• apache2 httpd apache server will not start [pid 22449:tid 139972160445760] AH00052: child pid 23248 exit signal Aborted (6) solution Mint Debian Ubuntu Redhat

    If you get this error, it is often because you have configured Apache with modules that weren't actually installed. Eg. you try to load the PHPmodule but didn't actually install the apache2 php module, so the server can't start. In general, this error can often be caused by issues with problematic modules and/or Apache being configured for modules that have not actually be installed (eg. libapache2-mod-php) is missing. The above results in this less than obv........
  • Grandstream Phone Vulnerability Security Issue Remote Backdoor Connection to

    Have you checked your router/firewall logs and disconcertingly see connections to an unknown IP207.246.119.209:3478 from your Grandstream VOIPphones? You're not alone and the Grandstream forums have discussed this issue. However, even their own staff d........
  • Translating "cisco" ...domain server ( Cisco Router/Switch Solution

    If you are in enable mode and make a typo, the router will treat it as a domain name and try to resolve it, and if it can't resolve it, you'll have to wait until it times out. Here's how to solve the Translating domain server error in Cisco Enter this in config mode: no ip domain-lookup Be sure to sav........
  • Proxmox Breaks Storage/LVM Backing If Killing QEMU-IMG

    I tried to stop a qemu-img copy or clone and it broke everything. It was fine to "stop" it from the GUI but a process still persisted so I killed the relevant qemu-img and the kernel went crazy. It also may not have helped that I tried to lvremove a different volume (an unused disk). But either way it breaks LVM (you cannot even run lvdisplay) so a reboot is necessary. Jan 17 06:45:21 testserver kernel: [ 5680.439337] systemd-udevd D 0&nbs........
  • systemd management using systemctl and journalctl to check systemd logs

    systemd is like the service manager for your Centos and other modern Linux distributions (including Debian/Mint/Ubuntu) allows you to enable services, stop them, restart them, check their status and even reboot your system. The key commands or arguments you will use with systemctl are the following: Unit Commands: list-units [PATTERN...] List loaded units &nbs........
  • VMWare ESXi 6.7 SSH/PowerShell CLI Commands

    [root@localhost:~] BootModuleConfig.sh echo host-ind nfcd........
  • postfix errors fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling solution

    Jul 3 22:12:17mailserver postfix/smtpd[6195]: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms Jul 3 22:12:18mailserver postfix/master[4881]: warning: process /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd pid 6195 exit status 1 Jul 3 22:12:18mailserver postfix/master[4881]: warning: /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling This only ever happens in my experience when the authentication method is actually Dovecot. Usually the problem........
  • OpenVZ Solution CPT ERR: c02fa000,73 :CPT: lock fd is closed incorrectly: 1 and vps-net_add ERROR: Unable to add route ip route add dev venet0

    The only solution after trying many suggestions was to simply restart the "vz" service (definitely not preferable). Even doing an ifdown and ifup for venet0 did not help. ifup venet0 Bringing up interface venet0: Configuring interface venet0: net.ipv4.conf.venet0.send_redirects = 0 RTNETLINK answers: Network is down Some errors from log: CPT ERR: d2dc60........
  • Apache Log Error Message when starting

    Usage: geoiplookup [-h] [-?] [-d custom_dir] [-f custom_file] [-v] [-i] [-l] Usage: geoiplookup [-h] [-?] [-d custom_dir] [-f custom_file] [-v] [-i] [-l] grep: Address: No such file or directory grep: not: No such file or directory grep: found: No such file or directory sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `|' sh: -c: line 1: `|cut -d ',' -f 2' ........
  • rtorrent: symbol lookup error: rtorrent: undefined symbol: _ZN7torrent10ThreadBase8m_globalE solution

    The solution is strange but simple and works each time on Centos: yum downgrade libtorrent........
  • LOG: MAIN PANIC failed to expand condition "${if eq {$authenticated_id}{}{0}{${if eq {$sender_address}{$local_part@$domain}{0}{${if match{$received_protocol}{N^e?smtps?a$N}{${perl{checkbx_autowhitelist}{$authenticated_id}}}{${if eq{$received_prot

    I experienced this with CPanel's Exim after an auto-update (a Google of this error produces lots of complaints with few clear solutions). In this case I'll put the solution at the top. Run /scripts/buildeximconf to rebuild the Exim config and it should be fine after that. mail -vs "from test" user@dest.com < .bash_history LOG: MAIN cwd=/root 4 args: send-mail -i -v user@dest.com LOG: MAIN &........
  • Hitachi HDD/Drive RMA Process Experience

    The first Hitachi Deskstar 2TB 5K3000 drive I bought arrived DOA for whatever reason (not recognized by the BIOS or OS). Perhaps it was shipping since I bought only 1 hard drive. When I bought 4 through another Vendor, all 4 checked out fine. I was worried about the RMA process because a lot of people have complained about Hitachi taking weeks to send out their hard drive and almost implied the warranty is useless. I'm happy to report that my experience was great a........
  • Apache High CPU Usage Enable Mod_Status Guide Solution - Find Cause of High CPU Usage Script/Domain

    mod_status is a great way to track down the source of high CPU usage and to find what vhost/script is the cause of it. It gives you a live view of bandwith usage, CPU usage, and memory usage broken down by domain/vhost and script/URI. Enable mod_status vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ExtendedStatus On SetHandler server-status Order Deny,Allow Deny from all All........
  • Enable SPAMASSASSIN on Postfix in 5 minutes

    Centos 5 Postfix and SPAMASSASSIN Tutorial yum install spamassassin chkconfig spamassassin on vi /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf ############## #required_hits 5 #report_safe 0 #rewrite_header Subject [SPAM] #5 is the least restrictive (means only the most obvious SPAM is caught. 0 is obviously the most restrictive/sensitive and would have lots of false positives require........
  • named/bind cannot find zone file, load zone files without specifying full directory path/loading master file genuine.com.zone: file not found

    genuine.com/IN: loading master file genuine.com.zone: file not found _default/genuine.com/IN: file not found I always found it silly that no one really talks about this and apparently many like me and even control panels like Plesk were still using hard paths. I always thought "why can't I just specify the name of the zone file and have bind find it". Surely the default search path must be /var/named or somewhere else but there is no such thing.........
  • Installing Webmin & Enabling SSL

    Webmin Setup Centos 5: wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.530/webmin-1.530-1.noarch.rpm?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmin.com%2Fstandard.html&ts=1294339690&use_mirror=surfnet [1] 24229 [2] 24230 [root@host ~]# --2011-01-06 21:48:20-- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.530/webmin-1.530-1.noarch.rpm?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmin.com%2Fstandard.html Resolving downloads.sourceforge.net... 216.34.181.........
  • mdadm won't boot due to fsck error

    Nov 29 20:17:58 ubuntu kernel: [ 1157.180789] md: md1 stopped. Nov 29 20:17:58 ubuntu kernel: [ 1157.180829] md0: unknown partition table filesystem not responding/reading properly with du or rsync (this needed an fsck). [ 2571.489217] EXT3-fs error (device md2): ext3_lookup: deleted inode referenced: 35923106 [ 2571.942299] EXT3-fs error (device md2): ext3_lookup: deleted inode referenced: 35923110 [ 2571.9568........
  • PHP cannot access /usr/bin/openssl

    PHP cannot access /usr/bin/opensslI have verified the username that runs the process is able to access /usr/bin/openssl and it does exist but the PHP script is saying it doesn't exist: [code:1:1fd0f3abbe] if (!file_exists($OPENSSL)) { //echo "ERROR: OPENSSL $OPENSSL not foundn"; }[/code:1:1fd0f3abbe] I don't get itI can clearly see the contents of /usr/bin by using the PHP system fu........
  • SSH Server Slow/Lagged/Delayed Login Response

    This is really something the SSHServer developers should consider. The cause of this annoyance is because of failed DNS lookups on your IPaddress, which is especially common for many dedicated/col-located servers and also computers on internal NAT/private networks. The chances are this is the cause of your SSHSlow/Delayed Login problems. The easy solution to SSH Login Problems Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config Add this line to disable r........
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