If you have du, you may want to check your bill, as you can read about a longstanding issue with fraudulent charges showing up and many users claiming they did not subscribe or solicit those offers.
These don't normally show up on new accounts, but they seem to target established users and maybe even users they suspect are not watching their phone or bills, while they are on vacation.
These charges can frighteningly happen with 0 interaction from the user despite what........
When Is It Time to Leave Your VPS, VDS, and Dedicated Server Provider?
Choosing the right hosting solution—be it Virtu........
If you get this error, it is often because you have configured Apache with modules that weren't actually installed. Eg. you try to load the PHPmodule but didn't actually install the apache2 php module, so the server can't start. In general, this error can often be caused by issues with problematic modules and/or Apache being configured for modules that have not actually be installed (eg. libapache2-mod-php) is missing.
The above results in this less than obv........
If you get this error when trying to SSHto a device or machine and you never even got a password prompt:
Too many authentication failures
This means that either the remote side is configured for key auth only, OR your client side may be attempting to auth using mulitple keys, and that exceeds the amount of attempted authorizations on the remote ssh server.
If the issue is trying to auth too many times which ssh defaults to sending the keys to, you ca........
Are you getting this error in Proxmox while trying to apt update or install Ceph?
apt update
Hit:1 http://security.debian.org bullseye-security InRelease
Err:2 https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye InRelease
401 Unauthorized [IP: 443]
Hit:3 http://ftp.hk.debian.org/debian bullseye InRelease ........
Kubernetes Easy Beginners Tutorial/Architecture Guide
Kubernetes is known as container orchestration and we should start at explaining the container part of it.
A Container is what runs the actual application and based on an Image, and are more comparable to something like an LXC Container, Virtuozzo/OpenVZ using the Linux Kernel Namespaces feature. Containers run these images as independent, isolated operating environments under the O........
This assumes that you've already installed the relevant HWIC cards eg. Cisco Asynchronous Serial NIM
These are essentially cards that you install into your router, once installed you connect an Async cable to one of the ports on the card which normally gives you 8 console cables and are normally labelled 1 through 8.
You connect all of the cables to the devices you need (even non-Cisco devices) whether switches, routers or firewalls, they will usually work.
The real m........
You'll have to edit the policy.xml file to fix this:
convert -density 300 output.pdf agreement.jpg
convert.im6: not authorized `output.pdf' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/454.
convert.im6: no images defined `agreement.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3044.
sudo vi /etc/ImageMagick*/policy.xml
policy domain="coder" rights="no........
ssh-keygen -p -f /path/to/your/id_rsa
Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
After that your rsa private key will be encrypted which is a layer of protection and security in the event that somehow someone acquires your key and tries to access servers that the key is authorized on.........
iw dev wlan0 station dump
This is very useful because it is helpful if you are running something like hostapd and need to see the signal strength and negotiated connection speed.
Station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (on wlan0)
inactive time: 16309 ms
rx bytes: 25451
rx packets: 325
tx bytes: 44381
tx packets: 159
tx retries: 0
tx failed: 0
signal: -72 [-72] dBm
signal avg: -72 [-72] dBm........
So you've got a responsive site with tables but it breaks them so anything not viewable on the screen is now cut off.
Here is a simple solution that will allow users to scroll horizontally so they can see the whole table:
Just a note before you do this you should have a sure, guaranteed way into the system such as local, KVMor preferably publickey making bruteforce SSH absolutely impossible since there is no password to bruteforce and even if someone knew the password they wouldn't be able to login except from the local console (presumably you should make sure no one unauthorized has physical access).
1. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Find the section like this:........
Essentially a program I was running for mining did not terminate properly with Ctrl+C it is listed as defunct and cannot be killed, kernel is tainted and normal tricks to disable the port are impossible the dev and sys entries for the device cannot be browsed or interacted with in any form without a lockup of the request. The only solution is to reboot due to the kernel taint as far as I can find so far.
[1130246.811056] INFO: task minerd:21861 blocked for more th........
sudo mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
On newer Ubuntu / Mint / Debian systems the file would go in: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
Type "i" and enter the following:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Intel Graphics"
Finally after ages I found the solution which is on many pages on the net but not obvious and should have been standard or more common info!
Instant Solution:
Type this into the terminal (unfortunately the driver config menu doesn't have the option as itis hidden):
nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }"
Make permanent
If you are getting this error from Pluto/IPSEC it is almost always due to a routing or NAT issue.........
It shows all the parameters that get passed so you can make a simple script to process it.
To enable 2CONotifications you need to do the following:
Browse to the top right to an icon that looks like a "circle with horizontal lines inside" - Notifications.
Enter the appropriate URL for your IPN/Notification processing script (........
I find it very annoying that this mouse has buttons on the side where you grip it and the left one goes back in the browser and the right one goes forward. Imagine if you're filling out a form and hit it, most forms/websites have no protection against it.
Source: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2065400
Here's how I fixed it with xinput, it's too bad there's no good standard GUI to........
sshd[9217]: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
I made sure the entire .ssh subdir is owned by the user root (this is root's account);
chown -R root.root .ssh
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
but it still doesn't work and gives me the same message
sshd[7339]: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /root
chmod 700 /root........
This is a very simple solution, but most guides out there make you login twice (once to scp the key) and once to put the key in authorized_keys. There's no need for that.
If you don't already have a ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub just type "ssh-keygen -t rsa" and keep hitting enter until it's done :)
Just use this code to easily enable passwordless login with SSHD
key=`cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`;ssh user@ "echo $key >> ~/.ssh/auth........
SSH automatic login without passwordlocal> ssh-keygen -t rsa -f .ssh/id_rsa
-t is the encryption type
-f tells where to store the public/private key pairs. In this case, the .ssh directory on home is being used
A password will be asked; leave this part blank, just pressing
Now, go the .ssh directory, and you will find two new files: id_dsa and id_dsa.pub. The last one is the public part. Now, copy the public key to the serv........
Photoshop Center A SelectionYou should have the item in it's own layer, select the layer and use CTRL+A to select the layer.
Then look for the alignment controls near the top of the screen (under the menus)
Use the Horizontal Center and Vertical Center and then your item will be perfectly centered.........
SSH Public Key Authentication (Login Without Passwords)I've gone over this before but just a quick note!
the "authorized_keys" file in ~/.ssh
must be chmodded to "600" or public key authentication won't work.
I guess it's kind of a security/failsafe feature that I've
seen on all Linux and Unix OS's........
In those 4 simple commands you can setup mutual key exchange between two sshservers by using a single login shell session and single window.
*Just change the IP address examples of ( to the target of your mutual key exchange. It doesn't matter if the server is on a LANor WAN(well unless the server is behind a firewall and you cannot SSHinto it).........