• Linux and Windows Dual Boot Issue NIC Won't work After Booting Windows

    In Windows, with some NICs, especially Intel, Windows may enable features on the card that break it in Linux. It is hard to troubleshoot as what you'll see is that the NIC is still detected in Linux, the NIC/port will be up but nothing will work (eg. DHCP requests or even static IPs won't work). You may see STP bridge traffic but that is all. In a corporate environment this can result in many calls to support and is essentially downtime and an unnecessary waste of resource........
  • Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes Comparison Guide

    A lot of companies are unsure which solution to choose and many may not be aware of Docker Swarm as an alternative to Kubernetes. One thing that many Sysadmins find is that Docker Swarm is simply easier, quicker to setup and maintain by far than Kubernetes.........
  • 2024 Buyer's Guide: How to Choose and Buy the Best VPS/VDS for Your Needs - Tips and Strategies

    In today’s digital landscape, finding a reliable and secure Virtual Private Server (VPS) or Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS) goes beyond just comparing specs and prices. With increasing concerns over data privacy, security breaches, and government surveillance, the wisdom of choosing your VPS/VDS provider based on juri........
  • Postfix / sendmail config for DKIM, SPF and DMARC Tutorial Guide E-mail Delivery for Hotmail.com Gmail.com and More HowTo

    This will be the goto to help solve e-mail delivery issues and talk about many practical issues that happen between developers, admins and scripts that send e-mail and do things that may not be acceptable or cause deliverability problems. Sendmail Stuff Edit /etc/mail/sendmail.mc The problem is that if you send directly out from the server using the mail function, the Return-path of the e-mails will be username@thehostnameoftheserver.com. Let........
  • Linux grub not using UUID for the root device instead it uses /dev/sda1 or other device name solution

    You can read lots of posts about this issue but there is not much information about why this is the case or how grub determines the root= device name. Some even suggest modifying grub.cfg manually which is a disaster as the next kernel update will cause grub to revert back to the device name. For most people this won't be an issue but those using template system, automated deployments and working in embedded may run into this issue with custom embedded and created minimal kernel........
  • Grandstream Phone Vulnerability Security Issue Remote Backdoor Connection to

    Have you checked your router/firewall logs and disconcertingly see connections to an unknown IP207.246.119.209:3478 from your Grandstream VOIPphones? You're not alone and the Grandstream forums have discussed this issue. However, even their own staff d........
  • Cisco UC CME How To Enable Licensed Features

    Router#show license Index 1 Feature: ipbasek9 Period left: Life time License Type: Permanent License State: Active, In Use License Count: Non-Counted Lic........
  • Cisco Switch / Router How To Restore Factory Default Settings

    1.) Make sure your conf register is 0x2102 Do show version and at the very end of the output you will see the Configuration register. show version Configuration register is 0x2102 If the config register is not 0x2102 then enter this command: r1#configure terminal r1(config)#config-register 0x2102 r1(config)#end 2.) Let's Erase the NVRAM/flash........
  • How To Do Linux Network Bonding Teaming in Mint Debian Ubuntu

    Bonding is an excellent way to get both increased redundancy and throughput. It is similar to the "Network Teaming" feature in Windows. There are a few different modes but we will use mode 6, I think it's the best of both worlds, as it is not just a failover, but it provides round robin, so you will get redundancy and load balancing. So if you have a 1G single port, you will have a combined throughput of 4G at this point. Just bear in mind that the true thr........
  • Docker Tutorial HowTo Install Docker, Use and Create Docker Container Images Clustering Swarm Mode Monitoring Service Hosting Provider

    The Best Docker Tutorial for Beginners We quickly explain the basic Docker concepts and show you how to do the most common tasks from starting your first container, to making custom images, a Docker Swarm Cluster Tutorial, docker compose and Docker buildfiles.........
  • Linux Grub not booting the intended kernel solution in Debian, Mint, Ubuntu how to specify which kernel to boot by default

    Traditionally kernels were numbered starting from 0 but by default the "new style" of grub boot loading considers each subkernel item to be different so if you have 3 entries for 4.40-148 rather than counting for 1. To get the expected behavior let's show this example and how we can boot it We do a grep on menuentry in /boot/grub/grub.cfg to see all of the bootable kernels rather than scrolling through loads of extra entries we don't care about (thou........
  • Wordpress How To Add Featured Image To Post in Hueman Theme

    It is different than other Wordpress templates. You have to edit the following file: wp-content/themes/hueman/parts/single-heading.php Add the following PHPcode to the bottom: ........
  • kdenlive full reset how to erase all config files

    kdenlive is VERY finicky especially if using an older or newer version it can cause crashes, menus not to work, features not to work, things not to work properly. A good example is that Icould NOT get automask to work, there would be no box to control it until I did this full reset. One caution is that your backup project files will be erased when doing this: How to Reset kdenlive entirely rm ~/.config/kdenlive-layoutsrc rm........
  • "This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: cmov Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU.

    You should only get this if you are using a Pentium II or something really old. The problem here is that newer kernels than 2.6 don't have true i386 support even if you tell it to compile as i386. It will still include features like cmov that break older computers from being able to work. Generally for very old computers like above, you need to use a 2.6.x kernel and of course make sure it is i386 and all the binaries are as well. ........
  • How To Get Started on Ubuntu with gpt-2 OpenAI Text Prediction

    apt install software-properties-common add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa apt update apt install python3-pip apt install python3.7 curl gnupg python3.7-dev git ln -s /usr/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/python3 pip3 install numpy keras_preprocessing curl https://bazel.build/bazel-release.pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://storage.googleapis.com/bazel-apt stable jdk1.8" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel........
  • mpv / mplayer with Radeon / AMD GPU Video Card Driver enable VDPAU GPU Accelerated Video Decoding

    The easiest way to know if your videos are playing with GPU acceleration are to watch the process of xplayer, mpv or whatever you are playing. The CPU usage should be no more than 10% for that process/program if it is using acceleration. Let's manually play with vdpau to make sure it works before we make it permanent: First make sure you have libvdpau installed: sudo apt install vdpau-driver-all If yo........
  • MariaDB / MySQL Reset Root Forgotten Password on Centos 7

    mysql reset root password. Oops I can't remember my MySQL root password! [root@centos7test etc]# mysql -u root -p Enter password: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) First we need to stop mariadb: systemctl stop mariadb Now we need to restart it with skip-grant-tables whic........
  • ssh reverse proxy to enable remote access behind a LAN and firewall

    So say you are behind a typical NAT/LAN setup whether at home, work or while travelling. What if you have a computer or server that you need to connect to from the outside? Yes you could use a VPN but a quick and dirty, temporary and secure way is to use SSH's Reverse Tunneling Proxy feature. Requirements On the remote ssh server host you need the GatewayPorts option enabled in sshd_config (be........
  • Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019 How To Install and Missing Disabled Telnet Client

    By default telnet is not enabled or installed on the latest Windows servers so you'll get an error saying: telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient ........
  • How Does Cisco CUCM (Cisco Unified Communication Manager) Work?

    Cisco's CUCM (Cisco Unified Communication Manager) is a system that combines voice, video, data and mobile products into a single unified management suite. At its core, the CUCMis like a "Super PBX" that controls the flow of all communications through an organization even single or multiple site deployments. Cisco's CUCMmakes communication more effective and simple through centralized management and unification of communications resources.........
  • VMWare Vsphere VCSA Graphical Install Creates json

    yes it does create its own json ============================================ cat /tmp/vcsaUiInstaller/ovftool-20180809-175238948-20180809-175603497.log |grep -i json 2018-08-09T17:56:04.238-07:00 verbose OVFTool[30966] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Manifest file entry: SHA1(VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance- = 1deb658c724767697587d5909c4051c01813e6a1 --> ........
  • ImageMagick How To Convert Specific PDF Pages or a Range

    A very handy feature of ImageMagick's convert command is that it can convert PDF's to other image formats like jpg but did you know you can even manually select a range or specific pages from the PDF? Here is an example of converting a range of pages from a PDF in this case pages 25 to 36: convert -density 300 "vSphere 6.5-1.pdf[25-36]" vsphere.jpg Here is an example of converti........
  • sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation - SSH Solution

    sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation This happens when you don't manually add your ssh key with ssh-add it is some weird new feature in SSH or Ubuntu/Debian that causes this weird problem. Solution: ssh-add Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa)........
  • yum how to install old obsolete packages

    This is important as unfortunately Centos may designate a package obsolete and the replacement breaks everything (eg. you have a config file and the new replacement is not at all compatible with it and it breaks your application). This is where disabling obsoletes comes into play, it can be done from yum but it doesn't work at the time I find. yum --setopt=obsoletes=0 install someapp However Ifind it still installs the new app and not the one you ask for........
  • linux cp and mv will not overwrite due to alias!

    This through me for a loop when I would do a cp -rf or mv -f nothing would get overwritten even if piping y or yes to the command. Type alias and you'll see why: alias cp='cp -i' alias l.='ls -d .* --color=auto' alias ll='ls -l --color=auto' alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias mv='mv -i' alias rm='rm -i' The -i is a safeguard against messing things up but however does mess things up worse when you know what........
  • Intel NUC Lower Power Green Computing Boxes Review/Comparison of J3160 and J3455 Models

    Intel NUC J3455 vs Vorke V1 J3160 Both are excellent units but the J3160 is nicer if you require even lower power usage (6W vs the Intel 10W). The price is attractive on the Vorke V1 as well. It's been said that the Intel J3455 NUC has a buggy BIOS and some other issues that require attention. The Intel J3455 is still nice because it has 2 RAMslots but it does get hotter due to lack of fan. The Vorke V1 runs cooler, uses less power an........
  • tar how to ignore failed reads and not exit

    This is an important feature a failed read can genuinely occur if a temporary file has been removed or if you try backing up a sysetm file in /proc /sys (which you shouldn't really anyway). The way to fix this is the following switch: --ignore-failed-read Example: sudo tar --ignore-failed-read -czvf mycomputer-backup.tar.gz --exclude=/home/otheruser/* --exclude=/proc/* --e........
  • ffmpeg Unable to Use Hardware Encoding with Nvidia 3.40 Driver and GT210 card

    I believe from what I've read that this card's driver doesn't support the features after trying all known troubleshooting methods. ffmpeg -i uservideoRendered.mp4 -filter:v hwupload_cuda,scale_npp=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12:interp_algo=lanczos,hwdownload -c:v hevc_nvenc -profile main -preset slow -rc vbr_hq -c:a copy uservideoRendered.mp4-test ffmpeg -i uservideoRendered.mp4 -filter:v hwupload_cuda,scale_npp=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12:interp_algo=lanczos,hwdownload........
  • ffmpeg Linux Mint download, compile and install howto

    #if you have nvidia make sure you install the nvidia-cuda-toolkit so hardware acceleration can be used wget http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2 tar -jxvf ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2 cd ffmpeg-3.3.2/ ./configure --disable-yasm install prefix /usr/local source path ........
  • How to change reserved blocks in Linux partition

    user@box:~$ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/md99 [sudo] password for user: tune2fs 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014) Filesystem volume name: Last mounted on: /mnt/md50 Filesystem UUID: 976a8655-2619-4587-878c-dab07f7b7652 Filesystem magic number: 0xEF53 Filesystem revision #: 1 (dynamic) Fi........
  • Centos 7 Migration Guide from Centos 6

    Centos 7 is no cakewalk, there are many fundamental features and basic utilities that are missing or even completely renamed or different! Another shocking thing is to check your NIC it is set by default to not turn on when booting! And by the way there is no more standard eth0 the NIC convention is now "enp0s3" vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3........
  • OpenVZ Error: Failed to load 2nd level quota solution

    Syncing private Live migrating container... Syncing 2nd level quota 11000: invalid option -- F Usage: vzdqload quotaid [-c file] commands Loads user/group qouta information from stdin into quota file. -c file use given quota file Commands specify what user/group information to load: -G grace time -U disk limits........
  • Apache Vhost HowTo Serve Same Content using a different domain and IP

    There are a few ways of doing this and all basically involve using the reverse proxy or "ProxyPass" feature of Apache to accomplish it. 1.) Create a normal vhost and simply symlink the root directory of the site you want to mirror. Eg. originalsite.com and newsite.com /vhosts/originalsite.com/httpdocs You would symlink like this: ln -s /vhosts/originalsite.com/httpdocs vhosts/originalsite.com/........
  • HP Procurve Switch 2824 CLI Telnet Experience , Guide and Tutorial

    ------------------------------------- ProCurve J4903A Switch 2824 Software revision I.10.77 Copyright (C) 1991-2009 Hewlett-Packard Co. All Rights Reserved. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions........
  • HP XW9400 Motherboard In Desktop Issues

    Fortunately the format is EATX so an EATX case will work and the screw layout is standard. You will need to remove the HEX/TORX screws that are connecting the stock HP standoffs (meant to slide into an HP case). XW9400 Motherboard Issues Size: 12" x 13" Proprietary Power Connector Proprietary CPU Power Connector Proprietary Memory Power Connector Fan connectors are 4 pin so you will need some kind of adapter.........
  • bash script how to do wildcard string comparisons or matching

    This is a feature that works very well in bash and is easy to do: *Remember you need the double brackets for this specific test even though a normal if would not require them variable="hi there" if [[ "$variable" = hi* ]]; then echo "yes it contains hi" fi........
  • Disable cphulk in CPanel if you can't login even with the right password

    It's a great feature to ward off bruteforce but is also annoying because you think you have the wrong password when you can't login. How to Disable cp hulk for 5 minutes /usr/local/cpanel/etc/init/stopcphulkd........
  • Samsung C410W/CLP410W not printing in Linux solution

    You need to use the Samsung driver but specify it as a CLP-360 (this is what I used for my CLP365) and incidentally most of these units look identical on the outside on inside (I've been buying whatever the latest C300 and now 400 unit for years which all seem the same with slightly different features that I never use). The solution Once again try specifying earlier models and revisions if the printer doesn't print (it will say it's been sent to the printer bu........
  • firefox android text size inconsistent large and small text size solution

    This is very annoying and also hard for web developers who want to see how things look on Android. You may be fooled into thinking you have an unclosed bracket or incompatible code but this is the "text inflation feature" which I feel should be disabled by default. It works so inconsitently that one block of text will appear small while the other will be huge and is quite annoying. The solution is simple Settings ->Display and &q........
  • Samsung Galaxy Note Upgrade/Update Experience from 4.0.4 with aftermarket ROMs

    It really seems that 4.4.4 is not ready or stable for the i717 yet and this makes sense since it takes a lot of work/development and testing to get the factory stock ROMs working well. In the end I used the 4.1.2 based Blackstra BlackJelly because it was fast, stable and just works and feels great. The aftermarket support is great but many devs are focussed on adding features and customization that most of us don't want or need rather than getting things smooth and stable.........
  • The Best NoSQL Solution

    To first start off, there are many misconceptions about NoSQL and especially its strengths and weaknesses. Even the popular NoSQL solution MongoDB is fraught with issues that no one seems to be concerned about aside from a few but there are serious issues with database integrity and verified writes. MySQL was considered dangerous or incomplete at one point without having the transactional safety features of Oracle for example. However the NoSQLimplementations seem........
  • kvm centos cannot compile error

    ./configure ./configure: cannot locate gcc 3.x. please install it or specify with --qemu-cc yum -y install gcc make ./configure ./configure: cannot locate gcc 3.x. please install it or specify with --qemu-cc yum -y install compat-gcc-* ./configure Error: Could not find alsa Make sure to have the alsa libs and headers installed. yum -y install alsa-lib-devel ./configure........
  • CPanel domain not working properly: http://vps.thedomain.com/domainnotknown.html Solution

    The Cause Basically it's usually because your Cpanel has new IPs and the old IPs it knows are no longer available/working/valid. The solution is to change the site's IP but you may run into issues for various reasons. Here is what I encountered below. It redirects there even though public_html is empty and doesn't have any index or htaccess redirect. --- This issue happened after a CPanel migration, the site is bein........
  • WD 20EARX Dead Again

    Another new drive bad from the start: Jun 2 15:14:18 one-desktop kernel: [15895.386779] ata2.00: exception Emask 0x50 SAct 0x1 SErr 0x280900 action 0x6 frozen Jun 2 15:14:18 one-desktop kernel: [15895.386782] ata2.00: irq_stat 0x08000000, interface fatal error Jun 2 15:14:18 one-desktop kernel: [15895.386784] ata2: SError: { UnrecovData HostInt 10B8B BadCRC } Jun 2 15:14:18 one-desktop kernel: [15895.386788] ata2.00: cmd 60/0........
  • mdadm enable bitmap to speed up rebuilds

    Have you ever unplugged the wrong drive and then had to rebuild the entire array? It may not be a big deal in some ways but it does make your system vulnerable until the rebuild is done. Many distros often enable the "bitmap" feature and this basically keeps track of what parts need to be resynced in the case of a temporary removal of a drive from the array, this way it only needs to sync what has changed. To enable bitmap to speed up rebuilds and sync........
  • WD 20EARX 2TB Bad within days

    This is just trying to read 5GB off the drive with dd and the drive initially tested ok but shortly after I wondered why I was seeing 2MB/s read speeds. Notice the "current_pending_sector", anytime I've seen it at anything above 0 even with no other bad fields/attributes, it means the drive is bad. ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x3 SErr 0x0 action 0x0 ata1.00: irq_stat 0x40000008 ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED ata1.00: cmd 60/00:00:........
  • Bad Hard Drive Slows Down Computer

    Here's a proven example of what a bad hard drive can do, it was technically functioning OKin a RAID array but the system became extremely low and the load become high and IOWAIT was even higher and I always thought it was a bad application. The truth is that this failing 1TBHitachi has slowly gotten worse and caused huge slowdowns, (eg. 100% load on Thunderbird waiting for e-mails to load etc..). After swapping it out, tabs change instantly, emails are not lagged, and........
  • OpenOffice Writer Replacing/Reformatting Dates in Tables - Howto Disable

    Tools -> Options -> OpenOffice Writer -> Table Uncheck "Number Recognition" This will permanently disable it but won't undo the damage it has already done. I spent a long-time fighting with this horrible feature which should be disabled by default.........
  • "** You must add a global ddns-update-style statement to /etc/dhcpd.conf." DHCPD Solution

    No one needs this feature for the most part, so here's what I added to /etc/dhcpd.conf to fix it: ddns-update-style none;........
  • Centos how to upgrade from PHP 5.2 to 5.3 without downtime

    This may sound silly but there will be conflicts/issues with the default Centos repository so you have to use a third party like remi (I prefer not to do this but it's the only option unless you migrate your sites/data to another server or can stand some downtime-not an option IMHOon a production server). You may need to upgrade to PHP5.3 to run Joomla or many other reasons. Your host needs to use PHP 5.2.4 or higher to run this version of Jo........
  • MySQL Authentication fails after Upgrade to Version 5.5

    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'contentmanager'@'localhost' (using password: YES) For fun I thought I'd reset the password: GRANT ALL ON thecontent.* TO contentmanager IDENTIFIED by 'dfdfsdfdsfsdfsd'; ERROR 1470 (HY000): String 'contentmanager' is too long for user name (should be no longer than 16) This is ridiculous that this new version has some bizarre 16 character username limit and not only that but i........
  • Linux Quick and Simple Animated Banner Creation using gifsicle

    This is just how I like things, quick and simple through CLI (command line) using gifsicle for free. gifsicle --colors 256 --delay=200 --loop banner.gif banner-page2.gif > banner.gif banner.gif = the first page of the banner banner-page2.gif = the second page --delay=200 ms to switch between the two --loop=it goes back and forth between the two pages forever banner.gif=the resulting animated gif. There are many other opti........
  • Firefox 11 solution for hidden tabs to the right

    After about 15 tabs I believe, they become hidden on the right side and are accessible only by furiously clicking the "right arrow" and even then it takes forever and honestly this hidden tab feature seems to slow down everything. If you enter "about:config" in your browser without the quotes just set this value to get rid of this annoying (one of many new) feature from Firefox (set it to false and restart your browser): services.sync.prefs.sync.brows........
  • HowTo Migrate and Import iPhone/Outlook Contacts into Android without using GMail using .vcf files

    I searched for days after getting my Galaxy Note and couldn't find a way to do this (at least not without buying programs for either Android/Windows). All I read was ways to sync and import the contacts to GMail but I don't want to use GMail for privacy reasons. GMail/Google steal all of your personal information and use it for whatever purposes they want to and may sell or release it to who knows where (I don't care what their policy says but this stuff happens), just like the default........
  • Linux Screen How To Scroll Up and Down

    I admit I didn't know you could do this for the longest time and is an annoying feature of screen. In order to scroll up and down just hit "Ctrl+a+Esc" or "Ctrl+a+[" and then you can Pageup, Pagedown and using the arrow keys.........
  • Asus VE247H 23.7" Inch LCD/LED Backlit Monitor Dead/Stuck Pixel Policy Complaint

    I've thought for awhile that Asus has been banking on its years old reputation for quality amongst gamers and enthusiasts and I think I'm right. My Asus VE247H Monitor with a supposed 2MS refresh rate has 1 red/stuck/dead pixel but fortunately it can only be seen on a non-true black picture or against a blue screen. I have several Asus products and find they're all of fairly poor quality. First of all their motherboards have given me the most issues of any brand, they te........
  • Ubuntu Suspend Solution Fix blank screen laptop/computer won't come back

    Even in new versions of Ubuntu this happens but for me I found out it was because of one feature under "Power Management". I had "Spindown hard disks when possible" ticked, after disabling that, my computer wakes up from suspension every time now. So if your computer won't unsuspend with any version of Ubuntu/*Nix try disabling the spin down hard disk option as it's obviously the culprit for many situations.........
  • Linux Out of Memory OOM Object Killer Solution "Out of memory: kill process 1955 (sshd) score 81 or a child"

    I had a system running a 128MB live CD image with 2.8 gigs of available RAM and the OOM kernel killer went crazy when using dd for more than 8 minutes and kept killing everything. I've read that this is due to a low-memory issue and paging in the kernel and 32-bit systems with lots of RAM. I even enabled swapspace on my LiveCD and the issue happened 25 minutes into dd rather than 8 minutes, so what gives? Also no swap space was ever used! cat /proc/s........
  • How To Test If Your Hard Drive Is Good/Signs of dying hard drive

    I like dd, although it only reads it, usually a read test of the entire disk will uncover if your hard drive is bad in some parts. This is a good thing to do at least once a month, a lot of times bizarre program behavior, laginess and crashing/unnmounting problems etc.. are due to a failing disc and SMART won't know it or indicate a problem: We must also remember there's never a guarantee, I've found that ever since we moved to larger and more platters per drive with 1TB drives........
  • smart is not smart, it thinks a dead drive is still good

    I had a dying drive that smart thought until it totally disappeared was a good drive, and actually all parameters did look fine but this system was causing my system to lockup and other bad behavior: === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: WDC WD20EARS-00MVWB0 Serial Number: WD-WMAZ20139 Firmware Version: 50.0AB50 User Capacity: 2,000,398,934,016 bytes Device........
  • Hitachi 2TB HDS5C3020ALA632 drive DOA

    I had one of these shipped and it was not recognized when plugged in, here's what a dead drive looks like (I assume it's teh circuit board which is dead): ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) ata1: softreset failed (device not ready) ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300) ata1: link online but device misclassified, retrying ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) ata1: softreset f........
  • 2011 Best Laptop - HP 15.6" Laptop featuring AMD Athlon II P340 Processor (G62-420CA)

    My mother needed a new laptop and I recommended her the same one I would have bought myself or my wife, that means the cheapest possible laptop with the most features for the money. This HP shines at this price point and one thing that made me stay away from buying more and recommending HP/Compaq was the poor battery life. Not anymore, this model has an industry leading up to 4 hours of battery life. Key Factors for Choosing It: HDMI Out........
  • ls: error while loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory solution

    ls ls: error while loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory This is not an ldd problem or case of anything missing, this only happened after I upradedUbuntu. declare -x PATH="/home/user/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games" "/home/user/bin" is the problem! It's weird because I have no idea how it happened.........
  • MySQL Replication/Dual-Master vs Clustering

    Many people aren't aware but recently Dual-Master Replication setups have become increasingly popular. That's because you get similar features and benefits of having a full-blown cluster (difficult to setup and maintain and requires I believe 3 servers just as controllers). With a dual-master you just have a different off-set for the keys and you should be good, but of course there is the chance that at some point replication will halt because of an unexpected or unforseen error........
  • Failed to save enabled features : The Suexec command on your system is configured to only run scripts under /var/www, but the Virtualmin base directory is /home. CGI and PHP scripts run as domain owners will not be executed.

    Apache/httpd Failed to save enabled features : The Suexec command on your system is configured to only run scripts under /var/www, but the Virtualmin base directory is /home. CGI and PHP scripts run as domain owners will not be executed. This is because I never edited the Apache Config and Virtualmin config to reflect my new/current updated structure.........
  • Webmin/Virtualmin when enabling bind: Failed to save enabled features : Virtualmin is configured to setup DNS zones, but this system is not setup to use itself as a DNS server. Either add to the list of DNS servers, or turn off the BIND fe

    Webmin/Virtualmin when enabling bind: Failed to save enabled features : Virtualmin is configured to setup DNS zones, but this system is not setup to use itself as a DNS server. Either add to the list of DNS servers, or turn off the BIND feature on the module config page. It means what it says, add "" to /etc/resolv.conf........
  • Virtualmin/Webmin Postfix Error: The status of your system is being checked to ensure that all enabled features are available, that the mail server is properly configured, and that quotas are active ..

    Virtualmin Postfix Error: The status of your system is being checked to ensure that all enabled features are available, that the mail server is properly configured, and that quotas are active .. A problem was found with your Postfix virtual maps : No map sources were found in the Postfix configuration .. your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin. ........
  • WD EARS/Green 2TB Cannot Disable Power Saving/Head Parking with hdparm

    hdparm -B 255 /dev/sdb /dev/sdb: setting Advanced Power Management level to disabled HDIO_DRIVE_CMD failed: Input/output error The one thing you can do though is to set hdparm spindown time lower (it doesn't seem to work that well). -S set standby (spindown) timeout hdparm -S 251 /dev/sda /dev/sda: setti........
  • mdadm RAID 1 adventures

    I separated the 2 drives in the RAID 1 array. 1 is the old one /dev/sda and is out of date, while the separated other one /dev/sdc was in another drive and mounted and used with more data (updated). I wonder how mdadm will handle this: usb-storage: device scan complete md: md127 stopped. md: bind md: md127: raid array is not clean -- starting background reconstruction raid1: raid set md127 active with 1 out of 2 m........
  • WD (Western Digital) Advanced Format Drive Lagged/Slow Speed/Performance/Design Flaw EAD/EARS problem WDC WD20EARS-00S8B1

    Let the numbers speak for themselves, from what I read the Load_Cycle_Count which is very high (more than 500,000/half a million times) is the number of head parks. What a stupid"Green" design and design flaw which will probably mean an early life for the drive. This is almost as silly as Seagate's new reputation for BSY/poor quality disks since the 7200.11 series. To make it worse this is also when Western Digital introduced "Advanced Format" o........
  • GRUB2 won't show boot menu/options/silent boot

    This is a "pro" feature I guess so you don't have to see the ugly GRUB screen but if you're having boot problems or trying to update/customize your system it can be frustrating.You have to do some Googling to find out that you have to hold shift to see the GRUB2 menu. You have to hold shift before GRUB2 loads and you will see it........
  • GNOME/Nautilus Resize Images/Pictures from File Manager by right clicking

    Just install the following package "nautilus-image-converter" and you will be able to right click any image and convert the size and rotate it. My only wish is that you could also convert the image type from say tiff to jpg etc... This is an awesome/handy/feature and great tool to have. This is one way where GNOME/Nautilus excel, the possibilities are endless to simplify and make simple/mundane tasks quicker and more efficient than ever.........
  • SolusVM/Xen Central Backup Warning - Takes System Off-line!

    This really gives me a bad impression of SolusVM. I tried the "Central Backup" option and it does not warn that your server gets shutdown instantly in order to do the backup! Further, there is no way to pause or cancel the backup. Thankfully this is a test/small disk usage VPS but what if someone was running something production with a large filesize? Ihaven't used QuickBackup but hope that isn't the same thing. Everyone should be vary car........
  • Ubuntu 10.04 Linux is still not ready for the Desktop world

    I am a huge fan of Linux and the idea of OpenSource but I've said it many times, there are still hurdles in today in 2010 for Linux as a Desktop. Linux is still intended for servers at its very core. This can be changed succesfully though, as Apple has shown us with Mac OS X based on FreeBSD. Half of the issue is lack of driver support and the other half is the Linux Kernel and Window Manages, KDE and GNome still both don't cut it (but they're getting closer). I'll........
  • FUSE/Curlftpfs mount ftp account as drive partition in Linux

    This is a great way to use your ftp server space, for example on your web hosting account (althoughI believe many hosts don't allow storage like this), but if you have a VPS/Dedicated Server etc.., this would be perfect. Imagine how easy it is to work with an ftp account that you can just mount as a normal partition or directory in Linux, it would be great for backups etc.. Name curlftpfs - mount a ftp host as a local directory Synopsis........
  • cPanel complaint - No Shared SSL! cPanel 11.25.0-R46156 - WHM 11.25.0 - X 3.9

    I've recently used CPanel on the admin side for the first time and have to say I hate it. Everything from the layout to the functionality screams "hackish". It just lacks so many common sense features and way of working. I was never 100% impressed with Plesk but the basics were definitely laid out and done in a sensible manner, even though it is made by a Russian company, they definitely thought about how to make a Control Panel. I have no idea why people........
  • OpenVZ user_beancounters kmemsize failcnt Processes Timing Out/Doing Nothing/Zombie

    cat /proc/user_beancounters produces the following: kmemsize 1861537 5139870 12752512 12752512 26965041 Notice the failcnt "26965041", that is for kmemsize and at first it confused me. The system had enough guaranteed and enough burst RAM available. kmemsize is a variable indepedent of that, but who cars about the explanation right, let's just make thing........
  • Seagate Drive 500GB Drive Dying

    This drive is clearly on the way out, the Kernel knows it but I'm surprised that SMART is not concerned. I didn't blame Seagate for their past issues until now. This hard drive has hardly been used and has not even been powered on for a year according to SMART. Home page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/ === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Model Family: Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 Device........
  • Seagate 7200.11 firmware defect in 500GB, 1000GB (1TB) and 1500GB (1.5TB) Hard Drives

    Seagate Inventory/Firmware Check I heard about this issue a long time ago but never looked into it. I figured I wasn't affected since my 500GB drives were running for so long. I've been using Seagate's since 2002 and to this day all of the drives I have are alive from Seagate. *Update the bad news is that I realize one of my 500GB's is about to die, it's not even a year old, but is also not affected by the recall according to Seagate! Seagate Inventory/Firm........
  • nginx - the ultimate load balancer

    You can find it for free at http://nginx.org/ I find nginx is simpler to setup than pound (it's not hard but I found it unintuitive and annoying), it seemed to make some basic setups overly complicated with the config file syntax. nginx on the other hand is perfectly suited in everyway, it is even simpler to setup and seems to be the most stable and most efficient any load balancer. I would go as far as to say that a good nginx setup is more relia........
  • Linux EXT3 16GB-17GB maximum filesize issue solved/how to fix

    I have no idea why but mkfs.ext3 defaults to a patheticlly small blocksize of 1024 bytes/1KB (kilobyte). That means the maximum filesize is ONLY 16GB! With 2KB/2048 bytes you get a 256 GB maximum filesize, and with 4KB/4096 bytes you get 2TB! I finally noticed/paid attention to this after realizing that with rsync and scp that no file larger than 17GB could be transferred. I then realized it must be a file size limit on the partition. Here is what tune2fs tol........
  • Picking an FTPD (vsftpd) Server in Linux Centos/Debian

    I decided on using yum to help me decide even though I normaly use proftpd I decided to see what else I could find. yum search ftp Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * rpmforge: ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de * base: mirrors.netdna.com * updates: updates.interworx.info * addons: yum.singlehop.com * extras: mirrors.netdna.com rpmforge........
  • Roxio/Sonic complaints - No verification of burnt ISO Image

    Roxio/Sonic complaints - No verification of burnt ISO ImageThe only thing Nero does better is that it has the option to verify the data written from an ISO/CD Image! Why can't all burning utilities have this feature?........
  • SSH Public Key Authentication (Login Without Passwords)

    SSH Public Key Authentication (Login Without Passwords)I've gone over this before but just a quick note! the "authorized_keys" file in ~/.ssh must be chmodded to "600" or public key authentication won't work. I guess it's kind of a security/failsafe feature that I've seen on all Linux and Unix OS's........
  • Other Security Web Sites

    Other Security Web SitesSeveral websites actively track security issues. This list provides you with the major providers of security information on the Web. Many of these organizations also provide newsletters and mailings to announce changes or security threats: Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) CERIAS is an industry-sponsored center at Purdue University that is focused on technology and relate........
  • gnuCash - Alternative to Quickbooks/Quicken and other COTS accounting software.

    gnuCash is available for all main platforms, Linux/Unix, MacOS (FreeBSD anyway), and Windows. You can download gnuCash free from here. It does seem to be fairly full featured and somewhat straight forward, but like so many programs it is missing a few key features or things don't work quite right. It doesn't support importation of CSV files, which is a big minus. And the developers rather than wanting to add support have just dec........
  • pound a Linux Load Balance and Reverse Proxy

    I have played around with Pound a little bit. It is a reverse proxy and load balancer in one, and it can be used as only a reverse proxy if you like. It is very simple to configure as either, and Pound even senses if one of the systems is down and stops sending requests to the dead server. It supports SSL (but passes the request to the destination server unencrypted) and even the Apache log format. Pound is very simple, fast a........
  • Clustered/Distributed Network Filesystems, Which Ones live up to the hype?

    I've tried to find a good sensible solution to cluster with and each technology has it's pros and cons and there is no perfect solution and I've found a lot of "exaggerations" in the applications, benefits and performance of these different filesystems. DRBD I first started off with DRBD and Ihave to say it does live up to the hype, is quite reliable (although it can be annoying to match up the kernel module and user applications since they must match and whe........
  • Linux How to Search for text within any file using Linux/Unix - Use GREP

    It's actually very simple and "grep" makes it as easy as possible. I'll outline a few common scenarios and provide some examples. Say you want to search ALLfiles within the current directory (and inside/deeper) for the text "phpinfo()" grep -R "phpinfo()" * If you want to search only certain files such as only .txt you would do this instead: grep -R "phpinfo()" *.txt As you ca........
  • iPhone Complaint Lock/Standby Disrupts WiFi and uses 3G instead

    Has Apple tried to give a golden egg to the cell phone companies? Has anyone noticed that if you set your lock time to x minutes, the phone doesn't just lock, it goes into standby. When it does this, any WiFi connection you have gets dropped and all push/data functions such as e-mail checking are done through the 3G network. There is no way to change this feature and functionality and it's very annoying, especially if you are downloading something or loading files over the........
  • iPhone 3GS Jailbreak Information & Benefits

    Truly, the only way to unleash the capabilities and customization abilities of iPhone are to jailbreak, it's not just for hackers anymore. A few days ago someone by the named of "geohot" released a single click application called "purplera1n", which does the entire operation smoothly and seamlessly. In our case, the first time it went as far as "done, wait for reboot" on our Windows machine and for minutes we waited and saw the pic on the iPhone w........
  • iPhone 3GS 32GB "Harsh Review"

    Yes, Iadmit I finally got bitten by the hype as much as I can usually see through it all. Keep in mind this review is of the "stock" phone, no jailbreaking yet which is what really unleashes the customizability and whyI bought iPhone. I had better things to say about this phone before buying it, and it is a great phone, perhaps the best on the market by far, if not because of the Mac OS port onto the iPhone and all the apps, etc, etc. With that said........
  • iPhone has no password/wand manager saving feature in Safari Web Browser

    I kind of expected this feature to be there in some form, to stay ahead of the pack Apple needs to stay on top of this. User's of HTC's Android smart phone which uses a Linux based OS with Google's power behind it, note that you can save passwords in the browser on that phone. Apple needs to continuously evaluate the needs in its core apps and make sure the features are cutting edge and top notch, if other phones come out with some of these seemingly small but essential features........
  • Apple iPhone 3GS and predecessors are leading a revolution

    As much of a computer nerd as Iam, I'm usually a late adopter to technology for a few reasons. Ifeel most new hyped technologies and electronics are mainly fads, and I'm also cheap. Adopting later means you avoid the bugs, kinks and most importantly pay the lowest price, that's me being cheap again :) I never read much about the iPhone but Isaw all the hype around it and until recently I wasn't a big fan of anything Apple until a few years ago I realize........
  • Nokia N97 review, feedback and complaints

    I've had an old Blackberry for a few years and I was ready to spend some serious cash on a nice Nokia. I love the idea of the Linux based Symbian S60 OS, so I was looking at phones like the E63, E71 (both are basically the same, at least CPU/screensize although E71 is thinner, has a 3MP camera, has GPS, and has dedicated buttons to adjust the volume). Then Iheard about the N97 and what a revolution it was supposed to be and it was even compared to iPhone. To........
  • SIOCSIFADDR No such device eth0 error while getting interface flags - eth0 Ethernet Device can

    Igot this after copying a VMWare image onto another machine in Debian. SIOCSIFADDR No such device eth0 error while getting interface flags The solution 1.) Find and edit the device line in persisent-net.rules note it will be prefixed with something like z25 or something else. vi /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules The easiest way is to comment anything out. If you are feeling........
  • SSH Problem User username from not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers

    User username from not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers What's going on? The user was created properly, it has been defined as having a shell entry and the entry for /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow is set just fine. This is a new and very smart/secure feature of SSHD. It is simple and yet effective, but also very annoying if you didn't know about it being implemented and that hand editing of /etc/ssh/sshd_config is required to allow a newly add........
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