• Virtualbox host Only Network Error Failed to save host network interface parameter - Cannot change gateway IP of host only network

    In newer versions this is a very stubborn issue. Here is how you fix it. Step 1 - Create networks.conf sudo mkdir /etc/vbox/ sudo vi /etc/vbox/networks.conf put this in: In our case we can use the slash /16 range of 192.168.0..0, change the subnet accor........
  • Cisco CME and C7200 Router Testing and Learning Environment on Ubuntu 20+ Setup Tutorial Guide

    Since newer versions of Ubuntu like 20, you will find there is no longer dynagen and that the dynamips provided is faulty and will segfault each time: Cisco Router Simulation Platform (version 0.2.14-amd64/Linux stable) Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Christophe Fillot. Build date: Apr 3 2018 12:20:29 Local UUID: 3c1c0b7f-2fab-4fda-b40b-74841d1bcfe0 Instance ID set to 1. netio_tap_create: unable to open TAP device tap1 (No such fi........
  • Abusive IP ranges blacklist

    Make sure this makes sense for you but I've started to block a lot of commercial Cloud services and easily accessible providers as they are a very high source of abusive traffic. The cost savings for a lot of organizations are huge, as you now have less bandwidth usage and less resource usage from garbage/bot/malicious traffic. This mainly works for when you can be reasonably sure that your audience has no business visiting your service(s) from freely accessible commercial IP ........
  • Hyper-V Linux VM Boots to Black Screen, Storage, NIC Not Found Issues

    Hyper-V uses obscure virtual hardware, you can enable the FB device for Hyper-V but if you just need text/console to work just compile this option: Device Drivers ---> Graphics support ---> Framebuffer Devices ---> Simpl........
  • Ubuntu Linux Mint Debian Redhat Youtube Cannot Play HD or 4K videos, dropped frames or high CPU usage with Nvidia or AMD Driver

    In a lot of distros, vdpau which accelerates video through the GPUis often not installed even in recent distros. This will result in Firefox with Youtube dropping frames when you check the "Stats for Nerds" and to the eye as jerky or slower video playback due to the dropped frames. Some sites will say that because you are watching VP09 that there is no GPU support, but with vdpau installed and enabled, many GPUs will still be able to use hardware decoding for 4K........
  • Cloned VM/Server/Computer in Linux won't boot and goes to initramfs busybox Solution

    This is mainly for if you've done something silly like trying to clone a Live, running VM image. In this example, the VM initially finds grub and tries to boot but is kicked straight into initramfs rescue mode/busybox right after this. If you've done this "silly" thing, you could have dataloss but a lot of times just using fsck will fix it as you are guaranteed at best to have some corruption and inconsistencies in the filesystem. My theory is that some files wer........
  • nvidia cannot resume from sleep Comm: nvidia-sleep.sh Tainted: Linux Ubuntu Mint Debian

    This seems to happen in many different drivers but it happened more often in newer versions such as 530 vs 525. Then nvidia-modeset goes to 100% There are many reports of this appearing since driver 4.70 and I can confirm I've seen this in various machines. https://forums.de........
  • How to access a disk with bad superblock Linux Ubuntu Debian Redhat CentOS ext3 ext4

    Have you ever tried mounting a partition that you exists but you get this error? mount: /mnt: can't read superblock on /dev/sda1. The superblock in this example was bad because the physical disk had corruption and bad blocks/sectors. However, the data was generally accessible and you can always try this trick below (with caution and no warranty). This is specifically for filesystems that place superblocks in multiple locations, which........
  • ImageMagick error convert solution - convert-im6.q16: cache resources exhausted

    convert-im6.q16: DistributedPixelCache '' @ error/distribute-cache.c/ConnectPixelCacheServer/244. convert-im6.q16: cache resources exhausted `/tmp/magick-27777Al6FGY7dhyKt10' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3984. convert-im6.q16: DistributedPixelCache '' @ error/distribute-cache.c/ConnectPixelCacheServer/244. convert-im6.q16: cache resources exhausted `/tmp/magick-277772Y_-pJnMdT2r1' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3984. convert-im6.q16: Distr........
  • Linux how to get list of all timezones on system Ubuntu

    find /usr/share/zoneinfo/|sed s#"/usr/share/zoneinfo/"##g|grep "/"|grep -v posix|grep -v ^"Etc/"|grep -v ^right|grep -v ^"SystemV" Africa/Addis_Ababa Africa/Abidjan Africa/Blantyre Africa/Lusaka Africa/Casablanca Africa/Libreville Africa/Asmara Africa/Bujumbura Africa/Dakar Africa/Lagos Africa/Malabo Africa/Harare Africa/Kigali........
  • How To Upgrade Debian 8,9,10 to Debian 12 Bookworm

    Step 1.) Upgrade to Debian 11 first The process to go to Debian 12 is not as smooth as 11, when trying to upgrade from Debian 10. In fact, it doesn't work directly, so you'll first need to follow this guide to update to Debian 11, reboot and come back here if successful. Step 2.) Update sources.list Update your /etc/apt/sources.list like this: deb http://........
  • Docker Minimum Requirements/How Efficient is Docker? How Much Memory Does Dockerd Use?

    We used a simple Debian 10 VM and showed the memory before starting docker and with no docker containers being started. The goal is to show much much memory dockerd actually uses. Before docker was started The VMwas using 58M of RAM. After docker was started it was using 99MB of RAM. How much RAM does docker use? It's not scientific but fair to say dockerd itself uses about 41MB of RAM (99-58).........
  • apache2 httpd apache server will not start [pid 22449:tid 139972160445760] AH00052: child pid 23248 exit signal Aborted (6) solution Mint Debian Ubuntu Redhat

    If you get this error, it is often because you have configured Apache with modules that weren't actually installed. Eg. you try to load the PHPmodule but didn't actually install the apache2 php module, so the server can't start. In general, this error can often be caused by issues with problematic modules and/or Apache being configured for modules that have not actually be installed (eg. libapache2-mod-php) is missing. The above results in this less than obv........
  • Linux Ubuntu Mint how to check nameservers when /etc/resolv.conf disabled solution

    You'll notice that /etc/resolv.conf contains dire warners on most Linux Desktops. # This file is managed by man:systemd-resolved(8). Do not edit. # # This is a dynamic resolv.conf file for connecting local clients to the # internal DNS stub resolver of systemd-resolved. This file lists all # configured search domains. # # Run "resolvectl status" to see details about the uplink DNS servers # currently in use........
  • Linux How To echo as root solution to use tee permission denied solution Ubuntu Debian Mint Redhat CentOS

    The issue is when you need to echo something as root/sudo, that it doesn't work. You can never do a sudo echo to an output file as you'd expect. Take an example to clear out wasted RAM buffers/cache like this: sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches -bash: /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches: Permission denied The solution is to run tee as sudo/root What we do is echo 1, but then pipe it to the "tee" command as sudo........
  • Linux swapping too much? How to check the swappiness and stop swapping

    We could always disable swap but this would normally be a bad idea unless you have an incredible amount of RAM and a workload that will never exceed it. However, for live/containerized and high performance environments it could be desirable. Another middle ground may be to set swappiness to a lower number. You may also want to clear your kernel's cache, which could be eating up RAM unnecessarily by c........
  • kernel panic initramfs not syncing cause solution

    Check your initramfs if it's missing /dev/null or /dev/console, this is likely the reason. If you want all actual devices to be created you could also enable devtmpfs in your kernel (.config) and mount like this during init: CONFIG_DEVTMPFS=y CONFIG_DEVTMPFS_MOUNT=y mount -t devtmpfs none /dev But note devtmpfs will not create /dev/null or /dev/console for........
  • RHEL 8 CentOS 8, Alma Linux 8, Rocky Linux 8 System Not Booting with RAID or on other servers/computers Solution for dracut and initramfs missing kernel modules

    This seems to have changed for RHEL 8 where a normal dracut to update your initramfs creates a system that only boots for the running kernel. For example if you have Kernel 5 and then chroot into a RHEL 8 variant which uses kernel 4.18, and run dracut, it seems that by default the system will be unbootable. It is also the case that if you move your RAID array or drives to another server that it will be unbootable, because dracut seems to only include modules needed for the curre........
  • Ubuntu Debian Mint Linux How To Update Initramfs Manually update-initramfs

    The easiest way for the current running kernel is: update-initramfs -u -k `uname -r` You could change -k to a specific kernel name if for some reason the current is not running (eg. if you are chrooted or in recovery mode). If you want to update all kernels then use "-k all" update-initramfs -k all -u update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-162-generic........
  • How To Change Storage Location in Docker.io

    It sounds intuitive that you may just move the /var/lib/docker dir to another location and symlink it back but it won't work and you'll get an error. How to move Docker Storage the Correct Way This assumes that you want to use /mnt/raid as the new location. 1.) Stop Docker systemctl stop docker 2.) Move /var/lib/docker mv /var/lib/docker /mnt/raid/ 3.) Edit the Docker daemon file Specify the path you wan........
  • grub blank screen how to manually boot kernel and initrd Linux Ubuntu Debian Centos won't boot solution

    You probably didn't do an "update-grub" and grub no longer has any proper menu entries, but before you can fix it let's try to get grub booting anyway. If you get this lovely black grub screen here's how you can get things booting. In my case I have a gpt partition with partition 1 and 2. Partion 1 is just my EFI / ESPand partion 2 /dev/sda2 is my root which includes /boot. You will have to adjust this if you had a separate /boot partition.........
  • Cisco Switch / Router How To Restore Factory Default Settings

    1.) Make sure your conf register is 0x2102 Do show version and at the very end of the output you will see the Configuration register. show version Configuration register is 0x2102 If the config register is not 0x2102 then enter this command: r1#configure terminal r1(config)#config-register 0x2102 r1(config)#end 2.) Let's Erase the NVRAM/flash........
  • CentOS 7 / 8 cannot boot with with mdadm RAID array solution

    This article about migrating to a CentOS 7 /8 RAID mdadm array has a lot of info but I wanted to focus specifically on what newer versions of CentOS 7 require to boot mdadm and what changes are necessary on CentOS 7.8+ CentOS 7 / 8 mdadm RAID booting requirements This assumes you are chrooting into an existing install or using it to get a new deployment ready. However, these steps can........
  • i915 nouveau Nvidia GPU not starting lightdm Xorg failing solution for Could not determine valid watermarks for inherited state

    It may appear to be an Xorg or lightdm/gdm/mdm error but in reality for many users with this issue, it's a driver conflict and issue. I had a system that had two GPUs, an Intel and Nvidia GPU. The only thing that got it working was to remove the nouveau driver and blacklist it so it never came back, then the Intel GPU works fine without these issues. Solution sudo rmmod nouveau add nouveau/other driver to blacklist edit th........
  • amdgpu AMD GPU Xorg Won't Start [3576284.324] (EE) Segmentation fault at address 0x0 [3576284.325] (EE) Fatal server error: [3576284.325] (EE) Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting

    Here is how Ifixed it on a Mint/Ubuntu install 1.) First download the latest AMDGPU-Pro driver from here: https://www.amd.com/en/support Navigate to your relevant video card: 2.) Download the installer One issue is that by default they give you a version for the latest version of........
  • How To Do Linux Network Bonding Teaming in Mint Debian Ubuntu

    Bonding is an excellent way to get both increased redundancy and throughput. It is similar to the "Network Teaming" feature in Windows. There are a few different modes but we will use mode 6, I think it's the best of both worlds, as it is not just a failover, but it provides round robin, so you will get redundancy and load balancing. So if you have a 1G single port, you will have a combined throughput of 4G at this point. Just bear in mind that the true thr........
  • Docker Tutorial HowTo Install Docker, Use and Create Docker Container Images Clustering Swarm Mode Monitoring Service Hosting Provider

    The Best Docker Tutorial for Beginners We quickly explain the basic Docker concepts and show you how to do the most common tasks from starting your first container, to making custom images, a Docker Swarm Cluster Tutorial, docker compose and Docker buildfiles.........
  • How To Create OpenVPN Server for Secure Remote Corporate Access in Linux Debian/Mint/Ubuntu with client public key authentication

    Why choose OpenVPN instead of a firewall appliance? OpenVPN can be a reliable and easy replacement for traditional hardware or just be an additional tool that your company uses so that the firewall can focus on its job rather than acting as a VPNappliance at the same time. When comparing OpenVPN with traditional firewal........
  • Wazuh / OSSEC Install and Configuration Howto Tutorial Guide for Monitoring Agents SIEM

    How To Install Wazuh Server / Quickest Installation Wazuh (forked from the well known OSSEC project) is a full SIEM (Security Information Event Management) that works extremely well with the platforms it natively supports as an "Agent", which allows you to do scans of everything such as all processes running, CVE vulnerability check, incident reporting etc... Prerequisites: A lot of issues with Wazuh seem to be caused by i........
  • Ubuntu/Debian Linux/Unix Howto Setup Install Syslinux Bootable USB with EFI and MBR from Command Line/CLI Terminal

    There aren't too many simple guides that show you how to use commands to setup your USB or other drive as a normal bootable drive where you can easily boot custom kernels or whatever OS you would like. 1. Get the tools we need: We install "syslinux" for MBR and "syslinux-efi" for EFI and "MBR" as we need a tool that embeds the actual MBR into our USB: sudo apt install syslinux syslinux-efi mbr........
  • Mikrotik RouterOS CHR/ISO Basic and Quick Setup Howto Guide

    Many people may not be aware that you can turn commodity hardware into a Mikrotik OS and there are various options which is "CHR" (Cloud Hosted Router) which is a VMimage meant for Virtualization only (seriously, I've tried to dd the image to a physical server and it just crashed as it does not contain any drivers for physical). One note as well if you are trying to do a baremetal install you may get an error "Error Loading Operating System" or........
  • CentOS 7 8 PXEBoot Netinstall Not Working Solution "Pane is dead "new value non-exisetnt xfs filesystem is not valid as a default fs type"

    The problem seems to be that whatever kernel and initrd you have is tied to an old version of CentOS 7 that is no longer in the current repos of most mirrors. If you were previously able to PXEboot and install CentOS and you are sure your network and tftp are good the problem is that you have an outdated kernel and initramfs that point to a defunct version.........
  • How To Boot, Install and Run Windows 2000 on QEMU-KVM

    Interestingly enough Windows 2000 works fine on QEMU 64-bit but you have to specify Pentium as your CPU otherwise it doesn't complete the install (it will not pass the detecting/setting up devices phase). -vga cirrus is wise because it is supported by Windows 2000 and allows higher resolutions and 24-bit color. -cpu Pentium emulates an old computer and is necessary for install to complete -device rtl8139 is important as this oldschool Realtek 8139 NIC is supported by W........
  • Huion and Wacom Tablets How To Install in Linux Mint / Ubuntu and make the stylus work properly

    It took a lot of fiddling to make a Huion Kamvas 13 Pro work in Linux but it simple once you know what to do. Don't bother searching as it is unlkely there is a guide out there that will actually make your tablet work. It mainly comes down to the fact that the hid_uclogic kernel module is buggy or doesn't support MANYof these wacom based/Huion tablets properly. What was happening with me is that Ihad the Kamvas 13 Huion setup as a secondary screen/monitor.&nb........
  • How To Replace Audio Track of Video using ffmpeg

    A very common use case is that you don't want to waste time using a video editor that requires you to open it up and manually import the video clip and audio clip, then manually delete the old audio track and import the video and new audio. That's too much work and time since we don't want to go through the hassle. ffmpeg is our solution, all we have to do is specify 3 variables and we're done! -i Windows2019-Server-Noaudio.mp4 is our in........
  • How To Password Reset, Recover, Bypass, Remove and Unlock on Windows 10,8,7,Vista,XP,NT,2000,2003,2008,2012,2016,2019 Administrative Login Programs

    If you've come here, don't be embarraassed, working in IT, this is the MOST common computer problem that almost everyone will encounter. The reason why I'm doing this post is because I've seen an increase from colleagues and admins having this problem and many times it's not even your fault. A common scenario is that someone acquires a new or used computer which they weren't given the password for. Fortunately Ihave a detailed list of all the options whether free or pa........
  • Nvidia Ubuntu Linux Screentearing Video with solution driver

    This seems to happen on most if not all Nvidia cards but the good news is that if you are using any of the Linux drivers and have the nvidia-settings tool installed it is just a simple command. Solution: nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }" Enter the above command in your terminal and the screentearing will be fixed which is like enabling Tear Free on AMD cards.&........
  • How To Get Started on Ubuntu with gpt-2 OpenAI Text Prediction

    apt install software-properties-common add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa apt update apt install python3-pip apt install python3.7 curl gnupg python3.7-dev git ln -s /usr/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/python3 pip3 install numpy keras_preprocessing curl https://bazel.build/bazel-release.pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://storage.googleapis.com/bazel-apt stable jdk1.8" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel........
  • How To Install python 3.4 3.5 and up on Linux with wine - Working Solution

    This is sure simple if you follow the guide but it took a lot of hacking around to make this work on Debian/Ubuntu! Now before you ask why bother running wine and python, the reason is because Python executables are NOT cross-platform. If you run pyinstaller in Linux, that binary will only run on Linux and the same if you do it in Windows. So it is preferable if you have a single environment that you can create Linux and Windows binaries from rather than running 2 separate........
  • using Xvfb on virtual remote ssh server to have X graphical programs work

    The scenario here is that you have some sort of remote headless Linux server but would like to run some programs on them and get graphical access to them. The problem is that the remote server may be an image or VMwithout any virtual GPU and even if so, it is likely without KDE or Gnome, so there's no real way to do this, unless you follow our guide. Install xvfb apt install xvfb Reading package lists... D........
  • Howto Set Static IP on boot in initramfs for dropbear or other purposes NFS, Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS

    This is only really necessary in the case you don't want DHCP. If you are dealing with an encrypted LUKS server on the internet, you will often want to have a static IP so you know which IP to connect to (or if you have a semi-static IP assigned by DHCP). SET IP Address by /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf IP Address= Gateway= Subnet Mask: Hostname=myhome.com IP=192.1........
  • Convert and install to LUKS Encrypted Drive Ubuntu 18.04 19.10 Linux Mint and Debian Based Linux

    The reason for doing this is that the installer doesn't seem to work properly for LUKS and the server installer doesn't even support LUKS anymore. When you use the GUI install on Desktop for LUKS it won't boot and will just hang after you enter your password. So the only reliable way is to do it ourselves. 1.) Make a default minimal install of Ubuntu 2.) Have a secondary disk on the server or VM. 3.)........
  • CentOS 8 how to convert to a bootable mdadm RAID software array

    The cool thing here is that we only need 1 drive to make a RAID 10 or RAID 1 array, we just tell the Linux mdadm utility that the other drive is "missing" and we can then add our original drive to the array after booting into our new RAID array. Step#1 Install tools we need yum -y install mdadm rsync Step #2 Create your partitions on the drive that will be our RAID array Here I assume it is /dev........
  • mpv / mplayer with Radeon / AMD GPU Video Card Driver enable VDPAU GPU Accelerated Video Decoding

    The easiest way to know if your videos are playing with GPU acceleration are to watch the process of xplayer, mpv or whatever you are playing. The CPU usage should be no more than 10% for that process/program if it is using acceleration. Let's manually play with vdpau to make sure it works before we make it permanent: First make sure you have libvdpau installed: sudo apt install vdpau-driver-all If yo........
  • Ubuntu Debian Linux Mint r8169 r8168 Network Driver Problem and Solution

    This problem has been around forever, Linux seems to think it is fine to use the r8169 driver for an r8168 NIC but this often causes problems including the link not working at all. In my case ethttool shows the link up and detected but it simply does not work especially on a laptop that has been resumed from suspension. Sometimes it takes several minutes for it to work or to unplug and replug the ethernet. Here is the solution: Install th........
  • Linux 3D Performance benchmarks with glxgears 59-60fps solution

    You need to disable vsync like this when running glxgears: vblank_mode=0 glxgears For Nvidia drivers do this: __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=0 glxgears Notice the higher than 59-60 fps results with vblank_mode=0: ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment. 7919 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1583.704 FPS 8187 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1637.266 FPS........
  • Linux tftp listens on all interfaces and IPs by DEFAULT Security Risk Hole Solution

    Just edit your tftp file for xinetd like this: *Change the IPto be the IPof the interface you want to listen on. To test if your tftp is available on a certain IP range use nc -u yourip 69 to see if you can still connect (/var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog) should show the connection if it is open. Oct 13 23:20:34 01 xinetd[26631]: Started working: 1 available servic........
  • python import docx error

    sudo pip3 install python-docx [sudo] password for : Downloading/unpacking python-docx Downloading python-docx-0.8.10.tar.gz (5.5MB): 5.5MB downloaded Running setup.py (path:/tmp/pip_build_root/python-docx/setup.py) egg_info for package python-docx no previously-included directories found matching 'docs/.build' warning: no previously-included files matching '.DS_Store' foun........
  • Debian Ubuntu and Linux Mint Broken Kernel After Date - New Extra Module Naming Convention

    I don't consider a lot of these "extra" kernel modules "nice to have" as they often contain drivers for essential items like your soundcard, your NIC and many other devices that may not work. Sometimes you may find that "sound" or "ethernet" worked before a kernel/OS upgrade and now in the new version they don't. Often it will be because you need to install the "extra" kernel modules. One other weird thing is that sometimes........
  • QEMU-KVM won't boot Windows 2016 or 2019 server on an Intel Core i3

    CPU:Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz MOBO: Manufacturer: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. Product Name: P8H61-M LX3 PLUS R2.0 qemu-kvm- This is weird but the only OS I've found this machine doesn't work with is Windows 2019 Server. Ihave no idea, when 2008, 2012 work f........
  • Cisco Unified Communications Manager / CUCM IP 8.6,10,12 Install Error Solution

    Install Errors on Version 12: This error happened on QEMU emulator version 2.11.1 pve-qemu-kvm_2.11.1-5 on Proxmox/Debian but installing on QEMU.12 on Centos 6 did not produce the error. *Update it is not related to the OS or QEMU version. This happened in Centos 6 too after a second install. What really causes this even though you successfully install........
  • Cisco Unified Communications Manager 12 Install Errors on Proxmox/KVM

    The strange thing is that usually the first install or two will work on any new machine but then it suddenly won't. I had this experience on QEMU 2.13 on a different machine. There is something finicky or buggy about the CUCM installer even when choosing the same virtual hardware specs. qemu-kvm command: /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -version QEMU PC emulator version 0.12.1 (qemu-kvm-, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard ........
  • gsmartcontrol for Windows to Check the SMART S.M.A.R.T status

    gsmartcontrol is a free tool that let's you see the status of the SMART parameters so you can check things like temperature, reallocated sectors, bad sectors etc.. to give you a better idea of your drive health. Download it here. gsmartcontrol is a very useful tool in Windows to check your HDD / Hard Drive health status. In my experience you should NEVER trust that everything is OK just because SMAR........
  • Linux Mint XWindows Ubuntu MATE or Cinnamon How To Restart The GUI / Graphics / Session if it freezes without losing current windows or programs

    Uh oh, so you're working on some super l33t code or other stuff that is super important and Linux Mint's MATE or Cinnamon window manager freezes. This means maybe you can move your mouse but you can't click anything, you can't Alt + Tab to another program but everything appears to be working other than that. The first thing you would do is Ctrl + Alt + F1 (or whatever virtual terminal you want) and get into the Linux bash prompt (the black screen where things really happen :))........
  • Linux bash prompt why does it not show username@host and the current directory?

    Perhaps you've just seen this in the bash prompt: -bash-4.1# Instead of the expected user@hostname# It is probably because you are missing .bash_profile or .bashrc in your home directory Check for yourself: ls -al ~/|grep -E ".bash_profile|.bashrc" -rw-r--r--. 1 root root&nbs........
  • Cisco Switch Reset To Factory Defaults

    This works on the 2000 and 3000 series generally. *The easy way is to just hold the mode button for 10+ seconds. The full/proper way is below: 1.) Either power on the unit and hold the "mode" button or hold the "mode" button until you see the below: 00:04:08: %SYS-7-NV_BLOCK_INIT: Initalized the geometry of nvram 00:04:08: %EXPRESS_SETUP-6-CONFIG_IS_RESET: The configur........
  • Linux How To Create A RamDisk

    size = the amount of RAM (m for megabytes) /mnt/ram = the mount location of the ram disk (change to the path you want it mounted to) mount -t tmpfs -o size=4096m tmpfs /mnt/ram/ Example test in an old server: You can see that when reading if you don't specify bs1=M the read speeds are several times slower (eg. 450MB/s vs 2.1GB/s) mount -t tmpfs -o size=4096m tmpfs /mnt/ram/^C root@testserver:~# dd........
  • Proxmox Breaks Storage/LVM Backing If Killing QEMU-IMG

    I tried to stop a qemu-img copy or clone and it broke everything. It was fine to "stop" it from the GUI but a process still persisted so I killed the relevant qemu-img and the kernel went crazy. It also may not have helped that I tried to lvremove a different volume (an unused disk). But either way it breaks LVM (you cannot even run lvdisplay) so a reboot is necessary. Jan 17 06:45:21 testserver kernel: [ 5680.439337] systemd-udevd D 0&nbs........
  • How Does Cisco CUCM (Cisco Unified Communication Manager) Work?

    Cisco's CUCM (Cisco Unified Communication Manager) is a system that combines voice, video, data and mobile products into a single unified management suite. At its core, the CUCMis like a "Super PBX" that controls the flow of all communications through an organization even single or multiple site deployments. Cisco's CUCMmakes communication more effective and simple through centralized management and unification of communications resources.........
  • AMD Set Fan Speed and Other Powerplay Memory/CPU Timings with a Linux script

    You can do other things but this particular script is just to set all AMD cards to 80% fan speed (remember this script needs to applied everytime you reboot). You could set it is a cron or just throw it into /etc/rc.local basepath=/sys/class/drm for hwmon in `ls -1 /sys/class/drm|grep card[0-99]$`; do echo card=$hwmon; hwmonname=`ls $basepath/$hwmon/device/hwmon|grep hwmon[0-99]` hwmonpath=$basepath/$hwmon/device/hwmon/$hwmonname echo "ec........
  • Linux Kernel USB Export Errors

    4.374647] usb_common: exports duplicate symbol usb_get_dr_mode (owned by kernel) [ 4.403334] usbcore: exports duplicate symbol __usb_get_extra_descriptor (owned by kernel) [ 4.427736] xhci_hcd 0000:00:15.0: xHCI Host Controller [ 4.427844] xhci_hcd 0000:00:15.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 4.429040] xhci_hcd 0000:00:15.0: hcc params 0x200077c1 hci version 0x100 quirks 0x01109810 [ 4.429141] xhci_hcd 0000:00:15.0: cache line size of 64 is not sup........
  • How To Enable Nested KVM so guests can virtualize with hardware extensions

    How to check if nested KVM is enabled by doing a cat on nested inside sys Nested KVM is mainly important for testing for example if you wanted to install VMWare or Proxmox Nodes in a virtual environment for testing. Without nesting, the performance will be extremely slow, since the VMs within the nodes will not be using Virtualization extensions. I've used wildcard on kvm_ because it could be kvm_intel or kvm_amd depending on whether y........
  • Linux bash shell doesn't show username, hostname or current path fix solution

    Usually this is because when you created your user you added a user but didn't create their home directory and/or for some reason your .bashrc and .bash_profile in ~ (home) is broken/missing. In your home just create the following files with the following content to solve it: .bashrc and .bash_profile. To apply it just relogin/start a new bash session # .bash_profile # Get the aliases and funct........
  • VMWare ESXi 6.7 SSH/PowerShell CLI Commands

    [root@localhost:~] BootModuleConfig.sh echo host-ind nfcd........
  • Debian Mint Ubuntu compiling xmr-stak

    sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev git build-essential autotools-dev autoconf libcurl3 sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev git clone https://github.com/wolf9466/cpuminer-multi sudo apt-get install cmake libpthread-* libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev libhwloc-dev git clone https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak-cpu.git make install cd bin chmod +x xmr-stak-cpu ./xmr-stak -O xmr........
  • *** These critical programs are missing or too old: gawk

    checking whether autoconf works... ../configure: line 5377: 7325 Segmentation fault $AUTOCONF $ACFLAGS configure.in > /dev/null 2>&1 no configure: error: *** These critical programs are missing or too old: gawk *** Check the INSTALL file for required versions. ........
  • Linux How To Free Wasted Memory RAM in Buffers

    We all know Linux is known for good memory management but is it really? It seems all on its own with hardly anything running that you can come back in days or weeks and find that almost all of your RAMis used! And many will say "no don't worry it's buffers for optimization" but it doesn't seem to help because what is in buffers is not available to use for new programs running or ones that allocate more RAM as far as Ican tell. The reason Iknow........
  • Linux Mint 18 Screen Goes Dark or Black After Screensaver or even when using the Desktop Solution

    You can search for this bug and it seems like it may be related to ecryptfs and is many years old. The symptoms are that you return to the computer and the screensaver was active or the screen was asleep/black and it doesn't seem to come back. But you check by SSH the computer is running fine and are frustrated you'll lose your running programs and have to reboot. There is a simple solution: Ctrl + Alt + F1 Ctrl +Alt + F8 Ba........
  • OVF Tool: Error: Task failed on server: This host does not support Intel VT-x. VMWare VCenter install On ESXi ERror

    Intel VT-X is enabled in Virtualbox but it doesn't seem to pass through the needed vmx extension despite the following variables on the host confirming it is enabled: cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested Y cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/ept Y OVF Tool: Disk progress: 99% OVF Tool: Transfer Completed OVF Tool: Powering on VM: Embedded-vCenter-Server-Appliance- OVF Tool: Task p........
  • VMWare 6.7 VCSA VSphere ESXi Management SSO Install Guide on Linux using the CLI

    #mount the VCSA DVD mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cd #alternatively you could mount the iso directly mount -o loop vcsa.iso /your/mount/path #for this purpose we are using the CLI installer on Linux cd /mnt/cd/vcsa-cli-installer/lin64 #no it's not going to be that easy you can't just run vcsa-deploy like that you need to use a template or configured .json file ./vcsa-deploy Usage: vcsa-deploy [-h] [--version] [--supported-deploymen........
  • vino server error cannot login

    10/07/2018 03:05:14 PM [IPv4] Got connection from client10.10.25.1 10/07/2018 03:05:14 PM other clients: 10/07/2018 03:05:14 PM Client Protocol Version 3.7 10/07/2018 03:05:14 PM Advertising security type 18 10/07/2018 03:05:14 PM Client returned security type 18 10/07/2018 03:05:14 PM TLS Handshake failed: Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite. 10/07/2018 03:05:14 PM Client10.10.25.1 gone 10/07/2018 03:05:14 PM Statistics:........
  • OpenVPN auth-user-pass-verify ENV script error

    Starting with newer versions of OpenVPN Ibelieve 2.2+ you need to have "script-security 3" set or you can't execute a third party script. Prior to that you could also use the auth-user-pass-verify like this: auth-user-pass-verify ./validate.pl "$username $password $ip" via-env Options error: the --auth-user-pass-verify directive should have at most 2 parameters. To pass a list of arguments as one of the paramete........
  • Cannot create gradle for conversations

    The main issue is it looks like Java is not configured to accept the invalid ssl cert that is coming from the download location. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: java.security.ProviderException: java.security.InvalidKeyException: EC parameters error export ANDROID_HOME=/home/user/Downloads/tools/ Conversations-master$ ./gradlew Downloading https://services.gradle.org/distributions/grad........
  • Linux Mint Black Screen after boot no graphics solution

    This is not the normal "black screen"issue and I was shocked to eventually find out why. The normal advice of reconfiguring Xorg didn't work. Even booting into "Recovery Mode" did not help. Here is the short end of the stick that fixed it: sudo apt-get install mdm mate-desktop-environment Yes you got it right, mdm and the mate-desktop-environment / gnome were somehow uninstalled. This must be whe........
  • Linux Ubuntu Mint Debian cannot play xvid,x264,mp4 or any videos codec issue - xplayer Could not initialize supporting library.

    In xplayer Iget the following error "Could not initialize supporting library.". It actually looks more like a gstreamer issue. For those wondering what the default video player is called it is "xvid" and not "totem" anymore like previous versions. Basically it looks like some codecs are missing when I uninstalled another program it uninstalled other programs and codecs that it shouldn't have. I've tried installing all the gstre........
  • Linux Mint Ubuntu Debian How To Disable Webcam Automatically Onboot To Prevent Spying and Privacy Violations

    It is well known hackers, the NSA, CIA and other groups have created malware to secretly turn on your webcam and microphone on your phone, tv etc.. But fortunately on our computers and laptops we have some options. Most webcams use the "uvcvideo" kernel module / driver. You can disable this in two ways on boot. I recommend both just as a failsafe. Disable it on rc.local once your system boots automatically Add the followi........
  • Debian Linux Mint Ubuntu Disable Automatic apt-get update

    sudo chmod 000 /etc/cron.daily/apt-compat This is the easiest way to disable the cron without anything more invasive like deleting the file. After that you won't have anymore apt-get's starting. This can be critical for systems without much extra RAMthat is not in use. I've seen systems that have swapped and crashed over apt-get.........
  • "Object of class WP_Term could not be converted to string"

    Normally when I've seen this it's when you are using a variable like a normal string when in fact it's actually an array such as this example: [Tue Mar 13 04:22:35 2018] [error] PHP Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Term could not be converted to string in /vhost/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-instagram-post/classes/class-woo-igp.php on line 578 &nbs........
  • Wordpress Instagram Post Modify Plugin To Add Tags

    I modified this code after quickly learning how Wordpress plugins actually work, how they're called etc.. was the first trick to modifying the code to add tags. Add this code after line 570 in wp-content/plugins/wp-instagram-post/classes/class-woo-igp.php &nb........
  • Centos How To Update to Glibc 2.14 Plus

    Centos 6 requires GLIBC 2.12 however a lot of new programs you would want to compile may need a newer glibc. You can't remove the old glibc since the whole OS is based on it but you can install the updated glibc alongside it and do an export pointing to your updated GLIBC. mkdir ~/glibc_install; cd ~/glibc_install wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glibc/glibc-2.14.tar.gz........
  • Centos 6.6/6.9 KVM VM Kernel Panic On Boot - Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

    Iam not sure why this is happening neither the hostnode or VM changed. All I did was reboot the hostnode and startup the Centos VM again, also note it happened with the original kernel on the VM and also the latest 6.9 kernel as of this writing as shown below. Host Node: Centos 6.9 Kernel:2.6.32-696.6.3.el6.x86_64 Kernel: 2.6.32-042stab123.9 Same result in any kernel above........
  • Intel NUC Lower Power Green Computing Boxes Review/Comparison of J3160 and J3455 Models

    Intel NUC J3455 vs Vorke V1 J3160 Both are excellent units but the J3160 is nicer if you require even lower power usage (6W vs the Intel 10W). The price is attractive on the Vorke V1 as well. It's been said that the Intel J3455 NUC has a buggy BIOS and some other issues that require attention. The Intel J3455 is still nice because it has 2 RAMslots but it does get hotter due to lack of fan. The Vorke V1 runs cooler, uses less power an........
  • [1035724.274610] [drm:intel_pipe_update_end [i915_bpo]] *ERROR* Atomic update failure on pipe A (start=62076478 end=62076479) time 102 us, min 894, max 899, scanline start 893, end 900 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1.bin

    [1035724.274610] [drm:intel_pipe_update_end [i915_bpo]] *ERROR* Atomic update failure on pipe A (start=62076478 end=62076479) time 102 us, min 894, max 899, scanline start 893, end 900 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1.bin for module i915_bpo I've been getting those errors on a J3455 NUC box with the latest kernel on Linux Mint 18.2. When updating the initramfs I also got the error about the firmware........
  • /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_system-mt-s /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_filesystem-mt-s /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_program_options-mt-s /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_thread-mt-s collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [cag

    cagecoin linux compile: sudo apt-get install qt4-qmake libqt4-dev build-essential libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev libssl-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev Solution: sed -i s/"BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX=-mt-s"/"#BOOST_LIB_SU........
  • ffmpeg trouble concatenating similar but different files

    When things go wrong your video is basically unplayable or the first video plays fine and then freezes when moving on to the next. Generally if both videos weren't produced with the exact 100% same settings you will have issues. You can try the basic concat but it often won't work right. Solution for me: My example uses 3 videos in total so "n=3" and a=1 to include audio. ffmpeg -threads 12 -i file1.mp4 -........
  • ffmpeg Unable to Use Hardware Encoding with Nvidia 3.40 Driver and GT210 card

    I believe from what I've read that this card's driver doesn't support the features after trying all known troubleshooting methods. ffmpeg -i uservideoRendered.mp4 -filter:v hwupload_cuda,scale_npp=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12:interp_algo=lanczos,hwdownload -c:v hevc_nvenc -profile main -preset slow -rc vbr_hq -c:a copy uservideoRendered.mp4-test ffmpeg -i uservideoRendered.mp4 -filter:v hwupload_cuda,scale_npp=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12:interp_algo=lanczos,hwdownload........
  • ffmpeg Linux Mint download, compile and install howto

    #if you have nvidia make sure you install the nvidia-cuda-toolkit so hardware acceleration can be used wget http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2 tar -jxvf ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2 cd ffmpeg-3.3.2/ ./configure --disable-yasm install prefix /usr/local source path ........
  • How to extract view contents of initramfs image gzip'd

    Very simple browse to your /boot directory It does make more sense to extract the image in its own directory eg "initramfs-blabla-dir" as it will literally extract directly to the pwd. cp initramfs.img someotherdir cd someotherdir zcat initramfs-3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64.img | cpio -idmv........
  • Migrate Centos 7 from Single HDD to mdadm RAID 10 array:

    Done on Centos 7.3 very important as clearly based on older guides it was a lot easier and more simpler! Hint do not use grub2-install! If you have trouble booting after this check this CentOS mdadm RAID booting/fixing guide. One huge caveat if you are an oldschool user or sysadmin who has avoided UEFIbooting The nor........
  • USB 3.0 External HDD Enclosure Seagate UAS problems - [sdd] tag#1 CDB: Write(16) 8a 00 00 00 00 01 70 04 08 68 00 00 00 08 00 00

    This is a 8TB Seagate external USB 3.0 device apparently newer kernels use a module called "UAS" instead of "USB Storage" which causes issues as a lot of devices are not properly supported in UAS mode by the kernel driver. The solution some say is to disable UAS specifically for your USB device but I'd rather just disable UAS altogether. Solution blacklist UAS: *do not do this it does not work and just causes your USB 3.0........
  • process_usershare_file: stat of /var/lib/samba/usershares/dump failed. Permission denied - samba error solution

    [2017/06/12 21:14:04.991169, 0] ../source3/param/loadparm.c:3259(process_usershare_file) process_usershare_file: stat of /var/lib/samba/usershares/dump failed. Permission denied Issue was the parent directory needed chmod 755........
  • Centos/Linux Bash Script Warning when exiting/logging out of bash/shell/terminal for scripts running in the background

    This is mainly the case on Centos but applies to other distros and situations. If you are running programs in the background with the &, at least in Centos it is usually not honored and if you quit or are disconnected the backgrounded programs will be sent sighup and be shut down. The simplest way around this instead of using & is to start any programs or commands with "nohup" Eg. nohup yourscript.sh........
  • Openshot 2.2 is very unstable always crashing in Linux Mint 18.1!

    Jun 1 15:45:42 videoeditor-desktop org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1882]: project_data:INFO Missing folder chosen by user: Jun 1 15:45:42 videoeditor-desktop org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1882]: project_data:INFO Removed missing file: MAH02949.MP4 Jun 1 15:45:57 videoeditor-desktop org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1882]: ui_util:WARNING Icon theme media-playback-start not found. Will use backup........
  • Track 01: 34 of 1726 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 3.6x.Errno: 5 (Input/output error), write_g1 scsi sendcmd: cmd timeout after 1.897 (40) s CDB: 2A 00 00 00 44 A9 00 00 1F 00 resid: 6144 cmd finished after 1.897s timeout 40s write track da

    These errors believe it or not are simply because of not being the root user or running with sudo! However if you didn't know to try as root you'd think there was a problem with your burner or disc Essentially it looks like without root you cannot send the required scsi commands to continue writing. Ithink cdrecord should have built-in tests or safeguards to see if it has the permissions to run the required commands. I guess for more advanced users the idea is simila........
  • Intel NUC J3455 Linux Support Ubuntu/Linux Mint Issues

    I get the following error "Installer Crashed" on 18.1 MATE 64-bit when installing by NFS/PXE. Yet it was able to at least detect and use my NIC (perhaps the driver was only activated because of PXE/NFS being used)? When using 18.1 Cinnamon on CD the NIC does not work but the installer did succeed. However it doesn't work right, I can't login graphically and get some Cinnamon OOMerror but how can this be with 8GB of RAM straight from login?........
  • Migrating from Linux Mint 17.2 mdadm RAID array to a new one (because I upgraded to larger drives).

    1.) Replicate the number of partitions in your new drives. gdisk /dev/sda gdisk /dev/sdb I created 3 partitions of the same same size. partition #1: +1G (/boot) partition #2: +60G (swap) partition #3: rest of it (/) #note if you are using GPT/gdisk you need to create separate a partition at least 1MB in size (in my case I would a 4th partition and mark it type ef02).........
  • mdadm: CREATE group disk not found Incrementally started RAID arrays. Incrementally starting RAID arrays...

    mdadm won't boot in Ubuntu/Mint/Debian anymore. You just get the following in a loop: mdadm: CREATE group disk not found Incrementally started RAID arrays. Incrementally starting RAID arrays... mdadm: CREATE group disk not found Incrementally started RAID arrays. Incrementally starting RAID arrays... mdadm: CREATE group disk not found Incrementally started RAID arrays. Incrementally starting RAID arrays... mdadm: CREATE group dis........
  • DRBD Split-brain solution

    Uh oh [17925926.174277] block drbd0: Handshake successful: Agreed network protocol version 96 [17925926.174325] block drbd0: conn( WFConnection -> WFReportParams ) [17925926.174342] block drbd0: Starting asender thread (from drbd0_receiver [1682]) [17925926.174432] block drbd0: data-integrity-alg: [17925926.174581] block drbd0: drbd_sync_handshake: [17925926.174586] block drbd0: self 2AAE66AF9252D6DB:2815BF........
  • mdadm change wrong device name md127 fix and solution in Linux

    md127 issue, it should be /dev/md3 per mdadm.conf Any time something is mounted as md127 it almost always means there is no entry for this mdadm array in the mdadm.conf in initramfs (which is separate from your actual /etc/mdadm.conf). cat /etc/mdadm.conf ARRAY /dev/md3 metadata=1.2 UUID=b6722845:381cc94e:7a2c5b5f:8e3b7c4f The reason for this is something strange, most Linux OS's bizarrely always keep their own copy of /etc/mdadm.con........
  • How to Normalize and Increase the Volume on M4A files in Linux

    M4A is a weird format, so you have to be creative here is a quick copy of what I did. Basically you need to convert to .wav to make use of them and thenI converted the resulting .wav into an mp3 (nice small file size and basically universally playable): ======= sudo apt-get install mpg321 mp3gain faad normalize lame faad "Voice 002 (copy).m4a" faad "Voice 002 (copy).m4a"........
  • OpenVZ Migration Hostnode Containers from Centos 5 to Centos 6

    migrating from an old OpenVZ (Centos 5) to new OpenVZ (Centos 6) Also if migrating from 32-bit HN to 64-bit your RAM will probably be much bigger than it should be! 16x bigger eg. 32bit HN: total used free shared buffers cached Mem:&nb........
  • Openvz kernel: [10186978.064405] TCP: time wait bucket table overflow (CT3)

    kernel: [10186978.064405] TCP: time wait bucket table overflow (CT3) Varying opinions are out there but in general it seems like the most common culprit is a lack of privvmpages, with a modern OpenVZ system the best way is to set privvmpages as equal to what your RAM is and this has resolved the messages on another system. If it's truly a TCP issue you can adjust the following parameters:........
  • esniper error on Linux Mint 17.2 Debian/Ubuntu: Cannot connect to URL : SSL connect error: gnutls_handshake() failed: Illegal parameter Retrying... esniper encountered a bug. It looks like your esniper version is not current. You have version 2.28

    Auction 262382440107: Cannot connect to URL : SSL connect error: gnutls_handshake() failed: Illegal parameter Retrying... esniper encountered a bug. It looks like your esniper version is not current. You have version 2.28.0, the newest version is 2.31.0. Please go to http://esniper.sf.net/ and update your copy of esniper.........
  • Nvidia Linux Card not working due to LSI 9200/SAS2008 IRQ conflict

    At first my BIOS said the card may not work right because there is no more option ROM space. I disabled the Option ROM for both LSI 1068 and 2008 chipsets, Network Boot ROM and most other PCI slots, Serial Port, etc... and the message went away but the card still does not work properly. But it still cannot initialize the card properly(does not work): [ 33.943272] NVRM: This PCI I/O region assigned to your NVIDIA device is invalid:........
  • Linksys E2500 DD-WRT Upgrade Instructions and Enabling 5ghz with Tomato Firmware

    1.) Flash directly to this file: http://tomato.groov.pl/download/K26RT-N/build5x-132-EN/Linksys%20E-series/tomato-E2500-NVRAM60K-1.28.RT-N5x-MIPSR2-132-Max.zip *I was never able to get the larger "Mega" file to work, at least not initially so I recommend the file above. To enable 5ghz I had to do the "Clear NVRAM" Option before it was shown. 2.) Or if you don't need 5ghz (most devices do not support it and cannot........
  • kernel:[14277.697049] EDAC MC0: UE row 4, channel-a= 0 channel-b= 1 labels "-": (Branch=0 DRAM-Bank=0 RDWR=Read RAS=7048 CAS=0 FATAL Err=0x4 (>Tmid Thermal event with intelligent throttling disabled))

    I am getting this error: kernel:[14277.697049] EDAC MC0: UE row 4, channel-a= 0 channel-b= 1 labels "-": (Branch=0 DRAM-Bank=0 RDWR=Read RAS=7048 CAS=0 FATAL Err=0x4 (>Tmid Thermal event with intelligent throttling disabled)) But many people believe this is a bug/false message and the server is running stably.........
  • Centos 6 how to guide convert LVM non-RAID into mdadm 1/10 RAID array live without reinstalling

    Here is the scenario you or a client have a remote machine that was installed as a standard/default minimal Centos 6.x machine on a single disk with LVM for whatever reason. Often many people do not know how to install it to a RAID array so it is common to have this problem and why reinstall if you don't need to? In some cases on a remote system you can't easily reinstall without physical or KVM access. So in this case you add a second physical or disk or already ha........
  • Centos/obfsproxy errors

    I never did get it working, it is too bad as obfsproxy should really be an option and integrated into the OpenVPN client and server or something similar: yum -y install python-pip python-devel No package python-pip available. #install the EPEL repo python-pip install obfsproxy python-pip install obfsproxy -bash: python-pip: command not found pip install obfsproxy &........
  • flypro EEPROM PLCC32 programmer software error "The device ID does not match, whether to continue operating"

    If you get that message it means you have inserted the adapter or device incorrectly. In my case the adapter needed to be at the rear end of the pins and it caused this message. Do not ignore this message as it may appear to work but you will get errors and in reality your chip will not be erased or programmed even if it appears like it is working.........
  • ECC Errors in action

    Message from syslogd@server at Sep 14 11:35:59 ... kernel:[Hardware Error]: MC4 Error (node 1): DRAM ECC error detected on the NB. Message from syslogd@server at Sep 14 11:35:59 ... kernel:[Hardware Error]: Error Status: Corrected error, no action required. Message from syslogd@server at Sep 14 11:35:59 ... kernel:[Hardware Error]: CPU:6 (10:8:0) MC4_STATUS[Over|CE|MiscV|-|AddrV|CECC]: 0xdc00400021080813........
  • Dell CS24 NV5/NV7 Gigabyte GA-3CESL-RH Motherboard ROM Chip info

    If you remove the white label on the chip (near the CMOS battery) you will find the following details about it: SST 49LF080A 33-4C-NHE It is the PLCC32 type and can be pried and removed safely (but be very careful) with an eye glass flat head screw driver. If you just have a bad flash you may be able to reprogram your original or just buy another one with the part# above and reprogram it. This is great news for people who have bricked th........
  • HP Procurve Switch 2824 CLI Telnet Experience , Guide and Tutorial

    ------------------------------------- ProCurve J4903A Switch 2824 Software revision I.10.77 Copyright (C) 1991-2009 Hewlett-Packard Co. All Rights Reserved. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions........
  • Dell CS24-NV7 lspci dmidecode info

    0000:00:00.0 RAM memory: NVIDIA Corporation MCP55 Memory Controller (rev a2) 0000:00:01.0 ISA bridge: NVIDIA Corporation MCP55 LPC Bridge (rev a3) 0000:00:01.1 SMBus: NVIDIA Corporation MCP55 SMBus (rev a3) 0000:00:02.0 USB controller: NVIDIA Corporation MCP55 USB Controller (rev a1) 0000:00:02.1 USB controller: NVIDIA Corporation MCP55 USB Controller (rev a2) 0000:00:05.0 IDE interface: NVIDIA Corporation MCP55 SATA Controller (rev a3) 0000:00:05.1 I........
  • Dell CS24,FS12 NV5 and NV7 1U Server Information & Parts

    Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-3CESL: http://b2b.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=2658#dl Dell Part Numbers for the motherboard: R1232 R1232L R2232S SERVER MOTHERBOARD GENUINE 408P9 CN-0408P9 GA-3CESL Manual Download here RAMSlots: 16 (8 controlled by each CPU) RAMType: DDR2 ECC 5300P........
  • Windows 2012 Server R2 Install Error "windows cannot find the microsoft license terms windows 2012 server install"

    windows cannot find the microsoft license terms windows 2012 server install This is actually because you are using less than 576MB of RAM. In my case I was installing on a KVM VPS with 512MB of RAM. This issue would apply to any physical or virtual server with less than 576MB of RAM. This includes Virtualized VPS Servers with XENHVM, KVM, VBOX, VMWare etc.. or Dedicated Servers with such little RAM. It's very misleading of course since it has not........
  • Linux Kernel EDAC errors EDAC MC0: UE row 0, channel-a= 0 channel-b= 1 labels "-": NON-FATAL recoverable (Branch=0 DRAM-Bank=0 Buffer ID = 0 RDWR=Read RAS=0 CAS=0 NON-FATAL recoverable Err=0x800 (Non-Aliased Uncorrectable Patrol Data ECC))

    I'm not sure why I'm getting these but all memory modules are the exact same and all passed memtest successfully although they are ECC. I've heard that ECC RAM can't be tested as well and the kernel seems to indicate they are non-fatl recoverable errors. I wonder if the BIOS has aggressive RAM timing or maybe the controller or motherboard is bad. [ 12.716515] EDAC MC: Ver: 2.1.0 [ 12.717771] EDAC MC0: Giving out device to........
  • KVM/QEMU how to boot from direct kernel vmlinuz and initrd with networking

    Thsi is very handy when doing your own kernel development. -m specifies how much ram (in the example it is 768MB) -kernel specifies the path to the kernel file -net tap,ifname=tap1,script=no (the ifname=tap1 is what you need to change and setup manually). *Run "tunctl -b" to create a tap device and use the one it gives you for ifname= Enable networking to the outside like this: *Note we assume that your bridge is br0 i........
  • /usr/libexec/mysqld: The table 'session' is full solution

    First of all if you're getting this error it is a result of extreme database activity. If you aren't expecting it or it doesn't make sense to you 99% of the time this is a database driven script being exploited (some common examples I see often are things like phpBB being hit by dozens, hundreds or thousands of bots making constant DB write requests). The easiest way to identify this is to restart MySQL and then run the third party tool "mtop" and you'll see all........
  • Openvz iptables v1.4.7: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?) Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded. solution

    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp -d --dport 3389 -j DNAT --to-destination iptables v1.4.7: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?) Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded. The above is often because you don't have the correct modules loaded on the hostnode or enabled for the container but in some cases it's actually a weird openvz setting. Che........
  • PayPal subscriptions automatically cancelling after creation of profile

    There is a weird quirk with how this works, but there is a variable called "src" that defaults to 0 or disabled if not specified as 1. The default 0 means not to recur billing on a subscription.  It's too bad it's not more obvious anywhere nor is there an explanation or warning during payment or after to both the seller and buyer. Here's a proper subscription code example that does recur and does not cancel........
  • 2CO/2Checkout Howto Enable IPN/Notification Setup & Script Info

    https://www.2checkout.com/documentation/notifications/order-created It shows all the parameters that get passed so you can make a simple script to process it. To enable 2CONotifications you need to do the following: Login Browse to the top right to an icon that looks like a "circle with horizontal lines inside" - Notifications. Enter the appropriate URL for your IPN/Notification processing script (........
  • CPanel Link to all of the command line options

    CPanel says you can access 98% of the functions through CLI which experienced Unix/Linux admins prefer for simplicity and for scripting.  I've never found CPanel easy to use from the admin panel, it seems everything is hard to find and a simple task becomes a series of hunts. So for people like me here's the list: http://cpanel.net/system-administrators/command-line-scrip........
  • "Detecting hardware, please wait..." Ubuntu Install Error Solution

    "Detecting hardware, please wait..." Solution This occurs if you are installing with low RAM such as 128MB Bump it up at least to 512MB for the install........
  • OpenVZ mismatched kernel and dev when compiling.

    ./configure ./configure: line 91: cd: /lib/modules/2.6.32-042stab084.25/build: No such file or directory Error: kernel version not found. Please make sure your kernel is configured. dr-xr-xr-x. 4 root root 4096 Feb 21 06:13 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 45 Feb 21 06:13 build -> ../../../usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-042stab084.25 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 12 20........
  • yum error installing php solution - exclude php from being installed from third party repos

    Error: Package: php-Monolog-dynamo-1.7.0-1.el6.noarch (epel) Requires: php-aws-sdk Error: php-pecl-zendopcache conflicts with 1:php-eaccelerator- Error: php-xcache conflicts with php-pecl-apc-3.1.9-2.el6.x86_64 Error: php-pecl-zendopcache conflicts with php-pecl-apc-3.1.9-2.el6.x86_64 Error: Package: php-horde-Horde-Vfs-2.1.2-2.el6.noarch (epel) &n........
  • Linux Ubuntu Debian Howto Manually Update/Install Thunderbird

    wget http://download-location sudo tar xjvf thunderbird-24.2.0.tar.bz2 -C /opt ln -s /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird /usr/bin/thunderbird [sudo] password for one: ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/bin/thunderbird': File exists sudo rm /usr/bin/thunderbird ln -s /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird /usr/bin/thunderbird The above is how Idid it, if you don't do it properly you'll find that you are still using the old version (........
  • Linux Ubuntu Debian Howto Manually Update/Install Firefox

    wget http://download-location mv /usr/bin/firefox /usr/bin/firefox-old sudo tar xjvf firefox-26.0.tar.bz2 -C /opt ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox The above is how Idid it, if you don't do it properly you'll find that you are still using the old version (so verify in About that it is the new version). I've verified the above method works perfectly, it's great if you're using an older version of Linux and need to update the most........
  • Linux find what processes are swapping

    Here is a handy script that will check all processes and report what is swapping #!/bin/bash for pid in `ps x|awk '{print $1}'`; do result=`cat /proc/$pid/status|grep VmSwap|awk '{print $2}'|grep -v ^"0"` if [ ! -z "$result" ]; then programresult=`ps x|grep $pid|grep -v grep` if [ $? == 0 ]; then program=`echo $programresult|awk '{print $5}'|grep -v ^grep`........
  • Openvz OOM Centos Issue Memory Config Settings Solution

    Linux box13. 2.6.32-042stab076.5 #1 SMP Mon Mar 18 20:41:34 MSK 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux even setting privvmpages to a specific setting DOES not affect "free -m" in containers. This is probably a kernel issue 23:36:29 up 159 days, 7:12, 4 users, load average: 0.42, 0.44, 0.33 [root@box13 ~]# free -m total&n........
  • CPanel suhosin install failed

    /scripts/phpextensionmgr install PHPSuHosin Updating md5sum list Fetching http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/cpanelsync/easy/targz.yaml (connected:0).......(request attempt 1/12)...Resolving httpupdate.cpanel.net...(resolve attempt 1/65)... Fetching http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/mirror_addr_list (connected:0).......(request attempt 1/3)......connecting to success......Done........
  • Dell FS12-NV7 2U Server Information and Guide

    I've got one of these for testing projects from work at home and got more than I bargained for with the time I've spent on it due to the storage handing/Perc 6/i cards. My particular model came with the following: 2U Rack Mount Server with Rails 2xOpteron 2373 EE (Quad Core, there is a 6-core version that can be found at times) 16GB RAM 2 x 250GB Seagate SATA 2 x Dell Perc 6/i (horrible and a nightmare to work........
  • Dell Perc 6/i cannot downgrade

    I flashed an LSI Logic firmware to it and it broke the BIOS (cannot do Ctrl+R) for booting purposes but allows other functionality to work normally. I tried downgrading to a Dell firmware for Perc 6i but it won't work, not even with MegaCli wget http://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER00416606M/1/SAS-RAID_Firmware_W83M2_LN32_6.3.1-0003_A14.BIN --2013-08-26 12:53:39-- http://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER00416606M/1/SAS-RAID_Firmware_W83M2_LN32_6.3.1-0003_A14.BIN Resolvi........
  • LSI MegaRAID Adventures, Guide and HowTo

    LSi Megaraid At first it was configured as a RAID 0, then I deleted the Virtual Disk Group. I thought both drives would be shown and detected in Linux as sda and sdb but it actually shows nothing. To make them work you have to hit Ctrl+R before the system boots (when prompted) and create a Virtual Disk Group. In my case I created each one as RAID 0 (with a single drive only) as I just wanted JBOD but there is no such option or default in these Dell Pe........
  • pxe-32 tftp open timeout

    pxe-32 tftp open timeout The solution was to enable tftp in xinetd with "chkconfig tftp on". See the troubleshooting below: chkconfig --list NetworkManager 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off acpid 0:off&n........
  • kernel: EDAC MC0: CE page 0x0, offset 0x0, grain 1073741824, syndrome 0x1a, row 2, channel 0, label "": i3200 CE

    kernel: EDAC MC0: CE page 0x0, offset 0x0, grain 1073741824, syndrome 0x1a, row 2, channel 0, label "": i3200 CE I believe this is a hardware issue, it's usually bad RAM, incompatible RAM or bad timing or even a motherboard/RAM controller.........
  • Linux/ffmpeg How to remove audio from a video solution

    ffmpeg -vcodec copy -i 20130526_195809.mp4 -an 20130526_195809-noaudio.mp4 Withotu the -vcodec copy I got this error (so make sure you use the vcodec copy switch): Error while opening encoder for output stream #0.0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height ........
  • Samsung Galaxy Note I717M Canadian Version, Root and Unlock

    I chose this because I heard a lot of stories about scams and that many providers I contacted said they can't unlock the Canadian I717s (one said "my Bell server" is down). This method worked perfectly on my Bell I717M and should work for all I717 in Canada, I was able to insert a foreign SIMcard. This will work abroad too but remember entering CWM mode is different for I717's in other countries (at least theUS). Step 1 - Root + CWM........
  • Samba Solution To Error "[2013/02/22 19:06:37.373564, 0] param/loadparm.c:8004(lp_do_parameter) Global parameter guest account found in service section!"

    [2013/02/22 19:06:37.373564, 0] param/loadparm.c:8004(lp_do_parameter) Global parameter guest account found in service section! This is annoying but the solution is simple: The line "guest account = " is in the section for a share (in /etc/samba/smb.conf), but it should be under globals. Move it under [global] and then everything should be fine.........
  • Linux/Ubuntu Samsung Linux Driver Praise with CLP-365W

    Usually a lot of things don't work right on Linux, but Samsung printers aren't one of them. I used to have a CLP310N that never worked right in Linux, it would print strange lines over pictures or with some programs, no picture at all. I was using whatever the default driver that Ubuntu found. Now I upgraded to a CLP-365W which is basically the same thing with wireless but no driver from Ubuntu (eg CLP-350) works. I was forced to go to Samsung's site and was surprise........
  • FBDIMM /PC5300F RAM chips can work properly be with mixed timing/speeds

    I've read some people/sources say "the timing must match or it won't work". This is not true at least for the Supermicro boards I've tested this on. Some examples: PC2-5300F-555-12 PC2-5300F-555-11 etc.. Notice the "12" and "11" Also the ones that have a "PC2-5300F-555-11-B0" or "PC2-5300-555-11-D0" are also fine. What happens is what one would expect, the........
  • Samsung 4GB 1Rx4 DDR2 PC5300F FBDIMM Running Hot

    sensors|head i5k_amb-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Ch. 0 DIMM 0:+115.0°C (low = +127.5°C, high = +127.5°C) Ch. 0 DIMM 1: +63.5°C (low = +127.5°C, high = +127.5°C) Ch. 0 DIMM 2: +61.0°C (low = +127.5°C, high = +127.5°C) Ch. 1 DIMM 0: +65.0°C (low = +127.5°C, high = +127.5°C) Ch. 1 DIMM 1: +75.0°C&........
  • kvm cannot boot xen guest using lvm

    This booting error is because the Xen PV guest image uses the Xen kernel, this is not compatible with anything but a host running a Xen kernel. I did a kpartx -av virtual.img and then it created some partitions that showed up in fdisk. I mounted it and did a chroot into it and removed the xen kernel and installed a normal kernel but Xen still shows the same kernel in Grub (only the Xen one). This is strange but it seems like this Xen PV guest has some sort of hidden or........
  • Windows Secret Hidden Temp Directory to free out of disk space issues

    Replace "Administrator" with your username. C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp Ihave often found several gigabytes of temporary files in there! Just be warned that they may not all be deletable if the files are being used by open programs (so close everything you can). This helped me in a pinch many times when for apparently no reason gigs of disk space are being used for an unknown reason.........
  • bash script remove non-printable special characters/white space

    In bash you test like this for problems that can be caused by non-printable characters since if you don't know how to identify it because it basically breaks your script. echo "url=$url" should print something like this normally if you have properly formatted input/text: url=::http://someaddress.com:: But if you have some weird hidden characters (not visible in a text editor of any sort you'll get something like this ::l=::http://s........
  • HowTo Migrate and Import iPhone/Outlook Contacts into Android without using GMail using .vcf files

    I searched for days after getting my Galaxy Note and couldn't find a way to do this (at least not without buying programs for either Android/Windows). All I read was ways to sync and import the contacts to GMail but I don't want to use GMail for privacy reasons. GMail/Google steal all of your personal information and use it for whatever purposes they want to and may sell or release it to who knows where (I don't care what their policy says but this stuff happens), just like the default........
  • failed to IDENTIFY (INIT_DEV_PARAMS failed, err_mask=0x80)

    [ 12.460014] ata1: SRST failed (errno=-16) [ 17.626677] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) [ 22.480011] ata1: SRST failed (errno=-16) [ 27.646681] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) [ 38.106817] ata1.01: failed to IDENTIFY (INIT_DEV_PARAMS failed, err_mask=0x80) [ 48.266676] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)........
  • SSH error slow login debug1: An invalid name was supplied Cannot determine realm for numeric host address - Solution

    debug1: An invalid name was supplied Cannot determine realm for numeric host address debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9etch3 debug1: An invalid name was supplied Cannot determine realm for numeric host address debug1: An invalid name was supplied A parameter was malformed Validation error Solution, disable auth from the ssh client (this is a client side error)........
  • Xen non-HVM container won't work/boot anymore

    One of my test Centos 5 containers was on a partition that filled up and it threw all sorts of errors and stopped responding but now I can't boot it again anymore. All the console shows is the Linux Penguin on the top left corner and the xm console says "usbcore: registered new driver hub" and has halted there. Centos 5 Xen container stuck/frozen won't boot on "usbcore: registered new driver hub" Another great way of troubleshooting is booting fro........
  • File /etc/vz/conf/ve-vps.basic.conf-sample not found: No such file or directory - Openvz Error solution

    Stuff like this always happens/breaks after a vzctl update, whether it's new parameters being added or required etc.. File /etc/vz/conf/ve-vps.basic.conf-sample not found: No such file or directory Fix the value of CONFIGFILE in /etc/vz/vz.conf Creation of container private area failed Warning: distribution not specified in CT config, using defaults from /etc/vz/dists/default WARNING: /etc/vz/conf/4400.conf not found: No such file or directory........
  • Ubuntu 10 Nvidia Drivers Not Updated After Kernel Update Solution/How-To Manually Rebuild nvidia kernel modules for Ubuntu

    I dread updating the kernel and rebooting to find the Ubuntu graphics aren't working and you have to manually intervene. This is usually because Ubuntu for whatever reason didn't update the drivers you need (eg. the manually compiled Nvidia Kernel driver that MUST be recompiled for each and every kernel update unfortunately). The most common reason may be that "linux-source" hasn't been installed automatically on my system. I tried to manually reinstall the........
  • What's Needed To Fix Linux

    I really am a Linux fan but my comments here may not show it. Although I'm quite familiar with Linux CLI to administer servers, I find Linux GUI OS's like Ubuntu at times very clunky. This is partially because there's no such thing as a "self-made" Linux from scratch where the UIwas designed by a single team. Linux is made up of several different projects that are generally completely separate and this lack of integratiion is a key issue that makes things f........
  • mdadm/Debian problem

    This is one in a series of weird things whichIthought was motherboard related (I RMA'd the motherboard), the RAM tests fine with memtest86 and I used badblocks on both RAID 1 members with no errors and smartctl is happy with them. Basically the array crashes the kernel a lot and has issues when writing. [112322.723465] md0: rw=0, want=14958668696, limit=1887460480 [112322.731077] attempt to access beyond end of device [112322.731087] md........
  • Install Android SDK and start testing on Debian/Ubuntu: How To Guide/Tutorial

    Visit http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Interpreters/Android-32340.shtml Basically copy and paste all of that below and you'll have installed and started the Android SDK before you know it. wget http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r12-linux_x86.tgz sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-lib openjdk-6-jre-headless tar -xvf android-sdk_r12-linux_x86.tgz cd android-sdk-linux_x86/tools ./android........
  • Linux Kernel Panic Messages - Symptoms of bad RAM module/stick

    These were caused by a bad stick of Corsair RAM [] free_hot_cold_page+0xfc/0x150 [] __pagevec_free+0x14/0x1a [] release_pages+0x127/0x12f [] __pagevec_release+0x15/0x1d [] __invalid_mapping_pages+0x120/0x156 [........
  • MySQL Import CSV data tutorial guide

    It's actually fairly straight forward: load data local infile 'billpayments-payments.csv' into table payments fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' lines terminated by 'n' The above assumes that your fields are terminated by a comma (some programs like OpenOffice change this to a semi-colon ;) and that they are enclosed with " The above will insert the data from billpayments-payments.csv into the table payments.........
  • samba/smbd connection to share problems and solutions

    I'll start by showing some problems in the logs: [2011/08/07 16:22:06, 0] param/loadparm.c:8569(process_usershare_file) process_usershare_file: stat of /var/lib/samba/usershares/movie failed. Permission denied [2011/08/07 16:22:06, 1] smbd/service.c:676(make_connection_snum) create_connection_server_info failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED That means you don't have permission to access the fi........
  • Linux Out of Memory OOM Object Killer Solution "Out of memory: kill process 1955 (sshd) score 81 or a child"

    I had a system running a 128MB live CD image with 2.8 gigs of available RAM and the OOM kernel killer went crazy when using dd for more than 8 minutes and kept killing everything. I've read that this is due to a low-memory issue and paging in the kernel and 32-bit systems with lots of RAM. I even enabled swapspace on my LiveCD and the issue happened 25 minutes into dd rather than 8 minutes, so what gives? Also no swap space was ever used! cat /proc/s........
  • smart is not smart, it thinks a dead drive is still good

    I had a dying drive that smart thought until it totally disappeared was a good drive, and actually all parameters did look fine but this system was causing my system to lockup and other bad behavior: === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: WDC WD20EARS-00MVWB0 Serial Number: WD-WMAZ20139 Firmware Version: 50.0AB50 User Capacity: 2,000,398,934,016 bytes Device........
  • Kernel/make compilation time and how to improve compile times/compile the Linux kernel faster without hardware upgrades

    I thought only a faster CPUand SSDwould help but I already have a Quad-Core CPU and it wasn't being maxed out. The actual tests were performed on an AMD-V enabled 128MB dual core VMWare container though. There is a flag that can be passed to make in order to start multiple threads, by specifying 4 threads I was able to reduce the whole kernel compilation time from scratch by about 50%! (65minutes vs 31minutes!). *Yes I did do a make clean before each co........
  • monit example tutorial how to enable status checking and manipulation

    You need to enable the httpd daemon with monit to actually view the status and control, it's not only for the web interface since the httpd is theONLY way of controlling monit and viewing the status. monit monitor all will also reinstate disabled services if they've timed out too much. Just restarting the service will do nothing to re-monitor a service that monit has stopped monitoring due to too many failures. *Also note that /etc/monit.conf i........
  • 2011 Best Laptop - HP 15.6" Laptop featuring AMD Athlon II P340 Processor (G62-420CA)

    My mother needed a new laptop and I recommended her the same one I would have bought myself or my wife, that means the cheapest possible laptop with the most features for the money. This HP shines at this price point and one thing that made me stay away from buying more and recommending HP/Compaq was the poor battery life. Not anymore, this model has an industry leading up to 4 hours of battery life. Key Factors for Choosing It: HDMI Out........
  • Linux High IOWAIT updatedb can't be killed and crash with mdadm

    high IO wait 424 root 39 19 1900 848 552 D 0.0 0.0 0:00.91 updatedb root 424 0.0 0.0 1900 848 ? DN Mar11 0:00 /usr/bin/updatedb -f sysfs?rootfs?bdev?proc?cpuset?binfmt_misc?debugfs?sockfs?usbfs?pipefs?anon_inodefs?futexfs?tmpfs?inotifyfs?eventp........
  • CPU #1 not responding - cannot use it.

    I think this will be useful to others because I have a server that kept crashing mysteriously during intense disk usage/RAID checks. It would only crash during the weekly RAID integrity check. ThenI noticed during a reboot that not all CPUs were being brought up, as a result this actually creates much higher temperatures with the output I got from sensors, just booting the system produced higher than normal temperatures. You can imagine that a full blown RAID check........
  • Installing Webmin & Enabling SSL

    Webmin Setup Centos 5: wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.530/webmin-1.530-1.noarch.rpm?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmin.com%2Fstandard.html&ts=1294339690&use_mirror=surfnet [1] 24229 [2] 24230 [root@host ~]# --2011-01-06 21:48:20-- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.530/webmin-1.530-1.noarch.rpm?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmin.com%2Fstandard.html Resolving downloads.sourceforge.net... 216.34.181.........
  • SSH delay problem UseDNS and disabling GSSAPI does not help

    The normal solution doesn't help or apply here: ssh -v user@ OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9etch3, OpenSSL 0.9.8c 05 Sep 2006 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: Applying options for * debug1: Connecting to [] port 22. debug1: Connection established. debug1: permanently_set_uid: 0/0 debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/identity type -1 debug1: i........
  • Ubuntu 10.04/GRUB2 mdadm won't boot

    Moving to RAID was a pain. What you have to do is the following from an existing install: Install mdadm Create your mdadm RAID 1 array on your spare hard drive. Start it with the missing disk. rsync the entire contents of your current / to the md partition. Here's a good way of doing it: rsync -Pha --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/sys/* --exclude=/mnt/* /. /mnt/md2........
  • How to chroot properly into your OS/distro

    From a LiveCD or if you're doing something like converting your non-RAID install to mdadm here's how you would chroot properly (you have to mount your proc, sys and dev on the running system/LiveCD to your chroot environment if you want things to work right, especially if you need to run update-initramfs due to a driver change etc..) *replace "path" with your mount/chroot path mount -o bind /proc /mnt/path/proc mount -o bind /dev/ mnt/pa........
  • Wine stopped working/won't work Solution

    After an upgrade wine wouldn't open anything, not even the pre-installed notepad. There are no wine logs and nothing is mentioned in any standard log file about why. I finally decided to run wine from the shell and see what's going on: wine client error:0: version mismatch 398/402. Your wineserver binary was not upgraded correctly, or you have an older one somewhere in your PATH. Or maybe the wrong wineserver is still running?........
  • Nautilus/GNOME File Manager handy list of extensions

    nautilus-gksu - privilege granting extension for nautilus using gksu nautilus-sendto - integrates Evolution and Pidgin into the Nautilus file manager nautilus-share - Nautilus extension to share folder using Samba nautilus-actions - nautilus extension to configure programs to launch nautilus-bzr - Bazaar (bzr) integration for nautilus nautilus-cd-burner - CD Burning front-end for Nautilus nautilus-clamscan - Antivirus scanning for Nautilus n........
  • Initializing quota ... Error: Not enough parameters, diskinodes quota not set

    Initializing quota ... Error: Not enough parameters, diskinodes quota not set vzctl set $veid --diskinodes 90000:91000 --save New versions of OpenVZ seem to have some strange diskinodes parameter which is required.........
  • Linux Kernel Boot Black Screen of Death Freeze/Halt Solution

    This happens on some systems due to a video issue with Intel Videocards, after you see the kernel load you may see almost immediately that you get a black screen. The following kernel parameters usually solve it: nomodeset i915.modeset=0 xforcevesa some people just use "nomodeset" and others use "i915.modeset=0". I think nomodeset may also do the same for each video driver so it may imply i915.modeset=0 anyway but I am not sure.........
  • Linux Kernel Freeze/Hang during boot on io scheduler cfq registered (default)

    You'll see the following and the boot process will freeze: io scheduler noop registered io scheduler anticipatory registered io scheduler deadline registered io scheduler cfq registered (default) I have struggled with this issue on vari........
  • Ubuntu 10.04 Linux is still not ready for the Desktop world

    I am a huge fan of Linux and the idea of OpenSource but I've said it many times, there are still hurdles in today in 2010 for Linux as a Desktop. Linux is still intended for servers at its very core. This can be changed succesfully though, as Apple has shown us with Mac OS X based on FreeBSD. Half of the issue is lack of driver support and the other half is the Linux Kernel and Window Manages, KDE and GNome still both don't cut it (but they're getting closer). I'll........
  • jailkit for chroot ssh account security tutorial and fix for error

    This was done on Centos butI think it's easier on Debian machines, the paths that it is set to use are tailored towards Debian, so there is some fiddling that needs to be done on Centos. This is for chrooting ssh, but jailkit has other uses than just SSH jails but I won't cover them in this writeup. 1. Install jailkit yum install jailkit 2. Setup Jail Home mkdir /home/jail chown root:root /home/ja........
  • exim high load and dozens of processes

    This server was experiencing loads of up to 80 and maxing out the RAM and kmemsize on a CPanel VPS. There were literally dozens if not hundreds of exim processes. I have no idea why exim has such a design that would allow it to consume this much CPU and RAM. Any normal MTA should not be spawning so many processes, it should be processing them in sequence and if it is going to spawn hundreds of processes in response to a large volume of mail, it's better to have a delayed del........
  • FUSE/Curlftpfs mount ftp account as drive partition in Linux

    This is a great way to use your ftp server space, for example on your web hosting account (althoughI believe many hosts don't allow storage like this), but if you have a VPS/Dedicated Server etc.., this would be perfect. Imagine how easy it is to work with an ftp account that you can just mount as a normal partition or directory in Linux, it would be great for backups etc.. Name curlftpfs - mount a ftp host as a local directory Synopsis........
  • Why does mdadm have two sets of UUID's?

    Which one does the OS care about? blkid says the UUID is "787f1fa4-b010-4d77-a010-795b42884f56" while md insists its UUID is "4d96dd3b:deb5d555:7adb93cb:ce9182d9" When in doubt, do we assume the OS takes the one from blkid? /dev/md0: UUID="787f1fa4-b010-4d77-a010-795b42884f56" TYPE="ext3" [root@localhost ~]# mdadm -D /dev/md0 /dev/md0: Version : 0.90 &........
  • OpenVZ user_beancounters kmemsize failcnt Processes Timing Out/Doing Nothing/Zombie

    cat /proc/user_beancounters produces the following: kmemsize 1861537 5139870 12752512 12752512 26965041 Notice the failcnt "26965041", that is for kmemsize and at first it confused me. The system had enough guaranteed and enough burst RAM available. kmemsize is a variable indepedent of that, but who cars about the explanation right, let's just make thing........
  • crontab Reference/How To/Info/Guide

    I can never actually remember the order and the number of parameters so here they are: minute hour day of month month day of week command 0 5 *........
  • Choose Which GCC Version to compile with via CC environment variable.

    It's very common to have multiple GCC versions for different reasons, as annoying as it is. Some newer/older programs only compile properly or at all on specific versions. You can export the following variable CC: export CC=gcc-4.1 Replace gcc-4.1 with the filename of the gcc you want eg. gcc-99........
  • rsync halted froze Out of memory: kill process 7559 (rsync) score 635 or a child Killed process 7559 (rsync)

    Out of memory: kill process 7559 (rsync) score 635 or a child Killed process 7559 (rsync) I was surprised to see this in my dmesg whenmy rsync backup suddenly stalled/stopped. This system has 3 gigs of RAM and lots of free memory so I don't understand what is happening. rsync invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x200d2, order=0, oomkilladj=0 Pid: 7600, comm: rsync Not tainted #83 [] oom_kill_pr........
  • Why is RAM pricing so expensive volatile lately?

    I'm guessing RAM manufacturers forgot they're not the oil/gas companies and are playing games. It was just a year ago when I was buying 2GB sticks as low as $20 CAD! Now the average price is $50 CAD. What happened to Moore's law when it comes to pricing for RAM? Every other piece of hardware generally has been coming down without exception. ........
  • Picking an FTPD (vsftpd) Server in Linux Centos/Debian

    I decided on using yum to help me decide even though I normaly use proftpd I decided to see what else I could find. yum search ftp Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * rpmforge: ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de * base: mirrors.netdna.com * updates: updates.interworx.info * addons: yum.singlehop.com * extras: mirrors.netdna.com rpmforge........
  • Codelite C++ IDE is a Cross Platform Unix/Linux (Mac OS, Ubuntu etc..) and Windows for C++ development

    Codelite is a great choice and I intend on getting back into C++ development and I think Codelite is great being cross platform. It looks like it was designed with a lot of thought and should do the job better. I really dislike the bloated and confusing IDE's from big companies like Microsoft where you usually have to use .NET and other useless technologies that just give Microsoft the advantage over you, the programmer, and the users.........
  • Compaq V2405CA Laptop - Unixbench Performance Test

    Here are the results, it is Sempron 3000+ AMD Mobile, 500Gig HDD, 512MB RAM with shared ATI Radeon graphics. # # # # # # # ##### ###### # # #### # # # # ## # # # #&nb........
  • PHP cannot access /usr/bin/openssl

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  • Time for new RAM!

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  • The New Chips on the Block

    The New Chips on the BlockThe New Chips on the Block By Bruce Gain Story location: http://www.wired.com/news/infostructure/0,1377,67795,00.html 02:00 AM Jun. 13, 2005 PT We have embarked upon a new era in x86 PC computing -- so say chip giants AMD and Intel following their launches of dual-core PC processors. So how will dual-core processing change your PC computing experience? Our FAQ should help you decide whether or when you sho........
  • Become your own ISP!

    Become your own ISP!http://waverider.com/ I would link to the exact product I am mentioning but it's under Products/5.8Ghz because I can't find the exact URL because of their annoying javascript and frames (you'll see what I mean). The exciting thing is that this unit can supposedly be up to 72mbit, it is NOT line of sight and the range is up to 20miles. I wonder how real world speeds and range would actually be and if it is reliable. I j........
  • Basic Port Listing

    Basic Port ListingHopefully someone finds this useful or at least interesting. http://www.sans.org/top20/#u9 Name Port Protocol Description Small services ........
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    gnuCash is available for all main platforms, Linux/Unix, MacOS (FreeBSD anyway), and Windows. You can download gnuCash free from here. It does seem to be fairly full featured and somewhat straight forward, but like so many programs it is missing a few key features or things don't work quite right. It doesn't support importation of CSV files, which is a big minus. And the developers rather than wanting to add support have just dec........
  • Linux Kernel Error ( BUG: Bad page state in process swapper - Keeps rebooting - initramfs bug

    *This is a bug with initramfs support, all kernels after around suffer from this problem. If you try to include initramfs into your kernel (I mean actually building your binaries into the kernel) this will always happen. Obviously some code has changed in recent kernels that is present in all new kernels, it makes it impossible to boot I've tried the latest 2.6.32, 2.6.33, 2.6.34, 2.6.35, 2.6.36, 2.6.37, 2.6.38 kernels and they all do this. I found one bug re........
  • Have an OpenVZ VPS/Linux Virtual Private Server and nothing works right?

    A VPS Server I had just wasn't working right, code that I migrated there just wasn't working. For example, it kept telling me the connection to the database was unsuccessful, halfway through iterating through results it already had. Then I realized it wasn't my code. Ichecked my /proc/user_beancounters and found this: cat /proc/user_beancounters Version: 2.5 uid resource held maxheld barrier limit failcnt........
  • Weird characters in Linux putty shell

    Iused to get all kinds of weird annoying characters like "â" during compilation with gcc especially. example: dmg2img.c:456: error: âBZ_OKâ undeclared (first use in this function) dmg2img.c:471: warning: implicit declaration of function âBZ2_bzCompressEndâ dmg2img.c:482: warning: implicit declaration of function âBZ2_bzDecompressâ dmg2img.c:484: error: âBZ_PARAM_ERRORâ undecl........
  • Using a Mac OSX DMG Image in Windows and Converting to Standard ISO Format use dmg2iso

    The dmg format is silly and annoying to work with, why couldn't Apple stick with the .iso standard? Anyway, there's an excellent Linux and Windows based tool to convert it back to a normal .iso Image called dmg2iso I'll only cover theLinux version although the Windows pre-built binary works the same way. Download dmg2iso here for free (from the author's website) It's just silly and doesn't make sense that Ubuntu doe........
  • SSH Slow Login even with SSHD UseDNS no parameter

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  • Rackable Systems and their Microslice Clustered 1U Servers

    Ithink there has been a lot of negative press towards Rackable Systems. We will give their new solution credit that it is marketed very well, and comes prepackaged and ready to go. But let's cut through the hype of both sides, the people who love this concept and the people who hate it. What Rackable Systems have done is a first, to minimize space, power and costs into small servers. This is great, and many companies have already built their own servers based........
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