OpenVZ backup container to a single file while it's running using "vzdump"

Proxmox has made this free utility to backup running OpenVZ containers.  It's a great program which is actually just a PERL script but gets the job done.  This program is not 100% required because all it really does is cp -a from your container's path as far as I know but it is still good to have uniformity to how you backup your containers.

For RPM distros such as Centos/RHEL/Fedora etc.. download and install this:

wget; rpm -ivh vzdump-1.1-2.noarch.rpm

For Debian based distros like Ubuntu etc.. download and install this:

wget; dpkg -i vzdump_1.1-2_all.deb

vzdump options

 vzdump --help
Unknown option: help
usage: /usr/sbin/vzdump OPTIONS [--all | VPSID]

        --exclude VPSID         exclude VPSID (assumes --all)
        --exclude-path REGEX    exclude certain files/directories
        --stdexcludes           exclude temorary files and logs

        --compress              compress dump file (gzip)
        --dumpdir DIR           store resulting files in DIR
        --tmpdir DIR            store temporary files in DIR

        --mailto EMAIL          send notification mail to EMAIL.
        --quiet                 be quiet.
        --stop                  stop/start VPS if running
        --suspend               suspend/resume VPS when running
        --snapshot              use LVM snapshot when running
        --size MB               LVM snapshot size

        --node CID              only run on pve cluster node CID
        --lockwait MINUTES      maximal time to wait for the global lock
        --stopwait MINUTES      maximal time to wait until a VM is stopped
        --bwlimit KBPS          limit I/O bandwidth; KBytes per second

        --restore FILENAME      restore FILENAME


Real Life Usage To Dump/Backup an OpenVZ Container

*note that since I chose --compress (why not compress right?) that the file will actually be:


vzdump --compress 5000
INFO: Starting new backup job - vzdump --compress 5000
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 2000 (openvz)
INFO: status = CTID 5000 exist mounted running
WARN: online backup without stop/suspend/snapshot
WARN: this can lead to inconsistent data
INFO: creating archive '/vz/dump/vzdump-5000.dat' (/vz/private/5000)

To Restore The OpenVZ Backup

vzrestore /vz/dump/vzdump-5000.tgz 5000

*note that if you specify something different eg. 10000 as the VPSID it will restore to that container.


openvz, container, vzdump, proxmox, utility, containers, perl, cp, uniformity, rpm, distros, centos, rhel, fedora, etc, download, install, wget, http, www, cms_proxmox, cms, upload, noarch, ivh, debian, ubuntu, vzdump_, _all, deb, dpkg, usage, usr, sbin, vpsid, exclude, assumes, regex, directories, stdexcludes, temorary, logs, compress, gzip, dumpdir, dir, resulting, tmpdir, mailto, email, notification, vps, suspend, resume, snapshot, lvm, mb, node, cid, pve, cluster, lockwait, maximal, global, stopwait, vm, bwlimit, kbps, bandwidth, kbytes, restore, filename, tgz, info, ctid, mounted, online, inconsistent, creating, archive, vz, dat, vzrestore, specify, eg,

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