• How to install virt-manager in Mint 22/Ubuntu 22

    Step 1.) Install virt-manager sudo apt install virt-manager Step 2.) Start libvirtd sudo systemctl start libvirtd sudo systemctl enable libvirtd Step 3.) Permissions Your user needs access to libvirt and kvm or it won't work without running as sudo. sudo usermod -a -G kvm yourusername sudo usermond -a -G libvirt yourusername........
  • Cisco CME and C7200 Router Testing and Learning Environment on Ubuntu 20+ Setup Tutorial Guide

    Since newer versions of Ubuntu like 20, you will find there is no longer dynagen and that the dynamips provided is faulty and will segfault each time: Cisco Router Simulation Platform (version 0.2.14-amd64/Linux stable) Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Christophe Fillot. Build date: Apr 3 2018 12:20:29 Local UUID: 3c1c0b7f-2fab-4fda-b40b-74841d1bcfe0 Instance ID set to 1. netio_tap_create: unable to open TAP device tap1 (No such fi........
  • How to Install Any OS on a Physical Drive from Windows Using VMware Workstation (Linux, Windows, BSD)

    Uses: Install OS on physical drive Linux installation VMware Install Windows on physical drive Boot OS from physical drive VMware Workstation tutorial Linux virtual machine to physical disk Windows to Linux migration Dual boot OS installation Boot from external SSD Linux, Windows, BSD installation guide Physical drive boot OS........
  • Hyper-V Linux VM Boots to Black Screen, Storage, NIC Not Found Issues

    Hyper-V uses obscure virtual hardware, you can enable the FB device for Hyper-V but if you just need text/console to work just compile this option: Device Drivers ---> Graphics support ---> Framebuffer Devices ---> Simpl........
  • Cloned VM/Server/Computer in Linux won't boot and goes to initramfs busybox Solution

    This is mainly for if you've done something silly like trying to clone a Live, running VM image. In this example, the VM initially finds grub and tries to boot but is kicked straight into initramfs rescue mode/busybox right after this. If you've done this "silly" thing, you could have dataloss but a lot of times just using fsck will fix it as you are guaranteed at best to have some corruption and inconsistencies in the filesystem. My theory is that some files wer........
  • redis requirements

    sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1 echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled echo 511 > /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn 1:M 26 Nov 2023 21:34:33.840 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128. 1:M 26 Nov 2023 21:34:33.840 # Server initialized 1:M 26 Nov 2023 21:34:33.840 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background sa........
  • How to kill a docker swarm

    Assign way more replicas than you have of memory on all nodes and watch the Swarm crash which can easily reproduce in a small VMfor testing. root@Deb11Docker01:~# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAM........
  • nvidia cannot resume from sleep Comm: nvidia-sleep.sh Tainted: Linux Ubuntu Mint Debian

    This seems to happen in many different drivers but it happened more often in newer versions such as 530 vs 525. Then nvidia-modeset goes to 100% There are many reports of this appearing since driver 4.70 and I can confirm I've seen this in various machines. https://forums.de........
  • [error] (28)No space left on device: Cannot create SSLMutex Apache Solution Linux CentOS Ubuntu Debian Mint

    Have you got this error from Apache? [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec) [error] (28)No space left on device: Cannot create SSLMutex At first glance it appears that you may be out of disk space but the issue is ipc or interprocess communication. This will clear out the ipcs processes so things can work, this often happens during high traffic and may be a sign of DDOS. The command below will fix it, it will list al........
  • qemu-system-x86_64: Initialization of device ide-hd failed: Failed to get

    You start a qemu like this and another VM already started with the same .iso qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 4096 -cdrom some.iso But you get this error: qemu-system-x86_64: Initialization of device ide-hd failed: Failed to get "write" lock Is another process using the image [some.iso]? It's odd because the -cdrom by default is read-only and qemu should not want or care about getting write lock on........
  • System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate. Failed to talk to init daemon. Ubuntu Debian Linux Solution Cannot reboot

    You are probably using some custom image or maybe this is some sort of container that didn't boot with systemd. The solution is to use "reboot -f" reboot -f This will force the system/OS/VM/container to reboot.........
  • Proxmox How To Rename Node Hostname Fix Solution

    Proxmox's documentation shows the following here. Which mainly just says change /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname with your new hostname. Here's what happens if you only do that: If you just do the above, you will find you have an inaccessible original hostname that contains those VMs and you cannot........
  • Proxmox install issue cannot see the buttons or install wrong / bad resolution cannot see the entire screen problem solution

    If you are using a hypervisor to test Proxmox (eg. Vbox) then changing the video card/display adapter can fix it. For example VboxSVGA causes the issue but switching to VMSVGA fixes it. For example VboxSVGA causes the issue but switching to VMSVGA fixes it. ........
  • How To Upgrade Debian 8,9,10 to Debian 12 Bookworm

    Step 1.) Upgrade to Debian 11 first The process to go to Debian 12 is not as smooth as 11, when trying to upgrade from Debian 10. In fact, it doesn't work directly, so you'll first need to follow this guide to update to Debian 11, reboot and come back here if successful. Step 2.) Update sources.list Update your /etc/apt/sources.list like this: deb http://........
  • Docker Minimum Requirements/How Efficient is Docker? How Much Memory Does Dockerd Use?

    We used a simple Debian 10 VM and showed the memory before starting docker and with no docker containers being started. The goal is to show much much memory dockerd actually uses. Before docker was started The VMwas using 58M of RAM. After docker was started it was using 99MB of RAM. How much RAM does docker use? It's not scientific but fair to say dockerd itself uses about 41MB of RAM (99-58).........
  • How to Configure NVIDIA GPUs with Docker on Ubuntu: A Comprehensive Guide for AI Deep Learning CUDA Solution

    Welcome to our in-depth guide on configuring NVIDIA GPUs with Docker on Ubuntu. This post is tailored for developers, data scientists, and IT professionals who are looking to leverage the power of NVIDIA's GPU acceleration within Docker containers. Whether you're working on machine lea........
  • Linux How To echo as root solution to use tee permission denied solution Ubuntu Debian Mint Redhat CentOS

    The issue is when you need to echo something as root/sudo, that it doesn't work. You can never do a sudo echo to an output file as you'd expect. Take an example to clear out wasted RAM buffers/cache like this: sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches -bash: /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches: Permission denied The solution is to run tee as sudo/root What we do is echo 1, but then pipe it to the "tee" command as sudo........
  • Linux swapping too much? How to check the swappiness and stop swapping

    We could always disable swap but this would normally be a bad idea unless you have an incredible amount of RAM and a workload that will never exceed it. However, for live/containerized and high performance environments it could be desirable. Another middle ground may be to set swappiness to a lower number. You may also want to clear your kernel's cache, which could be eating up RAM unnecessarily by c........
  • How to install Windows or other OS and then bring to another computer by using a physical drive and Virtual Machine with QEMU

    This has been a tried and true method for Windows because it is finicky with hardware changes without a reinstall (eg BSOD on boot is what happens 9/10 times unless you move to the same hardwar). Surprisingly, if you use a QEMU VM and do a standard install, it has worked in every system I've thrown the drive in afterwards. So the play is this, use a USB SSD, physical SATA drive plugged internally or for convenience, you could use a SATA to USB adapter on another computer to perf........
  • vagrant install on Debian Mint Ubuntu Linux RHEL Quick Setup Guide Tutorial

    1 - Install Vagrant apt install vagrant Make sure you have a supported Virtualization tool like Virtualbox or VMWare, Hyper-V etc.. It automatically detects and uses what you have. Virtualbox has a lot of support here with tons of images. 2 - Init Vagrant We'll init to have a Debian 10 box by default to show how quick and easy it is. vagrant init generic/debian10........
  • Virtualbox Best Networking Mode In Lab/Work Environment without using NAT Network or Bridged

    Virtualbox is a very powerful tool, but for some use cases it is less than optimal. Say you are in a work, lab or other environment where you are not alone on the physical network and there could be overlap of IPs, but you need all of your VMs to be contactable from your host, VMs need to communicate with each other, and VMs need internet. NAT Network will give you VM to VM communication and internet, however, it is buggy and unstable. It also doesn't allow host to VM co........
  • debootstrap how to install Ubuntu, Mint, Debian install

    In this example we install debian 10 with --variant=minbase which gives us a minimal/tiny install. Don't use variant if you want the full size install. mkdir /tmp/deb10files debootstrap --variant=minbase buster /tmp/deb10files/ Did you get an error? debootstrap --variant=minbase buster /home/theuser/VMs/deb10files/ You'll get this error if you make a directory in your home........
  • Dell PowerEdge Server iDRAC Remote KVM/IP Default Username, Password Reset and Login Information Solution

    Are you new to the company, datacenter or a third party who is responsible for deploying a fleet of servers from scratch. The first step is to normally login to the KVM so you can perhaps manually reinstall, PXE boot the Cloud Image or reimage/reinstall an OS but you need access to the KVM/IP or what Dell calls iDRAC. It's common that you may have forgotten this information or that another employee or colleague has changed the info and did not tell you, that they have left the........
  • docker / kubernetes breaks Proxmox QEMU KVM Bridge VMs

    Docker adds iptables rules that break a lot of things including MASQUERADE or anything that needs the FORWARD table. If NAT is not working after Docker installation, it is probably because it set the iptables FORWARD policy to DROP. This may also make you think that your br0 or bridge is not working, but it's likely just due to what we'll mention later on below, that, Docker probably set your FORWARD chain to default DROP all packets, so nothing on your bridge ever makes it out........
  • grub blank screen how to manually boot kernel and initrd Linux Ubuntu Debian Centos won't boot solution

    You probably didn't do an "update-grub" and grub no longer has any proper menu entries, but before you can fix it let's try to get grub booting anyway. If you get this lovely black grub screen here's how you can get things booting. In my case I have a gpt partition with partition 1 and 2. Partion 1 is just my EFI / ESPand partion 2 /dev/sda2 is my root which includes /boot. You will have to adjust this if you had a separate /boot partition.........
  • LightDM Mint Ubuntu Debian won't start errors Nvidia Graphics

    This error implies that there may be an issue with Xorg or maybe your NVIDIA GPU cannot start or initialize: 35 laptop kernel: [ 2031.857704] nvidia: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel. 35 laptop kernel: [ 2031.857724] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel. 35 laptop kernel: [ 2031.857725] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint 35 laptop kernel: [ 2031.873280] nvidia: module verification failed: signature a........
  • GlusterFS HowTo Tutorial For Distributed Storage in Docker, Kubernetes, LXC, KVM, Proxmox

    This can be used on almost anything, since Gluster is a userspace tool, based on FUSE. This means that all Gluster appears as to any application is just a directory. Applications don't need specific support for Gluster, so long as you can tell the application to use a certain directory for storage. One application can be for redundant and scaled storage, including for within Docker and Kubernetes, LXC, Proxmox, OpenStack, etc or just your image/web/video files or even da........
  • How To Shrink Dynamically Allocated VM QEMU KVM VMware Disk Image File

    Let's say you have a VM file that uses 200G of dynamic space, but really only has 40G in usage. If you add fles and delete, at some point the file will be larger than the current space you are using. Take this image which shows is using 71G of space on the host: The actual space being used inside the image is about 43G as we can see:........
  • How To Enable Linux Swapfile Instead of Partition Ubuntu Mint Debian Centos

    This may be necessary if you have a VM or if for some reason you just want to be more efficient with your space and have the flexibility of changing your swap space at will. What we mean is the ability to use a "swap file" or similar to the Windows "pagefile" that normally resides on the root or c: partition of Windows. Here's all you have to do and then you to can have a single partiton with everything, including the swap file on the root partition if you........
  • WARNING: Can't download daily.cvd from db.local.clamav.net freshclam clamav error solution

    freshclam ClamAV update process started at Sun Mar 20 00:30:50 2022 WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED! WARNING: Local version: 0.100.3 Recommended version: 0.103.5 DON'T PANIC! Read https://www.clamav.net/documents/upgrading-clamav main.cld is up to date (version: 62, sigs: 6647427, f-level: 90, builder: sigmgr) WARNING: getpatch: Can't download daily-26337.cdiff from db.local.clamav.net WARNING:........
  • Vbox Virtualbox DNS NAT Network Mode NOT working

    There is a random bug that sometimes occurs with Vbox NAT mode DNS, although it has never happened in the past and Vbox was working fine until recently. The symptom is that you can see it does get an IP+ DNS from the Vbox NAT DHCP. Below we use resolvectl dns and verify the DNS server is set to which is the DNS from Vbox NAT. We can ping it but it does not respond to any DNS requests when we use dig @ realtechtalk.com........
  • Docker Tutorial HowTo Install Docker, Use and Create Docker Container Images Clustering Swarm Mode Monitoring Service Hosting Provider

    The Best Docker Tutorial for Beginners We quickly explain the basic Docker concepts and show you how to do the most common tasks from starting your first container, to making custom images, a Docker Swarm Cluster Tutorial, docker compose and Docker buildfiles.........
  • HongKong VPS Server, Cloud, Dedicated Server, Co-Location, Datacenter The Best Guide on Hong Kong, China Internet IT/Computing

    In our 2024 VPS Server/Cloud Buyer's Guide, we place the location of your VPS/hosting/server as one of the priorities that is often overlooked. 2024 Update - Datacent........
  • Ansible Tutorial - Playbook How To Install From Scratch and Deploy LAMP + Wordpress on Remote Server

    1. Let's work from an environment where we can install Ansible on. If you are using an older version of Linux based on Mint 18 or Ubuntu 16, you may want to get the PPA and get the latest version of Ansible that way: sudo apt install gpg sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible sudo apt update........
  • QEMU/KVM How to Hot-add A Virtual Disk .raw/.qcow2 via QEMU Monitor Commands

    For a lot of reasons, it may be convenient to detach or attach live disks to a running VM without having to reboot it. Sure, you can use some network based storage, but when performance counts, attaching a new virtual disk will usually give you better throughput and lower latency in a quick testing situation. This doesn't work, why not? drive_add 0 if=virtio,file=/tmp/vm.qcow2,if=virtio,format=qcow2,id=rtt Can't hot-ad........
  • Proxmox How To Enable Ceph Distributed Storage Cluster with OSD and Pools

    How To Install Ceph If you stopped an install of Ceph midway you will need to manually restart it with "pveceph install" Remember that your VM needs to have working internet (gateway) and DNS in order to connect to the apt repo to download all of the packages that Ceph requires. Remember to repeat these steps for each node that you want Ceph on. ........
  • pulseaudio issue on QEMU/KVM guest VM when microphone is replugged/unplugged pulseaudio: pa_threaded_mainloop_lock failed pulseaudio: Reason: Invalid argument

    Here is the scenario, you are using QEMU/KVM and are using something like the AC97 sound driver to pass the host audio to the guest via pulseaudio. This is useful because you can transparently pass your mic input from the host which means you can mute your microphone from the host, which prevents the guest from receiving any mic input even if unmuted. Mute / Unmute Fix This issue also seems to happen even if you press the mute button on the microphone and then unmute,........
  • Virtualbox Vbox Issue Cannot Enable Nested Virtualization Button is Grayed/Greyed Out and Unclickable HowTo Solution

    In newer of versions of Virtualbox, especially above 6.0 (eg. 6.1 like the example below), a lot of times the "Enable Nested VT-x/AMD-V". If you are having this issue, you will see the option is grayed out. It doesn't mean that your computer does not support virtualization, although it is possible it is disabled in the BIOS. You can verify........
  • Virtualbox VBOX Howto Port Forward To Guests

    NAT Network, the VMs can communicate but your host cannot access them by default. NAT VMs have internet but cannot communicate with each other. Bridged is simple and allows full LAN access as if you had a physical machine plugged in but is often bad for testing, work or corporate environments and is not very portable when it comes to moving your VMs to other locations and networks. Here is how you can use NAT Ne........
  • Linux Ubuntu Debian Centos Mint - How To Check if Intel VT-x or AMD-V Hardware Virtualization is Enabled?

    From the terminal do this: cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep -E "svm|vmx" You should get output like this(svm = AMD-v and vmx=Intel-VTx): flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc cpuid aperfmperf pni pclmulqd........
  • Virtualbox VBOX How To Install Guest-Utils/GuestUtils so drag and drop and clipboard works Ubuntu Mint Debian Linux

    Just install these packages and restart the VM: 1.) Enable guest-utils on the host side: sudo apt install virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11 2.) Enable guest editions on the VMside This must be done for each VM that you want to have the guest additons for accelerated GPU performance and for drag and drop/clipboard sharing First insert the Guest Addtions CD image........
  • How to install Kubernetes with microk8s and deploy apps on Debian/Mint/Ubuntu Linux

    Kubernetes Easy Beginners Tutorial/Architecture Guide Kubernetes is known as container orchestration and we should start at explaining the container part of it. A Container is what runs the actual application and based on an Image, and are more comparable to something like an LXC Container, Virtuozzo/OpenVZ using the Linux Kernel Namespaces feature. Containers run these images as independent, isolated operating environments under the O........
  • Ubuntu/Debian Linux/Unix Howto Setup Install Syslinux Bootable USB with EFI and MBR from Command Line/CLI Terminal

    There aren't too many simple guides that show you how to use commands to setup your USB or other drive as a normal bootable drive where you can easily boot custom kernels or whatever OS you would like. 1. Get the tools we need: We install "syslinux" for MBR and "syslinux-efi" for EFI and "MBR" as we need a tool that embeds the actual MBR into our USB: sudo apt install syslinux syslinux-efi mbr........
  • VirtualBox VBox Nat Network Handing Out Wrong IP Address Subnet Solution

    This seems to be an ongoing issue that is still reproducable in the latest Ubuntu Vbox 6.x. The default NAT Network range is usually If you change this range it does not seem to work properly. Say we change the range to If you get a new lease you will find that you get an IP from the old range but the default gateway is from the new range. ........
  • EFI PXE grub2 Howto guide for Linux EFI PXE Booting on Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, RHEL

    Just a quick note and warning is that if you are testing to see if EFIPXE booting works on a VM, MAKE SURE it actually works. For example Iinitially tested using my Distro's QEMU 2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.46 and ovmf BIOS firmware (OVMF supports EFI). However, I found on old versions of QEMU (like 2.5), EFIbooting with GRUB NEVER works so it may appear that you have made a mistake when everything is fine when you boot a physi........
  • QEMU KVM Keyboard Problems Not Working Right Repeating Characters, Ctrl+C Copy and Paste not working right when using PS2 mouse in guests Solution

    It seems that QEMU/KVM's default PS2 mouse and keyboard doesn't work right in most cases. I have especially observed issues using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V and in Linux you may see repeated key presses in the terminal and you will wonder why you copied something and it's not in the clipboard when you try to paste. The way to temporarily fix it is to press the key that is repeating once(works in Linux but not really in Windows). Sometimes when moving your mouse it will also s........
  • Mikrotik RouterOS CHR/ISO Basic and Quick Setup Howto Guide

    Many people may not be aware that you can turn commodity hardware into a Mikrotik OS and there are various options which is "CHR" (Cloud Hosted Router) which is a VMimage meant for Virtualization only (seriously, I've tried to dd the image to a physical server and it just crashed as it does not contain any drivers for physical). One note as well if you are trying to do a baremetal install you may get an error "Error Loading Operating System" or........
  • qemu 4 compilation options

    How To Compile QEMU Manually (using sensible options) 1.) Download the QEMU source file you want. wget https://download.qemu.org/qemu-4.2.0.tar.xz 2.) Extract The Source File tar -Jxvf qemu-4.2.0.tar.xz 3.) Switch to the extracted source cd qemu-4.2.0 4.) Make sure we have the right libraries and tools to compile QEMU manually sudo apt install build-e........
  • CentOS 7 8 PXEBoot Netinstall Not Working Solution "Pane is dead "new value non-exisetnt xfs filesystem is not valid as a default fs type"

    The problem seems to be that whatever kernel and initrd you have is tied to an old version of CentOS 7 that is no longer in the current repos of most mirrors. If you were previously able to PXEboot and install CentOS and you are sure your network and tftp are good the problem is that you have an outdated kernel and initramfs that point to a defunct version.........
  • How To Boot, Install and Run Windows 2000 on QEMU-KVM

    Interestingly enough Windows 2000 works fine on QEMU 64-bit but you have to specify Pentium as your CPU otherwise it doesn't complete the install (it will not pass the detecting/setting up devices phase). -vga cirrus is wise because it is supported by Windows 2000 and allows higher resolutions and 24-bit color. -cpu Pentium emulates an old computer and is necessary for install to complete -device rtl8139 is important as this oldschool Realtek 8139 NIC is supported by W........
  • qemu-img convert formats vdi vmdk raw qcow2

    qemu-img can convert many formats. Here is an example of how to convert different images to different formats for QEMU-KVM The example above converts a raw windows2019.img file from QEMU to a Virtualbox .vdi qemu-img convert -f raw -Ovdi windows2019.img windows2019.vdi -f raw = this means the format of the source image (instead of raw it could be vdi, vmdi, qcow2 etc..)........
  • QEMU-KVM soundhw deprecated how to enable sound in QEMU 4.x series

    In QEMU 4 or higher you can no longer use the normal "-soundhw ac97" flag and it is much more complicated but here is a simple copy and paste on Linux that will just work: -audiodev you have to use -audiodev to specify the driver and id driver=pa id=someid -device you have to specify the same audiodev id you used in -audiodev and driver -audiodev driver=pa,id=pa1 -devic........
  • Virtualbox Error Cannot register the hard disk because a hard disk with UUID already exists solution

    Cannot register the hard disk '/some/path/windows-marking.vdi' {f54def00-2252-43f5-9178-0998636cad61} because a hard disk '/other-path/windows-marking.vdi' with UUID {f54def00-2252-43f5-9178-0998636cad61} already exists. Result Code: NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG (0x80070057) Component: VirtualBoxWrap Interface: IVirtualBox {0169423f-46b4-cde9-91af-1e9d5b6cd945} Callee RC: VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (0x80BB0001)........
  • How To Password Reset, Recover, Bypass, Remove and Unlock on Windows 10,8,7,Vista,XP,NT,2000,2003,2008,2012,2016,2019 Administrative Login Programs

    If you've come here, don't be embarraassed, working in IT, this is the MOST common computer problem that almost everyone will encounter. The reason why I'm doing this post is because I've seen an increase from colleagues and admins having this problem and many times it's not even your fault. A common scenario is that someone acquires a new or used computer which they weren't given the password for. Fortunately Ihave a detailed list of all the options whether free or pa........
  • ?? Question Marks for time, permissions and size of a file?

    -?????????? ? ? ? ? ? shadow ----------. 1 root root 748 Jul 10 04:35 shadow- cat: shadow: Input/output error If you see this you are probably in big trouble, it could be a physical error or if it's a VM image that it is corrupted due to a physical error on the underlying disk/array/NAS or it could a........
  • access denied by acl file qemu-kvm: bridge helper failed

    /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -enable-kvm -boot order=cd,once=dc -vga cirrus -m 4096 -drive file=~/23815135.img,if=virtio -usbdevice tablet -net nic,macaddr=DE:AD:BE:EF:D4:AB -netdev bridge,br=br0,id=net0 qemu-kvm: -usbdevice tablet: '-usbdevice' is deprecated, please use '-device usb-...' instead access denied by acl file qemu-kvm: bridge helper failed [root@CentOS-82-64-minimal 23815135]# /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -enable-kvm -boot order=cd,once=dc -vga cirrus -........
  • chroot

    chroot /root/kvmguests/4591915/mount FATAL: kernel too old This happens for example if you are in Centos 6 and trying to chroot into a system based on a newer kernel like 4.x+ You'll have to use a newer OS/kernel system to chroot into the environment or a VM running a newer kernel.........
  • How To Get Started on Ubuntu with gpt-2 OpenAI Text Prediction

    apt install software-properties-common add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa apt update apt install python3-pip apt install python3.7 curl gnupg python3.7-dev git ln -s /usr/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/python3 pip3 install numpy keras_preprocessing curl https://bazel.build/bazel-release.pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://storage.googleapis.com/bazel-apt stable jdk1.8" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel........
  • Remove cloud-init in your VM

    Unless you are using OpenStack, AWS etc then cloud-init is just some bloat that slows down the booting of your VMand can actually halt it from booting if it doesn't have a proper working IP (not good!). #remove cloud init! Debian based Ubuntu / Mint sudo apt remove cloud-init RHEL / CentOS based yum remove cloud-init ........
  • QEMU-KVM KVM Command Line Practical Guide

    Iam going to build this based on a series of small howto QEMU / KVMposts I've made as I feel much of the information is actually hard to find and piece together from the rest of the web. What I'm going to focus on is how to use virtio as the NIC because if you don't you get very slow NIC speeds but with the virtio NIC model you basically get host speeds. /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -enable-kvm -smp 8 -m 16000 -net user -net nic,model=virtio -drive file=ubuntu-gpt2l........
  • virt-resize: error: libguestfs error: could not create appliance through libvirt.

    This is caused because the user is running as qemu for virt-resize and if qemu does not have privileges to read from the source and write to the destination, it will fail with the below. So either change the uid of qemu or change the ownership of the source and target. Solution: export LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-resize --expand /dev/sda2 /root/kvmtemplates/windows2019-eval-template.img /root/kvmguests/kvmkvmuser4515........
  • QEMU KVM how to boot off a physical CD/DVD/BDROM Drive

    It's as simple as below where you just specify the dev device of the CDROM which is usually /dev/sr0. You can boot actual bootable discs like Windows, Linux, etc straight from a physical drive this way. sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom /dev/sr0 -m 4096 ........
  • OpenVZ vs LXC DIR mode poor security in LXC

    It is unfortunate that LXC's dir mode is completely insecure and allows way too much information from the host to be seen. I wonder if there will eventually be a way to break into the host filesystem or other container's storage? OpenVZ better security: [root@ev ~]# cat /proc/mdstat cat: /proc/mdstat: No such file or directory /dev/simfs 843G 740G 61G........
  • Linux How To Add User To Additional Group

    sudo usermod -a -G groupname username It's really simple like above, the -a is for append so that you are not changing their main group, but adding them to another additonal group. Just change "groupname" to your group and "username" to the user you want to be added to "groupname". A common task these days is getting your user access to kvm for virtualization so the KVM/QEMUprocess........
  • Convert and install to LUKS Encrypted Drive Ubuntu 18.04 19.10 Linux Mint and Debian Based Linux

    The reason for doing this is that the installer doesn't seem to work properly for LUKS and the server installer doesn't even support LUKS anymore. When you use the GUI install on Desktop for LUKS it won't boot and will just hang after you enter your password. So the only reliable way is to do it ourselves. 1.) Make a default minimal install of Ubuntu 2.) Have a secondary disk on the server or VM. 3.)........
  • CentOS 8 how to convert to a bootable mdadm RAID software array

    The cool thing here is that we only need 1 drive to make a RAID 10 or RAID 1 array, we just tell the Linux mdadm utility that the other drive is "missing" and we can then add our original drive to the array after booting into our new RAID array. Step#1 Install tools we need yum -y install mdadm rsync Step #2 Create your partitions on the drive that will be our RAID array Here I assume it is /dev........
  • KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED - QEMU/KVM Won't Boot Windows 2016 or 10 Image or Physical Machine

    This should work but the key thing is having the "-cpu host" flag. Once you add the correct -cpu host flag then it should boot just fine on KVM. qemu-system-x86_64 --enable-kvm -cpu host -smp 8 -m 8192 -drive format=raw,file=the-file.img Examples can be found here on how to boot Windows properly with KVM.........
  • qemu-kvm error "Could not initialize SDL(No available video device) - exiting"

    Now older versions of qemu-kvm didn't throw this error say if you just had "-video cirrus" when starting qemu-kvm. But newer versions do care. And this probably only applies to you if you are running from bash/terminal with remote kvm images. What you need to do is remove the "-video" part and just add -vnc :5 eg. this would fix the error: qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -boot order=cd,once=dc -m 1024 -drive........
  • Debian Ubuntu Mint Howto Create Bridge (br0)

    Having a network bridge allows you to bridge traffic under multiple devices so they can talk natively without using any special routing, iptables/firewall or other trickery. To create your bridge you need the bridge-utils package for brctl and if you want to do things like bridge VMs that run on a tap device you will need the uml-utilities which provides "tunctl". 1.) Install the utilities to make our bridge sudo apt-get i........
  • Debian Ubuntu and Linux Mint Broken Kernel After Date - New Extra Module Naming Convention

    I don't consider a lot of these "extra" kernel modules "nice to have" as they often contain drivers for essential items like your soundcard, your NIC and many other devices that may not work. Sometimes you may find that "sound" or "ethernet" worked before a kernel/OS upgrade and now in the new version they don't. Often it will be because you need to install the "extra" kernel modules. One other weird thing is that sometimes........
  • QEMU-KVM won't boot Windows 2016 or 2019 server on an Intel Core i3

    CPU:Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz MOBO: Manufacturer: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. Product Name: P8H61-M LX3 PLUS R2.0 qemu-kvm- This is weird but the only OS I've found this machine doesn't work with is Windows 2019 Server. Ihave no idea, when 2008, 2012 work f........
  • Cisco Unified Communications Manager / CUCM IP 8.6,10,12 Install Error Solution

    Install Errors on Version 12: This error happened on QEMU emulator version 2.11.1 pve-qemu-kvm_2.11.1-5 on Proxmox/Debian but installing on QEMU.12 on Centos 6 did not produce the error. *Update it is not related to the OS or QEMU version. This happened in Centos 6 too after a second install. What really causes this even though you successfully install........
  • Cisco Unified Communications Manager 12 Install Errors on Proxmox/KVM

    The strange thing is that usually the first install or two will work on any new machine but then it suddenly won't. I had this experience on QEMU 2.13 on a different machine. There is something finicky or buggy about the CUCM installer even when choosing the same virtual hardware specs. qemu-kvm command: /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -version QEMU PC emulator version 0.12.1 (qemu-kvm-, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard ........
  • Local Vs Universally Administered MAC Address NIC Refuses to come up

    2,6,A or E is what the second digit of your MAC address must be otherwise a lot of OS's will not work. They will say the NIC is down/not connected even though it is. This is because if the second digit is not set properly it will not view as a valid MAC or device uplink. This is especially an issue with VMs whether in QEMU etc.. if you are making your own MAC. MAC address is invalid c4:d1:aa:e5:10:05 To fix it just........
  • Linux qemu-kvm How To Enable Soundcard in Guestl

    Pass QEMU this flag: -soundhw ac97 Or you could use (for a Ensoniq soundcard): -soundhw es1370 However on some machines I get this error: pulseaudio: pa_simple_new for capture failed pulseaudio: Reason: Connection terminated pulseaudio: pa_simple_new for capture failed pulseaudio: Reason: Connection terminated audio: Failed to create voice `ac9........
  • QEMU-KVM Windows and Server Guest Installs Mouse Tracking Pointer Location Solution

    You may have noticed if you are running QEMU/KVMmanually that in Windows the the position of the physical mouse does not match where the mouse is positioned within Windows. There is an easy command to pass to qemu-kvm or qemu-system (whatever you call your binary): -usbdevice tablet The above flag will fix your mouse pointing problems whether you are running Windows 95, 98, NT, XP 2000, 2003, Vista, 7, 8 10 or Server 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016 or 2........
  • qemu-kvm qemu-system Image format was not specified for '/mnt/space/cucm12.img' and probing guessed raw. Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write operations on block 0 will be restricted. Specify the 'ra

    WARNING: Image format was not specified for '/mnt/space/cucm12.img' and probing guessed raw. Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write operations on block 0 will be restricted. Specify the 'raw' format explicitly to remove the restrictions. #you should manually specify the format q........
  • Linux Over VNC VMWare How To Switch Virtual Terminals Console Without Using Ctrl+Alt+F1

    This is a common issue that I haven't seen many answers for on the internet. When you are using Linux as your host machine and you are connecting to another Linux machine over VNC you CANNOT use Ctrl+Alt+F1 to change virtual consoles as it sends the keys to your actual local machine. In many versions of Linux you can cycle through virtual terminals including over VNC using this: Alt + Left Arrow or Alt + Right Arrow This........
  • How To Boot Cisco CUCM UCSInstall 8.6, 10, 11 and 12 on KVM/Proxmox

    The key thing is that you must use a "machine"id of "pc-1.3" or it will say your hardware is not supported. Additionally you MUST use a virtio disk or you will get a ks_pre.sh error as soon as the install starts (a look at logs will show it can't find a disk). This is funny because even though the OS finds the disk and an fdisk -l shows it, it looks like the script looks for a /dev/vda device (virtio) and nothing else, so if you didn't use Virtio as you........
  • VBOX VirtualBox How To Import Raw .img Disk File

    What you need to do if you have taken a dd or real raw image dump of a hard disk: VBoxManage convertdd windows2019-eval-template.img windows2019.vdi --format VDI The .img is the raw dd dump and the .vdi is the output file. --format VDIspecifies to output to .vdi format If you are in a pinch you can always use qemu-kvm binary and manually specify the .img as your disk and i........
  • proxmox vm networking breaks when you restart your network on the hostnode

    Idid a systemctl restart networking and it broke Proxmox VM connectivity! #proxmox is the problem after restarting the network the tap devices go to disabled state [2230884.919905] vmbr0: port 7(tap118i0) entered disabled state [2230884.948864] vmbr0: port 8(tap122i0) entered disabled state [2230884.972748] vmbr0: port 6(tap119i0) entered disabled state [2230885.004745] vmbr0: port 5(tap117i0) entered disabled state [2230885.03673........
  • LUKS Hard Drive Encryption on Linux Mint Ubuntu Debian etc how to mount encrypted hard drive

    The key thing here is to know the actual partition that is encrypted. Often in Linux Mint's installer that ends up being partition 5 or /dev/sda5 sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 anynamehere You will then be prompted for your irrecoverable passphrase: Enter passphrase for /dev/sda5: If all goes well it won't say anything further. If it says ""No key available with this passphr........
  • lvm how to reduce volume size

    lvreduce -L -100G /dev/mapper/centos-home Do you really want to reduce centos/home? [y/n]: y Size of logical volume centos/home changed from ........
  • LVM How To Create Pool (dynamically allocated and not fully allocated)

    The main use I have for this is virtual servers being able to use an LVM volume but not occupying all of the space. It saves time in deploying machines and copying them so you are only copying the space they are using (eg. 5GB / 60GB vs the full 60GB). There are some disadvantages which is mainly the fact that thin pools by their nature allow you to "overallocate" disk space which is that you could use more space than is available on the disk itself and corrupt your data........
  • VMWare Pro Workstation Nic Disconnected and No IP Using NAT

    By default VMWare Workstation often doesn't work as we would like. If you create a VM with a default NAT IP it won't work you will find the NIC is disconnected (even though on the VMWare side it says connected including at Power On). How To Solve It 1.) Create New VMNet for NAT Click "Edit" -> "Virtual Network Editor" Click "Add Network" Select Network To Add "VMNet1" (........
  • Proxmox Breaks Storage/LVM Backing If Killing QEMU-IMG

    I tried to stop a qemu-img copy or clone and it broke everything. It was fine to "stop" it from the GUI but a process still persisted so I killed the relevant qemu-img and the kernel went crazy. It also may not have helped that I tried to lvremove a different volume (an unused disk). But either way it breaks LVM (you cannot even run lvdisplay) so a reboot is necessary. Jan 17 06:45:21 testserver kernel: [ 5680.439337] systemd-udevd D 0&nbs........
  • Proxmox trying to acquire lock... TASK ERROR: can't lock file '/var/lock/qemu-server/lock-102.conf' - got timeout VM won't shutdown

    If Proxmox won't start a VM with an error like this: trying to acquire lock... TASK ERROR: can't lock file '/var/lock/qemu-server/lock-102.conf' - got timeout rm /var/lock/qemu-server/lock-102.conf Then try to restart the VM and it should be good. What we did above was find the lock file that is named lock-VMID (in our case 102) and deleted it to release the lock.........
  • QEMU / KVM How To Manually Create Basic Virtual Machine VM

    1.) Create Image using qemu-img qemu-img create -f qcow2 skype.img 40G 2.) Start VM using flags -m = memory in MB -drive file=yourimagefile.img -cdrom /path/to/the.iso qemu-system-x86_64 -m 4096 -drive file=skype.img -cdrom ~/Downloads/SfB-E-9319.0-enUS.ISO Enable Bridged Networking........
  • VirtualBox How To Add iSCSI Storage using VBoxManage

    #to show all VBoxManage list vms #show ONLY running vms VBoxManage list runningvms VBoxManage storageattach test --storagectl "SATA" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium iscsi --server --target "iqn.2018-12.local.abcrandom.target:sdb" --initiator "iqn.1982-01.ca.bla.tld:abc123" --t........
  • Python and BeautifulSoup4's BS4's Decompose Method To Remove Unwanted Inner Tags

    < a href="/Products/MX72244"> < span class="c-shca-icon-item__body-name-brand"> ADATA < / span> &nbs........
  • hwloc-nox set CPU affinity in Linux

    sudo apt-get install hwloc-nox Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following NEW packages will be installed: hwloc-nox 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 530 not upgraded. Need to get 151 kB of archives. After this operation, 453 kB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubunt........
  • Proxmox understanding the directory structure and why an NFS datastore appears to be missing files/isos

    Proxmox at the root of your storage creates and "images"and "templates/iso" folder for VM images and iso's respectively. It ignores files in any other location.........
  • vmkping -I vmk1 PING ( 56 data bytes sendto() failed (Host is down)

    [root@localhost:~] vmkping -I vmk1 PING ( 56 data bytes sendto() failed (Host is down) vsphere distributed switch vmotion not working [root@localhost:~] esxcfg-route -l VMkernel Routes: Network Netmask Gateway Interface&........
  • VMWare vSphere 6.7 Errors Solution 503 Service Unavailable (Failed to connect to endpoint:

    503 Service Unavailable (Failed to connect to endpoint: [N7Vmacore4Http20NamedPipeServiceSpecE:0x00005556ba09c070] _serverNamespace = / action = Allow _pipeName =/var/run/vmware/vpxd-webserver-pipe) 503 Service Unavailable (Failed to connect to endpoint: [N7Vmacore4Http16LocalServiceSpecE:0x00007fd26000b240] _serverNamespace = /ui action = Allow _port = 5090) Errors like the above are usually because there is an issue with your vSphere or more commonly it i........
  • How To Enable Nested KVM so guests can virtualize with hardware extensions

    How to check if nested KVM is enabled by doing a cat on nested inside sys Nested KVM is mainly important for testing for example if you wanted to install VMWare or Proxmox Nodes in a virtual environment for testing. Without nesting, the performance will be extremely slow, since the VMs within the nodes will not be using Virtualization extensions. I've used wildcard on kvm_ because it could be kvm_intel or kvm_amd depending on whether y........
  • Supermicro IPMI / KVM / BMC Remote Console Screen Resizing Issue - Window Cut Off Solution

    It could just be my specific Java but other KVM/IP works ok on my machine but with Supermicro's IPMI for some reason the console window doesn't resize and even putting it in full screen leaves the window cut off as shown below: As you can see above the screen is cut off you can't see the "Iagree" on the right side. The window resi........
  • Debian/Ubuntu/Mint Linux How To Set VLAN in /etc/network/interfaces

    You can find many ways to specify the VLANin your network configuration but Ifind this is the simplest and quickest. In this case we are talking about a bridged adapter "vmbr0" but it works even if you just had a normal non-bridged interface. The key here is that in vmbr0 you'll notice there is no IP address. We just specify "manual". Below it is a similar stanza for "vmbr0.58" in this case 58 represents the VLAN (change........
  • VMWare ESXi 6.7 SSH/PowerShell CLI Commands

    [root@localhost:~] BootModuleConfig.sh echo host-ind nfcd........
  • VMWare Vsphere VCSA Graphical Install Creates json

    yes it does create its own json ============================================ cat /tmp/vcsaUiInstaller/ovftool-20180809-175238948-20180809-175603497.log |grep -i json 2018-08-09T17:56:04.238-07:00 verbose OVFTool[30966] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Manifest file entry: SHA1(VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance- = 1deb658c724767697587d5909c4051c01813e6a1 --> ........
  • qemu-img resize howto

    The Correct Way To Resize In Place qemu-img resize kvmuserwindows2008dcetest.img +1G Image resized. Below is a common mistake that some users make they are trying to specify a new image name but it can be resized in place (just make sure the VMis NOT running and you've backed up the data in case something goes wrong). qemu-img resize kvmuser453111.img kvmuser453111-larger.img +5G New i........
  • VMWare Hardware virtualization is selected and cannot be deselected due to selection of VBS Insufficient resources to satisfy configured failover level for vSphere HA.

    There is no such option as "VBS" that Ican see in vSphere 6.7 Ibelieve this is actually an issue because of using old hardware in this case L5420 doesn't support Nested Virtualization I believe. Hardware virtualization is selected and cannot be deselected due to selection of VBS Insufficient resources to satisfy configured failover level for vSphere HA.........
  • Debian Mint Ubuntu compiling xmr-stak

    sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev git build-essential autotools-dev autoconf libcurl3 sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev git clone https://github.com/wolf9466/cpuminer-multi sudo apt-get install cmake libpthread-* libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev libhwloc-dev git clone https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak-cpu.git make install cd bin chmod +x xmr-stak-cpu ./xmr-stak -O xmr........
  • Linux How To Free Wasted Memory RAM in Buffers

    We all know Linux is known for good memory management but is it really? It seems all on its own with hardly anything running that you can come back in days or weeks and find that almost all of your RAMis used! And many will say "no don't worry it's buffers for optimization" but it doesn't seem to help because what is in buffers is not available to use for new programs running or ones that allocate more RAM as far as Ican tell. The reason Iknow........
  • How to qemu-kvm enable bridged networking in Debian Ubuntu Linux Mint on KVM containers

    I've read a few guides about this but they didn't work for me. sudo apt-get install bridge-utils #don't think the above is enough it won't work still even though you have by default an /etc/qemu-ifup that handles it if you have the right tools and setup sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -net tap -net nic -enable-kvm -cpu host,vmx=on ~/VirtualBox VMs/vsphere-vcenter/vsphere-vcenter.vdi W: /etc/qemu-ifup: no bridge for guest interface foun........
  • VirtualBox Nested Virtual Machine Containers with KVM Not Working no SVM or VMX module in the guest

    I can't get vmx cpu extensions to show up in Virtualbox guests despite enabling nested paging and enable vmx in virtualbox guest but this doesn't help that you check VT-X or the AMD Virtualization SVM it enables it for the guest to use BUT does not pass it through. This means if you check cat /proc/cpuinfo in the guest you will see the CPUdoesn't support virtualization. It looks like VirtualBox still hasn't implemented this! But there is good news I&n........
  • VSphere InternalServerError - Error When Adding Permissions

    InternalServerError (com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.internal_server_error) => { messages = [LocalizableMessage (com.vmware.vapi.std.localizable_message) => { id = vapi.bindings.method.impl.unexpected, defaultMessage = Provider method implementation threw unexpected exception: com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.InternalServerError, args = [com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.InternalServerError] }], data = } I was getting the........
  • OVF Tool: Error: Task failed on server: This host does not support Intel VT-x. VMWare VCenter install On ESXi ERror

    Intel VT-X is enabled in Virtualbox but it doesn't seem to pass through the needed vmx extension despite the following variables on the host confirming it is enabled: cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested Y cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/ept Y OVF Tool: Disk progress: 99% OVF Tool: Transfer Completed OVF Tool: Powering on VM: Embedded-vCenter-Server-Appliance- OVF Tool: Task p........
  • Relocating modules and starting up the kernel - VMWare ESXi 6.7 Error and Solution

    I had this error in an unsupported CPUon VMWare 6.7 and apparently this sometimes works especially on older VMWare versions like 6.5 5.5 etc (but in my case it did not). To make sure it proceed when you see "Loading VMWare" Hit "Shift+O" Then add "ignoreHeadless=TRUE" See an example below:........
  • VMWare 6.7 VCSA VSphere ESXi Management SSO Install Guide on Linux using the CLI

    #mount the VCSA DVD mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cd #alternatively you could mount the iso directly mount -o loop vcsa.iso /your/mount/path #for this purpose we are using the CLI installer on Linux cd /mnt/cd/vcsa-cli-installer/lin64 #no it's not going to be that easy you can't just run vcsa-deploy like that you need to use a template or configured .json file ./vcsa-deploy Usage: vcsa-deploy [-h] [--version] [--supported-deploymen........
  • Linux Mint Black Screen after boot no graphics solution

    This is not the normal "black screen"issue and I was shocked to eventually find out why. The normal advice of reconfiguring Xorg didn't work. Even booting into "Recovery Mode" did not help. Here is the short end of the stick that fixed it: sudo apt-get install mdm mate-desktop-environment Yes you got it right, mdm and the mate-desktop-environment / gnome were somehow uninstalled. This must be whe........
  • Debian Mint Ubuntu Linux Server Password Forgotten Reset Password Solution Centos 7 8 Root Password Reset Recovery

    This guide will work for most modern Linux versions like Centos RHEL 7, Debian, Mint, Ubuntu etc... In Centos 7 the days of editing the "kernel"line and adding "single"are gone. On top of that sometimes after a new install passwords do not work, maybe you forgot your password or for some other reason you need to break in or fix your system? It could also be because you can't mount your root / or some other /etc/fstab error and many other err........
  • cannot mount kvm ntfs image

    guestmount -a kvmuserscra.img -m /dev/sda1 mount libguestfs: error: mount_options: /dev/sda1 on / (options: ''): mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs' guestmount: '/dev/sda1' could not be mounted. guestmount: Did you mean to mount one of these filesystems? guestmount: /dev/sda1 (ntfs) guestmount: /dev/sda2 (ntfs) yum -y install ntfs-3g still........
  • /usr/bin/supermin-helper exited with error status 1. To see full error messages you may need to enable debugging. See http://libguestfs.org/guestfs-faq.1.html#debugging-libguestfs at /usr/bin/virt-list-partitions line 177.

    virt-list-partitions kvmusertest.img /usr/bin/supermin-helper exited with error status 1. To see full error messages you may need to enable debugging. See http://libguestfs.org/guestfs-faq.1.html#debugging-libguestfs at /usr/bin/virt-list-partitions line 177. #solution update-guestfs-appliance........
  • Disable SSH Password Authentication to Increase Security and Harden SSH Linux Unix Server Ubuntu Mint Centos Debian

    Just a note before you do this you should have a sure, guaranteed way into the system such as local, KVMor preferably publickey making bruteforce SSH absolutely impossible since there is no password to bruteforce and even if someone knew the password they wouldn't be able to login except from the local console (presumably you should make sure no one unauthorized has physical access). 1. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config Find the section like this:........
  • Centos 6.6/6.9 KVM VM Kernel Panic On Boot - Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

    Iam not sure why this is happening neither the hostnode or VM changed. All I did was reboot the hostnode and startup the Centos VM again, also note it happened with the original kernel on the VM and also the latest 6.9 kernel as of this writing as shown below. Host Node: Centos 6.9 Kernel:2.6.32-696.6.3.el6.x86_64 Kernel: 2.6.32-042stab123.9 Same result in any kernel above........
  • ffmpeg Linux Mint download, compile and install howto

    #if you have nvidia make sure you install the nvidia-cuda-toolkit so hardware acceleration can be used wget http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2 tar -jxvf ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2 cd ffmpeg-3.3.2/ ./configure --disable-yasm install prefix /usr/local source path ........
  • Centos 7 Cudaminer Nvidia setup guide

    I am using a GTX 1060 but replace the download for the driver with the correct/current version for your particular card by visiting: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us yum install automake curl openssl-devel libcurl-devel gcc gcc-c++ yum -y install kernel-devel-`uname -r` yum -y install unzip #the........
  • cudaminer freezes Linux Mint taints kernel

    When running cudaminer once it tries to initialize the card the entire screen freezes. The computer itself is still running but the Xorg is done for, you cannot even switch to another console window and must reboot (even an mdm or Xorg restart does not help). At first cudaminer will give you these errors: stratrum_recv_line failed ...retry after 15 seconds GPU #0: Geforce 210 with compute ca........
  • Linux Mint Install Netboot PXE Guide Howto

    *Update so this doesn't work it must be something to do with the path of nfs or something else but the installer fails with "Installer crashed" at the end whereas with the CD/USB it works. This assumes you've already installed and configured a separate PXE/DHCP server somewhere else and your /tftpboot directory is setup. This is for Linux Mint 18.1 but generally applies to most versions although you may have tro change things like "casper"........
  • Avocent DSR8020 KVM/IP - Network Connect Error - Solution

    This error is commonly due to Java security or TLS settings but there is a second issue with forwarded ports that also causes it. 1. Java Security/TLS Settings issue: This article has the solution to change them all in Linux automatically 2. Port Forwarding Issue if your Avocent DSR is behind NAT/private IP........
  • mdadm and lvm how to completely disable and remove vg/pv/lv

    In short the solution is just to use vgremove for the actual /dev/mapper device: vgremove /dev/mapper/backups-backuplv box mnt # mdadm --manage /dev/md8 --stop mdadm: Cannot get exclusive access to /dev/md8:Perhaps a running process, mounted filesystem or active volume group? box mnt # lv lvchange lvconvert lvcreate l........
  • PYCURL ERROR 22 - The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found Solution

    # yum -y install qemu-kvm Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Setting up Install Process Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror.lzu.edu.cn * elrepo: ftp.utexas.edu * epel: ftp.jaist.ac.jp * extras: mirrors.aliyun.com * openvz-kernel-rhel6: mirror.fdcservers.net * openvz-utils: mirror.fdcservers.net * updates: mirrors.nwsuaf.edu.cn Resolving Dependencies........
  • DRBD Slow Performance - 99.99 % [jbd2/drbd0-8] highiowait solution

    Tired of checking iotop and seeing that your drbd partition is using 99.99% of io all the time and finding your drbd device performs slow in general? This is especially an issue in versions of DRBD in the 8.3 tree in particular one documented case is on "8.3.13" but it likely applies to other devices. The symptoms are that resyncing is fine and normal but any reasonable amount of activity is very slow and lagged and creates a high server load and con........
  • Openvz kernel: [10186978.064405] TCP: time wait bucket table overflow (CT3)

    kernel: [10186978.064405] TCP: time wait bucket table overflow (CT3) Varying opinions are out there but in general it seems like the most common culprit is a lack of privvmpages, with a modern OpenVZ system the best way is to set privvmpages as equal to what your RAM is and this has resolved the messages on another system. If it's truly a TCP issue you can adjust the following parameters:........
  • Vbox Cannot register the hard disk

    Cannot register the hard disk '/media/Debian8.vdi' {d01efabc-aacf-4614-b29c} because a hard disk '/home/VirtualBox VMs/Debian/Debian8.vdi' with UUID {d01efabc-aacf-4614-b29} already exists. This is what happens if you move the VDI to another location. The easiest way is to delete/remove the machine from VBOX and then reimport it from the new location.........
  • Avocent 8020 KVM Java Icedtea Viewer

    This command in Debian/Ubuntu/Mint will get everything need installed for most Java based KVM viewers: sudo apt install icedtea-netx The following additional packages will be installed: ca-certificates-java icedtea-netx-common openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jre-headless It seems every other updated version of Java or Icedtea breaks things and I will save the frustration of Java for another post.........
  • Centos 6 how to guide convert LVM non-RAID into mdadm 1/10 RAID array live without reinstalling

    Here is the scenario you or a client have a remote machine that was installed as a standard/default minimal Centos 6.x machine on a single disk with LVM for whatever reason. Often many people do not know how to install it to a RAID array so it is common to have this problem and why reinstall if you don't need to? In some cases on a remote system you can't easily reinstall without physical or KVM access. So in this case you add a second physical or disk or already ha........
  • Virtualbox errors on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint

    The solution was to reinstall the vbox dkms package and do a manual modprobe of the modules it makes. I never sorted out the unable to start due to the USB issue, I did have the guest additions installed but the only way to boot was to change the pointing device from USB to PS2 and then to disable the USB controller (if your pointing device is set as USB, disabling USB will not work because it will re-enable by default when it sees your pointing device is USB, this is w........
  • Windows 2012 Server R2 Install Error "windows cannot find the microsoft license terms windows 2012 server install"

    windows cannot find the microsoft license terms windows 2012 server install This is actually because you are using less than 576MB of RAM. In my case I was installing on a KVM VPS with 512MB of RAM. This issue would apply to any physical or virtual server with less than 576MB of RAM. This includes Virtualized VPS Servers with XENHVM, KVM, VBOX, VMWare etc.. or Dedicated Servers with such little RAM. It's very misleading of course since it has not........
  • kvm how to add secondary cdrom drive

    This is useful if you are installing Windows and need virtio but of course Windows needs the virtio driver which is on a second iso. This is the line of code you would add to your kvm startup script and then you get this iso as second cdrom you can browse to for your Windows install of virtio driver's or whatever other use you need it for. -drive file=/kvmtemplates/virtio-win-0.1-94.iso,media=cdrom........
  • KVM/QEMU how to boot from direct kernel vmlinuz and initrd with networking

    Thsi is very handy when doing your own kernel development. -m specifies how much ram (in the example it is 768MB) -kernel specifies the path to the kernel file -net tap,ifname=tap1,script=no (the ifname=tap1 is what you need to change and setup manually). *Run "tunctl -b" to create a tap device and use the one it gives you for ifname= Enable networking to the outside like this: *Note we assume that your bridge is br0 i........
  • How to install grub on virtio KVM with Linux

    I messed up the bootloader by accident on a standard Centos 6.3 install because I turned the /dev/vda1 boot partition into an mdadm raid 1. This was all done correctly aside from one point Ididn't realize was an issue metadata=00.90 is the only thing that will allow you to boot (otherwise grub won't work and you won't boot). So the next step is rescue mode from a CD right? The problem you will find is that grub does not detect your hard drives, this is Ibelieve is be........
  • KVM: unknown exit, hardware reason 0x80000021 kvm_run returned -22 solution

    If the below is happening on KVM (a very weird and scary looking error) it's probably because of Windows. This has happened countless times to me where the bootsector on Windows 7/2008 becomes corrupted easily (even by a crash or shutdown). KVM: unknown exit, hardware reason 0x80000021 kvm_run returned -22 rax 0000000000000010 rbx 0000000000000080 rcx 0000000000000000 rdx 0000000000000080 rsi 000000000025db2a rdi 000000000007db2a rsp 0000000000000200 rbp........
  • libguestfs tools howto guide for mounting partitions and managing virtual machine images

    libguestfs tools howto guide for managing virtual machine images. libguestfs-tools aka guestfs tools has a lot of tools that make this very easy for you. You can easily mount partitons from an image with some of the commands below. To mount a partition #mount the kvmuser102821.img image and the /dev/sda1 partition from it to the local directory "mount" guestmount -a kvmuser102821.img -m /dev/sda1 mount ........
  • SolusVM error error: Failed to create domain from /home/kvm/kvm101/kvm101.xml error: cannot open file '/dev//dev/kvmcontainer/kvm101_img': No such file or directory

    error: Failed to create domain from /home/kvm/kvm101/kvm101.xml error: cannot open file '/dev//dev/kvmcontainer/kvm101_img': No such file or directory This is caused by what we consider a quark in SolusVMthat Ihelped a client with. SolusVMhas as config for the "LVMvolume name" and does not enforce any convention. Naturally most technical people would use the actual path eg "/dev/kvmcontainer". However th........
  • OpenVZ avoid vzctl 4.7 and ploop

    OpenVZ has made vzctl version 4.7 default to using ploop which is a big annoyance.  No one wants it otherwise we'd use Xen or KVM. Make sure to manually specify vzctl 4.6.1 or you will have issues with old scripts breaking since it defaults to using ploop (a single image like Xen/KVM). Here's a list to old versions of vzctl.........
  • LVM Tutorial how to create a Physical Volume (PV), Volume Group (vg), and a Logical Volume (LV) within it

    # first we need a physical volume which we use the pvcreate tool to create # I create mine on /dev/sdb3 pvcreate /dev/sdb3 dev_is_mpath: failed to get device for 8:19 Physical volume "/dev/sdb3" successfully created # pvdisplay shows the newly created volume pvdisplay "/dev/sdb3" is a new physical volume of "1.35 TiB" --- NEW Physical volume --- PV N........
  • Howto Convert Xen Image to KVM

    #count=10000 makes an image of 10000MB make sure your image is at least the same as your existing dd if=/dev/zero of=yourimage.img bs=1M count=10000 # losetup -fv newimage.raw # fdisk -cu /dev/loop0 # kpartx -a /dev/loop0 # dd if= of=/dev/mapper/loop0p1 # e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/loop0p1 # resize2fs /dev/mapper/loop0p1 # a lot of guides tell you to edit /etc/fst........
  • virtio KVM drivers download location

    http://realtechtalk.com/downloads/virtio-win-0.1-74.iso Current Direct stable URL from Fedora: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Windows_Virtio_Drivers Direct Downoad of Stable Virtio: https://fedorap........
  • lvm how to resize and extend a volume

    lvextend -L +10G /dev/kvmvm/w2k8r2evalstandard Extending logical volume w2k8r2evalstandard to 20.00 GiB Logical volume w2k8r2evalstandard successfully resized The above adds 10GB to the logical volume. Of course you must resize the filesystem using other tools to take advantage of the space.........
  • OpenVZ mismatched kernel and dev when compiling.

    ./configure ./configure: line 91: cd: /lib/modules/2.6.32-042stab084.25/build: No such file or directory Error: kernel version not found. Please make sure your kernel is configured. dr-xr-xr-x. 4 root root 4096 Feb 21 06:13 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 45 Feb 21 06:13 build -> ../../../usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-042stab084.25 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 12 20........
  • Failed to load VMMR0.r0 (VERR_SUPLIB_OWNER_NOT_ROOT)

    Failed to load VMMR0.r0 (VERR_SUPLIB_OWNER_NOT_ROOT) In most cases the error above is useful, it generally means /usr or /usb/lib or /usr/lib/virtualbox is not owned by root and this is the cause of the error. Solution sudo chown root.root /usr/lib........
  • kvm centos cannot compile error

    ./configure ./configure: cannot locate gcc 3.x. please install it or specify with --qemu-cc yum -y install gcc make ./configure ./configure: cannot locate gcc 3.x. please install it or specify with --qemu-cc yum -y install compat-gcc-* ./configure Error: Could not find alsa Make sure to have the alsa libs and headers installed. yum -y install alsa-lib-devel ./configure........
  • KVM on Centos 6.3 cannot boot FreeBSD 9.2 AMD64

    On the same OS with the same kernels basically I cannot boot FreeBSD installer, I believe the issue is the host CPU. One host runs an Intel and works, while an Opteron 2373 does not work despite suggestions from this thread: I've tried cpu options like "kvm64" "Opteron_G3" and none........
  • Linux find what processes are swapping

    Here is a handy script that will check all processes and report what is swapping #!/bin/bash for pid in `ps x|awk '{print $1}'`; do result=`cat /proc/$pid/status|grep VmSwap|awk '{print $2}'|grep -v ^"0"` if [ ! -z "$result" ]; then programresult=`ps x|grep $pid|grep -v grep` if [ $? == 0 ]; then program=`echo $programresult|awk '{print $5}'|grep -v ^grep`........
  • Migrate Linux Mint OS from one drive to another

    mount -o bind /proc /sda2/proc mount -o bind /dev/ /sda2/dev mount -o bind /sys /sda2/sys chroot /sda2 mint / # mount -o bind /proc /sda2/proc mint / # mount -o bind /dev/ /sda2/dev mint / # mount -o bind /sys /sda2/sys mint / # chroot /sda2 mint / # cd ~ mint ~ # ls Desktop mint ~ # cd / mint / # ls bin Desktop dev-temp home&nb........
  • Openvz OOM Centos Issue Memory Config Settings Solution

    Linux box13. 2.6.32-042stab076.5 #1 SMP Mon Mar 18 20:41:34 MSK 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux even setting privvmpages to a specific setting DOES not affect "free -m" in containers. This is probably a kernel issue 23:36:29 up 159 days, 7:12, 4 users, load average: 0.42, 0.44, 0.33 [root@box13 ~]# free -m total&n........
  • Dell FS12-NV7 2U Server Information and Guide

    I've got one of these for testing projects from work at home and got more than I bargained for with the time I've spent on it due to the storage handing/Perc 6/i cards. My particular model came with the following: 2U Rack Mount Server with Rails 2xOpteron 2373 EE (Quad Core, there is a 6-core version that can be found at times) 16GB RAM 2 x 250GB Seagate SATA 2 x Dell Perc 6/i (horrible and a nightmare to work........
  • Dell Perci 6/i Firmware Upgrade Guide Tutorial

    One thing to remember is that you need MegaCli to do the flashing. You also need the correct file,I tried at least 2 different Perc 6 firmwares from Dell that kept getting rejected as corrupt by MegaCli(they were really the wrong version). I have an external PCI-E Dell 6 Perc/I butI chose images from the 'Integrated" on motherboard version as it was allI could find. They are different, and below is my first time finding success.........
  • Dell Perc 6/i cannot downgrade

    I flashed an LSI Logic firmware to it and it broke the BIOS (cannot do Ctrl+R) for booting purposes but allows other functionality to work normally. I tried downgrading to a Dell firmware for Perc 6i but it won't work, not even with MegaCli wget http://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER00416606M/1/SAS-RAID_Firmware_W83M2_LN32_6.3.1-0003_A14.BIN --2013-08-26 12:53:39-- http://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER00416606M/1/SAS-RAID_Firmware_W83M2_LN32_6.3.1-0003_A14.BIN Resolvi........
  • LSI MegaRAID Adventures, Guide and HowTo

    LSi Megaraid At first it was configured as a RAID 0, then I deleted the Virtual Disk Group. I thought both drives would be shown and detected in Linux as sda and sdb but it actually shows nothing. To make them work you have to hit Ctrl+R before the system boots (when prompted) and create a Virtual Disk Group. In my case I created each one as RAID 0 (with a single drive only) as I just wanted JBOD but there is no such option or default in these Dell Pe........
  • pxe-32 tftp open timeout

    pxe-32 tftp open timeout The solution was to enable tftp in xinetd with "chkconfig tftp on". See the troubleshooting below: chkconfig --list NetworkManager 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off acpid 0:off&n........
  • open /dev/kvm: No such file or directory failed to initialize KVM: Operation not permitted - Solution

    open /dev/kvm: No such file or directory failed to initialize KVM: Operation not permitted [ 96.084502] kvm: disabled by bios Any of the above means that "Virtualization" is not enabled in your BIOS. Most servers and Desktops (non-mainstream) can do this no problem but leave it off by default. Note that some systems even though the CPU supports it, don't allow enabling of Virtualization for some reason (especially some lap........
  • qemu-img KVM create disk image howto

    qemu-img create -f qcow2 isotest.qcow2 10G The above creates a "qcow2" format image called "isotest.qcow2" that is 10GB in size. If you want to preallocate all of the space for increased performance do this: qemu-img create -f qcow2 isotest.qcow2 -o preallocation=full 10G It is controlled with the preallocation=full option, of course by default this is set to off........
  • KVM Guest Network Not Working Can't Ping ETC Solution

    Once I set a new MAC address everything was fine and finally anything can be pinged etc.., I've had this happen with many clients in different datacenters on different hardware.........
  • Directadmin Log File Locations

    This is a handy link and list of all the relevant Directadmin log files and related servers. http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=11 DirectAdmin: /var/log/directadmin/error.log /var/log/directadmin/errortaskq.log /var/log/directadmin/system.log /var/log/directadmin/security.log Apache:........
  • LVM How-To Activate and Access Volumes/Data

    vgchange -ay 3 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg_12" now active lvscan inactive '/dev/vg_12/lv_root' [144.04 GB] inherit inactive '/dev/vg_12/lv_home' [1.00 GB] inherit inactive '/dev/vg_12/lv_swap' [7.85 GB] inherit........
  • Virtualbox Failed to open a session for the virtual machine XP. Failed to launch Remote Desktop Extension server (Unknown Status 0x80004005). Failed to load VMMR0.r0 (VERR_SUPLIB_OWNER_NOT_ROOT).

    Failed to open a session for the virtual machine XP. Failed to launch Remote Desktop Extension server (Unknown Status 0x80004005). Disabled remote display: Failed to load VMMR0.r0 (VERR_SUPLIB_OWNER_NOT_ROOT). solution chown root.root /usr/lib/........
  • KVM support Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10

    This seems to be a verified bug on KVM with no solution. I wasn't able to get through the installer with Ubuntu 12.04, it would crash while "configuring apt". I was able to install it with Ubuntu 12.10 but it crashes randomly at times. This happens with the latest Centos 6.3 kernel and KVM package, I even compiled the latest version from the KVM website and used that, but the results are still the same. Here's some links to discussion about the bugs:........
  • kvm cannot boot xen guest using lvm

    This booting error is because the Xen PV guest image uses the Xen kernel, this is not compatible with anything but a host running a Xen kernel. I did a kpartx -av virtual.img and then it created some partitions that showed up in fdisk. I mounted it and did a chroot into it and removed the xen kernel and installed a normal kernel but Xen still shows the same kernel in Grub (only the Xen one). This is strange but it seems like this Xen PV guest has some sort of hidden or........
  • How to convert raw,img,vdi,vmdk and other virtual image formats using qemu-img convert between VBOX/KVM/VMWare/Xen

    The example below converts youvm.img into a vdi. The -O vdi specifies the new format will be vdi but you can use any other valid formats/vice versa. qemu-img convert yourvm.img -O vdi yourvm.vdi This is very handy for those who need to switch between virtualization technologies.........
  • Startech SV1107IPEXT KVM/IP Review

    Let's keep this simple, it's horrible, not only is the picture quality horrible (it's not a big deal) but the keyboard input is an issue. You have to type slowly, lightly and carefully otherwise 1-keystroke could end up being dozens of keystrokes. It's also a confusing unit for many datacenter techs, I've seen these units hooked up wrong and the instructions themselves aren't clear. I had to resort to shipping one to my office and take my phone pictures of the setup for th........
  • Lantronix KVM/IP Keyboard/Mouse not working in BIOS before booting the OS

    I've run into two issues with Lantronix based KVMs on various servers and here's how I solved them (with that said I like these units as they are Java based and OS independent and work very well, unike some other models like Startech). 1.) If you are connected by USB only and you're sure USB support from the BIOS is enabled, you just need to click the following in Lantronix Interfaces -> Keyboard/Mouse Check "Force USB Full Speed Mode", this fixed the issu........
  • lvm resize and use the remaining extra space

    df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/vg_12-lv_root 50G 1.2G 46G 3% / tmpfs 7.8G 0&nb........
  • Setup PXE Boot using Centos and dhcpd, tftp and syslinux

    This is something I often setup for clients because it's very helpful for people in datacenters, this allows custom OS installs on demand, you can customize it more by using kickstart etc.. but here's a base I use before customizing more: This little script below will install everything you need to get booting by PXE Linux. It also assumes you set a local IP (be sure not to overwrite your existing IP) on eth0:0 (note the :0) as and it........
  • KVM compilation issue/solution - Disabling PIE due to missing toolchain support glib-2.12 required to compile QEMU

    qemu-kvm-1.2.0]# ./configure Disabling PIE due to missing toolchain support glib-2.12 required to compile QEMU Solution install glib2 *Don't confuse glib2 with glibc, they are different and it may catch some off guard. yum -y install glib2* After that KVM should compile and install just fine.........
  • KVM Windows 7 won't boot Virtual Machine/VM after install solution

    This seems to be common for some reason when trying to run Windows 7 under KVM and 7 has always had strange issues with KVM. What happens for me is after the install it simply won't boot, it stays on the POST screen and does nothing. For some reason it appears the boot sector either doesn't get installed or gets corrupted with KVM. The solution is to boot the install disc for Windows 7 and reinstall the windows MBR into the boot sector: 1. Boot t........
  • KVM/QEMU Base/Template Images and the power they provide

    qemu-img create -b centos.5-8.x86.20120308.qcow2 -f qcow2 ../kvmguests/25000-centos5.8x86.qcow2 Formatting '../kvmguests/25000-centos5.8x86.qcow2', fmt=qcow2, backing_file=centos.5-8.x86.20120308.qcow2, size=10485760 kB -b the source/base image -f format is qcow2 and the location of the destination image What is so special about this? It's even quicker than creating a template with OpenVZ but this is an actual OS. It saves time a........
  • Debian UUID not working

    Neither the blkid or the UUID internal to mdadm work to automount for some reason in Debian partprobe doesn't work but was a good suggestion from: http://pato.dudits.net/2008/11/03/special-device-uuidxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-does-not-exist-especially-with-lvm mount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/431b9b96-29e8f298-e89bd504-7065bddd does not exist mdadm -D /dev/md_d12 mdadm: metadata format 00.90 unknown, ignored. /dev/md_d12: &nb........
  • Slow KVM Virtual Machine Performance Solved - Choose the right architecture with the CPU flag

    I am running a 64-bit host and was running a 32-bit XPguest which was crawling no matter what I was doing with it,in fact it frequently used 100% CPU power while having no real work load. I experienced with this other guests and wondered why KVM was slow compared to say Xen or Virtualbox. This is because you need to use the "-cpu" flag. For a full list of options run: /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -cpu ? x86 ........
  • VirtualBox How to Resize Hard Drive

    VBoxManage modifyhd XP.vdi --resize 15000 VBoxManage modifyhd XP.vdi --resize 15000 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% That resizes the virtual hard drive image "XP.vdi" to 15000MB instantly. I doubt this is safe to do while the VM is running and I'm not sure if it would attempt it still but turn the VM off first to be safe. I also notice in the VBOX GUI that it still shows the orig........
  • KVM QEMU and Xen how to mount disk images off-line and access data

    fdisk -lu VPS.img last_lba(): I don't know how to handle files with mode 81ed You must set cylinders. You can do this from the extra functions menu. Disk VPS.img: 0 MB, 0 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 0 cylinders, total 0 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Device Boot Start End ........
  • Xen non-HVM container won't work/boot anymore

    One of my test Centos 5 containers was on a partition that filled up and it threw all sorts of errors and stopped responding but now I can't boot it again anymore. All the console shows is the Linux Penguin on the top left corner and the xm console says "usbcore: registered new driver hub" and has halted there. Centos 5 Xen container stuck/frozen won't boot on "usbcore: registered new driver hub" Another great way of troubleshooting is booting fro........
  • vmware Failed to initialize monitor device 95% power on

    Failed to initialize monitor device 95% power on Solution /etc/init.d/vmware-core start........
  • Linux Kernel Panic Messages - Symptoms of bad RAM module/stick

    These were caused by a bad stick of Corsair RAM [] free_hot_cold_page+0xfc/0x150 [] __pagevec_free+0x14/0x1a [] release_pages+0x127/0x12f [] __pagevec_release+0x15/0x1d [] __invalid_mapping_pages+0x120/0x156 [........
  • Linux Out of Memory OOM Object Killer Solution "Out of memory: kill process 1955 (sshd) score 81 or a child"

    I had a system running a 128MB live CD image with 2.8 gigs of available RAM and the OOM kernel killer went crazy when using dd for more than 8 minutes and kept killing everything. I've read that this is due to a low-memory issue and paging in the kernel and 32-bit systems with lots of RAM. I even enabled swapspace on my LiveCD and the issue happened 25 minutes into dd rather than 8 minutes, so what gives? Also no swap space was ever used! cat /proc/s........
  • How To Test If Your Hard Drive Is Good/Signs of dying hard drive

    I like dd, although it only reads it, usually a read test of the entire disk will uncover if your hard drive is bad in some parts. This is a good thing to do at least once a month, a lot of times bizarre program behavior, laginess and crashing/unnmounting problems etc.. are due to a failing disc and SMART won't know it or indicate a problem: We must also remember there's never a guarantee, I've found that ever since we moved to larger and more platters per drive with 1TB drives........
  • Kernel/make compilation time and how to improve compile times/compile the Linux kernel faster without hardware upgrades

    I thought only a faster CPUand SSDwould help but I already have a Quad-Core CPU and it wasn't being maxed out. The actual tests were performed on an AMD-V enabled 128MB dual core VMWare container though. There is a flag that can be passed to make in order to start multiple threads, by specifying 4 threads I was able to reduce the whole kernel compilation time from scratch by about 50%! (65minutes vs 31minutes!). *Yes I did do a make clean before each co........
  • VBox/Virtualbox how to shrink VDI image and recover/reclaim unused disk space

    VBoxManage modifyvdi /path/to/your.vdi compact I believe this should be done only when your VM is powered off, but I decided to try it with the system powered on. i wouldn't recommend it because it's dangerous even if it does work but this is a test system. For anything important/production I would always take a backup first and make sure the system is powered off. VBoxManage modifyvdi XP-clone.vdi compact 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...5........
  • Virtualbox How To Clone VM/Container VDI file

    You can't just do a straight copy of the VDI image of your virtual machine because there is a unique UUID, wellI believe you can and then you can create a new UUID manually (at least you could with VMWARE) but to keep it clean just use this method: VBoxManage clonevdi /path/to/your.vdi outputname.vdi 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% That's all there is to it, just wait for it copy and you can th........
  • Virtualbox Guest Hang/Freeze Ghost Zombie VM Machine Problem/Solution

    Virtualbox hang problem A VM just froze and wouldn't close so I had to force it, but the VBox GUI thinks it's running even when I close it. I manually killed the related process by doing ps aux|grep VirtualBox and found the PID 6191 I killed it with "kill -kill 6191" but it remains open and as "defunct" so I can't restart it because the GUI freezes when I click on it because it thinks it is running still........
  • Upgade VBOX/Virtualbox 3.2 to 4.0 in Linux

    I was afraid to remove the virtualbox 3.2 package in Ubuntu because I didn't know if it might remove the .virtualbox folder which contains all of my VM data. I have a backup soI did remove the package and found everything was intact, so I installed and upgrade to VBOX 4.0 which seems to be a huge improvement, especially in UI performance.........
  • Yahoo Mail (email) DNS Server Out Of Date Problems

    I don't expect this to be solved soon but some of Yahoo's DNS servers are out of whack. I changed the IPs of some nameservers of some domains and now most Yahoo users can't e-mail to those domains! As you can see below by the "No MX or A records for mychangedomain.com", now Yahoo's DNS/mailserver DNS cache is wrong. You would think they would at least have cached the old incorrect records, but instead for some reason their DNS cache has no entry and doesn't seem........
  • Santrex Review Scam Complaint - Stole My Money Fraud

    Santrex Review/Scam/Complaint Santrex never provided any working server, I believe it was just a dummy management Solus server because the server said it was booted but never connected to the console. I complained to them and eventually the support admitted the server was not working and to wait for 24 hours. I waited for 4-days, after which they sent an e-mail saying my service was being disabled for SPAM ...(when SolusVM shows 0kb of traffic). Th........
  • Virtualbox - Failed to open a session for the virtual machine XP. AMD-V is being used by another hypervisor. (VERR_SVM_IN_USE). - Solution

    Failed to open a session for the virtual machine XP. AMD-V is being used by another hypervisor. (VERR_SVM_IN_USE). VirtualBox can't enable the AMD-V extension. Please disable the KVM kernel extension, recompile your kernel and reboot (VERR_SVM_IN_USE) Solution - Unload KVM module (you can't use two hardware virtualization suites at once) sudo rmmod kvm_amd kvm........
  • VPS Server Scam/Review/Complaint List

    These are the only two I've encountered but here is the low-end and note my story is not at all unique. In my case I was scammed out of money and did not receive any service at all from either company. Santrex Review/Scam/Complaint Santrex never provided any working server, I believe it was just a dummy management Solus server because the server said it was booted but never connected to the console. I complained to them and eventually the support adm........
  • CPU #1 not responding - cannot use it.

    I think this will be useful to others because I have a server that kept crashing mysteriously during intense disk usage/RAID checks. It would only crash during the weekly RAID integrity check. ThenI noticed during a reboot that not all CPUs were being brought up, as a result this actually creates much higher temperatures with the output I got from sensors, just booting the system produced higher than normal temperatures. You can imagine that a full blown RAID check........
  • Ubuntu 9.04 Crash

    CPU/Kernel/MB/RAID problem? Jan 5 12:45:05 testbox kernel: [653298.890004] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [hal-acl-tool:4168] Jan 5 12:45:05 testbox kernel: [653298.890005] Modules linked in: vmnet vmci vmmon binfmt_misc drbd video output input_polldev ocfs2_stackglue ocfs2_dlmfs ocfs2_dlm ocfs2_nodemanager configfs k8temp hwmon_vid lp snd_hda_intel snd_pcm_oss snd_mixer_oss snd_pcm snd_seq_dummy snd_seq_oss snd_seq_midi snd_rawmidi........
  • VMWare bridged adapter not working: The network bridge on device vmnet0 is not running. The virtual machine will not be able to communicate with the host or with other machines on your network. Failed to connect virtual device Ethernet1.

    VMWare bridged adapter not working: Message from system: The network bridge on device vmnet0 is not running. The virtual machine will not be able to communicate with the host or with other machines on your network. Failed to connect virtual device Ethernet1. I'm not sure how to fix this but one of the issues is that my eth0 became eth1 after moving my hard drives to a new motherboard. I have run the vmware-config.pl but this did not resolve the issue.........
  • SSH delay problem UseDNS and disabling GSSAPI does not help

    The normal solution doesn't help or apply here: ssh -v user@ OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9etch3, OpenSSL 0.9.8c 05 Sep 2006 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: Applying options for * debug1: Connecting to [] port 22. debug1: Connection established. debug1: permanently_set_uid: 0/0 debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/identity type -1 debug1: i........
  • vmare server - Cannot open the disk '/mnt/sda4/vmware/Debian/hdd.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. Reason: Failed to lock the file.

    Go into the directory for your Virtual Machine and delete all ".lck" directories. rm -rf *.lck After that your server should boot.........
  • VMWare Server cannot connect to web interface SSL Handshake on client connection failed: SSL Exception

    VMWare log: /var/log/vmware/hostd.log SSL Handshake on client connection failed: SSL Exception sudo /etc/init.d/vmware-mgmt restart Stopping VMware management services: VMware Virtual Infrastructure Web Access VMware Server Host Agent&nb........
  • VMWare Server is on SSL port 8333

    I'm mentioning this because I keep forgetting what port the management is on for the web interface (since newer releases of VMWare server took away the superior stand alone client). So remember it is port 8333 and sometimes you need to restart vmware-mgmt service and also enable sslv2 in your Firefox or it won't connect.........
  • VirtualBox Convert Import/Boot .vmdk VMWare Hard Disk/Drive Image Won't Work

    I wanted to Import/Use a .vmdk hard disk image file from VMWare. Generally you can just "point" VirtualBox to it and use it and it will work but I found an exception. One of my Centos 4.4 x64 images wouldn't boot. I had two copies, an older one and the newer one. The older one booted as normal (once I changed the VirtualBox driver to IDE from SATA). The newer one stopped at the "GRUB loading" message no matter what I tried. As far as........
  • yum in Centos 5/Xen halts and exits suddenly

    yum exits in the middle The problem is this VPS seems to be an OpenVZ template from HyperVM. The only way to make it work was to disable i386 packages since this was an x64 kernel. That shouldn't be necessary but it was the only way to make yum stop quitting after the first package or two. I couldn't find any issue by checking the logs either. echo y|yum install vim-minimal telnet expect jwhois net-tools slocate iptables elinks gawk L........
  • SolusVM/Xen Central Backup Warning - Takes System Off-line!

    This really gives me a bad impression of SolusVM. I tried the "Central Backup" option and it does not warn that your server gets shutdown instantly in order to do the backup! Further, there is no way to pause or cancel the backup. Thankfully this is a test/small disk usage VPS but what if someone was running something production with a large filesize? Ihaven't used QuickBackup but hope that isn't the same thing. Everyone should be vary car........
  • Installing Virtualbox on Centos 5.5

    wget http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/3.2.8/VirtualBox-3.2-3.2.8_64453_rhel5-1.i386.rpm rpm -i http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/3.2.8/VirtualBox-3.2-3.2.8_64453_rhel5-1.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: libGLU.so.1 is needed by VirtualBox-3.2-3.2.8_64453_rhel5-1.i386 libSDL-1.2.so.0 is needed by VirtualBox-3.2-3.2.8_64453_rhel5-1.i386 libXmu.so.6 is needed b........
  • Install Mac OS X 10.4.6 Tiger on AMD32 VMWare

    *Note OS X is strange to install, I thought my HDD was not being detected by you just have to go to Diskutil and create a partition for the root filesystem and then close/move the Window and proceed with the install. After install Mac OS X 10.4.6 Tiger I get a black screen that says: b0 error Most people say the partition has to be marked as "active", actually that just means marked as "bootable". Instead of t........
  • Unixbench Score on Core i5 750 with OpenVZ Kernel vs Xen/Openvz

    This was unbelievable how much the Xen kernel slows things down, keep in mind both tests were done on the hostnode, one was with the Openvz-Xen hybrid kernel and the other was just OpenVZ. You can see the performance difference is nearly 300% better when not using the Xen kernel. OpenVZ-Xen Kernel Test Results (I was wondering what was wrong/so slow with my Core i5!) # # # # # #&n........
  • Seagate 7200.11 firmware defect in 500GB, 1000GB (1TB) and 1500GB (1.5TB) Hard Drives

    Seagate Inventory/Firmware Check I heard about this issue a long time ago but never looked into it. I figured I wasn't affected since my 500GB drives were running for so long. I've been using Seagate's since 2002 and to this day all of the drives I have are alive from Seagate. *Update the bad news is that I realize one of my 500GB's is about to die, it's not even a year old, but is also not affected by the recall according to Seagate! Seagate Inventory/Firm........
  • Convert HDD/Hard Drive Partition(s) into non-RAID into RAID 1 using existing data without data loss and without reformatting.

    Before we start I take no responsibility for this, you should have a backup and if you make a mistake during this process you could wipe out all of your data. So backup somewhere else before starting this as a precaution, or make sure it's data you could afford to lose. The RAID 1 Setup (Hardware Wise) I've already setup my 2 x 1TB (Seagate) drives with identical partitions, make sure your new hard drive (the empty one) is setup like your curr........
  • Linux EXT3 16GB-17GB maximum filesize issue solved/how to fix

    I have no idea why but mkfs.ext3 defaults to a patheticlly small blocksize of 1024 bytes/1KB (kilobyte). That means the maximum filesize is ONLY 16GB! With 2KB/2048 bytes you get a 256 GB maximum filesize, and with 4KB/4096 bytes you get 2TB! I finally noticed/paid attention to this after realizing that with rsync and scp that no file larger than 17GB could be transferred. I then realized it must be a file size limit on the partition. Here is what tune2fs tol........
  • Rsync Timeout/Stall On Large files bigger than 16GB/Cannot Transfer large files with rysnc

    The last transfer I was able to do was 16.77GB according to rsync's output and it worked fine. 16.77G 100% 10.66MB/s 0:25:00 (xfer#17484, to-check=234753/256249) But on a file over 17GB (gigs) it stalls. Trust me, it really is stalled, it's been about 8 hours with no progression from that point for some reason. 17.24G 54% 10.65MB/s 0:22:07........
  • OpenVZ backup container to a single file while it's running using "vzdump"

    Proxmox has made this free utility to backup running OpenVZ containers. It's a great program which is actually just a PERL script but gets the job done. This program is not 100% required because all it really does is cp -a from your container's path as far as I know but it is still good to have uniformity to how you backup your containers. For RPM distros such as Centos/RHEL/Fedora etc.. download and install this: wget http://www.proxmox.com/cms_proxm........
  • Compaq V2405CA Laptop - Unixbench Performance Test

    Here are the results, it is Sempron 3000+ AMD Mobile, 500Gig HDD, 512MB RAM with shared ATI Radeon graphics. # # # # # # # ##### ###### # # #### # # # # ## # # # #&nb........
  • PHP cannot access /usr/bin/openssl

    PHP cannot access /usr/bin/opensslI have verified the username that runs the process is able to access /usr/bin/openssl and it does exist but the PHP script is saying it doesn't exist: [code:1:1fd0f3abbe] if (!file_exists($OPENSSL)) { //echo "ERROR: OPENSSL $OPENSSL not foundn"; }[/code:1:1fd0f3abbe] I don't get itI can clearly see the contents of /usr/bin by using the PHP system fu........
  • Centos 4.3 x64 & VMWare Server Beta

    Centos 4.3 x64 & VMWare Server Beta[code:1:6d0b2c8c2f] The correct version of one or more libraries needed to run VMware Server may be missing. This is the output of ldd /usr/bin/vmware: linux-gate.so.1 => (0xffffe000) libm.so.6 => /lib/tls/libm.so.6 (0xf7fbd000) libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0xf7fb9000) libpthread.so.0 => /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 (0xf7fa7000) libX11.so.6 => not f........
  • Updated to Version 3.8 and can't login

    Updated to Version 3.8 and can't loginSSHD accepts my password but then hangs at "Last login: Wed Sep 13 21:30:02 2006 from" This occurred during a yum update after upgrading my release, installing the new kernel and rebooting. I got kicked out of sshd after seeing the following during yum update: telnet 100 % done 85/476 tux 100 % done 86/476 ntsysv 100 % done 87/476 rpmdb-redhat 94 % done 88/476........
  • PHPBB Drop All Tables

    PHPBB Drop All TablesSQL Syntax: [quote:75acd496c1]drop table phpbb_auth_access, phpbb_banlist, phpbb_categories, phpbb_config, phpbb_confirm, phpbb_disallow, phpbb_forum_prune, phpbb_forums, phpbb_groups, phpbb_posts, phpbb_posts_text, phpbb_privmsgs, phpbb_privmsgs_text, phpbb_ranks, phpbb_search_results, phpbb_search_wordlist, phpbb_search_wordmatch, phpbb_sessions, phpbb_smilies, phpbb_themes, phpbb_themes_name, phpbb_topics, phpbb_topics_watch, phpbb_user_group, p........
  • Linux Kernel Error ( BUG: Bad page state in process swapper - Keeps rebooting - initramfs bug

    *This is a bug with initramfs support, all kernels after around suffer from this problem. If you try to include initramfs into your kernel (I mean actually building your binaries into the kernel) this will always happen. Obviously some code has changed in recent kernels that is present in all new kernels, it makes it impossible to boot I've tried the latest 2.6.32, 2.6.33, 2.6.34, 2.6.35, 2.6.36, 2.6.37, 2.6.38 kernels and they all do this. I found one bug re........
  • Linux Kernel Compilation (Intel(R) 82575/82576 PCI-Express Gigabit Ethernet support ) Error - drivers/net/igb/igb_main.c: In function `igb_up': make[3]: *** [drivers/net/igb/igb_main.o] Error 1

    Linux Kernel v2.6.30.3 102220 blocks CHK include/linux/version.h CHK include/linux/utsrelease.h SYMLINK include/asm -> include/asm-x86 CALL scripts/checksyscalls.sh CHK include/linux/compile.h CC drivers/net/igb/igb_main.o drivers/net/igb/igb_main.c: In function `igb_up':........
  • Clustered/Distributed Network Filesystems, Which Ones live up to the hype?

    I've tried to find a good sensible solution to cluster with and each technology has it's pros and cons and there is no perfect solution and I've found a lot of "exaggerations" in the applications, benefits and performance of these different filesystems. DRBD I first started off with DRBD and Ihave to say it does live up to the hype, is quite reliable (although it can be annoying to match up the kernel module and user applications since they must match and whe........
  • Have an OpenVZ VPS/Linux Virtual Private Server and nothing works right?

    A VPS Server I had just wasn't working right, code that I migrated there just wasn't working. For example, it kept telling me the connection to the database was unsuccessful, halfway through iterating through results it already had. Then I realized it wasn't my code. Ichecked my /proc/user_beancounters and found this: cat /proc/user_beancounters Version: 2.5 uid resource held maxheld barrier limit failcnt........
  • SIOCSIFADDR No such device eth0 error while getting interface flags - eth0 Ethernet Device can

    Igot this after copying a VMWare image onto another machine in Debian. SIOCSIFADDR No such device eth0 error while getting interface flags The solution 1.) Find and edit the device line in persisent-net.rules note it will be prefixed with something like z25 or something else. vi /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules The easiest way is to comment anything out. If you are feeling........
  • OCFS2 crash

    When trying to even cd or ls the mounted OCFS2 partition it crashes. Ithink this is a combination of VMWare Server's problem and the way I mounted and symlinked to it. More than anything this shows the problem and lack of forsight with VMWare, but also that OCFS2 is easily crashed if you do strange things. Output of /var/log/messages for OCFS2 Apr 10 15:57:45 localhost kernel: [84331.691258] Modules linked in: vmnet vmci vmmon ocfs2_stac........
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