VMWare ESXi 6.7 SSH/PowerShell CLI Commands

BootModuleConfig.sh          echo                         host-ind                     nfcd                         seq                          vim-cmd
InstallHelper.sh             egrep                        host_reboot.sh               nohup                        services.sh                  vm-support
Xorg                         eject                        host_shutdown.sh             nologin                      setsid                       vmcp
[                            enum_instances               hostd                        nslookup                     sfcbd                        vmdumper
[[                           env                          hostd-probe                  ntfscat                      sh                           vmfs-support
amldump                      esxcfg-advcfg                hostd-probe.sh               ntp-keygen                   sha1sum                      vmfsfilelockinfo
apply-host-profiles          esxcfg-dumppart              hostdCgiServer               ntpd                         sha256sum                    vmkbacktrace
applyHostProfile             esxcfg-fcoe                  hostname                     ntpq                         sha512sum                    vmkchdev
applyHostProfileWrapper      esxcfg-hwiscsi               hwclock                      nvidiaStats                  sharedStorageHostProfile.sh  vmkdevmgr
ash                          esxcfg-info                  indcfg                       od                           shutdown.sh                  vmkdump_extract
authd                        esxcfg-init                  inetd                        openssl                      sleep                        vmkerrcode
auto-backup.sh               esxcfg-ipsec                 init                         openwsmand                   slpd                         vmkfstools
awk                          esxcfg-module                init-launcher                pam_tally2                   smartd                       vmkiscsi-tool
backup.sh                    esxcfg-mpath                 initterm.sh                  partedUtil                   smbiosDump                   vmkiscsid
basename                     esxcfg-nas                   install                      passwd                       snmpd                        vmkload_mod
bootOption                   esxcfg-nics                  irqinfo                      pcscd                        sntp                         vmkmkdev
bunzip2                      esxcfg-rescan                isoinfo                      pgrep                        sort                         vmkperf
bzip2                        esxcfg-resgrp                jumpstart                    pidof                        ssh                          vmkping
cat                          esxcfg-route                 kdestroy                     pigz                         stat                         vmkramdisk
chardevlogger                esxcfg-scsidevs              kill                         ping                         storageRM                    vmkvsitools
check_serial                 esxcfg-swiscsi               kinit                        ping6                        strace                       vmtar
chgrp                        esxcfg-vmknic                klist                        pkill                        stty                         vmtoolsd
chkconfig                    esxcfg-volume                less                         pktcap-uw                    sum                          vmware
chmod                        esxcfg-vswitch               lldpnetmap                   powerOffVms                  summarize-dvfilter           vmware-autostart.sh
chown                        esxcli                       ln                           poweroff                     sync                         vmware-toolbox-cmd
chvt                         esxcli.cgi                   localcli                     printf                       tail                         vmware-usbarbitrator
cim-diagnostic.sh            esxcli.py                    lockfile                     prop_of_instances            tar                          vmware-vimdump
cim_host_powerops            esxhpcli                     logchannellogger             ps                           taskset                      vmx
cksum                        esxhpedit                    logger                       pwqcheck                     tcpdump-uw                   vmx-buildtype
clear                        esxtop                       login                        python                       techsupport.sh               vmx-debug
cmmds-tool                   esxupdate                    ls                           python3                      tee                          vmx-stats
cp                           ethtool                      lsof                         python3.5                    test                         voma
cpio                         expr                         lspci                        python3.5m                   time                         vprobe
crond                        false                        lsusb                        randomSeed                   timeout                      vscsiStats
crypto-util                  fdisk                        lzop                         readlink                     tmpwatch.py                  vsi_traverse
cut                          fgrep                        lzopcat                      reboot                       touch                        vsish
date                         find                         mcopy                        remoteDeviceConnect          tracenet                     vvold
dcbd                         firmwareConfig.sh            md5sum                       reset                        traceroute                   watch
dcui                         gdbserver                    memstats                     resize                       true                         watchdog.sh
dcuiweasel                   generate-certificates        mkdir                        rhttpproxy                   tune2fs                      wc
dd                           genisoimage                  mkfifo                       rm                           uname                        wget
debugfs                      getty                        mknod                        rmdir                        uniq                         which
df                           gpuvm                        mktemp                       runInRP                      unlzop                       who
dhclient-uw                  grabCIMData                  more                         scantools                    unzip                        xargs
diff                         grep                         mv                           sched-stats                  uptime                       xkbcomp
dirname                      gunzip                       nc                           schedsnapshot                usleep                       xz
dmesg                        gzip                         net-cdp                      scp                          uwstats                      zcat
dnsdomainname                halt                         net-dvs                      sdrsInjector                 vdf
doat                         hbrfilterctl                 net-lacp                     secpolicytools               vdq
dosfsck                      head                         net-lbt                      sed                          vdu
du                           hexdump                      net-stats                    sensord                      vi


vmware, esxi, ssh, powershell, cli, commands, localhost, bootmoduleconfig, sh, echo, ind, nfcd, seq, vim, cmd, installhelper, egrep, host_reboot, nohup, vm, xorg, eject, host_shutdown, nologin, setsid, vmcp, enum_instances, hostd, nslookup, sfcbd, vmdumper, env, probe, ntfscat, vmfs, amldump, esxcfg, advcfg, ntp, keygen, sha, sum, vmfsfilelockinfo, profiles, dumppart, hostdcgiserver, ntpd, vmkbacktrace, applyhostprofile, fcoe, hostname, ntpq, vmkchdev, applyhostprofilewrapper, hwiscsi, hwclock, nvidiastats, sharedstoragehostprofile, vmkdevmgr, info, indcfg, od, shutdown, vmkdump_extract, authd, init, inetd, openssl, vmkerrcode, auto, ipsec, openwsmand, slpd, vmkfstools, awk, module, launcher, pam_tally, smartd, vmkiscsi, mpath, initterm, partedutil, smbiosdump, vmkiscsid, basename, nas, install, passwd, snmpd, vmkload_mod, bootoption, nics, irqinfo, pcscd, sntp, vmkmkdev, bunzip, rescan, isoinfo, pgrep, vmkperf, bzip, resgrp, jumpstart, pidof, vmkping, kdestroy, pigz, stat, vmkramdisk, chardevlogger, scsidevs, ping, storagerm, vmkvsitools, check_serial, swiscsi, kinit, strace, vmtar, chgrp, vmknic, klist, pkill, stty, vmtoolsd, chkconfig, volume, pktcap, uw, chmod, vswitch, lldpnetmap, poweroffvms, summarize, dvfilter, autostart, chown, esxcli, ln, poweroff, sync, toolbox, chvt, cgi, localcli, printf, usbarbitrator, cim, diagnostic, py, lockfile, prop_of_instances, tar, vimdump, cim_host_powerops, esxhpcli, logchannellogger, ps, taskset, vmx, cksum, esxhpedit, logger, pwqcheck, tcpdump, buildtype, esxtop, login, python, techsupport, debug, cmmds, esxupdate, ls, tee, stats, cp, ethtool, lsof, voma, cpio, expr, lspci, vprobe, crond, lsusb, randomseed, timeout, vscsistats, crypto, util, fdisk, lzop, readlink, tmpwatch, vsi_traverse, fgrep, lzopcat, reboot, vsish, mcopy, remotedeviceconnect, tracenet, vvold, dcbd, firmwareconfig, md, reset, traceroute, dcui, gdbserver, memstats, resize, watchdog, dcuiweasel, generate, certificates, mkdir, rhttpproxy, fs, wc, dd, genisoimage, mkfifo, rm, uname, wget, debugfs, getty, mknod, rmdir, uniq, df, gpuvm, mktemp, runinrp, unlzop, dhclient, grabcimdata, scantools, unzip, xargs, diff, grep, mv, sched, uptime, xkbcomp, dirname, gunzip, nc, schedsnapshot, usleep, xz, dmesg, gzip, cdp, scp, uwstats, zcat, dnsdomainname, halt, dvs, sdrsinjector, vdf, doat, hbrfilterctl, lacp, secpolicytools, vdq, dosfsck, lbt, sed, vdu, hexdump, sensord, vi,

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