• Linux how to get list of all timezones on system Ubuntu

    find /usr/share/zoneinfo/|sed s#"/usr/share/zoneinfo/"##g|grep "/"|grep -v posix|grep -v ^"Etc/"|grep -v ^right|grep -v ^"SystemV" Africa/Addis_Ababa Africa/Abidjan Africa/Blantyre Africa/Lusaka Africa/Casablanca Africa/Libreville Africa/Asmara Africa/Bujumbura Africa/Dakar Africa/Lagos Africa/Malabo Africa/Harare Africa/Kigali........
  • How To Upgrade Debian 8,9,10 to Debian 12 Bookworm

    Step 1.) Upgrade to Debian 11 first The process to go to Debian 12 is not as smooth as 11, when trying to upgrade from Debian 10. In fact, it doesn't work directly, so you'll first need to follow this guide to update to Debian 11, reboot and come back here if successful. Step 2.) Update sources.list Update your /etc/apt/sources.list like this: deb http://........
  • How To Setup Python3 in Ubuntu Docker Image for AI Deep Learning

    The issue is that Docker images are stripped down, so many tools and even python3 is missing, so you'll have to build or update the actual image yourself. I assume you have started an image with something like this and that you have the Nvidia Toolkit installed (assuming you are using GPUs). If you're not using nvidia just remove --runtime=nvidia --gpus all. docker run -it --runtime=nvidia --gpus all ubuntu bash These works for most images li........
  • How to upgrade to the latest Python version on Linux Ubuntu Debian Mint 3.11

    A lot of developers want to go to 3.11 because of the speed improvements, but most distros never have the latest Python version. Using the deadsnakes third party repo is the easiest way aside from compiling it yourself (which is safer and recommended): Step 1 - Add the repo apt-add-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa If you get an error about requests then install it:........
  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip._internal' solution python

    pip3 install requests Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/.local/bin/pip3", line 7, in from pip._internal.cli.main import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip._internal' As a quick and temp fix call the OS installed python and not the user .local/bin installed pip3 /usr/bin/pip3 install requests Collecting requests Cache e........
  • Libreoffice Calc Opens CSV Spreadsheet File as Asian Language/Chinese Characters Solution Fix

    Usually LIbreoffice gets it right, but if it opens a normal English CSV as UTF-16 by default and shows Asian languages, you'll have ot manually open to fix it (don't double click the file from the File Manager). Solution - Manually Open the File After Opening LibreOffice Calc You'll see it is defaulting to UTF-16 which breaks everything. ........
  • GlusterFS HowTo Tutorial For Distributed Storage in Docker, Kubernetes, LXC, KVM, Proxmox

    This can be used on almost anything, since Gluster is a userspace tool, based on FUSE. This means that all Gluster appears as to any application is just a directory. Applications don't need specific support for Gluster, so long as you can tell the application to use a certain directory for storage. One application can be for redundant and scaled storage, including for within Docker and Kubernetes, LXC, Proxmox, OpenStack, etc or just your image/web/video files or even da........
  • bash how to hide username/customize prompt Linux Debian Redhat Ubuntu Solution

    Just edit your ~/.bashrc and add this at the very end: export PS1="realtechtalk.com" Then your prompt will look like this: bladeblox:uptime 08:47:14 up 48 min, 1 user, load average: 1.00, 1.07, 0.96 If you wanted a dollar sign at the end then you would change it like this: export PS1=&........
  • QEMU KVM Keyboard Problems Not Working Right Repeating Characters, Ctrl+C Copy and Paste not working right when using PS2 mouse in guests Solution

    It seems that QEMU/KVM's default PS2 mouse and keyboard doesn't work right in most cases. I have especially observed issues using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V and in Linux you may see repeated key presses in the terminal and you will wonder why you copied something and it's not in the clipboard when you try to paste. The way to temporarily fix it is to press the key that is repeating once(works in Linux but not really in Windows). Sometimes when moving your mouse it will also s........
  • apcupsd how to setup and monitor APC UPS units

    It really seems limited in that it can mainly give you the things you would see on the physical unit such as load etc.. wget https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/apcupsd/apcupsd%20-%20Stable/3.14.14/apcupsd-3.14.14.tar.gz?r=https%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Fapcupsd%2Ffiles%2Flatest%2Fdownload&ts=1598115866 tar -zxvf apcupsd-3.14.14.tar.gz cd apcupsd-3.14.14 [root@somebox apcupsd-3.14.14]# ./conf........
  • CentOS 6 impossible to compile a newer libguestfs

    yum -y install gcc make gperf genisoimage flex bison ncurses ncurses-devel pcre-devel augeas-devel augeas readline-devel checking for cpio... cpio checking for gperf... no configure: error: gperf must be installed configure: error: Package requirements (augeas >= 1.2.0) were not met: Requested 'augeas >= 1.2.0' but version of augeas is 1.0.0 yum remove augeas augeas-libs augeas-devel wget http://downl........
  • How To Get Started on Ubuntu with gpt-2 OpenAI Text Prediction

    apt install software-properties-common add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa apt update apt install python3-pip apt install python3.7 curl gnupg python3.7-dev git ln -s /usr/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/python3 pip3 install numpy keras_preprocessing curl https://bazel.build/bazel-release.pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://storage.googleapis.com/bazel-apt stable jdk1.8" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel........
  • Linux Console Login Screen TTY Change Message

    This is all controlled by /etc/issue You can basically enter anything in there that you like, but there are preset variables that are mentioned at the end of the page that discuss this. Some examples of /etc/issue: Centos 7: S Kernel r on an m Ubuntu 16.04: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS n l You can also insert any of t........
  • MySQL Cheatsheet Guide and Tutorial

    Create Database: create database yourdbname; Show All Databases: show databases; Change Database: use mysql; Drop / Delete a MySQL Database: drop database nameofyourdatabase;........
  • Cisco Unified Communications Manager / CUCM IP 8.6,10,12 Install Error Solution

    Install Errors on Version 12: This error happened on QEMU emulator version 2.11.1 pve-qemu-kvm_2.11.1-5 on Proxmox/Debian but installing on QEMU.12 on Centos 6 did not produce the error. *Update it is not related to the OS or QEMU version. This happened in Centos 6 too after a second install. What really causes this even though you successfully install........
  • PHP Issues With Decoding Strange Smart Quotes And Non-Standard ASCII Characters

    When using strip_tags and html_entity_decode with PHPit often breaks and produces annoying diamonds with question marks. It is probably because of characters like these: … (looks like 3 dots but it is a single weird character). ’ (looks like a normal apostraphe but it is not) ” (looks like a normal double quote but it is not). An easy way to sort this out is to copy the above and search in an ASCII table to extend the functional........
  • Linux use growisofs to burn a larger file on a BD-R / Bluray Disc

    growisofs -Z /dev/sr0 critical.tar.gz.gpg Executing 'genisoimage critical.tar.gz.gpg | builtin_dd of=/dev/sr0 obs=32k seek=0' I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings) File critical.tar.gz.gpg is larger than 4GiB-1. -allow-limited-size was not specified. There is no way do represent this file size. Aborting. :-( write failed: Input/output error #remember to us........
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    Cisco's CUCM (Cisco Unified Communication Manager) is a system that combines voice, video, data and mobile products into a single unified management suite. At its core, the CUCMis like a "Super PBX" that controls the flow of all communications through an organization even single or multiple site deployments. Cisco's CUCMmakes communication more effective and simple through centralized management and unification of communications resources.........
  • systemd management using systemctl and journalctl to check systemd logs

    systemd is like the service manager for your Centos and other modern Linux distributions (including Debian/Mint/Ubuntu) allows you to enable services, stop them, restart them, check their status and even reboot your system. The key commands or arguments you will use with systemctl are the following: Unit Commands: list-units [PATTERN...] List loaded units &nbs........
  • genisoimage errors with long filenames and deep directory structures

    You'll have to violate the iso9660 standards but it is necessary if you want to preserve your filesystem and filenames and shouldn't be an issue as long as you are using a modern OS like Linux. genisoimage -o Backup-Myfiles.iso -r -J -joliet-long /some/path/ You will get errors like below (even enabling joliet-long didn't help) genisoimage: Error: /some/filename.pdf have the same Joliet name Joliet tree sort failed. The -joliet-lo........
  • VMWare ESXi 6.7 SSH/PowerShell CLI Commands

    [root@localhost:~] BootModuleConfig.sh echo host-ind nfcd........
  • PayPal IPN Failed "result: IPN Handshake Invalid"

    This is often the result of PayPal's "item name" or another name having invalid characters or not supporting Unicode. - - [17/Jul/2018:13:39:45 -0400] "POST //modules/gateways/callback/paypal.php HTTP/1.1" 406 - "-" "PayPal IPN ( https://www.paypal.com/ipn )" A good clue is if you check the debug output of the IPNand find a mandatory column empty. ........
  • VMWare 6.7 VCSA VSphere ESXi Management SSO Install Guide on Linux using the CLI

    #mount the VCSA DVD mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cd #alternatively you could mount the iso directly mount -o loop vcsa.iso /your/mount/path #for this purpose we are using the CLI installer on Linux cd /mnt/cd/vcsa-cli-installer/lin64 #no it's not going to be that easy you can't just run vcsa-deploy like that you need to use a template or configured .json file ./vcsa-deploy Usage: vcsa-deploy [-h] [--version] [--supported-deploymen........
  • Hard Drive Serial Number Examples

    The reason for this article is because a lot of us don't physically see our hard drives they are often remote in a datacenter etc and the actual serial number we see in SMART is not enough to check for some manufacturers. A good example is our first one the Toshiba === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: TOSHIBA DT01ACA200 Serial Number: 33FMDW4AS........
  • MySQL Adding New Field to Existing Database Table

    ALTER TABLE existingtable ADD newfieldname VARCHAR(255);........
  • php remove last letters of string

    $title_clean = substr($title,0,-3); In the above example the last 3 characters will be removed from the string "$title". You can of course have the last X removed by changing -3 to -X........
  • MySQL How To Add New Field Column To Existing Table

    ALTER TABLE thetable ADD newfield VARCHAR(255) It's very simple just specify "the table" and then the newfield type........
  • strange vi errors in Linux Mint/Ubuntu line 58: E488: Trailing characters: t_Sbet line 63: E171: Missing :endif

    This happens on any file an even just typing "vi"whereas it never happened before. I suspect an update or environment variable is causing this issue When entering vi I get this weird stuff line 58: E488: Trailing characters: t_Sbet line 63: E171: Missing :endif When exiting vi I get this weird stuff t_Sb=^[[4%?%p1%{1}%=%t........
  • Linux bash script how to generate a random password using /dev/urandom

    This command will generate a random password using all letters and numbers that is 20 characters wrong based on /dev/urandom (for the most truly random output). echo `< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-20};echo;`........
  • How to create openssl md5 password hash to use in /etc/shadow using bash

    Very useful in embedded and other non-standard deployments. The above makes a random salt of 14 random characters from /dev/urandom (you can change the -14 to whatever number of characters you want for your salt). openssl passwd -1 -salt `< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-14};echo;` YourPassword Output: $1$eW-ScuyL$f/iKMJ5mbJ..7bSzvX6EO0 How To Create Password Has........
  • bash count length of string and characters

    variable="abc hello" How do you count it (note blank/white space counts as a character too)? echo "${#variable}" 9........
  • vi Debian Linux Ubuntu Mint arrow key problem linux ssh bash shell terminal

    Debian/Ubuntu vi keyboard problem, up and down arrows do not work and instead make an A (Up), B (Down), C (Right) or D(Left). The working solution (you could also add the set nocompatible to /etc/vim/vimrc to make it system wide-will not be applied until reboot I believe): echo "set nocompatible" > ~/.vimr........
  • linux bash mass rename tool Centos/Debian/Ubuntu

    Say you have a bunch of files like this: file-01.jpg file-02.jpg ............... What if you want to mass rename them? the rename tool can work just like sed For Debian based distros: Note "file" is what we search for and "newname" is what we replace it with, so substitute according to your requirements. rename s/file/newname/ name-file-*.jpg For R........
  • Installing zoneminder on Ubuntu/Debian Linux Howto

    sudo apt-get install zoneminder [sudo] password for one: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: libuser-perl python-evince kdebase-apps kwrite unixodbc libgnomeprint2.2-data python-soappy vgabios python-metacity hddtemp python-mediaprof........
  • HP Procurve Switch 2824 CLI Telnet Experience , Guide and Tutorial

    ------------------------------------- ProCurve J4903A Switch 2824 Software revision I.10.77 Copyright (C) 1991-2009 Hewlett-Packard Co. All Rights Reserved. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions........
  • Dell CS24-NV7 lspci dmidecode info

    0000:00:00.0 RAM memory: NVIDIA Corporation MCP55 Memory Controller (rev a2) 0000:00:01.0 ISA bridge: NVIDIA Corporation MCP55 LPC Bridge (rev a3) 0000:00:01.1 SMBus: NVIDIA Corporation MCP55 SMBus (rev a3) 0000:00:02.0 USB controller: NVIDIA Corporation MCP55 USB Controller (rev a1) 0000:00:02.1 USB controller: NVIDIA Corporation MCP55 USB Controller (rev a2) 0000:00:05.0 IDE interface: NVIDIA Corporation MCP55 SATA Controller (rev a3) 0000:00:05.1 I........
  • sed linux bash how to remove non-ASCII english characters

    sed -i 's/[d128-d255]//g' file.txt........
  • bash script delete all non-English characters

    #remove non english characters from file: sed -i 's/[d128-d255]//g' file.txt........
  • MySQL How to add a field/column using alter

    ALTER TABLE yourtable ADD COLUMN info VARCHAR(255)........
  • CPanel suhosin install failed

    /scripts/phpextensionmgr install PHPSuHosin Updating md5sum list Fetching http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/cpanelsync/easy/targz.yaml (connected:0).......(request attempt 1/12)...Resolving httpupdate.cpanel.net...(resolve attempt 1/65)... Fetching http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/mirror_addr_list (connected:0).......(request attempt 1/3)......connecting to success......Done........
  • Linux create htaccess file with username and password

    htpasswd -b -c filename username "password" -b = take the password that we specify in the command (don't prompt for it) -c = create the filename username=username password=password (I use quotes because it breaks if you use special characters)........
  • Dell FS12-NV7 2U Server Information and Guide

    I've got one of these for testing projects from work at home and got more than I bargained for with the time I've spent on it due to the storage handing/Perc 6/i cards. My particular model came with the following: 2U Rack Mount Server with Rails 2xOpteron 2373 EE (Quad Core, there is a 6-core version that can be found at times) 16GB RAM 2 x 250GB Seagate SATA 2 x Dell Perc 6/i (horrible and a nightmare to work........
  • pxe-32 tftp open timeout

    pxe-32 tftp open timeout The solution was to enable tftp in xinetd with "chkconfig tftp on". See the troubleshooting below: chkconfig --list NetworkManager 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off acpid 0:off&n........
  • charat in PHP convert non-English characters into code

    This is basically URL decoding to the decimal code but nothing in PHPworks how you'd expect it. Here are online tools to verify and check your work, it's important when querying databases with non-English characters: http://yehg.net/encoding/index.php# http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder/ http://www.codetable.net/decimal/65398 Japanese: http://symbolcodes.tlt.psu.edu/bylanguage/japanesechartkatakana.html Charat code for PHP:........
  • PHP replace characters within a string str_replace

    $newlist=str_replace("_"," ",$list); The example above searches the "$list" string and replaces any "_" with a blank space "". ........
  • Centos how to upgrade from PHP 5.2 to 5.3 without downtime

    This may sound silly but there will be conflicts/issues with the default Centos repository so you have to use a third party like remi (I prefer not to do this but it's the only option unless you migrate your sites/data to another server or can stand some downtime-not an option IMHOon a production server). You may need to upgrade to PHP5.3 to run Joomla or many other reasons. Your host needs to use PHP 5.2.4 or higher to run this version of Jo........
  • MySQL Authentication fails after Upgrade to Version 5.5

    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'contentmanager'@'localhost' (using password: YES) For fun I thought I'd reset the password: GRANT ALL ON thecontent.* TO contentmanager IDENTIFIED by 'dfdfsdfdsfsdfsd'; ERROR 1470 (HY000): String 'contentmanager' is too long for user name (should be no longer than 16) This is ridiculous that this new version has some bizarre 16 character username limit and not only that but i........
  • bash script remove non-printable special characters/white space

    In bash you test like this for problems that can be caused by non-printable characters since if you don't know how to identify it because it basically breaks your script. echo "url=$url" should print something like this normally if you have properly formatted input/text: url=::http://someaddress.com:: But if you have some weird hidden characters (not visible in a text editor of any sort you'll get something like this ::l=::http://s........
  • Linux Kernel Panic Messages - Symptoms of bad RAM module/stick

    These were caused by a bad stick of Corsair RAM [] free_hot_cold_page+0xfc/0x150 [] __pagevec_free+0x14/0x1a [] release_pages+0x127/0x12f [] __pagevec_release+0x15/0x1d [] __invalid_mapping_pages+0x120/0x156 [........
  • How To Test If Your Hard Drive Is Good/Signs of dying hard drive

    I like dd, although it only reads it, usually a read test of the entire disk will uncover if your hard drive is bad in some parts. This is a good thing to do at least once a month, a lot of times bizarre program behavior, laginess and crashing/unnmounting problems etc.. are due to a failing disc and SMART won't know it or indicate a problem: We must also remember there's never a guarantee, I've found that ever since we moved to larger and more platters per drive with 1TB drives........
  • 2011 Best Laptop - HP 15.6" Laptop featuring AMD Athlon II P340 Processor (G62-420CA)

    My mother needed a new laptop and I recommended her the same one I would have bought myself or my wife, that means the cheapest possible laptop with the most features for the money. This HP shines at this price point and one thing that made me stay away from buying more and recommending HP/Compaq was the poor battery life. Not anymore, this model has an industry leading up to 4 hours of battery life. Key Factors for Choosing It: HDMI Out........
  • 95th Percentile Billing vs Usage Billing, what's better?

    There are all kinds of threads and links on the internet, and this seems to be a contentious issue butI don't know why. 95th percentile is either a good deal for some or a big rip off for others, Ijust said it there :) But the reality is that for MOST people who transfer low amounts of data but burst to higher speeds such as 40mbit+ even for short periods of time, then you'll pay a lot of money to do that. Basically 95th percentile is an-old archaic method........
  • Installing Webmin & Enabling SSL

    Webmin Setup Centos 5: wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.530/webmin-1.530-1.noarch.rpm?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmin.com%2Fstandard.html&ts=1294339690&use_mirror=surfnet [1] 24229 [2] 24230 [root@host ~]# --2011-01-06 21:48:20-- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.530/webmin-1.530-1.noarch.rpm?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmin.com%2Fstandard.html Resolving downloads.sourceforge.net... 216.34.181.........
  • Kernel Error - stuck on the following: msgmni has been set to 1466 request_module: run away loop modprobe char-major-5-1 stuck on the following: msgmni has been set to 1466 request_module: run away loop modprobe char-major-5-1 I don't know the fix for it, but it is an old bug that has reappeared.........
  • Linux looking for a way to convert XLS/Excel Spreadsheets into Plain Text?

    catdoc.i386 : Decodes MS Word files into plain text or TeX format I haven't figured out how to use it, it is really not clear or obvious but it should do the job if you can figure it out. Usage: catdoc [-vu8btawxlV] [-m number] [-s charset] [-d charset] [ -f format] files........
  • FUSE/Curlftpfs mount ftp account as drive partition in Linux

    This is a great way to use your ftp server space, for example on your web hosting account (althoughI believe many hosts don't allow storage like this), but if you have a VPS/Dedicated Server etc.., this would be perfect. Imagine how easy it is to work with an ftp account that you can just mount as a normal partition or directory in Linux, it would be great for backups etc.. Name curlftpfs - mount a ftp host as a local directory Synopsis........
  • MySQL TEXT field size length limit reminder, don't truncate your data!

    I thought there would be an error message or warning from MySQL in the case that the text you submit is greater than the allowed limit based on the field. So essentially I submitted text that was about 120,000 characters long, whereas the limit of TEXT is just 65,535 characters! I almost lost half of my data/what I typed without knowing it! I just altered the field type in my database from TEXT to LONGTEXT. I can't see how LONGTEXT wouldn't be long enough for MOST........
  • Adventures in pre-paid SIM Cards and data GPRS/Edge/3G in China with China Mobile in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and other cities

    This really is a difficult and confusing process for non-Mandarin speakers, but here's what I've done and learned so far: You can purchase an "M-Zone" China Mobile pre-paid SIMCard from almost anywhere but I tried to purchase mine from Suning (a large electronics dealer) hoping they would be able to help me or answer my questions but my plan didn't work out at all. At Suning once I found someone who spoke some English they gave me the 55 RMB M-Zone China Mobile P........
  • Weird characters in Linux putty shell

    Iused to get all kinds of weird annoying characters like "â" during compilation with gcc especially. example: dmg2img.c:456: error: âBZ_OKâ undeclared (first use in this function) dmg2img.c:471: warning: implicit declaration of function âBZ2_bzCompressEndâ dmg2img.c:482: warning: implicit declaration of function âBZ2_bzDecompressâ dmg2img.c:484: error: âBZ_PARAM_ERRORâ undecl........
  • Using a Mac OSX DMG Image in Windows and Converting to Standard ISO Format use dmg2iso

    The dmg format is silly and annoying to work with, why couldn't Apple stick with the .iso standard? Anyway, there's an excellent Linux and Windows based tool to convert it back to a normal .iso Image called dmg2iso I'll only cover theLinux version although the Windows pre-built binary works the same way. Download dmg2iso here for free (from the author's website) It's just silly and doesn't make sense that Ubuntu doe........
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