This is not the normal "black screen"issue and I was shocked to eventually find out why. The normal advice of reconfiguring Xorg didn't work. Even booting into "Recovery Mode" did not help.
Here is the short end of the stick that fixed it:
sudo apt-get install mdm mate-desktop-environment
Yes you got it right, mdm and the mate-desktop-environment / gnome were somehow uninstalled. This must be whe........
ERROR: Can't open /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log in append mode (check permissions!).
ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile = /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log).
Tue Oct 13 13:49:35 2015 -> WARNING: Incremental update failed, trying to download daily.cvd
Tue Oct 13 13:49:35 2015 -> WARNING: Can't download daily.cvd from
Tue Oct 13 13:49:35 2015 -> Trying again in 5 secs...........
PHP cannot access /usr/bin/opensslI have verified the username that runs the process is able to access /usr/bin/openssl and it does exist but the PHP script is saying it doesn't exist:
if (!file_exists($OPENSSL)) {
//echo "ERROR: OPENSSL $OPENSSL not foundn";
I don't get itI can clearly see the contents of /usr/bin by using the PHP system fu........
Asterisk FreeBSD compile problemsI couldn't get it to compile without using the following options at compile time:
make install WITHOUT_ZAPTEL=YES WITHOUT_MYSQL=YES WITHOUT_FAX=YES WITHOUT_ODBC=YES WITHOUT_H323=YES[/b:b7d672ee28]Some problems you might have with copying over your Linux config files to FreeBSD is different paths.
[b:f044931f41]For example the etc path for Asterisk on BSD will now be:[/b:f044931f41]