SSHD accepts my password but then hangs at "Last login: Wed Sep 13 21:30:02 2006 from"
This occurred during a yum update after upgrading my release, installing the new kernel and rebooting.
I got kicked out of sshd after seeing the following during yum update:
telnet 100 % done 85/476
tux 100 % done 86/476
ntsysv 100 % done 87/476
rpmdb-redhat 94 % done 88/476
After that I get the message I first told you about but can't seem to login to the server :(
Just to confirm it is up and appearing available but I can't connect :(
Escape character is '^]'.
I got the server rebooted physically (hoping the server would come up fine) but now I can't get in and the server is not up and I don't have physical access :(
Well all the crashing and corrupted kernels that I was getting was due to a problem on the VMWare host server.
I was moved to a new server and everything worked after upgrading to the new kernel and then booting into it. After I did yum update which updated hundreds of packages the server didn't come back.
It turned out the network didn't come back and I caught the following message in /var/log/messages:
"Sep 15 18:25:33 localhost ifup: Device eth0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring." [/quote:0f1aca9d69]
[i:0f1aca9d69]I guess the physical device address was different than what was entered into /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0[/i:0f1aca9d69]
I believe commenting out the "HWADDR=" line that specifies a MAC address could have avoided this.
[b:0f1aca9d69]I still don't quite understand how those new packages would have changed my NIC settings but it is kind of scary if you ask me![/b:0f1aca9d69]
updated, loginupdated, loginsshd, accepts, password, hangs, quot, login, wed, sep, yum, update, upgrading, installing, kernel, rebooting, sshd, telnet, tux, ntsysv, rpmdb, redhat, server, appearing, ssh, openssh_, rebooted, crashing, corrupted, kernels, vmware, booting, packages, didn, var, aca, localhost, ifup, eth, ignoring, etc, sysconfig, scripts, ifcfg, commenting, hwaddr, specifies, avoided, nic, settings,