCSI that us oldtimers grew to love. The "i" stands for Internet and the SCSI stands for "Small Computers Systems Interface" (SCSI).
iSCSI Target (Server)Setup
targetcli is the pac........
This happens if you don' have an updated version normally(eg. things were working fine and you suddenly get this error):
Pool sent wrong data, cannot set epoch, disconnect
ETH: Connection lost, retry in 20 sec...
ETH: Connection lost, retry in 20 sec...
Solution - Download an updated Claymore!
#Linux Mint 18.2 how to install gajim .16.9 so you can use OMEMO encryption:
sudo apt-get install python-axolotl python-nbxmpp
tar -zxvf gajim-0.16.9.tar.gz
cd gajim-0.16.9
./ ;make;sudo make install
#if you get this error you need to get a newer python-nbxmpp from here:
Gajim needs python-nbxmpp >= 0.6.1 to run. Quiting...........
--2018-08-16 05:11:16--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1525561 (1.5........
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev git build-essential autotools-dev autoconf libcurl3
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
git clone
sudo apt-get install cmake libpthread-* libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev libhwloc-dev
git clone
make install
cd bin
chmod +x xmr-stak-cpu
./xmr-stak -O xmr........
Server Side Config
1.) First install nfs-utils
yum -y install nfs-utils
2.) Configure nfs share
Create a directory for your NFS share
mkdir /datastore
Create your NFS share in /etc/exports
echo "/datastore,sync,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports
systemctl restart nfs........
First of all download the raw .so file from zend:
Copy the one relevant to your PHPversion to /usr/lib64/php/modules/
eg.:cp /usr/lib64/php/modules/
Then in your /etc/php.d/ directory create the file:
vi /etc/php.d/zend.ini
zend_extension = /usr/lib64/php/modules/
After that restart apache/httpd and you'll be good to go!........
The main issue is it looks like Java is not configured to accept the invalid ssl cert that is coming from the download location.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: EC parameters error
export ANDROID_HOME=/home/user/Downloads/tools/
Conversations-master$ ./gradlew
You can download the latest Sea Monkey releases here and 64-bit issues are a thing of the past now:
It's a little tricky if you are running a 64-bit OS which most people will be.
The weird thing is that the Seamonkey website for Linux seems to only provide a 32-bit download.
Seamonkey is still provided as a tar.bz2 which you need to extract and run manually.
This is one thing that has me wondering about SMF. It is apparently a known issue but in the latest version and new install nothing looked right because it was using to find everything! How on earth would it ever do this or think it is normal?
Excerpt of crazy html code it produces that causes the issue:
It has been a big pain for a long-time to install Windows from a Linux environment. I used to run a windows install server and it never worked right for some reason (the install would fail on most servers).
Before getting start be sure to setup your samba share so once you boot into WinPE you can mount the install for whatever Windows you want
path = /tftpboot/images/winstall
guest ok = yes........
Install requirements:
yum -y install gmp-devel mpfr-devel libmpc-devel glibc-devel glibc-devel.i686 zip unzip jar
Download, untar, configure, compile and install GCC
tar -zxvf gcc-5.5.0.tar.gz
cd gcc-5.5.0
make install
Now you need to cleanup th........
In Thunderbird in a very large folder suddenly all of my e-mail list became blank/white even though you could click on the invisible/white/blank lines and it would show the e-mails. Itried to close and reopen but only going to Folder -> Properties and clicking Repair Folder fixed it (basically it had to redownload/rebuild the entire index and all e-mails).........
When using the .sh script the rendering doesn't work after an upgrade of related packages to kdenlive.
kdenlive (kdenlive:amd64 (4:17.04.1+git201705191233~ubuntu16.04.1)) with affine or composite transitions was fine but is now broken during the time of transition it is just a white screen.
The previous version was fine:
kdenlive:amd64 (4:17.04.1+git201705191233~ubuntu16.04.1
But now I can't find it or install it:........
Aptitude is very smart and fixed the issues it was because of nvidia cuda and opencl and nothing else suggested or hinted this using apt
sudo aptitude install wine
The following NEW packages will be installed:
ocl-icd-libopencl1{ab} ocl-icd-libopencl1:i386{ab} wine wine1.6
wine1.6-amd64{a} wine1.6-i386:i386{a}
The following packages will be REMOVED:........
I believe from what I've read that this card's driver doesn't support the features after trying all known troubleshooting methods.
ffmpeg -i uservideoRendered.mp4 -filter:v hwupload_cuda,scale_npp=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12:interp_algo=lanczos,hwdownload -c:v hevc_nvenc -profile main -preset slow -rc vbr_hq -c:a copy uservideoRendered.mp4-test
ffmpeg -i uservideoRendered.mp4 -filter:v hwupload_cuda,scale_npp=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12:interp_algo=lanczos,hwdownload........
#if you have nvidia make sure you install the nvidia-cuda-toolkit so hardware acceleration can be used
tar -jxvf ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2
cd ffmpeg-3.3.2/
./configure --disable-yasm
install prefix /usr/local
source path ........
I am using a GTX 1060 but replace the download for the driver with the correct/current version for your particular card by visiting:
yum install automake curl openssl-devel libcurl-devel gcc gcc-c++
yum -y install kernel-devel-`uname -r`
yum -y install unzip
*Update so this doesn't work it must be something to do with the path of nfs or something else but the installer fails with "Installer crashed" at the end whereas with the CD/USB it works.
This assumes you've already installed and configured a separate PXE/DHCP server somewhere else and your /tftpboot directory is setup.
This is for Linux Mint 18.1 but generally applies to most versions although you may have tro change things like "casper"........
It's very simple you just use the "-c" switch and wget will resume the file (make sure you are in the same directory) or specify -O /path/to/
wget -c http://someurl/
This actually only happened after an e-mail server ran out of space due to run away log files. Normal Desktop clients were not affected. It appeared to be a bug in K9 mail but even reinstalling/wiping all settings did not fix it (read e-mails would still not reappear).
This is moreso a bug in Dovecot where it probably messes up the index files.
How do you fix this in Dovecot/your e-mail server?
You need to delete the do........
Disclaimer, before starting this I do not like ioncube, it is great to protect your source code, but a big pain to setup this extension since it has to be done manually. Further, fi you do a PHPupdate ioncube may no longer work, causing important sites or services to not work (I wish authors would take another approach).
1.) Download from here:
2.) Extract the contents and co........
mv -f /home/user/Downloads/android-studio/ /mnt/sda3/
mv: inter-device move failed: ‘/home/user/Downloads/android-studio/’ to ‘/mnt/sda3/android-studio’; unable to remove target: Is a directory........
wget -e robots=off
It is as simple as the above and this is something one must watch out carefully when using wget because you may think you have archived or downloaded content when you never did due to a nofollow/robots.txt statement.........
pip install obfsproxy
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. For more information, see
You are using pip version 7.1.0, however version 8.1.1 i........
Download from here
sudo Installer_P20_for_Linux/sas2flash_linux_i686_x86-64_rel/sas2flash -listall
LSI Corporation SAS2 Flash Utility
Version (2014.09.18)
Copyright (c) 2008-2014 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved
1.) Flash directly to this file:
*I was never able to get the larger "Mega" file to work, at least not initially so I recommend the file above.
To enable 5ghz I had to do the "Clear NVRAM" Option before it was shown.
2.) Or if you don't need 5ghz (most devices do not support it and cannot........
Add the following to fstab where is the samba share and where /home/homeuser/Downloads is where you want to mount.
Change user and pass to what is needed (if no pass is required it still works fine with the below).
// /home/homeuser/Downloads cifs user=guest,pass=bla 0 0
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //,
This was a horrible shock after upgrading fromUbuntu 9 to Linux Mint 17 and I found that the last distro to support tsclient was Debian Squeeze.
For some reason it has disappeared for a long time and the new options such as rdesktop and gnome-rdp do not have any start menu entry and just aren't done as well as tsclient.
Fortunately there is a solution:
tsclient surprisingly can be downloaded as a direct .deb package and it fails with some variou........
Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/openvz.repo
For the first two entries comment out #mirrorlist and uncomment #baseurl and then it worked
openvz yum problem Centos 6.5 cannot find file on mirror:
yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Determining fastest mirrors
* openvz-kernel-rhel6:
* openvz-utils:
base ........
ERROR: Can't open /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log in append mode (check permissions!).
ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile = /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log).
Tue Oct 13 13:49:35 2015 -> WARNING: Incremental update failed, trying to download daily.cvd
Tue Oct 13 13:49:35 2015 -> WARNING: Can't download daily.cvd from
Tue Oct 13 13:49:35 2015 -> Trying again in 5 secs...........
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-3CESL:
Dell Part Numbers for the motherboard: R1232 R1232L R2232S SERVER MOTHERBOARD GENUINE 408P9 CN-0408P9
GA-3CESL Manual Download here
RAMSlots: 16 (8 controlled by each CPU)
RAMType: DDR2 ECC 5300P........
i337 Canada on Bell is hard to root or even install TWRP
Installed TWRP from Odin and my computer gave me the bluescreen at the end but it seemed to be successful (after ODIN said reset).
TWRP mode does not seem to enter, instead you get the Android recovery mode with Volume up + Home
To install AOO on your computer, you need to add the following entry to the /etc/apt/sources.list file:
deb wheezy main
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openoffice-en* openoffice-brand-writer openoffice-brand-calc openoffice-brand-impress openoffice-brand-base open........
OpenVZ has made vzctl version 4.7 default to using ploop which is a big annoyance. No one wants it otherwise we'd use Xen or KVM.
Make sure to manually specify vzctl 4.6.1 or you will have issues with old scripts breaking since it defaults to using ploop (a single image like Xen/KVM).
Here's a list to old versions of vzctl.........
It's always bothered me how Wordpress basically forces the user to provide their hosting credentials to install themes and plugins. How do know for sure the data is not being saved, intercepted and being provided backdoor access to the NSA or other agencies or even just being misused by others with access?
Here's how to close the security hole above and if you're already given Wordpress your credentials make sure you change everything associated it with it. Eg. change your........
Current Direct stable URL from Fedora:
Direct Downoad of Stable Virtio: https://fedorap........
This seems to mainly affect new installs of Windows and especially on XP randomly.
There are whole pages dedicated to the subject but none of them have a simple proper solution.
They and Microsoft say to use "Microsoft Fix It", the only problem is it requires .NET and many new installs of Windows don't have it by default.
The simple solution you asked for
Just reboot Windows and that is how Ifixed it.........
wget http://download-location
sudo tar xjvf thunderbird-24.2.0.tar.bz2 -C /opt
ln -s /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird /usr/bin/thunderbird
[sudo] password for one:
ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/bin/thunderbird': File exists
sudo rm /usr/bin/thunderbird
ln -s /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird /usr/bin/thunderbird
The above is how Idid it, if you don't do it properly you'll find that you are still using the old version (........
wget http://download-location
mv /usr/bin/firefox /usr/bin/firefox-old
sudo tar xjvf firefox-26.0.tar.bz2 -C /opt
ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox
The above is how Idid it, if you don't do it properly you'll find that you are still using the old version (so verify in About that it is the new version). I've verified the above method works perfectly, it's great if you're using an older version of Linux and need to update the most........
Download the latest from Adobe's site and unzip it, enter the directory it creates and type the following:
sudo cp /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/
sudo cp -r usr/* /usr........
1.) Enter your root wordpress directory.
2.)Download the latest to it.
#backup your current files just in case
cp -a . wp-current-bk`date +%Y%m%d`
rm -rf wp-includes
rm -rf wp-admin
echo y|cp -a wordpress/wp-includes .
echo y|cp -a wordpress/wp-admin .
echo y|cp -a wordpress/wp-content/* wp-content
echo y|cp wordpress/* .........
user the "--spider"switch and you can see what it would do.
wget -r --spider
wget --accept "*.pdf" -r http://somewebsite/page........
/scripts/phpextensionmgr install PHPSuHosin
Updating md5sum list
Fetching (connected:0).......(request attempt 1/12)...Resolving attempt 1/65)...
Fetching (connected:0).......(request attempt 1/3)......connecting to success......Done........
One thing to remember is that you need MegaCli to do the flashing.
You also need the correct file,I tried at least 2 different Perc 6 firmwares from Dell that kept getting rejected as corrupt by MegaCli(they were really the wrong version). I have an external PCI-E Dell 6 Perc/I butI chose images from the 'Integrated" on motherboard version as it was allI could find. They are different, and below is my first time finding success.........
I flashed an LSI Logic firmware to it and it broke the BIOS (cannot do Ctrl+R) for booting purposes but allows other functionality to work normally.
I tried downgrading to a Dell firmware for Perc 6i but it won't work, not even with MegaCli
--2013-08-26 12:53:39--
LSi Megaraid
At first it was configured as a RAID 0, then I deleted the Virtual Disk Group.
I thought both drives would be shown and detected in Linux as sda and sdb but it actually shows nothing.
To make them work you have to hit Ctrl+R before the system boots (when prompted) and create a Virtual Disk Group. In my case I created each one as RAID 0 (with a single drive only) as I just wanted JBOD but there is no such option or default in these Dell Pe........
I installed Ubuntu 11.04 for testing purposes but I couldn't even download SSH server:
sudo sed -i -e 's/' /etc/apt/sources.list
After running the above make sure you do a "apt-get update"
Note with the above that Ihave the search string of "" change it to whatever is in your sources.list
The above does not fix all repositories either, I haven't had a chance t........
Solution To The Following:
yum -y install zlib-devel
yum -y install e2fsprogs*
*** Cannot find /usr/include/et/com_err.h. (yum install libcom_err-devel) ***
Installation didn't pass, halting install.
Once requirements are met, run the following to continue the install:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts
Common pre-install commands:
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)
For whatever reason it seems the r8169 driver that ships and has shipped with most Linux distros for years is still flawed and does not work properly on these cards, causing 100mbit connectivity when it should be 1gbit and even worse, causing random network dropouts. The r8169 driver in Linux kernels is simply not meant to be used on th........
This is very handy if you're too busy and don't have time to download whatever files you need.
The -D specifies the domains allowed, this is because I specified -H which means foreign hosts are allowed, if you don't restrict them you'll end up going to the whole internet via ads and other links just like a search Engine would follow.
-l 0 specifies to go deep, to as many levels as possible/as exist.
-e robots=off is important because robots.txt often says you can't vie........
For whatever reason the current OpenVZ yum repo file enables the RHEL6 version of OpenVZ, why is this bad? Because if you're running Centos 5 it still defaults to using the kernel from RHEL6 which won't work on RHEL5/Centos 5.
Ionly realized this after wondering why I couldn't boot into OpenVZ that it was using one meant for RHEL6.
To fix the problem you have to edit /etc/yum.repos.d/openvz.repo and disable the "[openvz-kernel-rhel6]" section by changing........
This may sound silly but there will be conflicts/issues with the default Centos repository so you have to use a third party like remi (I prefer not to do this but it's the only option unless you migrate your sites/data to another server or can stand some downtime-not an option IMHOon a production server).
You may need to upgrade to PHP5.3 to run Joomla or many other reasons.
Your host needs to use PHP 5.2.4 or higher to run this version of Jo........
Have you ever found a website/page that has several or perhaps dozens, hundreds or thousands of files that you need downloaded but don't have the time to manually do it?
wget's recursive function called with -r does that, but also with some quirks to be warned about.
If you're doing it from a standard web based directory structure, you will notice there is still a link to .. and wget will follow that.
Eg. let's say you have files in http://serverip/documen........
It's weird because I have a nearly identical box and setup and I can update the ovzkernel-PAE* just fine but on this box it doesn't work.
I only get this error with the openvz.repo and not others such as Centos-Base.repo
With my other server it works normally:
Setting up Update Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package ovzkernel-PAE.i686 0:2.6.18-238.12.1.el5.0........
yum -y install vnstat
chown nobody.nobody -R /var/lib/vnstat/
#replace venet0 below with your desired interface
sudo -u nobody vnstat -u -i venet0
#edit: vi /etc/sysconfig/vnstat
#VNSTAT_OPTIONS="-i venet0"
# only use the sed below if you are using venet0 instead of eth0 or replace accordingly
sed -i 's/eth0/venet0/g' /etc/sysconfig/vnstat
[root@monitor]# yum install vn........
/tmp/J_5JHKXU.bin.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.
Try again later, or contact the server administrator.
This is actually not a download problem related to the server/site you're using but actually some weird bug with Firefox. I know because no matter what site I tried to download from this error kept happening.
Simpy restarting Firefox was enough to get things working again.........
*Remember to restart spamassassin after all of this.
tar -zxvf dcc.tar.Z
cd dcc-1.3.138/
./configure;make;make install
#enable DCC, uncomment the line that disables it near the top
vi /etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre
Webmin Setup Centos 5:
[1] 24229
[2] 24230
[root@host ~]# --2011-01-06 21:48:20--
Resolving 216.34.181.........
yum exits in the middle
The problem is this VPS seems to be an OpenVZ template from HyperVM. The only way to make it work was to disable i386 packages since this was an x64 kernel. That shouldn't be necessary but it was the only way to make yum stop quitting after the first package or two. I couldn't find any issue by checking the logs either.
echo y|yum install vim-minimal telnet expect jwhois net-tools slocate iptables elinks gawk
hdparm -B 255 /dev/sdb
setting Advanced Power Management level to disabled
HDIO_DRIVE_CMD failed: Input/output error
The one thing you can do though is to set hdparm spindown time lower (it doesn't seem to work that well).
-S set standby (spindown) timeout
hdparm -S 251 /dev/sda
I couldn't figure out whyI couldn't install a simple package. This is what's annoying about cutting edge Debian distros, yes we know you support each license on average for 1-2 years but why take down the supporting binary packages and basically disable the older versions?
sudo apt-get install update
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find p........
cd /etc/yum.repos.d
rpm --import
yum install ovz-kernel-PAE
Now remember to set /etc/sysctl.conf to "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1"
You can apply the change immediately by running sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 but remember that you still have to set sysctl.conf
sysctl -p will load and apply any changes to s........
rpm -i
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by VirtualBox-3.2-3.2.8_64453_rhel5-1.i386 is needed by VirtualBox-3.2-3.2.8_64453_rhel5-1.i386 is needed b........
I can't believe it comes without any sort of stats built-in and they don't make it easy to find out how to integrate it.
I downloaded the following:
wget -O /usr/bin/webalizer
chmod 755 /usr/bin/webalizer
echo "action=tally&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue........
My XBOX's dashboard/firmware was from sometime in 2008 when I first bought the system. I mainly played using composite cables but at my brother in law's house we used HDMI. The very first time it worked, but then I bought some games that did some update and after that HDMI never worked.
The symptoms besides having on sound is that your XBOX will show PC monitor resolutions but won't have any option to say you have a 720P or 1080P display, this means the XBOX firmware is fa........
Seagate Inventory/Firmware Check
I heard about this issue a long time ago but never looked into it. I figured I wasn't affected since my 500GB drives were running for so long. I've been using Seagate's since 2002 and to this day all of the drives I have are alive from Seagate.
*Update the bad news is that I realize one of my 500GB's is about to die, it's not even a year old, but is also not affected by the recall according to Seagate!
Seagate Inventory/Firm........
I decided on using yum to help me decide even though I normaly use proftpd I decided to see what else I could find.
yum search ftp
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* rpmforge:
* base:
* updates:
* addons:
* extras:
Proxmox has made this free utility to backup running OpenVZ containers. It's a great program which is actually just a PERL script but gets the job done. This program is not 100% required because all it really does is cp -a from your container's path as far as I know but it is still good to have uniformity to how you backup your containers.
For RPM distros such as Centos/RHEL/Fedora etc.. download and install this:
I thought I was being smart, I wanted to download some Debian packages so I went to /var/cache/apt/archives and did "rm -rf *" but then I couldn't use apt-get anymore. I kept getting this error:
E: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing.
E: The list of sources could not be read.
The solution was to recreate the "partial" directory inside /var/cache/apt/archives and then everything will be fine.........
PHP cannot access /usr/bin/opensslI have verified the username that runs the process is able to access /usr/bin/openssl and it does exist but the PHP script is saying it doesn't exist:
if (!file_exists($OPENSSL)) {
//echo "ERROR: OPENSSL $OPENSSL not foundn";
I don't get itI can clearly see the contents of /usr/bin by using the PHP system fu........
Centos 4.3 x64 & VMWare Server Beta[code:1:6d0b2c8c2f]
The correct version of one or more libraries needed to run VMware Server may be
missing. This is the output of ldd /usr/bin/vmware: => (0xffffe000) => /lib/tls/ (0xf7fbd000) => /lib/ (0xf7fb9000) => /lib/tls/ (0xf7fa7000) => not f........
Need identd for port 113 ? Install authdyum install authd
Happy identing :)Actually it's not that simple.
It installs as an "xinetd" service and is disabled and turned off by deafult.
To enable it run:
chkconfig --level 3 auth on
service xinetd restart
This will set identd aka authd to start by default.
service xinetd resta........
How to compile in Windows/DOSMingW is a free compiler project so start here:
I downloaded the core GCC compiler:
But it's missing even the standard C runtime libraries like "stdio.h"!
You may also need to add environment variables from the DOS command line.
Here is a simpl........
Telus Begins Enforcing Bandwidth CapsIt appears Telus has begun to send e-mails out and is planning on enforcing bandwidth caps of only 10gigs/month for their 1.5mbit plan and 20gigs/month for 2.5mbit
The state of Canadian ISPs is horrible :(
In the east coast, Bell Sympatico will allow you to have unlimited bandwidth and even Aliant will and they have 3mbit for a much more affordable price than our 2.5mbit on Telus.
Telus needs to get wit........
gnuCash is available for all main platforms, Linux/Unix, MacOS (FreeBSD anyway), and Windows.
You can download gnuCash free from here.
It does seem to be fairly full featured and somewhat straight forward, but like so many programs it is missing a few key features or things don't work quite right.
It doesn't support importation of CSV files, which is a big minus. And the developers rather than wanting to add support have just dec........
The "Geoip" package is available on virtually all Linux and Unix like systems and is very handy in looking an IP address' corresponding country.
The homepage of the maintainers is here.
They also have a package called "Geocity" which can be downloaded from their site, it is still free and gives you a close indication of the city the visitor is from. You can........
Everyone says there is a "manual" way of doing it and then they tell you to use iTunes, but if you're like me, you're travelling on business in a foreign country and your laptop does not have iTunes and you don't have a way of getting it and/or don't want it.
For this example I'm using the provider "du" in Dubai, UAE (United Arab Emirates) but this method works for virtually all providers.
The requirements in this case to truly "manually update........
It's a bit of a pain that many basic third party tools that aren't put of the main Centos/RHEL repositories are not available unless you compile them or install the RPMForge Repo.
*Updated 08/29 with new download location changed from to
Here's a quick, simple/cut&paste way to do it:
rpm -i rpmforge........
Has Apple tried to give a golden egg to the cell phone companies? Has anyone noticed that if you set your lock time to x minutes, the phone doesn't just lock, it goes into standby. When it does this, any WiFi connection you have gets dropped and all push/data functions such as e-mail checking are done through the 3G network.
There is no way to change this feature and functionality and it's very annoying, especially if you are downloading something or loading files over the........
Truly, the only way to unleash the capabilities and customization abilities of iPhone are to jailbreak, it's not just for hackers anymore.
A few days ago someone by the named of "geohot" released a single click application called "purplera1n", which does the entire operation smoothly and seamlessly.
In our case, the first time it went as far as "done, wait for reboot" on our Windows machine and for minutes we waited and saw the pic on the iPhone w........
Yes, Iadmit I finally got bitten by the hype as much as I can usually see through it all. Keep in mind this review is of the "stock" phone, no jailbreaking yet which is what really unleashes the customizability and whyI bought iPhone.
I had better things to say about this phone before buying it, and it is a great phone, perhaps the best on the market by far, if not because of the Mac OS port onto the iPhone and all the apps, etc, etc.
With that said........
The dmg format is silly and annoying to work with, why couldn't Apple stick with the .iso standard? Anyway, there's an excellent Linux and Windows based tool to convert it back to a normal .iso Image called dmg2iso
I'll only cover theLinux version although the Windows pre-built binary works the same way.
Download dmg2iso here for free (from the author's website)
It's just silly and doesn't make sense that Ubuntu doe........
This will give you the basic info needed to browse and connect to Samba shares from the command line. From the GUI of Gnome or KDE etc, it is pretty standard and straight forward. However, I've found very little guides on how to do it from the command line and if you're like me, a nerd who prefers command line for its simplicity and for remote use, this is the way to go.
First get a list of all the Samba/SMB shares on the target.
smbclient -L hostname........