• How to install gns3 on Linux Ubuntu Mint

    Step 01 - Download Visit https://gns3.com/software/download Click on "Linux" on the side under "Installation".........
  • How to resize a pdf without losing much quality in Linux Mint Ubuntu Debian Redhat Solution

    Use gs or ghostscript as below, specify the output file and also the input file. In the example below the output file is "outputfile-resized.pdf" and the input file is "original-pdf.pdf". Change the input file to the name of your pdf gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=outputfile-resized.pdf original-pdf.pdf For........
  • Ubuntu Mint How to Fix Missing/Broken /dev and /dev/pts which causes terminal to immediately close exit and not work

    If you have ever seen a system where terminal in the GUI closes instantly and/or you cannot SSH to the server/machine. mount -t devtmpfs none /dev mount -t devpts none /dev/pts........
  • Ubuntu Linux Mint Debian Redhat Youtube Cannot Play HD or 4K videos, dropped frames or high CPU usage with Nvidia or AMD Driver

    In a lot of distros, vdpau which accelerates video through the GPUis often not installed even in recent distros. This will result in Firefox with Youtube dropping frames when you check the "Stats for Nerds" and to the eye as jerky or slower video playback due to the dropped frames. Some sites will say that because you are watching VP09 that there is no GPU support, but with vdpau installed and enabled, many GPUs will still be able to use hardware decoding for 4K........
  • Linux Debian Mint Ubuntu Bridge br0 gets random IP

    This can break things easily in remove environments where it was normally easy to convert a normal eth0 to a bridge under br0, and that bridge would normally have the same MAC address by default, which is desirable for most situations. In Debian 11 this is different for some reason now. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/681013/bridge-gets-random-mac-........
  • nvidia cannot resume from sleep Comm: nvidia-sleep.sh Tainted: Linux Ubuntu Mint Debian

    This seems to happen in many different drivers but it happened more often in newer versions such as 530 vs 525. Then nvidia-modeset goes to 100% There are many reports of this appearing since driver 4.70 and I can confirm I've seen this in various machines. https://forums.de........
  • [error] (28)No space left on device: Cannot create SSLMutex Apache Solution Linux CentOS Ubuntu Debian Mint

    Have you got this error from Apache? [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec) [error] (28)No space left on device: Cannot create SSLMutex At first glance it appears that you may be out of disk space but the issue is ipc or interprocess communication. This will clear out the ipcs processes so things can work, this often happens during high traffic and may be a sign of DDOS. The command below will fix it, it will list al........
  • Migrated Linux Ubuntu Mint not starting services due to broken /var/run and dbus - Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory solution

    This is a weird issue as sometimes when upgrading or even migrating, this could happen and the reason is simple but maybe not 100% obvious at first. You will find that your GUIdoesn't load and most services fail to start, even logind Here are some errors you may see: Mar 13 22:22:23 rttbox systemd-logind[2892]: Failed to connect to system bus: No such file or directory Mar 13 22:22:23 rttbox systemd-logind........
  • How To Completely Disable ufw in Linux Ubuntu Mint Debian

    This is for the situation that you're doing other things that may conflict or have your own custom rules and ufw keeps overriding iptables. A lot of guides don't work, and even ufw reset does not work, because it still leaves the old ufw chains. Here is what works to disable ufw completely systemctl stop ufw systemctl disable ufw ufw disable rm -f /et........
  • Mint Ubuntu Linux Gnome Showing Home Directory on Desktop instead of Desktop Directory

    During a migration or other custom setup, it's possible you don't have a $HOME/Desktop and as a result the config file that controls this is set to just use your $HOME directory. This is controlled in the file: $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs As we can see below, Desktop, Downloads, Music and Pictures are set to $HOME. We can edit any of these as we like. # This file is written by xdg-user-dirs-update # If you want........
  • Linux dhcp dhclient Mint Redhat Ubuntu Debian How To Use Local Domain DNS Server Instead of ISPs

    If you are running a local DNS server like named/bind and don't want to use the ISPsupplied DNS servers that are announced via a DHCP request (using dhclient) then the solution is simple. The reason should be obvious, but normally running your own DNS server will provide a more reliable, and fast DNS response and you won't have to worry about filtering as much (unless your upstream filters or proxies outgoing DNS requests). Edit /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf........
  • apache2 httpd apache server will not start [pid 22449:tid 139972160445760] AH00052: child pid 23248 exit signal Aborted (6) solution Mint Debian Ubuntu Redhat

    If you get this error, it is often because you have configured Apache with modules that weren't actually installed. Eg. you try to load the PHPmodule but didn't actually install the apache2 php module, so the server can't start. In general, this error can often be caused by issues with problematic modules and/or Apache being configured for modules that have not actually be installed (eg. libapache2-mod-php) is missing. The above results in this less than obv........
  • How to Configure NVIDIA GPUs with Docker on Ubuntu: A Comprehensive Guide for AI Deep Learning CUDA Solution

    Welcome to our in-depth guide on configuring NVIDIA GPUs with Docker on Ubuntu. This post is tailored for developers, data scientists, and IT professionals who are looking to leverage the power of NVIDIA's GPU acceleration within Docker containers. Whether you're working on machine lea........
  • Linux Ubuntu Mint how to check nameservers when /etc/resolv.conf disabled solution

    You'll notice that /etc/resolv.conf contains dire warners on most Linux Desktops. # This file is managed by man:systemd-resolved(8). Do not edit. # # This is a dynamic resolv.conf file for connecting local clients to the # internal DNS stub resolver of systemd-resolved. This file lists all # configured search domains. # # Run "resolvectl status" to see details about the uplink DNS servers # currently in use........
  • Linux How To Access Original Contents of Directory Mounted Debian Mint CentOS Redhat Solution

    Let's say you have a directory /mnt/raid which has files and directories inside it, but nothing is mounted to it. Then you mount a block device such as /dev/sdh to /mnt/raid Even though /mnt/raid has files and directories there, you can only see the mounted contents of /mnt/raid. How do we access the original contents? Just do a bind mount of the root filesystem to another location. mkdir /bindmount mount --bind / /b........
  • ecryptfs how to manually encrypt your existing home directory or other directory

    Just in case, it is reocmmended to backup the original contents of the directory (especially your home dir) before proceeding. Setup ecryptfs Run this command: ecryptfs-setup-private It will ask you for your login password, this is so that when you login, everything is automatically decrypted by using a passphrase that is wrapped with your login. You can hit enter and leave things blank for an autogenerated passphrase (for mounting) or you can en........
  • Linux How To Upgrade To The Latest Kernel Debian Mint Ubuntu

    How to check what kernel version you have/currently running? uname -rm 5.4.0-91-generic x86_64 The above shows us that we are running 5.4.0-91-generic on the x86_64 architecture. The safest way is to stick with the same flavor eg if you're on generic, and say on kernel 5.4.0 then it makes sense to follow what is below. However, if you are migrating or dual booting between newer hardware (eg. you got a........
  • Linux How To echo as root solution to use tee permission denied solution Ubuntu Debian Mint Redhat CentOS

    The issue is when you need to echo something as root/sudo, that it doesn't work. You can never do a sudo echo to an output file as you'd expect. Take an example to clear out wasted RAM buffers/cache like this: sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches -bash: /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches: Permission denied The solution is to run tee as sudo/root What we do is echo 1, but then pipe it to the "tee" command as sudo........
  • How To Add Multiple SSH Keys Ubuntu Mint Linux Debian Redhat

    By default if you create a private key for SSH, it will create something like .ssh/id_rsa Linux will always search for and offer this key when connecting to servers. If you put extra keys in your .ssh directory like id_rsa_realtechtalk.com, they will be ignored by default and NOT used or offered (you can verify this with ssh -v) and see it is not being offered. Here is how you add the extra SSH keys so they are all offered: #this gives........
  • How to upgrade to the latest Python version on Linux Ubuntu Debian Mint 3.11

    A lot of developers want to go to 3.11 because of the speed improvements, but most distros never have the latest Python version. Using the deadsnakes third party repo is the easiest way aside from compiling it yourself (which is safer and recommended): Step 1 - Add the repo apt-add-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa If you get an error about requests then install it:........
  • add bridge failed: Package not installed Linux Bridge Not working Ubuntu Mint Debian solution

    If you get this error in your logs: add bridge failed: Package not installed This error normally means one of two things. 1.) Is your brctl (bridge-utils) installed? On Mint/Debian check for "brctl". If it's not there do sudo apt install bridge-utils uml-utilities 2.) Is your bridge.ko (bridge kernel module loaded?). On some installs I have seen that you cannot modpro........
  • -bash: expr: command not found Linux Debian Mint Ubuntu

    If you get this error, it's usually because you don't have coreutils installed. -bash: expr: command not found Install coreutils and you'll be good: apt-get -y install coreutils........
  • Linux Ubuntu Mint Gnome keyboard Typing not working in certain application or window solution

    This is a weird issue in Mint Ubuntu gnome that I've only seen on one system. It may happen in your terminal or your browser but one program will just refuse to allow input from the keyboard. I am not sure if it's some weird fluke on a strange keyboard by perhaps accidentally hitting a weird key combination. In some windows the keyboard gets weird and only / and Esc seem to work. / brings up quick find and sometimes Esc will close it........
  • vagrant install on Debian Mint Ubuntu Linux RHEL Quick Setup Guide Tutorial

    1 - Install Vagrant apt install vagrant Make sure you have a supported Virtualization tool like Virtualbox or VMWare, Hyper-V etc.. It automatically detects and uses what you have. Virtualbox has a lot of support here with tons of images. 2 - Init Vagrant We'll init to have a Debian 10 box by default to show how quick and easy it is. vagrant init generic/debian10........
  • Ubuntu Linux Mint Debian Redhat Cannot View Files on Android iPhone USB File Transfer Not Working Solution

    If you plugin your phone to your computer and enable USB File Transfer/Allow on the phone side but the contents of your phone on the computer side are empty in the file manager, you probably don't have mtp-tools.MTP or media transfer protocol is the standard protocol that most phones use to communicate over USB to the computer. Just do this to fix it and get access to your files: apt install mtp-tools After that you should be a........
  • debootstrap how to install Ubuntu, Mint, Debian install

    In this example we install debian 10 with --variant=minbase which gives us a minimal/tiny install. Don't use variant if you want the full size install. mkdir /tmp/deb10files debootstrap --variant=minbase buster /tmp/deb10files/ Did you get an error? debootstrap --variant=minbase buster /home/theuser/VMs/deb10files/ You'll get this error if you make a directory in your home........
  • How To Restore Partition Table on Running Linux Mint Ubuntu Debian Machine

    Here is an easy way to restore things if you have the starting point and size of each partition using fdisk: In this example we pretend that /dev/sda was wiped out, but the running system still has the info in /sys/class/block/sda Go into each partition and record the "start" and "size" hostdev@box /sys/class/block/sda/sda1 $ cat start 2048 hostdev@box /sys/class/block/sda/sd........
  • iptables NAT how to enable PPTP in newer Debian/Ubuntu/Mint Kernels Linux

    Remember that control connections are established on port 1723 and then actual data is transferred over GRE protocol 47. If you have a NAT setup this will work without special forwarding or accepting of GRE packets (normally if you are not blocking outgoing connections and accepting established and related connections). The below two commands will get things going so PPTP and GRE work We first load the ip_nat_pptp module which allows PPTP to work with........
  • Linux How to Check Which NIC is Onboard eth0 or eth1 Ubuntu Centos Debian Mint

    So say you happen to have 2 NICs of the exact same chipset, they will generally show up as the same name, with possibly a different revision in lspci. Normally this is not an issue if you have a server with 4 NICs, generally the eth0 to eth3 appears from left to the right (or right to left on some vendors) so it doesn't take much figuring out. Generally if you have different chipsets for different NICs, it should be easy to know which one is eth0 or the first NIC in the OS.........
  • Stop ls in Linux Debian Mint CentOS Ubuntu from applying quotes around filenames and directory names

    Later versions of ls try to be helpful and smart to prevent errors in dealing with files with spaces that were tradtionally a pain. However if you need the raw/real filenames, this can break scripts or if you are pasting into a csv etc.... How do you make ls not add the quotes? Add the capital "-N" switch ls -N You could also add an alias to make it more permanent Do this to add it to ~/........
  • Ubuntu Debian Mint Linux How To Update Initramfs Manually update-initramfs

    The easiest way for the current running kernel is: update-initramfs -u -k `uname -r` You could change -k to a specific kernel name if for some reason the current is not running (eg. if you are chrooted or in recovery mode). If you want to update all kernels then use "-k all" update-initramfs -k all -u update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-162-generic........
  • Enable Turbo Mode for CPU Ubuntu Linux Mint Debian Redhat

    Sometimes due to your BIOS/EFI you may find that you have chosen "Energy Efficient" for your CPU which may effectively disable turbo mode. This is because "Energy Efficient" will often restrict or throttle your CPU to the base speed. This can impact nearly any CPU such as Intel's, AMDs, Opteron, Xeon etc... This is of course frustrating, for example if you have a CPU that is 2.0GHz base speed but turbo to 2.5GHz, you will never hit more than 2GHz.........
  • How To Install convert MBR Legacy booting GRUB to EFI from a non-EFI Linux Environment Ubuntu Mint Debian

    1.) Create your EFI/ESP Partition If you happen to have some free space on the drive already then this is easy, just create a new partition of at least 100M. The nice thing about the EFI spec is that it must just be in the first 2.2TB of space so for most users, it means you can simply resize the last partition(downsize it by 100M) and then add an EFI partition at the end. For example if you had this partition scheme: /dev/sda1 = /........
  • GRUB error: invalid arch-independent ELF magic. Solution How To Fix Linux Centos Ubuntu Mint

    I've seen this bizarrely happen on a newly partitioned and custom installed Linux install, particularly if you did not properly unmount before rebooting. You can find reports of it happening on various How to fix the error: invalid arch-independent ELF magic. You need to boot into Live/Rescue mode, chroot into your OS properly and then do a grub-install on each drive that nee........
  • How to find out which package a file belongs to in Debian Mint Ubuntu Linux

    To find which package a file is from just pass it the path to the file in question, whether it's a config file or binary, you'll find your answer (assuming it does belong to a package of course). Just use dpkg -S /path/to/yourfile How To Find Which Package The File Belongs To in Debian Mint Ubuntu Linux eg. dpkg -S /usr/bin/xed xed: /usr/bin/xed dpkg -S /etc/pam.conf libpam-runtime........
  • Loaded: masked (Reason: Unit hostapd.service is masked.) Solution in Linux Debian Mint Ubuntu

    If you are getting this error from systemctl "Loaded: masked (Reason: Unit hostapd.service is masked.)" we need to unmask the service. Solution systemctl unmask hostapd Removed /etc/systemd/system/hostapd.service. It's fixed root@routerOS:/var/log# systemctl start hostapd root@routerOS:/var/log# systemctl status hostapd ● hostapd.service - Access point and authentication server for Wi-Fi and Ethern........
  • Linux Mint Ubuntu Ubiquity Installer Bug EFI Installed To Wrong Partition Solution

    Just an FYI that the installer ignores your selection of Boot Loader, as it was intended for MBR/Legacy. The installer horribly, even when choosing "Something Else" and manually partitioning and creating an EFIin your install drive, will still install grub to the first EFI partition it finds, even if you are following a guide like this to avoid wiping out the M........
  • ecryptfs How To Backup / Migrate Linux Mint Ubuntu Debian system ecryptfs properly and restore access

    In this scenario, let's say you want to clone your OS at the filesystem level and the source system (the system you want to clone from) is in use. Doing a blind rsync / is a big problem because it uses twice as much space for no reason. The reason for this is that with ecryptfs you have a /home/.ecryptfs directory which has the actual encrypted versions of your files and folders. However your home directory (eg. /home/someuser) is mounted. Doing the blind rsync will ca........
  • br0: received packet on bond0 with own address as source address Linux Solution Mint Debian Redhat CentOS bridge bridging

    A quick fix is to run this command: sudo brctl setageing br0 0 This causes the aging of the MAC address to time out immediately or in 0 seconds, which delete the entry frmo the FDB (Forwarding Database) and causes the error to go away. The default time is 300 seconds or 5 minutes. You can also add it under your br0 definition like this in /etc/network/interfaces to make it permanent and automatic: auto br........
  • Debian Mint Ubuntu Howto Disable Network Manager

    NetworkManager is normally good for GUI users who may not be good with manually confguring devices, but if you are using things like bridging and bonding, it will often break things. How To Disable NetworkManager systemctl disable NetworkManager Now that it's disabled you will need to stop NetworkManager. NetworkManager will still be running until you reboot next or manually stop it. How To Stop NetworkManager systemctl stop........
  • symbol 'grub_calloc' not found grub boot error solution / fix

    I've encountered this after upgrading some Debian/Ubuntu/Mint based systems for no explicable reason, although there are some bug trackers on Ubuntu that document this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1889509 The short end of the solution is that you need to properly reinstall grub. 1.) Boot from a LiveCD 2.) Mount your root / filesystem and don't forget to mo........
  • /var/log/journal huge/too large solution in Debian Mint Ubuntu Linux Howot Fix

    Is your /var/log/journal overweight and bloated? For example a decent install of Debian 11 with most applications and services ends up being about 4.9G with the journal taking a few gigs. du -hs /var/log/journal/ 1.3G /var/log/journal/ By default in a lot of distributions there is no maximum size so it will keep growing. This is especially problematic for embedded distributions and devices, but is also a huge waste of sp........
  • RTL8821AU Setup Configure Wifi Realtek 8821 in Linux Debian Mint Ubuntu Howto

    The easiest way for the 8821AU Realtek Wifi chipset / TP-Link T2U Plus: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 2357:0120 TP-Link Archer T2U PLUS [RTL8821AU] First install your kernel headers/source/other required tools: sudo apt install linux-headers-`uname -r` make gcc bc Clone this github repo with the driver: git clone https://github.com/morrownr/8821au-20210708 Run the compile/ins........
  • How To Tell Which Repository a Package Comes From Debian Mint Ubuntu

    Just use apt-cache policy to find the repo of a package: apt-cache policy lxd lxd: Installed: 3.0.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.2 Candidate: 3.0.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.2 Version table: *** 3.0.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.2 500 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages &nb........
  • How To Reload All Kernel Modules And List Required Moduels for Each Device - Linux Mint Debian Ubuntu Troubleshooting

    One easy way is to use lspci -k like this: sudo lspci -k|grep modules|sort -nr|uniq Kernel modules: snd_hda_intel Kernel modules: shpchp Kernel modules: pata_acpi Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau, nvidia_drm, nvidia Kernel modules: mei_me Kernel modules: lpc_ich Kernel module........
  • Debian Ubuntu Mint How To Change Default Display Manager

    The display manager is more so what controls the main graphical login process after Debian/Mint/Ubuntu boot and controls the graphical login sequence. Once you login, you are then usually passed to an Xorg based Window manager like XFCE, Mate, Ubuntu etc... Popular display managers are mdm, gdm, lightdm etc... and they all basically do the same thing with a different interface/style and some feature differences. In Mint for example the normal default display manager is l........
  • Ubuntu Mint Debian Howto Execute Command / Script / Program Upon Wakeup From Sleep

    Sometimes manual intervention on various Linux system's, including Debian, is required to fix things after waking up from sleep. One persistent issue is the sound system / pulseaudio needing to be reset and not working until you do that after waking up. It's not clear if it's an OS issue itself or the sound driver, but this will fix things. Where do we put scripts or commands that need to be used upon wakeup automatically? /lib/systemd/syst........
  • Linux Debian Mint Ubuntu How To Add Non-Free Repositories and Contrib

    You just add on "non-free" at the end of each repo, like the example below: If you wanted contributed packages then you could also add "non-free contrib" to each repo line. Don't forget to do an "apt update" to see the new packages, this is especially handy for getting more drivers for devices with the firmware-linux-nonfr........
  • Debian Ubuntu Mint DHCP dhclient quits and how to make it persistent if first attempt to get DHCP lease fails

    Debian based OS's have a similar issue as the behavior in RHEL/CentOS dhclient, which is that if you have an interface that relies on DHCP, if the first attempt fails, it will quit and stop. This is a problem especially if you are using your Linux as a router or something else mission critical, but where the internet for some reason may have been down or the DHCP server it gets a lease from broken. The expected behavior you would hope is that when things are back online that the........
  • LightDM Mint Ubuntu Debian won't start errors Nvidia Graphics

    This error implies that there may be an issue with Xorg or maybe your NVIDIA GPU cannot start or initialize: 35 laptop kernel: [ 2031.857704] nvidia: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel. 35 laptop kernel: [ 2031.857724] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel. 35 laptop kernel: [ 2031.857725] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint 35 laptop kernel: [ 2031.873280] nvidia: module verification failed: signature a........
  • WARNING: Unable to determine the path to install the libglvnd EGL vendor library config files. Check that you have pkg-config and the libglvnd development libraries installed, or specify a path with --glvnd-egl-config-path. Linux Ubuntu Mint Debian E

    If you get an error like this when installing the Nvidia drivers: WARNING: Unable to determine the path to install the libglvnd EGL vendor library config files. Check that you have pkg-config and the libglvnd development libraries installed, or specify a path with --glvnd-egl-config-path. Just install these packages: &nbs........
  • How To Upgrade Linux Mint 18.2 to 18.3 to 19.x and 20.x

    Linux Mint offers an easy and painless upgrade path through the last 3 versions, which means no more reinstalling to stay current with the latest version. The only catch is that you need the latest of each version, so for 18, you need 18.3 before you can go to 19, and then 19.3 (or latest), until you go to 20. However, it's really a small price to pay and on the machines we've tested, the upgrade went seamlessly each time (although sometimes video drivers/custom kernel modules l........
  • How To Do Linux Network Bonding Teaming in Mint Debian Ubuntu

    Bonding is an excellent way to get both increased redundancy and throughput. It is similar to the "Network Teaming" feature in Windows. There are a few different modes but we will use mode 6, I think it's the best of both worlds, as it is not just a failover, but it provides round robin, so you will get redundancy and load balancing. So if you have a 1G single port, you will have a combined throughput of 4G at this point. Just bear in mind that the true thr........
  • LXC Containers LXD How to Install and Configure Tutorial Ubuntu Debian Mint

    If you are using mint, delete the preference that stops snap from installing (as it is required for lxc) sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref 1. Install lxd: sudo apt install lxd Issues install lxd or errors? Click here Debian at this time does not have lxd so you'll need to use snap: sudo apt in........
  • Ubuntu Mint audio output not working pulseaudio "pulseaudio[13710]: [pulseaudio] sink-input.c: Failed to create sink input: too many inputs per sink."

    If your audio is not working and you got this in your syslog: pulseaudio[13710]: [pulseaudio] sink-input.c: Failed to create sink input: too many inputs per sink. The issue is generally caused by too many audio inputs, or in other words you have too many applications that are hooked into pulseaudio. An easy and notorious offender is by having dozens of Firefox browser tabs open. Solution: Close all of your Firefox and the problem will........
  • How To Enable Linux Swapfile Instead of Partition Ubuntu Mint Debian Centos

    This may be necessary if you have a VM or if for some reason you just want to be more efficient with your space and have the flexibility of changing your swap space at will. What we mean is the ability to use a "swap file" or similar to the Windows "pagefile" that normally resides on the root or c: partition of Windows. Here's all you have to do and then you to can have a single partiton with everything, including the swap file on the root partition if you........
  • Debian Mint Ubuntu Which Package Provides missing top, ps and w Solution

    Install procps and it will install the other packages you need: apt install procps Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following additional packages will be installed: libgpm2 libncurses6 libprocps7 lsb-base psmisc Suggested packages: gpm The following NEW packages will be ins........
  • Docker Tutorial HowTo Install Docker, Use and Create Docker Container Images Clustering Swarm Mode Monitoring Service Hosting Provider

    The Best Docker Tutorial for Beginners We quickly explain the basic Docker concepts and show you how to do the most common tasks from starting your first container, to making custom images, a Docker Swarm Cluster Tutorial, docker compose and Docker buildfiles.........
  • How To Startup and Open Remote/Local Folder/Directory in Ubuntu Linux Mint automatically upon login

    Just click on the Start Menu and go to "Startup Applications" Then click on the "Add"Button Now enter the command we need to open the folder/directory automatically using the filemanager For remote SSH host (you need pub key auth for it to open without a pa........
  • How To Reset Windows Server Password 2019, 2022, 7, 8, 10, 11 Recovery and Removal Guide Using Linux Ubuntu Mint Debian

    This was done on Mint 20 but works the same on nearly any new Linux, but is only recommended for people comfortable or familiar with Linux. This method will work on almost all versions of Windows from NT, 2000, 2003 Server, 2008 Server, 2012 Server, 2016 Server, 2019 Server, 2022 Server, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11. However, if you want the easiest solution to........
  • How To Create OpenVPN Server for Secure Remote Corporate Access in Linux Debian/Mint/Ubuntu with client public key authentication

    Why choose OpenVPN instead of a firewall appliance? OpenVPN can be a reliable and easy replacement for traditional hardware or just be an additional tool that your company uses so that the firewall can focus on its job rather than acting as a VPNappliance at the same time. When comparing OpenVPN with traditional firewal........
  • Wazuh / OSSEC Install and Configuration Howto Tutorial Guide for Monitoring Agents SIEM

    How To Install Wazuh Server / Quickest Installation Wazuh (forked from the well known OSSEC project) is a full SIEM (Security Information Event Management) that works extremely well with the platforms it natively supports as an "Agent", which allows you to do scans of everything such as all processes running, CVE vulnerability check, incident reporting etc... Prerequisites: A lot of issues with Wazuh seem to be caused by i........
  • Linux Debian How To Enable Sudo/Sudoers for User "User not in sudoers file" Solution

    If you get an error that you aren't in the sudoers file, this typically means that your user is not designated as an admin with sudo privileges. In plain English, when it comes to some OS's like Debian including 10,11 etc.., by default the user is created without special privileges which is contrary to how Ubuntu/Mint handle the secondary user. Let's check the sudoers file to see the problem.........
  • How to allow SSH root user access in Linux/Debian/Mint/RHEL/Ubuntu/CentOS

    A lot of newer installs will automatically prohibit the root user from logging in directly, for security reasons or they will only allow key based access. If you know what you are doing/don't care about security or have an incredibly secure password for testing, then you can enable it. Edit this file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config Find the following line: PermitRootLogin Set it like this: PermitRootLogin yes Now rest........
  • Ansible Tutorial - Playbook How To Install From Scratch and Deploy LAMP + Wordpress on Remote Server

    1. Let's work from an environment where we can install Ansible on. If you are using an older version of Linux based on Mint 18 or Ubuntu 16, you may want to get the PPA and get the latest version of Ansible that way: sudo apt install gpg sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible sudo apt update........
  • Ubuntu Linux Mint - Volume Control Stopped Working

    Volume control will often stop working, if your sound server (normally pulseaudio) dies or restarts whether by itself or by you. The reason pulseaudio may need to be restarted is due to some sort of crash or other issue that prevents sound from working (normally restarting or doing a killall pulseaudio fixes things). However, you will normally find at least in OS's like Ubuntu/Mint 16/18+ that you cannot control the volume whether adjusting the level, changing input/outputs and........
  • Linux Ubuntu Debian Centos Mint - How To Check if Intel VT-x or AMD-V Hardware Virtualization is Enabled?

    From the terminal do this: cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep -E "svm|vmx" You should get output like this(svm = AMD-v and vmx=Intel-VTx): flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc cpuid aperfmperf pni pclmulqd........
  • Linux Mint 20 cannot install snapd missing solution

    The Linux Mint team has disabled it by setting an apt preference, you can edit or just remove the file: sudo apt install snapd Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Package snapd is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source........
  • Virtualbox VBOX How To Install Guest-Utils/GuestUtils so drag and drop and clipboard works Ubuntu Mint Debian Linux

    Just install these packages and restart the VM: 1.) Enable guest-utils on the host side: sudo apt install virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11 2.) Enable guest editions on the VMside This must be done for each VM that you want to have the guest additons for accelerated GPU performance and for drag and drop/clipboard sharing First insert the Guest Addtions CD image........
  • How to install Kubernetes with microk8s and deploy apps on Debian/Mint/Ubuntu Linux

    Kubernetes Easy Beginners Tutorial/Architecture Guide Kubernetes is known as container orchestration and we should start at explaining the container part of it. A Container is what runs the actual application and based on an Image, and are more comparable to something like an LXC Container, Virtuozzo/OpenVZ using the Linux Kernel Namespaces feature. Containers run these images as independent, isolated operating environments under the O........
  • ksnapshot missing in Ubuntu and Linux Mint Solution

    It has been renamed to kde-spectacle so you install it like so: sudo apt install kde-spectacle You'll find it in your start menu listed as "Take Screenshot"........
  • Unable to mount location Failed to retrieve share list from server: Connection timed out - Samba/Linux Filesharing Not working Ubuntu Mint Linux Solution

    So you're trying to browse to a properly configured Samba share but you get this error: Unable to mount location Failed to retrieve share list from server: Connection timed out If your config is right, it can be due to a protocol miss-match where your client has not enabled SMB3 but by default the other side (server) has enabled it. You can test this out to see with the smbclient tool........
  • Linux Mint / Ubuntu 20 Intel I219 NIC disconnects

    If you are using the stock 5.4 kernel this is normal but I can confirm it is fixed in newer 5.8 kernels. To fix it just install the 5.8 kernel and reboot: sudo apt install linux-headers-5.8.0-64-generic linux-modules-extra-5.8.0-64-generic linux-image-5.8.0-64-generic........
  • EFI PXE grub2 Howto guide for Linux EFI PXE Booting on Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, RHEL

    Just a quick note and warning is that if you are testing to see if EFIPXE booting works on a VM, MAKE SURE it actually works. For example Iinitially tested using my Distro's QEMU 2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.46 and ovmf BIOS firmware (OVMF supports EFI). However, I found on old versions of QEMU (like 2.5), EFIbooting with GRUB NEVER works so it may appear that you have made a mistake when everything is fine when you boot a physi........
  • Debian, Mint Ubuntu how to remove package and associated config files

    If you want to start fresh a lot of people falsely assume that an apt remove and then reinstall or apt --reinstall install package will start you off fresh. To be sure and remove all associated config files do the below with the example of ssh server (don't remove it though if you actually use it!) The key below is using the --purge flag or apt-get purge proftpd (eg sudo apt --purge remove packagename) apt purge proftpd; apt install proftpd........
  • Linux Grub not booting the intended kernel solution in Debian, Mint, Ubuntu how to specify which kernel to boot by default

    Traditionally kernels were numbered starting from 0 but by default the "new style" of grub boot loading considers each subkernel item to be different so if you have 3 entries for 4.40-148 rather than counting for 1. To get the expected behavior let's show this example and how we can boot it We do a grep on menuentry in /boot/grub/grub.cfg to see all of the bootable kernels rather than scrolling through loads of extra entries we don't care about (thou........
  • /bin/sh: msgfmt: not found error solution on Linux Compilation Ubuntu Debian Mint Centos

    If you get this error, you were probably compiling some sort of binary or package and got this error. It is normally solved by installing the "gettext"package. On Debian/Ubuntu just apt-get it: apt-get install gettext After that you should be able to configure and make (compile) properly.........
  • Scanner not working in Linux Ubuntu Fedora Mint Debian over the network? Use sane-airscan!

    I have a Canon MF642c and the scanner wouldn't work. I tried to use saned but it didn't work with the BJNPlike it did for some other Canon models. Introducing sane-airscan with packages for the most common distributions: https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home%3Apzz&package=sane-airscan http........
  • How To Boot, Install and Run Windows 2000 on QEMU-KVM

    Interestingly enough Windows 2000 works fine on QEMU 64-bit but you have to specify Pentium as your CPU otherwise it doesn't complete the install (it will not pass the detecting/setting up devices phase). -vga cirrus is wise because it is supported by Windows 2000 and allows higher resolutions and 24-bit color. -cpu Pentium emulates an old computer and is necessary for install to complete -device rtl8139 is important as this oldschool Realtek 8139 NIC is supported by W........
  • Huion and Wacom Tablets How To Install in Linux Mint / Ubuntu and make the stylus work properly

    It took a lot of fiddling to make a Huion Kamvas 13 Pro work in Linux but it simple once you know what to do. Don't bother searching as it is unlkely there is a guide out there that will actually make your tablet work. It mainly comes down to the fact that the hid_uclogic kernel module is buggy or doesn't support MANYof these wacom based/Huion tablets properly. What was happening with me is that Ihad the Kamvas 13 Huion setup as a secondary screen/monitor.&nb........
  • How To Setup a Cisco CME (Cisco Manager Express) Virtual Router under Linux using dynamips and dynagen

    This tutorial will get your router up and running using emulation tools. In this case we'll be getting a Cisco C7206 (C7200 series) VXR router going which also supports SCCP VOIP services. dynamips is the emulator itself and dynagen is the front-end tool that helps us control everything. It is used by tools such as gns3 and eve-ng. Together the two tools (dynamips and dynagen) allow us to create and emulate REAL router........
  • Linux Mint Ubuntu Debian CentOS Dual Boot Install Issues

    The best way to avoid this problem is to understand how your BIOS is setup to boot. Often newer machines will default to U(EFI) which is different than the traditional MBR/Legacy mode. The problem is that this may not be apparent, often a BIOS Boot Menu will show a Legacy Boot Option and EFIOption without defining it. A good example of this is if your USB is called "Kingston" you may see in your Boot Menu "Kingston" and also "Ubuntu"........
  • Linux Mint Ubuntu Debian Centos RHEL no sound solution

    This assumes your system is a fresh and normally working install. What often happens is that many new devices have multiple audio outputs which are generally analog and HDMI/Digital out. Sometimes the OS defaults to the wrong one that you didn't want. For example if your sound is supposed to play over the HDMI, perhaps the output is set to analog or vice versa.........
  • Linux Mint/Debian/Ubuntu/Centos Installer black grub screen and blank screen after trying to boot installer or main OS

    This happens to a lot of Nvidia users especially users of newer cards like the RTX series. If for example you are trying to boot and install Linux and you get a black and white grub2 screen instead of a nice graphical welcome installer, you probably suffer from this bug. It is normally followed by the user booting and finding they just have a blank/black screen. Here is the quick flow of steps to fix it: If you get a black grub scree........
  • Linux Mint Dual Boot Install Avoid Wiping our your Main C: drive /dev/sda MBR and EFI

    Before you try to install and dual boot it is very important to understand the concept of "what boot mode your BIOS is in" and "what mode you booted the installer to". Then follow the example of Linux Mint (but most Linux installers are very similar)to carefully understand WHERE you are installing your Boot Loader to whether that be MBR or EFI. How Am IBooted? First it's important to check your BIOS to see........
  • kernel: [549267.368859] mate-terminal[7871]: segfault at 2000000101 ip 00007f5d0a9548f0 sp 00007fff7012c610 error 4 in libgobject-2.0.so.0.4800.2[7f5d0a920000+52000]

    kernel: [549267.368859] mate-terminal[7871]: segfault at 2000000101 ip 00007f5d0a9548f0 sp 00007fff7012c610 error 4 in libgobject-2.0.so.0.4800.2[7f5d0a920000+52000] This seems to be a long-time bug in Mint mate-terminal where you sometimes move or detach a terminal and it crashes losing all of the other open terminal sessions.........
  • apcupsd how to setup and monitor APC UPS units

    It really seems limited in that it can mainly give you the things you would see on the physical unit such as load etc.. wget https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/apcupsd/apcupsd%20-%20Stable/3.14.14/apcupsd-3.14.14.tar.gz?r=https%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Fapcupsd%2Ffiles%2Flatest%2Fdownload&ts=1598115866 tar -zxvf apcupsd-3.14.14.tar.gz cd apcupsd-3.14.14 [root@somebox apcupsd-3.14.14]# ./conf........
  • Nvidia Ubuntu Linux Screentearing Video with solution driver

    This seems to happen on most if not all Nvidia cards but the good news is that if you are using any of the Linux drivers and have the nvidia-settings tool installed it is just a simple command. Solution: nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }" Enter the above command in your terminal and the screentearing will be fixed which is like enabling Tear Free on AMD cards.&........
  • Remove cloud-init in your VM

    Unless you are using OpenStack, AWS etc then cloud-init is just some bloat that slows down the booting of your VMand can actually halt it from booting if it doesn't have a proper working IP (not good!). #remove cloud init! Debian based Ubuntu / Mint sudo apt remove cloud-init RHEL / CentOS based yum remove cloud-init ........
  • Linux How To Change NIC Name to eth0 instead of enps33 or enp0s25

    Most newer distros inexplicably cause your NIC to have what Icall "random" non-standard name conventions because of systemd. This is a big problem for many people and especially those running servers. Imagine that you have a static IPconfigured for ens33 but then the hard disk is moved to a newer system, the NIC could be anything from ens33 to enp0s1, meaning that manual intervention is required to go and update the NIC config file (eg. /etc/network/interfa........
  • Linux Mint Ubuntu Debian radeon slow 2D performance issues radeon_dp_aux_transfer_native: 158 callbacks suppressed

    radeon_dp_aux_transfer_native: 158 callbacks suppressed The simple answer is that radeon driver sucks and is a remnant of typical AMD/ATI issues. Use AMDGPUif you support it:........
  • Convert and install to LUKS Encrypted Drive Ubuntu 18.04 19.10 Linux Mint and Debian Based Linux

    The reason for doing this is that the installer doesn't seem to work properly for LUKS and the server installer doesn't even support LUKS anymore. When you use the GUI install on Desktop for LUKS it won't boot and will just hang after you enter your password. So the only reliable way is to do it ourselves. 1.) Make a default minimal install of Ubuntu 2.) Have a secondary disk on the server or VM. 3.)........
  • Linux Mint / Ubuntu / Debian Mate Disable Guest Session and Hide Usernames on Lightdm Login screen GUI

    sudo vi /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/70-linuxmint.conf Change this: [SeatDefaults] user-session=mate allow-guest=false To this: [SeatDefaults] user-session=mate allow-guest=false greeter-hide-users=true greeter-show-manual-login=true To see and apply your changes just restart light........
  • Ubuntu Linux Mint Debian xorg performance and tear-free tuning for AMD Radeon Based Cards

    I find that the default settings for the radeon driver that is applied to most AMD cards is horrible. For example by default TearFree is not enabled and it causes videos to have some kind of square artifacts. Here are the settings I have found most suitable for AMD cards: You need to create file in the following path and restart Xorg or your computer to apply it: *Beware that making a mistake here will possibly make your computer........
  • Ubuntu Debian Linux Mint r8169 r8168 Network Driver Problem and Solution

    This problem has been around forever, Linux seems to think it is fine to use the r8169 driver for an r8168 NIC but this often causes problems including the link not working at all. In my case ethttool shows the link up and detected but it simply does not work especially on a laptop that has been resumed from suspension. Sometimes it takes several minutes for it to work or to unplug and replug the ethernet. Here is the solution: Install th........
  • Debian Ubuntu Mint rc-local service startup error solution rc-local.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /etc/rc.local: Exec format error

    Oct 18 11:06:46 server systemd[529]: rc-local.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /etc/rc.local: Exec format error Oct 18 11:06:46 server systemd[1]: rc-local.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=203 Oct 18 11:06:46 server systemd[1]: Failed to start /etc/rc.local Compatibility. Oct 18 11:06:46 server systemd[1]: rc-local.service: Unit entered failed state. Oct 18 11:06:46 server systemd[1]: rc-local.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.........
  • Debian Ubuntu Mint Howto Create Bridge (br0)

    Having a network bridge allows you to bridge traffic under multiple devices so they can talk natively without using any special routing, iptables/firewall or other trickery. To create your bridge you need the bridge-utils package for brctl and if you want to do things like bridge VMs that run on a tap device you will need the uml-utilities which provides "tunctl". 1.) Install the utilities to make our bridge sudo apt-get i........
  • How To Control Interface that dhcpd server listens to on Debian based Linux like Mint and Ubuntu

    By default your DHCP will often not work because it is not listening on any interfaces. All you have to do is edit this file: vi /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server then find the "INTERFACES" line and add each interface that should listen: INTERFACES="br0 enp0s10" ........
  • LUKS unable to type password to unlock during boot on Debian, Ubuntu and Mint

    I think this is more so an issue with kernel modules not being included. I had this issue on Linux Mint because a new kernel I upgraded to DIDNOT have the "extra" modules and part of that reason is also because older kernels are named differently than new ones. Take this example article below that shows it in action. If you were previously........
  • Debian Ubuntu and Linux Mint Broken Kernel After Date - New Extra Module Naming Convention

    I don't consider a lot of these "extra" kernel modules "nice to have" as they often contain drivers for essential items like your soundcard, your NIC and many other devices that may not work. Sometimes you may find that "sound" or "ethernet" worked before a kernel/OS upgrade and now in the new version they don't. Often it will be because you need to install the "extra" kernel modules. One other weird thing is that sometimes........
  • Linux Mint How To Set Desktop Background Image From Bash Prompt CLI

    The way of doing it in mint is different than gnome and ubuntu. gsettings set org.mate.background picture-filename /path/to/file.jpg *If you try to use the gnome way it will NOT work with Linux Mint: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri /some/pic.jpg........
  • Linux Mint Mate Customize the Lock screen messages and hide username and real name

    This is a security hole in my opinion and should be plugged by editing the lock screen ui layout: vi /usr/share/mate-screensaver/lock-dialog-default.ui #find these objects and set the visible property to false object class="GtkLabel" id="note-tab-label" object class="GtkLabel" id="auth-username-label> object class="GtkLabel" id="auth-realname-label"........
  • Ubuntu/Gnome/Mint/Centos How To Take a partial screenshot

    By default printscreen or alt print screen will get the whole desktop or the application in focus, respectively. But what if you want to select a portion of the screen? gnome-screenshot: ksnapshot compiz This is a nicely integrated solution sudo apt-get install compizconfig-s........
  • Linux Mint 18 Disable User Name List from showing on Login Screen

    Click "Administration" ->"Login Window"........
  • Ubuntu Debian Mint Linux SSHD OpenSSH Server Not Starting After Reboot Solution

    If you get error messages like this it is usually because /var/run/sshd does not exist. root@userbox:/# service sshd status ● ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled; vendor preset: enab Active: failed (Result: start-limit-hit) since Wed 2019-04-10 02:24:44 EDT; 1 Process: 511 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd -t (code=exited, status=255)........
  • Linux Over VNC VMWare How To Switch Virtual Terminals Console Without Using Ctrl+Alt+F1

    This is a common issue that I haven't seen many answers for on the internet. When you are using Linux as your host machine and you are connecting to another Linux machine over VNC you CANNOT use Ctrl+Alt+F1 to change virtual consoles as it sends the keys to your actual local machine. In many versions of Linux you can cycle through virtual terminals including over VNC using this: Alt + Left Arrow or Alt + Right Arrow This........
  • Debian / Mint / Ubuntu net-tools packages provides netstat, ifconfig, route, arp and other classic network admin tools

    The net-tools command brings back all of the oldschool tools that we're used to: /bin/netstat /sbin/ifconfig /sbin/ipmaddr /sbin/iptunnel /sbin/mii-tool /sbin/nameif /sbin/plipconfig /sbin/rarp........
  • Linux Mint XWindows Ubuntu MATE or Cinnamon How To Restart The GUI / Graphics / Session if it freezes without losing current windows or programs

    Uh oh, so you're working on some super l33t code or other stuff that is super important and Linux Mint's MATE or Cinnamon window manager freezes. This means maybe you can move your mouse but you can't click anything, you can't Alt + Tab to another program but everything appears to be working other than that. The first thing you would do is Ctrl + Alt + F1 (or whatever virtual terminal you want) and get into the Linux bash prompt (the black screen where things really happen :))........
  • Ubuntu 18.04 / Linux Mint 19.1 Cannot Type or Login - solution

    It was broken because of this package for xorg I installed: xserver-xorg-core-hwe-18.04 Just remove it even if you have to chroot from a live USB/CD: sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-core-hwe-18.04........
  • LUKS Hard Drive Encryption on Linux Mint Ubuntu Debian etc how to mount encrypted hard drive

    The key thing here is to know the actual partition that is encrypted. Often in Linux Mint's installer that ends up being partition 5 or /dev/sda5 sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 anynamehere You will then be prompted for your irrecoverable passphrase: Enter passphrase for /dev/sda5: If all goes well it won't say anything further. If it says ""No key available with this passphr........
  • Linux Mint 18.2 Create Config File To Start Application Upon Login

    This is not about systemd/systemctl and not about "onboot" so there's no rc.local trick here but it's the GUI/Gnome etc when a user logs in that a command is launched. Put this in your home dir The .config/autostart directory is where Linux Mint/Ubuntu checks for autostart application config files mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart Create a new entry/file that starts an application........
  • sudoers file in /etc warning about comments/includes!

    If you see this in /etc/sudoers it is NOT a comment but an include. #includedir /etc/sudoers.d For example in Linux mint sudoers.d contains the following files: casper mintupdate README casper for example contains the following sudoers line: mint ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL So if you are messing ar........
  • X11 SSH Linux Forwarding Error

    Jan 30 17:16:10 localhost sshd[25385]: error: Failed to allocate internet-domain X11 display socket. The solution for me on the server side was the following in sshd_config: AddressFamily inet *Remember to restart sshd and also reconnect from the client side. Ihad all the normal X11 settings on the server but it just stopped........
  • Linux Disable IPV6 Centos / Debian / Mint Howto

    Set this in /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 #apply the settings sudo sysctl -p ........
  • Debian Linux Mint Ubuntu iptables save and restore settings automatically onboot and reboot

    First you need the "iptables-persistent" package. This gives you an init script that loads your settings from /etc/iptables/rules.v4 and rules.v6 When you install it, it wll save your default setings in /etc/iptables. sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent Remember that the rules are stored here: For IPV4: /etc/iptables/rules.v4 For IPV6: /etc/iptables/r........
  • How to download gajim 0.16.9 XMPP/Jabber client so you can use OMEMO encryption

    #Linux Mint 18.2 how to install gajim .16.9 so you can use OMEMO encryption: sudo apt-get install python-axolotl python-nbxmpp wget https://gajim.org/downloads/0.16/gajim-0.16.9.tar.gz tar -zxvf gajim-0.16.9.tar.gz cd gajim-0.16.9 ./autogen.sh ;make;sudo make install #if you get this error you need to get a newer python-nbxmpp from here: gajim Gajim needs python-nbxmpp >= 0.6.1 to run. Quiting...........
  • HP DL385 G7 Linux BIOS Update Flash

    wget https://downloads.linux.hpe.com/repo/spp/rhel/6/x86_64/current/CP017004.scexe --2018-08-16 05:11:16-- https://downloads.linux.hpe.com/repo/spp/rhel/6/x86_64/current/CP017004.scexe Resolving downloads.linux.hpe.com (downloads.linux.hpe.com)... Connecting to downloads.linux.hpe.com (downloads.linux.hpe.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 1525561 (1.5........
  • hwloc-nox set CPU affinity in Linux

    sudo apt-get install hwloc-nox Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following NEW packages will be installed: hwloc-nox 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 530 not upgraded. Need to get 151 kB of archives. After this operation, 453 kB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubunt........
  • zenity popup messages, windows, dialogs, error messages calendars and more howto on Gnome Linux including Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Centos and more

    zenity is a nice utility as part of the gnome window manager that allows you to script from bash and retrieve the input from the user. It could also be helpful in just notifying a user when they login with a popup window. I'll give an overview of what's available with zenity: Application Options: --calendar Display calendar dialog --entry Display tex........
  • Debian/Ubuntu/Mint Linux How To Set VLAN in /etc/network/interfaces

    You can find many ways to specify the VLANin your network configuration but Ifind this is the simplest and quickest. In this case we are talking about a bridged adapter "vmbr0" but it works even if you just had a normal non-bridged interface. The key here is that in vmbr0 you'll notice there is no IP address. We just specify "manual". Below it is a similar stanza for "vmbr0.58" in this case 58 represents the VLAN (change........
  • Debian Mint Ubuntu compiling xmr-stak

    sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev git build-essential autotools-dev autoconf libcurl3 sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev git clone https://github.com/wolf9466/cpuminer-multi sudo apt-get install cmake libpthread-* libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev libhwloc-dev git clone https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak-cpu.git make install cd bin chmod +x xmr-stak-cpu ./xmr-stak -O xmr........
  • wodim / cdrecord error cannot burn DVD or BDR .iso Errno: 5 (Input/output error), write_g1 scsi sendcmd: no error

    dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/sr0 INQUIRY: [ASUS ][BW-16D1HT ][3.00] GET [CURRENT] CONFIGURATION: Mounted Media: 11h, DVD-R Sequential Media ID: RITEKF1&n........
  • linux mint image convert menu option missing solution

    Ialready have the caja-image-converter option installed but it shows nothing. Weirdly enough if you install nemo and nautilus converter it does show and work inside caja: The solution is to install *-image-converter sudo apt-get install *-image-converter Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Note, selecting 'n........
  • Linux Mint 18 Screen Goes Dark or Black After Screensaver or even when using the Desktop Solution

    You can search for this bug and it seems like it may be related to ecryptfs and is many years old. The symptoms are that you return to the computer and the screensaver was active or the screen was asleep/black and it doesn't seem to come back. But you check by SSH the computer is running fine and are frustrated you'll lose your running programs and have to reboot. There is a simple solution: Ctrl + Alt + F1 Ctrl +Alt + F8 Ba........
  • How to qemu-kvm enable bridged networking in Debian Ubuntu Linux Mint on KVM containers

    I've read a few guides about this but they didn't work for me. sudo apt-get install bridge-utils #don't think the above is enough it won't work still even though you have by default an /etc/qemu-ifup that handles it if you have the right tools and setup sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -net tap -net nic -enable-kvm -cpu host,vmx=on ~/VirtualBox VMs/vsphere-vcenter/vsphere-vcenter.vdi W: /etc/qemu-ifup: no bridge for guest interface foun........
  • Install NFS (Network File System) On Debian Linux Ubuntu Mint Howto

    sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server #oops there are no exports so it won't startsudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start* Not starting NFS kernel daemon: no exports. #we will use the /tmp/nfstestshare directory for our NFS share mkdir /tmp/nfstestshare #add it to /etc/exports (basically what NFS checks to determine what to make an NFS share) /tmp/nfstestshare,sync,........
  • not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/apt-get install eclipse' as root linux sudo user permisson issue and solution

    This is most likely to happen on a normal GUI system like Ubuntu or Linux Mint. If you or the user is meant to have sudo / root privileges it is as simple as editing the following files: Now assume your username is "iamtheuser" vi /etc/group adm:x:4:syslog,iamtheuser sudo:x:27:anotheruser,iamtheuser Find the above lines and add a comma and "ia........
  • Linux Mint Black Screen after boot no graphics solution

    This is not the normal "black screen"issue and I was shocked to eventually find out why. The normal advice of reconfiguring Xorg didn't work. Even booting into "Recovery Mode" did not help. Here is the short end of the stick that fixed it: sudo apt-get install mdm mate-desktop-environment Yes you got it right, mdm and the mate-desktop-environment / gnome were somehow uninstalled. This must be whe........
  • Linux Ubuntu Mint Debian cannot play xvid,x264,mp4 or any videos codec issue - xplayer Could not initialize supporting library.

    In xplayer Iget the following error "Could not initialize supporting library.". It actually looks more like a gstreamer issue. For those wondering what the default video player is called it is "xvid" and not "totem" anymore like previous versions. Basically it looks like some codecs are missing when I uninstalled another program it uninstalled other programs and codecs that it shouldn't have. I've tried installing all the gstre........
  • Linux Mint Ubuntu Debian How To Disable Webcam Automatically Onboot To Prevent Spying and Privacy Violations

    It is well known hackers, the NSA, CIA and other groups have created malware to secretly turn on your webcam and microphone on your phone, tv etc.. But fortunately on our computers and laptops we have some options. Most webcams use the "uvcvideo" kernel module / driver. You can disable this in two ways on boot. I recommend both just as a failsafe. Disable it on rc.local once your system boots automatically Add the followi........
  • IcedTea Java Web Viewer Config Utility How To Enter

    In at least Ubuntu and Mint there is nothing intuitive about configuring Java. Execute it to get to it: itweb-settings You'll be able to configure different options and variables. You can also check under Security as some of those settings could prevent applets from starting or prompting to........
  • Debian Linux Mint Ubuntu Disable Automatic apt-get update

    sudo chmod 000 /etc/cron.daily/apt-compat This is the easiest way to disable the cron without anything more invasive like deleting the file. After that you won't have anymore apt-get's starting. This can be critical for systems without much extra RAMthat is not in use. I've seen systems that have swapped and crashed over apt-get.........
  • How To Install Seamonkey Web Browser on Debian Ubuntu Linux Mint

    You can download the latest Sea Monkey releases here and 64-bit issues are a thing of the past now: It's a little tricky if you are running a 64-bit OS which most people will be. The weird thing is that the Seamonkey website for Linux seems to only provide a 32-bit download. seamonkey-2.49.2.tar.bz2 Seamonkey is still provided as a tar.bz2 which you need to extract and run manually. First........
  • MySQL Maximum INT Size Truncation Issue/Warning

    MySQL will silently truncate a larger INT than capable. Check MySQL's own documentation here: As we can see the maximum size of INT (which is the most commonly used) is 2147483647 A lot of coders make this mistake by using very large values such as 9999999999 but it would actually truncate to 2147483647 which is the maximum size of an INT. This is dangerous beca........
  • Disable SSH Password Authentication to Increase Security and Harden SSH Linux Unix Server Ubuntu Mint Centos Debian

    Just a note before you do this you should have a sure, guaranteed way into the system such as local, KVMor preferably publickey making bruteforce SSH absolutely impossible since there is no password to bruteforce and even if someone knew the password they wouldn't be able to login except from the local console (presumably you should make sure no one unauthorized has physical access). 1. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config Find the section like this:........
  • Linux Mint/Ubuntu/Debian apt how to downgrade a package

    First of all check to see which version if any you have available for a downgrade: apt-cache showpkg packagename Downgrade/Install old package: apt-get install package=version Example apt-cache showpkg caja Package: caja Versions: 1.10.3-1+rafaela (/var/lib/apt/lists/packages.linuxmint.com_dists_rafaela_import_binary-amd64_Packages) (/var/........
  • Ubuntu Linux Mint How To Exclude Stop Package from being Upgraded or Installed

    In Debian/Ubuntu this is called "holding". To hold/exclude a package from being installed or upgraded: sudo apt-mark hold packagename To allow the upgrade/installation unhold: sudo apt-mark unhold packagename........
  • How to backup entire computer Linux Mint Ubuntu with tar

    sudo tar --ignore-failed-read -czvf mycomputer-backup.tar.gz --exclude=/home/otheruser/* --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/sys/* / Note the --exclude clauses and modify/add according to your needs........
  • [1035724.274610] [drm:intel_pipe_update_end [i915_bpo]] *ERROR* Atomic update failure on pipe A (start=62076478 end=62076479) time 102 us, min 894, max 899, scanline start 893, end 900 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1.bin

    [1035724.274610] [drm:intel_pipe_update_end [i915_bpo]] *ERROR* Atomic update failure on pipe A (start=62076478 end=62076479) time 102 us, min 894, max 899, scanline start 893, end 900 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1.bin for module i915_bpo I've been getting those errors on a J3455 NUC box with the latest kernel on Linux Mint 18.2. When updating the initramfs I also got the error about the firmware........
  • Wine uninstalled broken on Linux Mint

    Solution: Aptitude is very smart and fixed the issues it was because of nvidia cuda and opencl and nothing else suggested or hinted this using apt sudo aptitude install wine The following NEW packages will be installed: ocl-icd-libopencl1{ab} ocl-icd-libopencl1:i386{ab} wine wine1.6 wine1.6-amd64{a} wine1.6-i386:i386{a} The following packages will be REMOVED:........
  • Linux Mint USB Kernel Tainted and Locked Port/Dev File

    Essentially a program I was running for mining did not terminate properly with Ctrl+C it is listed as defunct and cannot be killed, kernel is tainted and normal tricks to disable the port are impossible the dev and sys entries for the device cannot be browsed or interacted with in any form without a lockup of the request. The only solution is to reboot due to the kernel taint as far as I can find so far. [1130246.811056] INFO: task minerd:21861 blocked for more th........
  • ffmpeg Linux Mint download, compile and install howto

    #if you have nvidia make sure you install the nvidia-cuda-toolkit so hardware acceleration can be used wget http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2 tar -jxvf ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2 cd ffmpeg-3.3.2/ ./configure --disable-yasm install prefix /usr/local source path ........
  • Debian/Mint/Ubuntu Font Packs/Recommended To Install

    This will give you a lot more nice fonts to work with. Usually you must restart the program you are using to see the new fonts. ttf-mscorefonts-installer fonts-larabie-* ttf-xfree86-* ubuntustudio-fonts ttf-* fonts-*........
  • Why won't my Linux Mint boot after I manually installed a new kernel?

    Why won't my Linux Mint boot after I manually installed a new kernel? eg. apt-get install linux-image-newerone Do this dpkg -l|grep linux-image|grep extra ii linux-image-extra-3.16.0-38-generic 3.16.0-38.52~14.04.1&nb........
  • cudaminer freezes Linux Mint taints kernel

    When running cudaminer once it tries to initialize the card the entire screen freezes. The computer itself is still running but the Xorg is done for, you cannot even switch to another console window and must reboot (even an mdm or Xorg restart does not help). At first cudaminer will give you these errors: stratrum_recv_line failed ...retry after 15 seconds GPU #0: Geforce 210 with compute ca........
  • Linux Mint Intel Screen Tearing Horizontal Line Solution Fix Intel i915 Intel HD 4400 GPU Debian / Ubuntu

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf On newer Ubuntu / Mint / Debian systems the file would go in: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf Type "i" and enter the following: Section "Device" Identifier "Intel Graphics" Driver&n........
  • USB Device/MP3 Player not working properly and can't browse the device filesystem? Check the cable twice and again!

    Here is a simple MP3 player and now there's a reason to understand why the supplied cable has some kind of capacitor and is very short. These devices can be VERY finicky and any voltage fluctuation or difference is enough to cause issues. Take for example the error messages from Linux Mint: [804829.895414] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 11 [806961.109030] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 12 using xhci_hcd........
  • Nvidia Linux Mint/Ubuntu screentearing horizontal line solution

    Finally after ages I found the solution which is on many pages on the net but not obvious and should have been standard or more common info! Instant Solution: Type this into the terminal (unfortunately the driver config menu doesn't have the option as itis hidden): nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }" Make permanent Cli........
  • Openshot 2.2 is very unstable always crashing in Linux Mint 18.1!

    Jun 1 15:45:42 videoeditor-desktop org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1882]: project_data:INFO Missing folder chosen by user: Jun 1 15:45:42 videoeditor-desktop org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1882]: project_data:INFO Removed missing file: MAH02949.MP4 Jun 1 15:45:57 videoeditor-desktop org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1882]: ui_util:WARNING Icon theme media-playback-start not found. Will use backup........
  • Track 01: 34 of 1726 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 3.6x.Errno: 5 (Input/output error), write_g1 scsi sendcmd: cmd timeout after 1.897 (40) s CDB: 2A 00 00 00 44 A9 00 00 1F 00 resid: 6144 cmd finished after 1.897s timeout 40s write track da

    These errors believe it or not are simply because of not being the root user or running with sudo! However if you didn't know to try as root you'd think there was a problem with your burner or disc Essentially it looks like without root you cannot send the required scsi commands to continue writing. Ithink cdrecord should have built-in tests or safeguards to see if it has the permissions to run the required commands. I guess for more advanced users the idea is simila........
  • Intel NUC J3455 Linux Support Ubuntu/Linux Mint Issues

    I get the following error "Installer Crashed" on 18.1 MATE 64-bit when installing by NFS/PXE. Yet it was able to at least detect and use my NIC (perhaps the driver was only activated because of PXE/NFS being used)? When using 18.1 Cinnamon on CD the NIC does not work but the installer did succeed. However it doesn't work right, I can't login graphically and get some Cinnamon OOMerror but how can this be with 8GB of RAM straight from login?........
  • Linux Mint Install Netboot PXE Guide Howto

    *Update so this doesn't work it must be something to do with the path of nfs or something else but the installer fails with "Installer crashed" at the end whereas with the CD/USB it works. This assumes you've already installed and configured a separate PXE/DHCP server somewhere else and your /tftpboot directory is setup. This is for Linux Mint 18.1 but generally applies to most versions although you may have tro change things like "casper"........
  • Coolermaster CM Storm Enable LED Backlight in Fedora/Ubuntu/Mint Linux Howto - MB24 Keyboard and MS2K Mouse

    Just type the following in the bash/terminal shell to enable the blue LED light on the Coolermaster CM Storm keyboard: xset led 3 To make it automatic and permanent execute the following as root: echo "xset led 3" >> /etc/rc.local This is a fairly nice gaming keyboard whichI bought because I type very quickly and the cheap standard keyboards simply can't keep up!........
  • strange vi errors in Linux Mint/Ubuntu line 58: E488: Trailing characters: t_Sbet line 63: E171: Missing :endif

    This happens on any file an even just typing "vi"whereas it never happened before. I suspect an update or environment variable is causing this issue When entering vi I get this weird stuff line 58: E488: Trailing characters: t_Sbet line 63: E171: Missing :endif When exiting vi I get this weird stuff t_Sb=^[[4%?%p1%{1}%=%t........
  • Text Editors - Top Linux Ubuntu/Debian/Mint Options

    1.) gedit/pluma both very good the only thing I wish is that there was an autosave for unsaved documents! The only other competitor which is similar but I prefer less is kwrite (although I think kwrite may have proper autosave) pluma seems to be a renamed gedit yet gedit is still installable on Linux Mint) ........
  • use ffmpeg to watermark videos if mencoder/bmovl fail

    If you have this problem: http://realtechtalk.com/mencoder_bmovl_error_vf_bmovl_Unknown_command_Ignoring_-1860-articles Then ffmpeg is for you. Go here if you are using Linux Mint and cannot find or install it to use an external PPA........
  • mencoder bmovl error vf_bmovl: Unknown command: ''. Ignoring.

    Based on this tutorial: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/overlay-images-video-using-mplayer-and-mencoder mencoder -oac pcm -ovc raw -vf bmovl=0:0:tfifo -o $output $file vf_bmovl: Unknown command: ''. Ignoring. ........
  • Linux Mint/Ubuntu/Debian Nvidia driver becomes slow graphics performance issue

    I've had this issue since Ubuntu 9 and now even on Linux Mint 17 no matter what latest version of the Nvidia proprietary driver that I use. It just becomes slower and slower and only gets better after rebooting or restarting Xorg. Someone here has it as well https://askubuntu.com/questions/822449/graphics-becomes-slow-after-a-while/917886 It's very fru........
  • Linux Mint missing ffmpeg solution to install from Ubuntu PPA

    This is very annoying that ffmpeg is missing from Linux Mint! They have ffmpeg2theora which is a totally different codec and does not work as ffmpeg does at all (it is basically totally different). However on Linux Mint 17 I was able to use a Ubuntu PPA and sucessfully install ffmpeg! https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/trusty-media Adding this PPA to your system........
  • Linux Ubuntu Mint how to view RAW image files .arw?

    Ijust use "ufraw" and it does the trick perfectly. Now Iwish I could figure out how to batch convert them into .jpg with ImageMagick (it seems support for .raw is not guaranteed or it has to be compiled in). apt-get install ufraw........
  • Migrating from Linux Mint 17.2 mdadm RAID array to a new one (because I upgraded to larger drives).

    1.) Replicate the number of partitions in your new drives. gdisk /dev/sda gdisk /dev/sdb I created 3 partitions of the same same size. partition #1: +1G (/boot) partition #2: +60G (swap) partition #3: rest of it (/) #note if you are using GPT/gdisk you need to create separate a partition at least 1MB in size (in my case I would a 4th partition and mark it type ef02).........
  • mdadm: CREATE group disk not found Incrementally started RAID arrays. Incrementally starting RAID arrays...

    mdadm won't boot in Ubuntu/Mint/Debian anymore. You just get the following in a loop: mdadm: CREATE group disk not found Incrementally started RAID arrays. Incrementally starting RAID arrays... mdadm: CREATE group disk not found Incrementally started RAID arrays. Incrementally starting RAID arrays... mdadm: CREATE group disk not found Incrementally started RAID arrays. Incrementally starting RAID arrays... mdadm: CREATE group dis........
  • How Do you Open/Extract .WARC Internet Archive Files on Linux Ubuntu/Mint/Centos?

    Get the python "warc extractor" from here. WARC just seems to be such an unnecessary and complicated format. Why not use tar, rar, zip etc...? ./warc-extractor.py -dump content !http:content-type:pdf yourfile.warc........
  • The folder contents could not be displayed connection refused - solution

    This happened while updating Linux Mint/Debian/Ubuntu on a remote SMB/Samba share. Solution After waiting for updates to complete things will work normally but it really is strange that the service actually stops working or is disabled for so long during the update. It is likely the update process stops the serivce and only restarts after the update is complete.........
  • forcedeth MCP55 Nforce3600 Nvidia Network NIC Card Not working in Linux at 1gigabit speeds

    Now many people report this card simply not working in various Linux distros and kernels. My issue is different, it always works at 100mbit (eg. plugged into a 100mbit switch) but no matter what 1000M/gigabit switch I would try, it would never work. The link would be up (the lights were on) and the OS detected the link as being up as well but it wouldn't work at all and could not pass data in or out (not even a ack/ping). There is one simple solution and command........
  • Linux Mint 17 How to Enable File Sharing Option in File Manager

    I still cannot understand how this would not be enabled by default and I struggled to find the reason why with manually installing samba etc.. wondering why the option for sharing was not in the menu. On Linux Mint "MATE" the package is called "caja-share" and on Cinnamon it is called "nemo-share" so edit the below command as necessary: *Also note that the "samba" package is necessary as it is not inst........
  • The connection was reset The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

    In Firefox I cannot connect to any website, proxy is disabled and outside network access is confirmed, no system or manual proxy was set on this Linux Mint/Ubuntu system. Normally this can be caused by proxy or DNS problems and the weird thing is that traceroute and ping to other IPs worked fine but even connecting to sites by IP was not working. The connection was reset The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.........
  • Script runs fine from shell but not from cron job in Linux/Unix Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/Centos

    Usually the cause is inexplicable because some things just don't work correctly even when calling all commands by their full path. Usually adding the following to your crontab file at the top will fix/solve the issue: SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin ........
  • Mint/Ubuntu/Debian error twisted/test/raiser.c:4:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory #include Python.h

    Simple solution install python-dev sudo apt-get install python-dev libyaml-dev libpam-dev........
  • esniper error on Linux Mint 17.2 Debian/Ubuntu: Cannot connect to URL : SSL connect error: gnutls_handshake() failed: Illegal parameter Retrying... esniper encountered a bug. It looks like your esniper version is not current. You have version 2.28

    Auction 262382440107: Cannot connect to URL : SSL connect error: gnutls_handshake() failed: Illegal parameter Retrying... esniper encountered a bug. It looks like your esniper version is not current. You have version 2.28.0, the newest version is 2.31.0. Please go to http://esniper.sf.net/ and update your copy of esniper.........
  • Check Linux Ubuntu/Debian/Mint Version from Command Line

    To check the version of Ubuntu just use the lsb_release command as shown below and you will be able to see the exact Ubuntu version you have installed. lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Release: 14.04 Codename: trusty........
  • Linux Mint/Ubuntu/Debian Window Controls Missing Solution

    If Linux Mint 17 or other has no window buttons/controls you can do the following from terminal: marco --replace& Sometimes it can be fixed if you go to your themes/appearance and choose a new one but in the case like mine where Compiz is installed but not running/working then that fix will not work and will require the marco command above. What if you can't type in a terminal Window? If you close........
  • Linux Mint/Ubuntu/Debian Dual NICs networks problem when enabling and disabling one device

    The Scenario You have dual NICs and you disable NIC1 which uses as its gateway. With NIC2 you enable it/connect it to another network which also has the gateway Everything will work fine at this point. When switching back to NIC1 even with NIC2 disabled and even unplugged, the OS basically can't pick up the new/updated ARP entry of the old device for and perhaps thinks it is a security risk or spoof of some sorts and blocks i........
  • Linux Mint Network Manager Connection Disconnect Option Grayed Out

    This is a real pain because I had to manually unplug ethernet cables for network testing or to use an alternate network or guarantee physical access to one network segment is cut off. For some reason this happened after Ikilled dbus because it was confused and blocking packets thinking they were coming from the wrong interface since eth0 and eth1 both had the same subnet and gateway. I eventually did a "service network-manager restart" but the option was........
  • Errors were found while checking the disk drive for /.

    Iwill start by saying I think I know what caused this boot-time error on Linux Mint but should also apply to Debian and Ubuntu. I changed my BIOS time to several hours in the past to match the current time, but this caused Linux to think there were incorrect filesystem times. The problem is that it seems when you hit this I am not sure what is happening, it doesn't seem to be doing fsck and hangs without prompting the user. What I have found is that........
  • Debian Ubuntu Mint Samba Share config file location

    /var/lib/samba/usershares But note that it is just simple file sharing if you need directory mask, create mask etc... you still need to edit the smb.conf file to create your share. Here is an example file: comment= usershare_acl=S-1-1-0:R,S-1-22-1-1000:F guest_ok=y sharename=BabyPhotos........
  • Debian Linux Ubuntu Mint connect to pptp from terminal bash shell

    apt-get install pptp-linux echo "yourvpnusername * yourpasspass *" >> /etc/ppp/chap-secrets vi /etc/ppp/peers/provpnaccounts.com enter (ignore the lines): ============ pty "pptp server.provpnaccounts.com --nolaunchpppd" name testuser #remotename PPTP require-mppe-128 file /etc/ppp/options.pptp ==========........
  • vi Debian Linux Ubuntu Mint arrow key problem linux ssh bash shell terminal

    Debian/Ubuntu vi keyboard problem, up and down arrows do not work and instead make an A (Up), B (Down), C (Right) or D(Left). The working solution (you could also add the set nocompatible to /etc/vim/vimrc to make it system wide-will not be applied until reboot I believe): echo "set nocompatible" > ~/.vimr........
  • tsclient (Terminal Server RDP Client) missing in Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint

    This was a horrible shock after upgrading fromUbuntu 9 to Linux Mint 17 and I found that the last distro to support tsclient was Debian Squeeze. For some reason it has disappeared for a long time and the new options such as rdesktop and gnome-rdp do not have any start menu entry and just aren't done as well as tsclient. Fortunately there is a solution: tsclient surprisingly can be downloaded as a direct .deb package and it fails with some variou........
  • Cannot get mono to work properly on Linux Mint

    mono/wine not working in Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Debian: The assembly mscorlib.dll was not found or could not be loaded. It should have been installed in the `/usr/lib/mono/2.0/mscorlib.dll' directory. solution: sudo apt-get install mono-complete Problems: mono does not work well for even simple things like a Winrar self extracting .exe fi........
  • How To Record Your Screen with Linux

    Istanbul: At least in Linux Mint the latest 17.2 version Istanbul freezes when "In process of saving to Disk" even with the workaround of not having Sound recording enabled. It looks like a great app but bugs like this seem to have plague it for over 8 years! Kazam: This little app works great, its only bug is that when you try to tell it to record a window or area it puts a gray cov........
  • Virtualbox errors on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint

    The solution was to reinstall the vbox dkms package and do a manual modprobe of the modules it makes. I never sorted out the unable to start due to the USB issue, I did have the guest additions installed but the only way to boot was to change the pointing device from USB to PS2 and then to disable the USB controller (if your pointing device is set as USB, disabling USB will not work because it will re-enable by default when it sees your pointing device is USB, this is w........
  • How To Install Linux Mint 17.2 on mdadm RAID with a separate boot partition

    Iwas surprised to see that Linux Mint at the latest 17.2 version still has NO mdadm installer option, and worse the installer will not be able to create a proper booting environment even when you do install it. How to setup mdadm in Linux mint LiveCD sudo su apt-get install mdadm # partition as you need and then create your mdadm devices # create your SWAP md0 mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /d........
  • Migrate Linux Mint OS from one drive to another

    mount -o bind /proc /sda2/proc mount -o bind /dev/ /sda2/dev mount -o bind /sys /sda2/sys chroot /sda2 mint / # mount -o bind /proc /sda2/proc mint / # mount -o bind /dev/ /sda2/dev mint / # mount -o bind /sys /sda2/sys mint / # chroot /sda2 mint / # cd ~ mint ~ # ls Desktop mint ~ # cd / mint / # ls bin Desktop dev-temp home&nb........
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